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Christopher Hitchens Dead

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I just head the news that Christopher Hitchens has died after his long battle with cancer. Agree with him on every issue—or not—but it is hard not to admire the man's ferocious intellect and capacity to tenaciously articulate his positions. We have lost a major public intellectual. I will deeply miss his voice.





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I just head the news that Christopher Hitchens has died after his long battle with cancer. Agree with him on every issue—or not—but it is hard not to admire the man's ferocious intellect and capacity to tenaciously articulate his positions. We have lost a major public intellectual. I will deeply miss his voice.






:iagree: It is a sad day at our house for his passing. He rated "celebrity" status in our home.

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I just head the news that Christopher Hitchens has died after his long battle with cancer. Agree with him on every issue—or not—but it is hard not to admire the man's ferocious intellect and capacity to tenaciously articulate his positions. We have lost a major public intellectual. I will deeply miss his voice.






As will I.



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I just head the news that Christopher Hitchens has died after his long battle with cancer. Agree with him on every issue—or not—but it is hard not to admire the man's ferocious intellect and capacity to tenaciously articulate his positions. We have lost a major public intellectual. I will deeply miss his voice.








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He was remarkable. I remember reading about his illness on one of my favorite blogs, Pharyngula.

I really admired him for his courageous comments.


Wasn't PZ sick with something awhile back? Something to do with his heart? I hope we don't lose him soon, too. That would be too much. :crying:

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Thanks for the links. The eulogy from Wilson surprised me.

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Wasn't PZ sick with something awhile back? Something to do with his heart? I hope we don't lose him soon, too. That would be too much. :crying:

From what I understand, he's doing well after his surgery and has made some lifestyle changes.

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I always said that I never wanted to be friends with him, but I loved to watch him work.


I will miss his voice. He could inspire and ENRAGE me like no one else. When we were on the same side I felt validated. When we were not, I knew I had better start examining my process. That doesn't mean that I changed my conclusions, but I appreciated the challenge.


I don't think I have illusions about what kind of person he was or how he operated. I will still miss him.

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I am heartbroken for his spouse and children. I shall miss his acerbic manner and genius. If you have not read his work in addition to the atheism pieces you are missing one of the greatest writers of the century. He was a master of self deprecating humor as evidenced in this article from Vanity Fair.

http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2007/10/hitchens200710 You might think it bad taste to post this article but it is not. He had no illusions about himself or where his eating, smoking and drinking might lead him. I respect that in a world that rewards absolute bull*hittery to pass for piety. So here's to you Hitch.

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."



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Alas, alas.

I was so hoping he would get better. For his sake, and also for selfish reasons.

He had so many great, fascinating, enraging, brilliant, bewildering things to say. I wish I could read more.

I've been watching some of his greatest debates and commentaries today.


His work on the 10 commandments is one of my all-time favorites.




Here's to Hitch.

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I am heartbroken for his spouse and children. I shall miss his acerbic manner and genius.

Yes, and I always want to tell you how much I love your posts and really love your avatar. As you probably know, Malcolm X's mother was a Grenadian. Just a little tidbit and thought to share. Dh and I love Malcolm X. I used to live right across the street from where he was killed.

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I was stunned when I heard of his passing. I have admired him for years, for many reasons, and I don't know quite how to express what his loss means. It isn't just the staggering intellect, but the incisive nature of his mind, the singular way he expressed his thoughts, the courage and the conviction of the man. All of that and more.


As a society, we are so much poorer for his loss.

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Yes, he will be missed. So sad. RIP.

Thanks, Spy Car for starting this thread. I wondered if anyone was going to.


I remember when Christopher Hitchens came to The Nation magazine in 1982. I took the publication and read his articles during his entire tenure there, twenty years. I also subscribed and read his work at Vanity Fair during his twenty years there. And believe I've read every article he ever wrote for Slate. It has been thirty years of appreciation.


Christopher Hitchens had a mind to be reckoned with. He was unfailingly challenging; I savored every encounter. He will be irreplaceable. What a loss!



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