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Thankful Day 2

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I'm really glad you all are doing this with me!!


Day 2: I am thankful for a silly, laid back, hard-working, faithful, devoted husband who also happens to love God and our girls with all his heart. He is not perfect, but God knows he is perfect for me. He has loved me through the good and bad times, and I can't imagine life without him. I feel like I've loved him my whole life. He is the calm to my storm, and I thank God for him every single day. :001_wub:

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I am thankful for my dog. She unconditionally adores me, hates to be apart from me, and was very content to pull the dirty sheets out of the laundry basket and slept on them last night. Yes, she did. Normally she has to sleep in the classroom, but since I've been sick dh didn't kick her out.

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24 Days Of Thanksgiving, Day 2: I'm thankful for God putting people in the right place at the right time. He's place people in my life and he's placed me in other people's lives. What a blessing to walk in somewhere a day late, just to find out that it's perfect timing to meet a need for another person.

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Oh! OH! I want in on this! I NEED in on this...


I missed yesterday, so I'll put two now:


1. I'm so very thankful for my job, even when I gripe about it, because so many people don't have one right now.


2. I'm thankful for my kids. We struggle sometimes, but I love them with all my heart.

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Day 2:


I missed yesterday so, I'll put two on my list.


1. I am thankful that I am starting to heal from my bout with Shingles. I had no idea of the amount of pain that illness brings.


2. I am thankful that we chose to homeschool year round or we'd be terribly behind after being sick for so long. Time to pick up the pace.

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I am thankful that we have been able to homeschool and that this has allowed our family to travel together and spend time together at the holidays that we might not otherwise have had.... And on a daily basis, I am thankful that we do not have to get up and rush around, rush through morning traffic to a school, worry over homework pile-ups at inconvenient times, worry about getting behind in case of illness or other need to miss, etc.

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I seem to have reversed day 2 and day 3, but I will get on track tomorrow. I am thankful for FIVE wonderful children, two beautiful grand daughters, and two wonderful sons-in-law. I am thankful for the healing I have seen physically and emotionally in DD31, for the baby steps in those areas that I think I see in DD32, for the maturity I have seen the past few months in ds11, the servant's heart in DS 12, and the sense of humor in dd11.

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