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Joe Paterno has died. . .

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SORRY!!!! I saw the report and thougth it was true. Now, I'm reading that it might not be. Ugh.


I did the same thing when the Pope died. I was on a message board while watching Fox News. During a weird break there was a voice in the background that said The Pope is dead. So I posted it. Turns out he lived another few hours, at least. Maybe another day.

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The reports I've been reading say that his wife has asked family and friends to come to the hospital because Joe wants to say goodbye to them, so if that's the case, his time must be very limited.


Whatever he knew or didn't know, and whatever he did, didn't do, or should have done in the Penn State case, I hope he's not suffering and that he passes away peacefully, and I feel very badly for his family because it's so obvious they love him very much.

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The reports I've been reading say that his wife has asked family and friends to come to the hospital because Joe wants to say goodbye to them, so if that's the case, his time must be very limited.


Whatever he knew or didn't know, and whatever he did, didn't do, or should have done in the Penn State case, I hope he's not suffering and that he passes away peacefully, and I feel very badly for his family because it's so obvious they love him very much.




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The reports I've been reading say that his wife has asked family and friends to come to the hospital because Joe wants to say goodbye to them, so if that's the case, his time must be very limited.


Whatever he knew or didn't know, and whatever he did, didn't do, or should have done in the Penn State case, I hope he's not suffering and that he passes away peacefully, and I feel very badly for his family because it's so obvious they love him very much.



I'm also (inappropriately) curious what his primary cancer was. I'm guessing that it was pancreatic cancer.

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I just feel so sad that one very bad mistake ruin his life..


How is being fired shortly before your (presumed to be soon) death having your life ruined? People make mistakes. He paid a price for a serious mistake but has lived a long life, had a great family and career. His life was hardly "ruined".


Peace to him and his whole family.

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How is being fired shortly before your (presumed to be soon) death having your life ruined? People make mistakes. He paid a price for a serious mistake but has lived a long life, had a great family and career. His life was hardly "ruined".


Peace to him and his whole family.



Because people won't remember that life. They'll remember the mistake. I've never heard of him before the scandal, so that's how I'll remember him.

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Because people won't remember that life. They'll remember the mistake. I've never heard of him before the scandal, so that's how I'll remember him.


I know, and for a person who follow the sport over the years and know how great a person he is. That make me feel even sadder that what he left behind him is the scandal.

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Because people won't remember that life. They'll remember the mistake.


His family and fans will be able to remember the good times too. He has lived a long and from most views a happy successful life.


Frankly after having the opportunity to stop a man from raping children but remaining silent for years, I simply can't be too rueful of a scandal messing with his legacy. The price he paid was his to pay and he paid very very late and with a lot of interest so to speak because he stayed quiet. Those boys Sandusky assaulted paid a price that was not at all theirs to pay. More than a few mother's sons would not have crossed paths with Sandusky had Penn State and Paterno reacted in an appropriate and non-CYA way. And his legacy would be considerably better shape had he done the right thing a long time ago. I am sorry that he dying but I can't be sad for his sullied legacy.

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His family and fans will be able to remember the good times too. He has lived a long and from most views a happy successful life.


Frankly after having the opportunity to stop a man from raping children but remaining silent for years, I simply can't be too rueful of a scandal messing with his legacy. The price he paid was his to pay and he paid very very late and with a lot of interest so to speak because he stayed quiet. Those boys Sandusky assaulted paid a price that was not at all theirs to pay. More than a few mother's sons would not have crossed paths with Sandusky had Penn State and Paterno reacted in an appropriate and non-CYA way. And his legacy would be considerably better shape had he done the right thing a long time ago. I am sorry that he dying but I can't be sad for his sullied legacy.


Well said Katie.

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His family and fans will be able to remember the good times too. He has lived a long and from most views a happy successful life.


Frankly after having the opportunity to stop a man from raping children but remaining silent for years, I simply can't be too rueful of a scandal messing with his legacy. The price he paid was his to pay and he paid very very late and with a lot of interest so to speak because he stayed quiet. Those boys Sandusky assaulted paid a price that was not at all theirs to pay. More than a few mother's sons would not have crossed paths with Sandusky had Penn State and Paterno reacted in an appropriate and non-CYA way. And his legacy would be considerably better shape had he done the right thing a long time ago. I am sorry that he dying but I can't be sad for his sullied legacy.


:iagree:His life wasn't ruined in the least, and he sullied his legacy all by himself. He turned a blind eye to the molestation of innocent children, children he could have saved. He allowed it to continue for years. An old man dying from cancer is sad, but what he allowed to happen to those kids is pure evil. It burns me up when the "good times" of his career and football program are even mentioned -- who cares? How can that even matter? He put his beloved football program above the safety of young boys. I have young boys who avidly follow NCAA football. I can't look at them and give two figs for a leagacy or good times of a football program when I think of what other families have suffered. And Joe Paterno could have stopped it cold. But he didn't. That's his legacy now, and he did that himself.

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:iagree:His life wasn't ruined in the least, and he sullied his legacy all by himself. He turned a blind eye to the molestation of innocent children, children he could have saved. He allowed it to continue for years. An old man dying from cancer is sad, but what he allowed to happen to those kids is pure evil. It burns me up when the "good times" of his career and football program are even mentioned -- who cares? How can that even matter? He put his beloved football program above the safety of young boys. I have young boys who avidly follow NCAA football. I can't look at them and give two figs for a leagacy or good times of a football program when I think of what other families have suffered. And Joe Paterno could have stopped it cold. But he didn't. That's his legacy now, and he did that himself.


I totally agree.

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The reports I've been reading say that his wife has asked family and friends to come to the hospital because Joe wants to say goodbye to them, so if that's the case, his time must be very limited.


Whatever he knew or didn't know, and whatever he did, didn't do, or should have done in the Penn State case, I hope he's not suffering and that he passes away peacefully, and I feel very badly for his family because it's so obvious they love him very much.



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His family and fans will be able to remember the good times too. He has lived a long and from most views a happy successful life.


Frankly after having the opportunity to stop a man from raping children but remaining silent for years, I simply can't be too rueful of a scandal messing with his legacy. The price he paid was his to pay and he paid very very late and with a lot of interest so to speak because he stayed quiet. Those boys Sandusky assaulted paid a price that was not at all theirs to pay. More than a few mother's sons would not have crossed paths with Sandusky had Penn State and Paterno reacted in an appropriate and non-CYA way. And his legacy would be considerably better shape had he done the right thing a long time ago. I am sorry that he dying but I can't be sad for his sullied legacy.

Thank you. As a victim of childhood sexual abuse I really can't say that I am sad. This whole thing has been focused on him and his poor reputation and legacy and less on the victims. That is a crime. Rant over.

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The reports I've been reading say that his wife has asked family and friends to come to the hospital because Joe wants to say goodbye to them, so if that's the case, his time must be very limited.


Whatever he knew or didn't know, and whatever he did, didn't do, or should have done in the Penn State case, I hope he's not suffering and that he passes away peacefully, and I feel very badly for his family because it's so obvious they love him very much.



The whole thing is so sad. He was such an icon of sports, loved by many. It is tragic that his career ended in such a scandal, and now that his death followed so soon afterward.


ETA: As a childhood victim of sexual abuse myself, I am in no way excusing what he did, or more accurately, did not do, in not reporting what he knew. It is just sad that any of it took place.

Edited by freeindeed
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Because people won't remember that life. They'll remember the mistake. I've never heard of him before the scandal, so that's how I'll remember him.



Yep that is how I know him, and when I found out he had cancer my first though was that it couldn't have happened to a "nicer" guy. No matter how many wonderful things he did, he covered up a child being sexually abused.

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Well, I for one am glad that his career ended in a scandal and that he will likely be remembered for it. Perhaps it will make the next person who is in a position to protect children but thinks about not doing so will think twice. Even if it is only to protect their precious career/stupid game, at least kids would be safer. :glare:

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Well, I for one am glad that his career ended in a scandal and that he will likely be remembered for it. Perhaps it will make the next person who is in a position to protect children but thinks about not doing so will think twice. Even if it is only to protect their precious career/stupid game, at least kids would be safer. :glare:


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Well, I for one am glad that his career ended in a scandal and that he will likely be remembered for it. Perhaps it will make the next person who is in a position to protect children but thinks about not doing so will think twice. Even if it is only to protect their precious career/stupid game, at least kids would be safer. :glare:


The thing I keep going back to in my mind is that if it had been Joe's grandson whom Sandusky was assaulting that things would have turned out very differently. It just seems to me that since the victim wasn't someone who he had a vested interest in, they were expendable and that is just shameful. He made a game more important than a person's life!! That is so wrong on so many levels. :(

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Well, I for one am glad that his career ended in a scandal and that he will likely be remembered for it. Perhaps it will make the next person who is in a position to protect children but thinks about not doing so will think twice. Even if it is only to protect their precious career/stupid game, at least kids would be safer. :glare:


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His family and fans will be able to remember the good times too. He has lived a long and from most views a happy successful life.


Frankly after having the opportunity to stop a man from raping children but remaining silent for years, I simply can't be too rueful of a scandal messing with his legacy. The price he paid was his to pay and he paid very very late and with a lot of interest so to speak because he stayed quiet. Those boys Sandusky assaulted paid a price that was not at all theirs to pay. More than a few mother's sons would not have crossed paths with Sandusky had Penn State and Paterno reacted in an appropriate and non-CYA way. And his legacy would be considerably better shape had he done the right thing a long time ago. I am sorry that he dying but I can't be sad for his sullied legacy.



:iagree: It takes a monster to rape a child. It takes other monsters to cover it up. I feel no sympathy or pity for Paterno's "legacy." Let it reflect him truly. He was a great coach. He also looked the other way when wickedness was working right next to him.

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:iagree: It takes a monster to rape a child. It takes other monsters to cover it up. I feel no sympathy or pity for Paterno's "legacy." Let it reflect him truly. He was a great coach. He also looked the other way when wickedness was working right next to him.


:iagree::iagree: I find it cruelly ironic too that his name means "fatherly". :(

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:iagree: It takes a monster to rape a child. It takes other monsters to cover it up. I feel no sympathy or pity for Paterno's "legacy." Let it reflect him truly. He was a great coach. He also looked the other way when wickedness was working right next to him.




What is worse is that they didn't just cover it up, they facilitated his access to more boys because they knew he ran a youth sports charity and he had access to Penn State facilities (undoubtedly a big aid in grooming victims) for YEARS after they knew and frankly I assume forced his retirement over it. Sandusky was supposed to be Paterno's heir and is way younger than him. His early retirement was very odd.

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:iagree: It takes a monster to rape a child. It takes other monsters to cover it up. I feel no sympathy or pity for Paterno's "legacy." Let it reflect him truly. He was a great coach. He also looked the other way when wickedness was working right next to him.


I'm in total agreement with this.

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