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Movies that make you cry

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I cry a lot during movies, cartoons, whatever. It's pathetic. But there is one movie that made me literally bawl my eyes out, to where I was actually holding back sobs in the theater: Lorenzo's Oil http://www.amazon.com/Lorenzos-Oil-Nick-Nolte/dp/B0001CNRAM/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1324571579&sr=1-1 Now perhaps it was because I was a very young new mom at the time, idk, and perhaps if I saw it again I would not cry, idk, because I refuse to ever watch that movie again. Ever.


I haven't been able to bring myself to watch The Notebook a second time either. Ugh. Wonderful movie though.


My latest cry fests were...


Courageous (SUCH a great movie though)

Remember Me (The ending was so completely and utterly unexpected!!! I was stunned into immediate tears)

The Help (LOVED it!)

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Oh, shoot, I cry at everything. I get all teary when Lightning McQueen gives up his chance for the Piston Cup at the end of Cars. There are a lot of scenes in the LOTR trilogy that make me cry. Steel Magnolias makes me cry. The one movie that actually had me sobbing in the theater was The Green Mile; I'd read the book and knew the ending that was coming, and it did me in -- I buried my face in DH's shoulder and sobbed.


I thought I was the only one that cried during the Green Mile but I thought that movie was so sad I almost couldn't sit through it. Cruelness just does me in and the scene when the bag guard doesn't wet the sponge to electrocute that one person was horrible. I had to leave the theater for awhile.

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A Time to Kill


Steel Magnolias






Fried Green Tomatoes


My Life


Lorenzo's Oil


Swing Kids


Shining Through


Love Actually


Up, especially the part where Russell talks about eating ice cream with his dad and says, "it might sound like a little thing, but it's the little things I remember the most".

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Dying Young


Untamed Heart


OTOH, I have to be the only human that did NOT cry at Titanic. Everyone in the theater was bawling and all I could think was "you all knew the ship was gonna sink, right? And I can't believe she got off the lifeboat for some guy she met like 12 hours ago!"


There is clearly something wrong with me. :tongue_smilie:


I cried because of all the poor people being locked in and not being able to get to a life boat at all. I could have cared less about dumb ol' Rose.

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Up -- saw it soon after my father had passed away, and in the first part of the movie, all I could think of was my mother missing my father.


Empire of the Sun -- love, love this movie; I am not a big movie person, but I don't understand why this one was not more acclaimed; I felt it was quite powerful--about a boy who was living in China when the Japanese took over in WW2


I love "Empire of the Sun", too. Very powerful, and a part of history we don't hear much about. Great acting, too.



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* Imitation of Life



Oh yes, every time! Also An Affair to Remember. Steel Magnolias never fails to make me cry. I've only seen Toy Story 3 once, but I know I'd cry again if I watched it again. Deathly Hallows Part One, when Hermoine erases her parents' memories. Most of the titles already mentioned make me cry.


I cry easily when watching movies.

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"Charlotte's Web"

"Sophie's Choice"

"Titanic" (that came out when ds was a baby, and the worst scenes for me involved little children and parents)


all the "Lord of the Rings" movies - every time (DS and I saw the extended versions in the theatre over the summer, and we both cried at every movie.)


"Toy Story 3"

"Love Story"

"Finding Neverland"



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FI don't tend to cry watching movies (must be something wrong with me lol) but the ones that I do remember crying at are:


SHenandoah ( have seen probably 30 times and cry each time, Jimmy Stewart is just so dang good in that movie)


Homeward Bound (the scene that makes everyone cry, when the golden lab comes home)


Secondhand Lions (when the lion dies "protecting her cub")

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Stepmom..... I cry EVERY SINGLE time, especially in the restaurant scene with Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts. The line that gets me every time is when Julia Roberts says she's afraid that the daughter will say that she misses her Mom and then Susan Sarandon says " And I'm afraid she won't". Ugh! Gets me every time!


The Passion of the Christ....I started crying in it and never stopped until about 2 weeks later.


I love this thread :) Good movie choices for the week after Christmas, the only week of the year I actually don't feel guilty for just doing nothing.

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Searching For Bobby Fischer - when the father loses sight of his son and is more focused on how well he plays chess... sob, sob, sob.


Dead Poet Society - when Neil kills himself because he knows his parents will never allow him to be who he truly is... and the standing on the desk scene in the end. Buckets.


Driving Miss Daisy - When Daisy suffers from dementia and tells Hoke he is her best friend and then later when Hoke feeds Miss Daisy in the nursing home.

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Stepmom..... I cry EVERY SINGLE time, especially in the restaurant scene with Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts. The line that gets me every time is when Julia Roberts says she's afraid that the daughter will say that she misses her Mom and then Susan Sarandon says " And I'm afraid she won't". Ugh! Gets me every time!


Oh man! I saw that movie for the first time when I was 24 and childless. I cried a bit at the time. Then I saw it again a few years ago when I was home alone for the day, and I bawled like crazy! I had a whole new perspective on the topic, obviously :crying:

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I cannot stand anything sad, or anything where anyone is mean to anyone else. or to animals-that's actually worse. I'm such a dork. A softie-dork. My DH watches all of those awful shoot 'em up movies while I'm taking a bath. The whirlpool jets barely drown out the screaming, explosions, and shooting.:glare:


On another note, RemudaMom, you might like this:


My kids just finished filming a short film that involves a horse, sheep, and a couple of bungling cowboys. Parts of it were filmed in Old Abilene Town and parts on a farm in Olsburg. My daughter loved the horse so much. She was so gentle; she also carried our governor when he had need of a horse awhile back.:)


You can see it on their website or YouTube. On YouTube, just search for The Sheep Rustler. It comes up under The Sheep Rustler Trailer. You'll see a girl in a pink shirt and a cowboy hat.;)


It's just the trailer--they can't show the whole film online because it will be entered into various contests.

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Oh man! I saw that movie for the first time when I was 24 and childless. I cried a bit at the time. Then I saw it again a few years ago when I was home alone for the day, and I bawled like crazy! I had a whole new perspective on the topic, obviously :crying:


Yes I know. It allowed you to feel emotions from both characters, the mother and the stepmom. It was good in that it allowed me to see the perspective of a stepmother. I don't think I had ever stopped to think about it in the way they portrayed.

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Oh and that ice skating movie where she went blind "The roses!! Look out for the Roses!!!!"


Ice Castles.


And am I the only crazy one who cried at the end of Edward Scissorhands? I don't even remember why I was crying. I've never watched the movie again. I HATE movies that make me cry. There's enough of that carp in real life! That's why I am one of the few people in America who have never seen Titanic; Like Heather said, the boat sinks!



Love Story


Dolphin's Tale (just the previews; I won't even watch the movie!)

Several American Girl movies

and many others that have already been mentioned.

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Hope Floats.


I know it's a cheeseball movie and lots of people hate it, but if I really need a good cry I know to watch Hope Floats.


It doesn't matter how many times I see it. There are about three scenes that have me ugly-crying every time. Big, snotty heaving sobs.


When Bernice runs after her father with her backpack, and he leaves her there?! :crying::crying::crying::crying:


I love that movie. I was actually just thinking about it this morning!

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When Wash dies in Serenity. When Angel dies in Rent. Both of those make me sob no matter how many times I watch them. I hope those are not spoilers :glare: but both movies have been around a long time.


I still cry every time I watch Wash die :crying:, and the episode where Buffy kills Angel and sends him to Hell!


The Notebook, City of Angels and P.s. I love you

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I cry at all the previous movies mentioned if I have seen them.


The one that surprised me was "Tangled". I cry every stinkin' time they let the lights go to celebrate her birthday. All I could think of were all the families with missing children in the world! :crying::crying::crying:

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Does anyone remember Mask? That was a massive tear jerker in our house (a million years ago when it came out ;))



I saw it on tv when I was a kid. Cried buckets. I think it scarred me for life! That one and Adam, about the Walsh's little boy that was kidnapped. :crying:

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Up, especially the part where Russell talks about eating ice cream with his dad and says, "it might sound like a little thing, but it's the little things I remember the most".


Everytime he mentions the dad I want to march into cartoon land and shake that man. He doesn't deserve such a great kid. The longing that they put into that one line . . .



I will get teary at lots of stuff. But the one movie I've just lost it in was Black Hawk Down. We watched it in the theater shortly after September 11. Somehow all of the pain and helplessness of losing people at the Pentagon ended up transferred to the movie. I bawled through the entire credits.


The episode of Band of Brothers when they liberate Buchenwald.

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Steel Magnolias

Terms of Endearment


and, yes, Lonesome Dove (I was at a potluck sunday night and we were talking about Robert Duvall, Middleburg Va - he lives there- and Lonesome Dove).

Definitely "Terms of Endearment". I had a younger sister who died and my Mom recreated that scene at the nurses' station a time or two, which was totally out of character for a quiet, dignified woman such as she was. Same with "My sister's Keeper" for the same reason (dying teen girl).


I just got cable TV and I had to turn off the scene in "Sophie's Choice" when the German officer tells Sophie who is in line at the concentration camp that she may keep one of her children and she chooses. I can't even watch it now, 30 years later.


Most movies by Spielberg, including "Band of Brothers", the best miniseries ever. My Dad was shot on Normandy Beach through the head and the bullet came out his mouth - and he lived. I watch all WW II movies.


I cry at a lot of movies but I must be watching them alone. I don't cry in front of others.

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To Ma23Peas: We are in the same age group, so I have seen all of those movies listed. ALL tear jerkers!


I cry easily at movies and when I read books. Even the sappy Hallmark commercials make me shed tears.


As a child, I saw "Where The Red Fern Grows" and used up a box of tissues. When my dd read it, she commented that it was sad, but didn't shed a tear:confused:! I cannot watch any movie with sick children or injured animals. NO WAY will I be seeing War Horse (at least not in the theater).


BTW, the skating movie with the blind skater is" Ice Castles". How can anyone from that era forget Robby Benson!! He also starred in the movie version of the book "Death Be Not Proud." I remember crying in my 6th grade class when our teacher had us read the book.

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Time Traveller's Wife


Wuthering Heights (with Timothy Dalton)


None of these are cinema giants, but I remember sobbing. I do cry more frequently, as an old lady, though. It feels cleansing, but I also feel wrung out.

The ONLY good version of Wuthering Heights is the 1968 version with Timothy Dalton. I didn't think anyone here would remember that!

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I know I will forget some but it is war movies with me including Empire of the Sun


All Quiet on the Western Front

Bridge over the River Kwai


Breaker Morant

Das Boot


Black Hawk Down

Hotel Rwanda

We Were Soldiers


Those are just the ones that come to mind right now and I am teary eyed as a result.

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Oh and Audrey, that movie clip is not subtitled in Polish. Polish has some additional letters but those are a, e, l,o, s, and z. Not c and g and u. I would guess either Hungarian or Estonian since I can't understand any of the writing at all. Normally if it is in a Slavic language, there will be some words that I understand, and the same is true for me with Germanic and Romance languages. One of my jobs long ago as a work-study job was in the library of the University where my language recognition skills came in use with cataloging books. I had to be able to tell what was the actual title of the book and it wasn't to hard for me except when they made a mistake and would give me a book in Hungarian or Albanian. Those aren't Slavic languages and I couldn't do anything with them.

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Hachi: A Dog's Tale. Sobbed like a baby. Even my husband had to hide his eyes.


Ok, a lot of movies make me tear up just a bit. But I was sobbing during half of this movie!!!! My dh has a dog that loves him so much and just the thought my dh dying and then our dog... I can't even look at the cover of that movie anymore. It was horribly sad....


The Ultimate Gift is one movie we own that makes me cry every time I see it. That said, it isn't a depressing movie. It is one of our favorites!


Did anyone mention Toy Story 3? My oldest is about to go off to college in a little over a year, so I was crying like a baby at the end and my children were shaking their heads in disgust!

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I'm a huge sap and I cry at a lot of movies. Honestly, it doesn't take much for me to start crying.


The Time Traveler's Wife -- I know what happens, I cried through the book, but I just cannot get through that movie.


Little Women

Fried Green Tomatoes

Mr. Holland's Opus

A League of Their Own

Fiddler on the Roof

Steel Magnolias



Beauty and the Beast

Romeo and Juliet -- the one that came out in the 90's...again, it's not like I didn't know what was about to happen, but I can't help it.

Lord of the Rings



I could only get through one viewing of Schindler's List and The Passion. I'll never watch either of those movies again--I could barely make it through the first time. I'm talking about hysterical, nearly throwing up crying. Horrible. Not the movies...just my reaction.

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