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Poll: Who are you HSing and how much are you HSing them?

Poll: Who are you HSing and how much are you HSing them?  

  1. 1. Poll: Who are you HSing and how much are you HSing them?

    • All of my kids all of K-12.
    • All of my kids part of K-12.
    • Some of my kids all of K-12.
    • Some of my kids part of K-12.
    • Don't know. I make the HSing decision kid by kid and year by year.
    • Other

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Depending on where we are, my NT DD will likely go to a charter school. DS is home now because he needs the one-on-one attention, and because he has SPD and GAD. As he progresses, he may go to a charter school, or he may just go all the way through at home. Of course, I've told my husband that I reserve the right to choose to keep them both home K-12. :)

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So you have me curious......What generalizations have you heard from non-homeschoolers on this subject? I don't know that I've encountered any particular stereotype on this one.


I voted for year by year decisions. Even though I would love to educate at home for all of them through high school, I don't know if that will truly be the best thing for everybody or not and we want to be open to whatever meets the needs of the moment.



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I put all my kids, part of K-12 because my oldest 2 went to ps for the first couple years (ds K-2 and dd K-1) but from this point they will be home based on things as they are but who knows once we hit high school, and the youngest 2 have never been to ps so they will be all of K-12 as of things right now, but again not discounting the possibility of them going elsewhere for high school

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I clicked "some of my kids; all of k-12." I assume that means all of my kids who are k-12, but not all of my kids fall into that range, right?


I've got 5th, 3rd, 3yo & 4yo. The littles do a little bit of stuff, but I wouldn't really call what I do w/ them hs'ing officially.

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I put taking it kid by kid and year by year but probably should have put other. I have one that will graduate public school next year. The two little ones I plan to homeschool at least until high school. Then we may offer them the option of public school (if we still live here because ours is great), community college courses or just continuing to homeschool.

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I voted I go by year by year. My oldest 2 have been to a Christian school, 1 year of ps, and going on 4years of homeschooling. My youngest 2 have never been to a b&m school. I would like them all to at least try out ps high school in 9th so they won't have any regrets. Of course I would never do that in a bad school district. May sound crazy to some, I know my husband thinks so.

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My oldest dd17 is finishing at our local cc for her "senior" year. But we homeschooled her from K on. We were done with all the subjects at home and felt at 17 we weren't ready to ship her off to college, so this was the best option.


The other 3 have and will continue to be homeschooled.

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I currently have 5 kids at home. One goes to the local community college taking high math & science classes. Two go to the local private school. I homeschool 2 - 6th & 7th grade. These two also take enrichment classes at the local parent partnership at the ps. I don't know whether I will homeschool these two through high school. I always planned on homeschooling all of them through high school, but my oldest needed his independence when he hit 10th grade, my oldest dd needed the independence this year in 9th. It will depend on the kid, and their needs.

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I voted Other.


My oldest dd went to public school for K through 2nd grade and was homeschooled through 12th grade.


Second child public school for K and then was homeschooled through 12th grade.


Third child was homeschooled K-12 (but her senior year was mostly dual enrollment at a local college).


Fourth child was homeschooled K-10 and started private school this year - 11th grade.


Fifth child was homeschooled K-8 and started private school this year for high school.


I do not plan to return to homeschooling.

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Another one I just can't answer.


First two kids educated at home all the way through except 8 weeks in 2001. However, we used a boxed curriculum for the one in 7th grade. The other used a virtual academy for 7th and 8th.


Three that are likely staying forever are in public school for Head Start and Kindergarten this year. I intend that all three will be out by 3rd grade. However, based on a very different kind of circumstance (that has even social workers amazed and stumped), it may take me the whole five years to bring them all home. Who I bring home when is going to be more of an art form than a math problem.


And then there will be any future children. I will make a decision for them similarly, but the goal would be home as soon as reasonable.

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Year to year, kid to kid.


So far, the oldest went to ps (GT magnet) for 2 years -- 3rd and 4th. The next one did 3rd in the same magnet, and most of 4th in a Catholic parochial school (we moved out of state in March of that year). My youngest will likely go to regular ps (though probably skipped a grade for now) next year. My older dd will likely go to ps or charter school for high school. If charter school, her younger siblings may join her. My oldest has no interest in going back for K-12, but is easing into online college, and will likely transition to some classes at the local 2 year college before too long.

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maybe after you get the results, you could do a more targeted poll of this question.


Many of us teach everything for K-8th but then outsource a few classes for High School, which is what we are doing.


I chose I teach all mine, but I also teach a friend's son.

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I said some, becasue I pulled 2ds out of ps when he was in high school. the olders were all public schooled (and i was tired of fighting the garbage in what makes newsweeks "best public schools" list). the olders are all in/graduated college.


I plan on hs all of 3ds6 - or he may end up in private for high school.

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This was to cover a statements I've heard that can be summed up as:


1. HSers are categorically anti-PS.


2. Hsers don't/can't HS during the High School years.


3. HSers are all people who had a bad PS experience and won't let their kids go back.


4. Once you start HSing you're stuck with it for the rest of the kid's K-12 years because (s)he can't transition to a different kind of learning environment.


5. HSers HS all their kids.

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Ok, I sort of lied. Sorry.


I said all of my kids all of K-12, but that isn't legally true. We have been enrolled in a virtual academy for the past four years (this is our 5th year), so they are legally public schoolers. However, I choose all of their curricula, our schedule, and our methods. I do all of the teaching and all of the grading. So, I still consider myself a homeschooler. The school just pays for it; in return, we have to tell them what we are doing weekly and monthly.


We may or may not utilize college in the high school years. We'll have to see how that works out, especially financially.

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