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Calling Dr Moms....Urgent

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My middle dd is 4hrs away at college.


She just called--8:45pm here.


She ate lunch (chicken and rice), took a 20 minute bike ride then started her homework around 1:30pm.We Skyped with her around 2:45 and she was fine. At 3:30 she got up to refill her water and she passed out--and JUST NOW WOKE UP! She was out for 6 hrs.


She called and she is shaky and 'fuzzy headed'.


She REFUSES to get medical help (she has homework due tomorrow).


Medical history-- full Thyroid supplement. She has insulin resistance (PCOS) and is on Metformin. She is also on an estrogen (bio-identical) supplement.


I'm at a loss-- I can't force her to go in-- she says she might go to the campus clinic tomorrow afternoon after class.


She does not have a roommate... or any close 'friends' on campus.


She does not want to call 911 (but right now I want to for her!!!).


Any thoughts at what is going on here?


I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight!!!

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I think she needs to go to the ER tonight. Does she have a Resident Hall Director or someone else you can call? Even an acquaintance would be better than nothing.


Offer to contact her profs for her... you can send them e-mails.


If she is shaky and fuzzy headed, then she is not in a position to determine her own medical status.


If it were *my* kid, knowing what I know, if she refused to go, I'd go get my car keys and head on over there.


Good luck!

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Could she have been dehydrated? That would be my first bet. I would be very close to making her call an ambulance since she is by herself. I would make her call me in the morning to know that she was okay and go to the clinic tomorrow. I would threaten to drive over there and take her to the ER if she doesn't go to the doctor by a reasonable time tomorrow.

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Can you call the non emergency local police number (local to her) and get an ambulance over there? She was passed out for 6 hours she NEEDS to get seen. There could be an aneurysm or anything that caused that. This fuzzy feeling really makes me worry. Her health is MUCH more important than the homework that is due tomorrow.




I re-read your post and saw you are 4 hours away. I would second the thought that you go and spend the night with her.



Is her blood sugar levels ok? Blood pressure?? Low blood pressure could be causing this- but what is causing the low blood pressure?? She needs to get seen!!

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she finished half a bottle of water... she was getting up to get a new one.


DH is Skyping with her right now--


She stayed up until 3am and got up around 10:30 (not too abnormal for her)


She does not drink or do drugs.


Right now she is complaining about sharp pains in her head and numbness in her arms... she calls the pains in her head 'flutters'...


She is sipping water and eating a piece of chicken...


She is IRRATIONAL-- she is ill but is afraid of loosing points in class by being absent...!!!

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Call campus security, explain the situation, ask them to make a welfare check and to encourage her to seek medical attention.


OR, tell her you'd like to call the campus ambulance for her, and do so.


She ought not worry about the homework - her profs will understand.



:iagree: Is this her first semester? If so, she needs to know that her professors know she is human. Her homework can wait; her health can't.


Please update when you can.

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Right now she is complaining about sharp pains in her head and numbness in her arms... she calls the pains in her head 'flutters'




Ok, I am going to bring up an aneurysm again. Please call a local police dept, tell them what is going on and get an ambulance over there!!! Please- You would rather be safe than sorry!!!!!

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The ongoing pain, etc., would decide it for me. I know you cannot force her to call for help, but you can do it for her and let them know that she is not thinking clearly and may try to decline help.


If possible, either your or d/h can hop in the car and head there while the calls are being made.


Praying for your family.:grouphug:

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DD is upset..


They are sending a campus police and put in an ambulance call.


Now we are trying to decide what WE need to do-- she is 4 hours away!




Upset because you called? She will get over it. If there is something seriously wrong (which it appears to be) she WILL be thanking you!!


I would talk to the campus police and see what the paramedics say/think then decide if you should be driving over there!! Please keep us updated!! I am praying. How scary :grouphug:

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DD is upset..


They are sending a campus police and put in an ambulance call.


Now we are trying to decide what WE need to do-- she is 4 hours away!


We are a "treat at home unless it is serious" household but I would definitely be calling someone on this one. 6 hours is way too long to be out especially if she is still having pain and a fuzzy head.

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Ambulance is on the way.


I wish we would have skyped from my computer!!! Dh has sound only from his headphones!!!


Thanks for your prayers... it will be a LONG night. I hope they let her use her cell from the hospital...


We will wait for her to be checked out before making a decision to drive there or not tonight... DH and I have both had very busy weekends (and very little sleep)-- it would be dangerous for us to drive-- the drive to her campus from here is long and remote...


They are taking her to the hospital DH was born in... ambulance just arrived. Now the anxious parent wait continues...

Edited by Jann in TX
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Ambulance is on the way.


I wish we would have skyped from my computer!!! Dh has sound only from his headphones!!!


Thanks for your prayers... it will be a LONG night. I hope they let her use her cell from the hospital...


We will wait for her to be checked out before making a decision to drive there or not tonight... DH and I have both had very busy weekends (and very little sleep)-- it would be dangerous for us to drive-- the drive to her campus from here is long and remote...


They are taking her to the hospital DH was born in... ambulance just arrived. Now the anxious parent wait continues...


How scary for you. I'm glad she will be seen.


I have a dd with Type 1 diabetes, and this is my worst nightmare─that she will lose consciousness and have noone there to help.

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Ambulance is on the way.


I wish we would have skyped from my computer!!! Dh has sound only from his headphones!!!


Thanks for your prayers... it will be a LONG night. I hope they let her use her cell from the hospital...


We will wait for her to be checked out before making a decision to drive there or not tonight... DH and I have both had very busy weekends (and very little sleep)-- it would be dangerous for us to drive-- the drive to her campus from here is long and remote...


They are taking her to the hospital DH was born in... ambulance just arrived. Now the anxious parent wait continues...


If you don't think you can sleep, can your dh? Perhaps one of you can be the designated sleeper and one the designated worrier so that one of you will be rested if the drive is warranted.


Trust they will care well for her, her professors will understand, and she will get over being upset. :grouphug:

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Given that you aren't safe to drive due to fatigue, and you aren't likely to be resting, you might want to go through the checklist of what you'd take with you if/when you do head out to see her. If you don't have a "go" bag already, might want to pack up the basics (toiletries, 2 changes of clothes appropriate for the weather, pj's (yoga pants), cell & charger, water bottle and snacks for the road, relevant paperwork (health ins cards and info, etc.), sleeping bag & towel (so you can land anywhere), map of the area.

Edited by askPauline
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JAN!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm SO sorry for you, your dd, your husband. What an AWFUL situation! I feel so bad that your dd is going to the hospital by ambulance and her parents can't be there, and I feel awful for YOU! I can't imagine what YOU'RE going through!!!


I'd be SO scared if my dd passed out for 6 hours. I'm SO GLAD to hear that she's going to the hospital. Your post literally sent chills through my body! I'm so sorry for all of you!


PLEASE keep us posted here, please!!!


Try not to drive yourself crazy, sweetie. I know it's going to be hard!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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There may be someone on campus you can contact (campus life? security?) to let professors know that she's missing class on Monday because of medical reasons. It's great that she's a diligent student, and she may have had a professor announce that there will be "no excuses" for late work. However, that's often just a threat. She's been taken to the emergency room for a legitimate reason beyond her control (it's not like she drank too much and is now too hung over to get to class - kwim?). While you don't want to be a helicopter parent, you would call your husband's supervisor if he was going to miss work because of a hospitalization. This is similar.


If you think she might be active with Campus Ministry, that's another office you could call for help.

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Jann, we went through something recently with my ds who was 6 hours away. A very bizarre story I will share another time. I still have not recovered from it, don't think I ever will. It was sooo hard waiting for information. He was missing and we did not hear from him. The police were involved. We too went back and forth about heading out and were just about ready to when we heard news. It is very hard to be away from our children when something happens to them. You feel so helpless. The only thing that helped us was prayer. I will be praying for both your dd and for you and your dh.

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Given that you aren't safe to drive due to fatigue, and you aren't likely to be resting, you might want to go through the checklist of what you'd take with you if/when you do head out to see her. If you don't have a "go" bag already, might want to pack up the basics (toiletries, 2 changes of clothes appropriate for the weather, pj's (yoga pants), cell & charger, water bottle and snacks for the road, relevant paperwork (health ins cards and info, etc.), sleeping bag & towel (so you can land anywhere), map of the area.


excellent idea!

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Given that you aren't safe to drive due to fatigue, and you aren't likely to be resting, you might want to go through the checklist of what you'd take with you if/when you do head out to see her. If you don't have a "go" bag already, might want to pack up the basics (toiletries, 2 changes of clothes appropriate for the weather, pj's (yoga pants), cell & charger, water bottle and snacks for the road, relevant paperwork (health ins cards and info, etc.), sleeping bag & towel (so you can land anywhere), map of the area.


Yes....I'd spend my anxious worrying time packing a few things just in case. That way you are not just sitting around worrying, but being productive.


And like someone else said, I'd probably have DH try to go to sleep immediately. I know that men are probably able to sleep easier in these situations than women are. I think that men can turn off their minds.

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You might want to text your dd (I think you said she had her cell phone) and ask her to immediately sign a permission form so the hospital can give you all information. That way, if she has to have testing, or if she (G-d forbid) passes out again, they can get you and let you know what is happening.


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