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Possum has pneumonia

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I posted on Friday that Possum was celebrating his Birthday but wasn't a well little man. We had been for a chest xray and were waiting to see the Dr. We saw the Dr but the result were not through, so he guessed bronchitis and started Possum on ABs. On Saturday morning I got a call from the Dr to say it is pneumonia :( We are still at home but the poor little man is struggling. 2 or 3 times in the past week I have thought of taking him to hospi. I'm really hoping that the ABs will kick in soon and he will start feeling better. We've increased his oxygen and he's on pred and ventolin but still wheezy.


Please keep us in your thoughts.

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I posted on Friday that Possum was celebrating his Birthday but wasn't a well little man. We had been for a chest xray and were waiting to see the Dr. We saw the Dr but the result were not through, so he guessed bronchitis and started Possum on ABs. On Saturday morning I got a call from the Dr to say it is pneumonia :( We are still at home but the poor little man is struggling. 2 or 3 times in the past week I have thought of taking him to hospi. I'm really hoping that the ABs will kick in soon and he will start feeling better. We've increased his oxygen and he's on pred and ventolin but still wheezy.


Please keep us in your thoughts.


I've had pneumonia. It sucks! Poor little guy.


If you don't see marked improvement in a week's time from when you started the ABs, take him back and request a different AB. There are several kinds of pneumonia, some gram +, some gram -, and some ABs work much better than others on a particular type of pneumonia.


The first and second rounds of ABs I was prescribed did nothing. I got fed up and made an appointment with my ds' allergist, since she is a respiratory specialist. I figured if anyone could tell if my pneumonia was still persisting, it'd be her.


Well, by the time I saw her, she said my entire right lower lobe was closed off, and any noise she was getting spelled pneumonia. She prescribed me a sulfa AB, and another one (can't remember), in addition to steroids to reduce inflammation and swelling in my passage ways. After a few days on those meds, I felt remarkably better.


So, moral of the story is, if he doesn't improve soon, take him back and demand better drugs! Also, best wishes for a fast recovery for your little guy. :grouphug:

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We have an appointment for review tomorrow. Given his chronic lung disease if they can't get it under control ASAP he will just crash. If the Dr doesn't feel these is improvement tomorrow we are probably looking at hospi admission and IV ABs to get ontop of it.


I understand, I really do! My ds has asthma, and when he was younger, the simplest cold virus could put him in hospital. I've known hours of listening to him wheeze and gasp for air. It's a horrid feeling!


I'm glad that you have a check up tomorrow. You're right, kids can only tolerate that kind of respiratory stress before, bam, they hit bottom rapidly. If while monitoring him today and tonight, you feel like he's really struggling, don't be too timid to go to hospital immediately, and get treatment.


I feel for your little guy! I'll be thinking and praying for him tonight.

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