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Kcups and guests

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So if you have a Kcup coffee maker and you have guests staying with you...do you use the Kcup brewer or do you pull a regular coffee maker out to serve coffee?


I ask b/c my inlaws just stayed with us and drank an insane amount of coffee! She even made a point to tell me where she buys her Kcups b/c they are so cheap. I didn't have the heart to tell her per cup it's cheaper to buy online in larger quantities, but anyway.


I went to get coffee yesterday and entire boxes are gone. They drank and drank and drank. They drank all my breakfast blend, all my decaf, and any remaining fun flavors I had. I do not believe they drink that much coffee on a normal basis based on the financial issues they have and the constant talk of the cost of Kcups. She knows how much the boxes cost.


Did they drink so much b/c it was available?


I hate to spend money on a normal coffee maker. My friends who drink coffee a lot have never drank as much as my inlaws did in a day visit. My own dad didn't drink as much on his visit. But money wise I can't afford another visit from the inlaws for awhile. I am literally out of coffee. I normally keep several boxes on hand.


So how do you do coffee in your home for guests? Do you let the Kcups flow freely? Or do you do a pot of coffee for guests?


I know someone who does the pot for guests. Now I am wondering if I should do the same for guests. I know when I go to others homes with Kcups I have no more than 2 cups on a visit. Even when I stayed a weekend with a friend I restrained myself from more than 2 cups a day. It's respectful not to drink all the kcups!!! LOL:lol:

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We aren't coffee drinkers, but we did just get my parents a K-cup brewer for the holidays, so I'm familiar with the costs. Rather than get a separate coffee maker, I would get one of the inserts that you can buy that let you use your own coffee and a couple of bags of ground coffee for their next visit. Put all your regular K-cups away somewhere.


The one for Keurig makers is called "My K-cup" and runs somewhere in the $12-18 range, depending on where you buy it. I'm thinking of getting my step-mother one for her birthday this week, in fact. http://www.keurig.com/accessories/my-k-cup

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We aren't coffee drinkers, but we did just get my parents a K-cup brewer for the holidays, so I'm familiar with the costs. Rather than get a separate coffee maker, I would get one of the inserts that you can buy that let you use your own coffee and a couple of bags of ground coffee for their next visit. Put all your regular K-cups away somewhere.


The one for Keurig makers is called "My K-cup" and runs somewhere in the $12-18 range, depending on where you buy it. I'm thinking of getting my step-mother one for her birthday this week, in fact. http://www.keurig.com/accessories/my-k-cup




My parents drink a lot of coffee. They keep their own pot going all day long (and into the night). If they were staying with me, I would pull my regular coffee pot out, since I kept it. In your case, I would do the insert and provide a huge thing of regular and a few fun varieties.

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I went out to look at the My K-cup filter costs, and it seems to run $17.99 most places (maybe I saw it offered more cheaply around the holidays). If you have a Bed, Bath and Beyond nearby, you can sign up for their email newsletter and get a 20% off one item coupon through email, bringing it down to about $14.40.

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There is another brand of refillable cup from ekobrew (the solofill) that's awesome and more hassle-free than the MyKcup. You don't have to remove anything from the machine to use it, just fill, close, and drop in like a normal Kcup. I highly recommend it over the MyK for ease of use.


When we have guests, we still use the Keurig, but the guests use the solofill and MyK with whatever grounds we happen to have around at the time. MUCH cheaper than using the pre-filled cups!

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If we have a group of people here, Mr. Ellie makes a pot of coffee in the coffeemaker. We would do the same if we had coffee-drinking guests staying with us. We only use the Keurig for guests who want decaf.


We have the specialty coffee drinks, hot chocolate, etc., for ourselves. :-)

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I use my Kcup brewer, with both k-cups and the k-cup insert for using other coffees available. We use empty glass Starbucks bottles to keep a variety of blends for the inserts readily at hand.


It makes more sense to get the inserts rather than a new coffee maker, in particular b/c it would seem very odd to put away the Keurig when they know very well you own it. If I could afford it, I would go ahead and provide whatever number of k-cups (for the in-laws). If not, I would put out a reasonable number of k-cups and the filter inserts. Just plan it so you're running low at the time of their visit :D

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That's a crazy story! It would never occur to me that anyone would drink that much coffee!


I have gotten the pot out when a friend comes over that I know likes several cups, but not due to the cost, more for the convenience of her just being able to refill her cup when she wants. The cost wouldn't have occured to me. But I would never think anyone could drink a whole box...that's 24 in a box?

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You could keep an instant on hand for coffee-guzzling guests. It's REALLY cost effective. We like this one:



Even my husband (a coffee aficionado) thinks it's pretty good. They have a non-decaf version, too, but I buy decaf for myself. We used to have an expensive coffee maker, french presses, aeropress, etc., but this is way cheaper and takes less kitchen space.

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I don't drink coffee usually, but my husband does. If we have regular guests -- a friend over for dinner, a family for the weekend -- we use K-cups. If we have a party where there is a large group of people all at once, we will make a pot of coffee.


Do you have a carousel for your K-cups? Next time the ILs come for a visit, I would stash your boxes and put a selection in the carousel. Refill as you feel is reasonable, and when it's gone -- sorry, it's gone! You don't have to tell them that you have boxes and boxes of it hidden elsewhere. If you want to go a step above and beyond to be a "nice" DIL, you can ask them before their next visit which types of K-cups they prefer, stock up on a small selection of those, and again -- once they're gone, they're gone.


Another thing you could do is buy a coffee grinder and use regular coffee in the Keurig. I know ours came with a little doo-hickie to be used with regular coffee. DH often does that simply because the K-cups are expensive and there is a special coffee brew he likes that isn't available in K-cups right now. When your ILs ask, tell them you found the K-cups too expensive so you're grinding your own now. ;)

Edited by jujsky
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There is another brand of refillable cup from ekobrew (the solofill) that's awesome and more hassle-free than the MyKcup. You don't have to remove anything from the machine to use it, just fill, close, and drop in like a normal Kcup. I highly recommend it over the MyK for ease of use.


When we have guests, we still use the Keurig, but the guests use the solofill and MyK with whatever grounds we happen to have around at the time. MUCH cheaper than using the pre-filled cups!


Will that fit the Mini Plus? Also, when I googled, it looks like there is a solofill one and an ekobrew one---is that correct, and, if so, which one is that you like?

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When I have company, I am quite happy to provide boxes of kcups in a variety of flavors. It would not occurs to me to try to limit my guests or force then to use a cheaper alternative.


I see your point. BUT, she mentioned multiple flavors of boxes wiped out in a weekend. Someone else estimated 60 k-cups. I don't know if they were newly opened boxes, but you are talking lots of $$$$$$, in just coffee, for a weekend. If *I* drank that much coffee, I wouldn't be using a Keurig.

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When I have company, I am quite happy to provide boxes of kcups in a variety of flavors. It would not occurs to me to try to limit my guests or force then to use a cheaper alternative.

Although I agree in theory, I also don't feel the need to provide a bunch of choices of beverages for my guests. I'm not a restaurant, KWIM? :)

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Guest submarines

Could you have a selectionf of k-cups in a basket on your counter?

Are you sure they drank it all? Were they drinking non-stop? Maybe they took some home with them and didn't think you'd notice?

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I agree. Unless it was a financial hardship to me I'd offer what I could.


I do agree, in general, that one should offer the best to the guests.


But it seems the OP was taken advantage of? 60 cups of coffe a day? She said she won't be able to buy k-cups for a while now.

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When I have company, I am quite happy to provide boxes of kcups in a variety of flavors. It would not occurs to me to try to limit my guests or force then to use a cheaper alternative.


Under normal circumstances it wouldn't occur to me either, but if I had guests that took advantage of my hospitality, I would be thinking of alternatives next time. My MIL often cooks at my house (drives me crazy, but that's another thread entirely) and uses an obscene amount of oil. I use olive oil for all my cooking, which is expensive. There is nothing more frustrating than going into my cupboard to get oil to cook a dessert, thinking I have 1/3 of a bottle left, only to find barely enough oil to cover the bottom of the bottle :glare: I imagine that's how the OP felt when she went to get herself some coffee and there was none left. For awhile I started buying corn or vegetable oil and hiding the olive oil when MIL came over, but after cooking with it once and complaining about how crappy it was, she went through all my cupboards on subsequent visits until she found the good stuff :glare:


OP, if you hide your K-cups, hide them well!!!!!!

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My parents drink a lot of coffee and when they come and stay with us, they always bring one or two boxes of k-cups with them and usually offer to buy more while they're here (which I refuse). In addition, I make sure to buy extra because I want to accommodate my guests.


In the OP's situation, where IMO the guests are being incredibly rude, I suggest a regular coffee pot to pull out while they're there. If they ask why, I'd tell them it's too expensive to use the Keurig for that much coffee.

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For awhile I started buying corn or vegetable oil and hiding the olive oil when MIL came over, but after cooking with it once and complaining about how crappy it was, she went through all my cupboards on subsequent visits until she found the good stuff :glare:

Oh, no! I'm particular about my olive oils. I've got a few different "tiers": one for making mayo (cheap extra light), one for regular cooking (a decent but inexpensive extra virgin), and a very expensive EVOO for salad dressings and drizzling in tiny amounts on finished dishes. I would freak out if someone used my expensive olive oil for regular cooking. Same goes for my vinegars. I have an aged balsamic that DH knows not to touch, ever. :D


OP, if you hide your K-cups, hide them well!!!!!!

I'm imagining the OP and jujsky hiding the K-cups and good olive oil in their attics. :lol:

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I'm typically of the mind of "share the best with your guests". And, I will admit, that I entered this thread thinking, "don't be cheap. Let them drink their coffee!"


Then I read the OP. :001_huh:


Seriously?! You were taken advantage of. Why can't your dh broach the topic with his parents? If she kept telling you where you can get them cheaper (cheaper to her) then she was acknowledging how much they were using. They knew what they were doing and did it anyway.


How do people live with themselves? Does she also use the wrong crockpot, leave her shoes on in other poeple's homes and not put shopping carts back? :tongue_smilie::confused:

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and I don't own, nor would I purchase, another coffee pot. I offer what I have and that's that. Of course, that being said, I have NEVER had a guest drink more than 2, and that was my sister who stayed overnight and it was her morning coffee. When I'm at her house, I drink one or two as well.


I would either do the refillable, or only put out "x" amount of K cups. When they're gone, they're gone.

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Since they know you have the K-cups, you'll have to serve them that, but I would definitely just have a reasonable amount in the K-cup holder or basket and not have extras. You may even have to say, "Oh, we'd better save some for tomorrow." so they don't think it is an endless refill. If they ask, you can say you're just not keeping as many on hand anymore.

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Under normal circumstances it wouldn't occur to me either, but if I had guests that took advantage of my hospitality, I would be thinking of alternatives next time. My MIL often cooks at my house (drives me crazy, but that's another thread entirely) and uses an obscene amount of oil. I use olive oil for all my cooking, which is expensive. There is nothing more frustrating than going into my cupboard to get oil to cook a dessert, thinking I have 1/3 of a bottle left, only to find barely enough oil to cover the bottom of the bottle :glare: I imagine that's how the OP felt when she went to get herself some coffee and there was none left. For awhile I started buying corn or vegetable oil and hiding the olive oil when MIL came over, but after cooking with it once and complaining about how crappy it was, she went through all my cupboards on subsequent visits until she found the good stuff :glare:


OP, if you hide your K-cups, hide them well!!!!!!


You'll really have to hide them well! My il's came over one time and I hid my prenatal vitamins because we hadn't announced the pregnancy yet......way up high and in the very back of a cabinet. Apparently not well enough though. When we announced it, they said "oh, yeah, we figured, because we saw your the prenatals when we were at your house last month!"

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I went to get coffee yesterday and entire boxes are gone. They drank and drank and drank. They drank all my breakfast blend, all my decaf, and any remaining fun flavors I had.


OK, I haven't read all of the replies, but I have a question...


Does your MIL carry a really big handbag or perhaps a tote bag?


Because I'm thinking she swiped your K-Cups. :D


Oh, sure, you thought she and your FIL drank all that coffee, but really they were slipping a few at a time into their pockets, stocking up for when they got back home. Mark my words, the next time you visit your in-laws, they'll have a boatload of all your favorite flavors... But not one of those K-Cups will be in it's original box from Bed & Bath.


Just wait. You'll see...... ;););)

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well next time I will fill up the carousel and hide the boxes in my bedroom.


I had a roommate in college that hid toilet paper...


anyway, I agree they might have taken some since she knew where the extra's were. And in the future there will be a 3 cup max per person available :tongue_smilie::lol:


If you're serious about that, you really need to have the filter and other coffee available. It's a little weird and unreasonable, imo, to restrict guests to 3 cups of coffee per day. Not to mention, it will make many of your guests, very, very cranky!

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Will that fit the Mini Plus? Also, when I googled, it looks like there is a solofill one and an ekobrew one---is that correct, and, if so, which one is that you like?


Sorry... I should have said *not* the solofill. I don't know if the ekobrew would work in the Mini Plus. It's basically a plastic and mesh "basket" shaped like a Kcup with an attached lid that snaps down. I don't know why it wouldn't fit, since it's shaped just like a Kcup, but I've never used the Mini so don't want to steer you wrong.

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If you think they swiped your coffee, are you really going to let them come over again? I don't think I'd be comfortable with thieves in the house. At least hide the good dishes!


It's her in-laws, not acquaintances that she can simply never invite again. You really have to be prepared for a rift in the family when you say, "You can't visit anymore; I think you stole my K-cups!"

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I have to say that I think they took some home. All they would have done is drink coffee and go to the potty.



That made me LOL. :D



you know, this would not surprise me. And would explain a lot of coffee being gone so fast. :glare:


Are you SERIOUS?! I mean, I know NOTHING about coffee, or how much a person could drink in a day; but if there was SO much coffee gone that I strongly suspected my IN LAWS had STOLEN some from me? That's just sad. I feel sorry for them. Ok, I feel MORE sorry for you, but still. :tongue_smilie:


I agree with a PP, it would just be rude of you to pull out the 'regular' coffee when they come next, since they know you have a Keurig and K-cups. Again, I don't drink coffee, so I'm ASSUMING that the Keurig and assortment of K-cups is better/prefered by most to a regular coffee pot with regular coffee? Anyway, if I were in your situation, I would make sure to honestly have only so many K-cups in the house before they came to visit next. That way, you could mention 'Oh, this is all we have'. No lying, no confrontation. Then hopefully, they'll be reasonable in their consumption.


(Seriously, how many K-cups are missing from the weekend? I'm curious now. And how many cups of coffee do some people drink in a day? My dh and my stepkids drink coffee; I have a coffee pot for the stepkids to use when they're here, and dh gets a cup at Starbucks when he's out. But none of them drink more than one cup a day, and not even every day.)

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I agree with a PP, it would just be rude of you to pull out the 'regular' coffee when they come next, since they know you have a Keurig and K-cups. Again, I don't drink coffee, so I'm ASSUMING that the Keurig and assortment of K-cups is better/prefered by most to a regular coffee pot with regular coffee?


Actually, I don't agree that Keurig coffee is better. It's a cute unit, and super fast and easy to use, and almost no cleanup, and it feels like a little treat to select your own little personalized cup of coffee. And, it's very standardized, so it's easy for someone who isn't into making coffee to have a decent product readily available. So, I'm kind of tempted to get one. BUT, I've never actually had a cup of coffee from one that I thought was anything special. Of course, there is probably a lot of trial and error finding just the right cups, and I haven't done that, but I wouldn't fault someone for making me another style of coffee and assume I had gotten an inferior product. It's just ... a different method of fixing it.

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It's her in-laws, not acquaintances that she can simply never invite again. You really have to be prepared for a rift in the family when you say, "You can't visit anymore; I think you stole my K-cups!"


I'm serious. If someone is willing to steal coffee, what is to stop them from stealing that pretty necklace or those extra towels?? Really, I would hide anything I didn't want stolen.

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Actually, I don't agree that Keurig coffee is better. ...I've never actually had a cup of coffee from one that I thought was anything special.


:iagree: When we had a Keurig (it died after 18 months) I used it only when we needed just one or two cups of coffee. Otherwise, we still used our brewed coffee maker. It was a) cheaper, and b) better tasting! I had k-cups on hand so if a guest needed decaf we could easily make a single serving.

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Ok, they drank probably 60+ cups of coffee in 1 day?!:001_huh:


If you don't want to buy a pot just for their visits I'd either get the my k cup insert and some ground coffee, or just put out however many kcups you are able to afford to provide and hide the rest.


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I'm serious. If someone is willing to steal coffee, what is to stop them from stealing that pretty necklace or those extra towels?? Really, I would hide anything I didn't want stolen.



It is her in-laws. She cannot declare WWIII due to the great K-Cup kerfluffle. Your train of thinking is precariously close to paranoia?

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It is her in-laws. She cannot declare WWIII due to the great K-Cup kerfluffle. Your train of thinking is precariously close to paranoia?

Not really.

My MIL visited last month. She called before she flew into town and asked if I would buy her instant coffee, as she didn't want to risk getting through airport security with it. I told her I had already bought her instant coffee, because 1.) I knew she would want it while visiting and 2.) My favorite fudge recipe calls for instant coffee so I needed some anyway.

Fast forward. Day after she leaves, I go to make fudge and can't find the coffee. I think she just put it away somewhere strange so I called her to ask if she remembered where she put it. Yeah. She took it with her. :glare: So she couldn't bring her own because of airport security, but that doesn't stop her from flying with it when someone else paid for it.

She's not invited back. More reasons than this. But this was really a 'final straw' issue for us. It's not paranoia, it is a boundary issue. If you can't accept boundaries (and respect other people's belongings - even coffee), don't stay at our house.

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It is her in-laws. She cannot declare WWIII due to the great K-Cup kerfluffle. Your train of thinking is precariously close to paranoia?



I assure you I'm probably the least paranoid person you'll ever meet. I have a healthy respect for other people's property and I expect the same in return.


Assume that the in-laws did take some of the cups, which is a big leap without proof, I know. MIL knew how much they cost. How is sneaking the cups out of the house any different then taking a $20 bill off the end table??? I really would be concerned about someone with that kind of lack of boundaries.

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