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What browser do you use?

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Go update and fix IE.


IE is a product of being used a lot - thus it slows down. The user corrupts it. LOL I do the same to mine and I am a techie. :D


I do like Opera though - even the mail client that they have. If I didn't need to use full Office, I would use this exclusively. I am getting ready to finish a post on email too - a bit more research needed. But, here is the link ..... http://www.opera.com/


I tend to favor open source.

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Safari on my Mac. Firefox and Chrome on our Windows computers.


I tend to prefer Chrome but have Firefox on my work laptop because it has some really cool add-ons I need. It has a button to download you tubes videos and a sizer for images I post on the website.


All this to say if you are looking for a quick, simple browser use Chrome. If you need add-ons choose Firefox. I was running Chrome on my Mac but get constant shut downs now that I have Lion installed. Hence, I went back to Safari on my Mac.

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I am not a fan of Firefox. I never have been. Once you add everything, it is not any better, security wise, than IE.


Although, the theory behind it was sound. The final product, however, is just "OK".


Opera is the originator of tabbed browsing by the way, and you can enjoy it in any OS. Chrome still has some glitches, even though they are random. There are some quiet problems in gmail too, but no fear. Google will eventually become quite popular because of what it plans for Apps. :D


Yes, I know. Go play somewhere else and hush! LOL ;)

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I like Google Chrome the best but some websites are not optimized for Chrome and we have to use Firefox for those. Not sure what it is, but something about various plug-ins and such.....things from Crayola dot com don't print from Chrome, but do from Firefox; on a game sight my boys like the arrow keys and volume button stop working in Chrome, but work in Firefox; things like that. We've tried various fixes but it's just easier to say "use Firefox" rather than keep hassling with the error messages.


So, Chrome, but if it gets glitchy, Firefox.

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Go update and fix IE.


IE is a product of being used a lot - thus it slows down. The user corrupts it. LOL I do the same to mine and I am a techie. :D


I do like Opera though - even the mail client that they have. If I didn't need to use full Office, I would use this exclusively. I am getting ready to finish a post on email too - a bit more research needed. But, here is the link ..... http://www.opera.com/


I tend to favor open source.[/QUOTe]


Oh, I used to LOVE Opera! I admit though I downloaded Chrome and like it a lot but I might try Opera again.


Never much cared for FireFox and I only use IE occasionally when a website doesn't like anything but IE.

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I am not a fan of Firefox. I never have been. Once you add everything, it is not any better, security wise, than IE.


Although, the theory behind it was sound. The final product, however, is just "OK".


Opera is the originator of tabbed browsing by the way, and you can enjoy it in any OS. Chrome still has some glitches, even though they are random. There are some quiet problems in gmail too, but no fear. Google will eventually become quite popular because of what it plans for Apps. :D


Yes, I know. Go play somewhere else and hush! LOL ;)


Opera was the originator for lots of great stuff! I am sentimentally attached to it even though I haven't used it in awhile.


Downloading it now. :D

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I changed from IE as soon as Firefox became available and have loved it. Don't have any problems with it and so don't see a need for changing to either Opera or Chrome. I do have IE on my computer but I don't use it except for the rare, odd website or course that requires IE. Thankfully, that is becoming rarer and rarer. I think I maybe had to use it twice this year and that is with one of us being on a computer probably 8 hours a day, at least it was that way until older d left for college. She uses Firefox but her brother uses something else but I don't remember whether it is Chrome, Opera or something else altogether. I am absolutely sure it isn't IE.

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Opera was the originator for lots of great stuff! I am sentimentally attached to it even though I haven't used it in awhile.


Downloading it now. :D



You have been around like me. I am attached to it still. Did you see the mail client? Gah, it makes the others look lame. So clean and easy to use.


I am happy to contribute to your nostalgia.:lol:



Edit: Just use caution with Firefox and accept the glitches of Chrome when you make these choices. :D

Edited by ChrissySC
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FIREFOX! It has extra protection built in by scanning everything you download. Although I see others have a different opinion, this is what was told to me by someone who works for Google (and probably should be suggesting Chrome, LOL!)



Most all browsers have settings that will check for phishing and spam sites. Whether or not you listen to the warning or turn it off is a consequence for the user.:lol:


Firefox does have its limits though. Much better than when it first came out - However, you will need to keep up this year! FireFox 5, 6, and 7 will be released this year. Yes, you heard me. Here


Opera 11 is far superior to Chrome, Firefox and, yes, even my loved IE 9. (IE 9 tends to fall short because it appears to adapt Opera features and functions though). What do you think?


Edit: OP should ask this question again after Firefox 7 releases, and the possible release of a new Opera too.

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I use Google Chrome. :001_smile:


Me too on my laptop. I used to use Internet Explorer, but kept getting error messages that it couldn't open up a page, usually on news websites. It was so annoying that I finally downloaded Google Chrome.


We have Mozilla Firefox on the desktop and haven't had any problems with it either.

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Yeah, really makes the whole DoJ case seem more than a little silly, doesn't it?



Am a little lost ... the case against Microsoft for IE incorporation/integration?


Which means that if you use Windows, whether you know it or not, IE is there.:lol:


They have gone back and forth with integration or mergining IE and the OS, which is where we are again.


Edit: As a note, the benefit of the ruling was third-party applications like Flash being able to integrate with IE btw. This only one instance of many. No browser will have the complete functionality as does IE for Windows because of the ruling - the same for Apple too who covets more than Microsoft as a matter of fact. Anyway, this goes beyond the "what browser" ...

Edited by ChrissySC
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Am a little lost ... the case against Microsoft for IE incorporation/integration?



Yes, in reply to the quip does anyone use IE anymore. Seems like the multi-millions it cost to go after msft was a waste, esp. when almost the whole thing was thrown out on appeal. The same settlement (or better) could have come out with negotiation.


This quote (thank goodness someone stuffed it into wikipedia) sums up where I was going with my observation, as someone who lived through it at the time:


Andrew Chin, an antitrust law professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who assisted Judge Jackson in drafting the findings of fact, wrote that the settlement gave Microsoft "a special antitrust immunity to license Windows and other 'platform software' under contractual terms that destroy freedom of competition. Microsoft now enjoys illegitimately acquired monopoly power in the market for Web browser software products."


Yeah, not so much.

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Most all browsers have settings that will check for phishing and spam sites. Whether or not you listen to the warning or turn it off is a consequence for the user.:lol:


Firefox does have its limits though. Much better than when it first came out - However, you will need to keep up this year! FireFox 5, 6, and 7 will be released this year. Yes, you heard me. Here


Opera 11 is far superior to Chrome, Firefox and, yes, even my loved IE 9. (IE 9 tends to fall short because it appears to adapt Opera features and functions though). What do you think?


Edit: OP should ask this question again after Firefox 7 releases, and the possible release of a new Opera too.


Good to know! Maybe I'll have to try Opera, as I've never heard of it before today.

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I thought this was what you were referencing. From the standpoint of a programmer though, they were allowed their way except on the grounds of integration, whether it was forced by public voice or actual law I fail to remember. Third-party access is what makes IE so versatile - well, Opera seems to have encapsulated that without the need of Windows, but still needed to be able to access source code nonetheless.


Funny though, with all of the downplay of Microsoft, who is user friendly for programs and applications, no one gripes about Apple's stand now either, for the reverse mind you. They are non friendly to programs and applications - and they have monopolized the market on Apps and driven the price of tablets, which are nothing but larger iPods or iPhones by the way.


Odd how we cater to the Apple hype isn't it?


(Yes, I do apps too. Who doesn't LOL)



Yes, in reply to the quip does anyone use IE anymore. Seems like the multi-millions it cost to go after msft was a waste, esp. when almost the whole thing was thrown out on appeal. The same settlement (or better) could have come out with negotiation.


This quote (thank goodness someone stuffed it into wikipedia) sums up where I was going with my observation, as someone who lived through it at the time:

Andrew Chin, an antitrust law professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who assisted Judge Jackson in drafting the findings of fact, wrote that the settlement gave Microsoft "a special antitrust immunity to license Windows and other 'platform software' under contractual terms that destroy freedom of competition. Microsoft now enjoys illegitimately acquired monopoly power in the market for Web browser software products."

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Funny though, with all of the downplay of Microsoft, who is user friendly for programs and applications, no one gripes about Apple's stand now either, for the reverse mind you. They are non friendly to programs and applications - and they have monopolized the market on Apps and driven the price of tablets, which are nothing but larger iPods or iPhones by the way.


Odd how we cater to the Apple hype isn't it?

Yes, Apple gets a (substantial) cut from paid apps and content from the App Store (as do Google and Amazon with their Android stores), but already Amazon and other content providers are using an HTML5 workaround to bypass the App Store altogether. It's entirely possible this could mark the beginning of the end of the app.
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Interesting. I've used Firefox for a few years now and am very happy with it. I tried Chrome recently and my #1 complaint was how slow this WTM site ran, hence, I ditched it!

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I used to be a web programmer so am used to using several browsers. I find that sometimes they all have their strengths and weaknesses with certain sites.


My main is IE (used to be an MS programmer and that's what everyone used, can't break the habit). Also always up 100% of the time is Firefox which works better with my blog.


I also have Chrome and Opera. Some of my computers use Chrome exclusively.

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I thought this was what you were referencing.


Yes, I respect your POV. I was just pointing out that market forces are bigger than any Evil Empire. ;)


I also agree about Apple. Nothing new there. Except now they have real marketshare. Interesting times!!

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Thanks everyone. Some of these are new to me, so I appreciate the suggestions. I just took a look around this site http://secunia.com/community/advisories/product/ and you can search the software and see what security advisories have submitted. Internet Explorer 9 looks pretty good. Opera seems to have some outstanding issues, Chrome and has had some advisories, but nothing outstanding.


Does IE have apps like Chrome and Opera? I Opera has lots of good looking add ons.

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Yes, I respect your POV. I was just pointing out that market forces are bigger than any Evil Empire. ;)


I also agree about Apple. Nothing new there. Except now they have real marketshare. Interesting times!!



Yes they are. I am not really sure if I care either way. I just want. :lol:


I am waiting to see how HTML5 takes off. Because Apple pushes for its use, I am not sure about it. I will need to see what the limits are and evaluate in comparison to Flash. I am curious to see where apps go from here, but I like the steps that Google has taken by not making them tablet/phone dependent but rather Chrome dependent.




So many browsers - it depends really on like and use. :lol: Have you noticed a pattern to all of these techie questions? You must ask yourself what do you want to do?

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