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Just for fun...10 random facts about you?

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One little gene floating all alone :D


I'll wave to you from my own little raft :seeya:. I was adopted as an infant and I assume I must have at least half siblings somewhere, but don't know for sure. I also adopted my children.


I guess this is my #11 random fact :D.

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1. I drink only water. (unless it is breakfast...sometimes I'll have a mug of milk.


2. I tend to "ramp up" when in a group setting and tend to carry the conversation. I usually end up with headaches when I leave from being "on call" all night.


3. I have a huge heart for orphans and missions, esp in Africa.


4. I only liked holding babies when they were my own. I do not like holding other people's babies at all. I'm like the only lady I know who isn't fond of infants in general (disclaimer: I did love my own babies). haha


5. I am deathly afraid of roller coasters.


6. I met my husband in an online chat room in college while waiting for my dad to come on the computer so I could chat with him.


7. I love theater and have been in numerous plays growing up but not so much since I've married and had a family.


8. I have eaten bat and kangaroo. Bat= gamey, tough, and chewy. Kangaroo= excellent...like beef.


9. I have amazing fingernails. Every person I've ever gone to for manicures can't believe my fingernails are real. They look like french manicured without the french manicure.


10. My Lord and Savior rocked my world and I'll never be the same.

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I am intrigued by this comment? :bigear:

I am too. :lol: As I looked over various 10s, and we are all tens on this one (:lol:), I mused to myself "oh, I'm like that," and "I feel that way" etc. or "i wish I was like that." I don't know how to multi-quote others' messages in one reply.:001_huh:

I wish bookfiend would go ahead and post. I didn't want to for a couple of days but I really like this thread. It gives us a window into one another.

I'd like to go another 10!:tongue_smilie:

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1. I live in a round house.

6. I love naps, for adults and kids.


I keep thinking of your round house. That must be so cool. :)


9. I have amazing fingernails. Every person I've ever gone to for manicures can't believe my fingernails are real. They look like french manicured without the french manicure.

Jealous. Alas, no jealous smilies. :)

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1) Until a couple of months ago I had not driven in 15 years (let my license expire while living in another country and didn't renew it).

2) I lived in Greece for 9 months without a spouse and with 2 children ages 4 & 1.

3) Our oldest child (ds 25) is my dh's from his first marriage but has always lived with us 99.9%. I claim him as my own and we do NOT use step or half in our home. Ever.

4) I was the 1st in my family of 5 to graduate from college (and I am the 4th child). My sister (2nd child and 8 years older) went to LPN School and later continued studies for her Master's in Nursing but none of the rest attended college.

5) I have a BA in Art and a minor in French and was working on a Master's in Early Childhood Education.

6) I taught Art for 1 year to high schooler's in a rural public school and HATED it so much that I decided I would stay home and have babies instead.

7) I always thought I'd have 3 children. Surprise!

8) My parents had 5 children and then divorced when I was 16 after they had been married for 30 years.

9) My Dad was not the nicest person to me when I was a child so when my parents divorced I took my Mother's maiden name as my last name.

10) I make the BEST baked beans ever :D.

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1. Got married at 37

2. had daughter at almost 43

3. People do not know that things I do for people that need help.

4. I am a nicer person than people think.

5. I used to work for an insurance company running the computer.

6. I would be in a quiet room by myself and read.

7. Do not like to go out to eat.

8. Dislike driving

9. WIsh I had more women friends

10. want to take a long vacation , not necessiarly with anyone.

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Dh just said he'd like to have the link to the photo of the town. He collects photos/ideas for work (as a city planner).


Did you ever read Victoria magazine? The photo of the shop reminds me of it.

Here's the link:



Nope, never read Victoria magazine and now I want to.

Sadly, Grenada no longer imports ANY magazines. None. :confused: It's been months and months and we've gone back to the dark ages :mad:.

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1. I dropped out of highschool after 10th grade. Got pregnant, went to a BOCES program, doubled up on classes, and graduated on time.


2. I don't know HOW I graduated highschool; I never showed up for the 9th grade english regents exam, but have an 80%, and my 12th grade economics teacher said I didn't pass her class.


3. I'm a morning person.


4. I learned to read before kindergarden, and love reading.


5. I can make friends quickly, but can't keep any, and currently don't have any.


6. My father is still mad for not pushing the school to let me play drums in 3rd grade. There were no girls on drums. I played the flute that year and hated it. I played saxophone for years.


7. I'm an EMTwith no experience except for kid injuries.


8. I can't hold a job and do not understand how other people do.


9. I love babies and children, but mine both have special needs, and do not have the same father, so apparently my genes are a little messed up and I'm not having any more.


10. I wish I wanted to join all you quitters out there.

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I am too. :lol: As I looked over various 10s, and we are all tens on this one (:lol:), I mused to myself "oh, I'm like that," and "I feel that way" etc. or "i wish I was like that." I don't know how to multi-quote others' messages in one reply.:001_huh:

I wish bookfiend would go ahead and post. I didn't want to for a couple of days but I really like this thread. It gives us a window into one another.

I'd like to go another 10!:tongue_smilie:


I'm enjoying it too. :D

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I wish bookfiend would go ahead and post. I didn't want to for a couple of days but I really like this thread. It gives us a window into one another.


1. Sometimes I overthink things, like posting to a list of 10 random facts.


2. I've recently increased my morning coffee intake to three cups.


3. I'm an ENTJ - married to an INTP. He has tried to leave the house in four separate attempts this morning for an outing with the boys, but keeps coming back for a forgotten item - so P of him.


4. I wish I had four children because the two I have are so much fun.


5. It's too late for me to have more children.


6. Constant, repetitive, background noise interrupts my thought process and makes me crazy and irritable. I prefer silence for sleeping and working.


7. I typically read a couple of books a week.


8. My Dad died four years ago, and the grief is still evolving.


9. I'm procrastinating my final lesson planning of the year. We actually started with 1/2 days this week. There are piles of books, papers, new school supplies, and last year's work spread all over the downstairs. Disorder is the same as repetitive noise; see #6 above. I'm logging off to go put it all on the dining room table and picking a starting point!


10. I wish SWB would post.

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1. I'm kind of hoping this will get lost among all the others

2. I think I'm boring.

3. I love to read, one of my first words was "book." My favorite books are cozy mysteries.

4. I have a wonderful funny husband and have 5 children that are turning out well, in spite of my faults.

5. I have a very subtle sense of humor, so subtle noone can tell when I'm joking. :-P I must look very serious most of the time, because sometimes people think I am upset when I am not.

6. My brain is more active than my body, I question everything, if something interests me I spend too much time on it then drop it when I get burnt out.

7. I don't remember ever not believing in God, but what I believe about him has changed greatly and is still evolving. I love reading about the history of religion.

8. I'm currently into beading jewelry, but I don't wear much jewelry myself. I just like making pretty things.

9. After years of trying to be like other people I admire, I've made peace with myself and accepted who I am.

10. I've only read a few of the responses to this thread because large threads overwhelm me. I stopped reading the thread that I started after half a day.

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1. I am short.


2. I have naturally curly hair.


3. I am the mom of boys. I always thought I'd have girls, but now that I have them I cannot imagine life any other way.


4. I am a southerner.


5. I recently moved 1025 miles from home. I am homesick.


6. I love coffee. I now have to drink decaf much to my dismay.


7. I am ashamed to tell how many times I've changed curriculum during my years of homeschooling.


8. My boys are lovely people. I cannot imagine my world without them.


9. I would love to travel Europe. I love history. This would be dreamy for me.


10. I have a strong Faith, but finding a church home is/has been very difficult for us since we moved. Homeschool groups ditto.

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Oh this looks like fun!


1. From January 2007 until May of 2010, the longest I was not pregnant, was 7 months. I had 3 children and 1 miscarriage in that time. From oldest to youngest, there are 27 months between my kids.


2. I am a hard core conservative and have been my entire life - even in high school and college.


3. My dream job would be to be a US Senator. I'd just have to leave MI to do it.


4. I have very severe asthma and have been hospitalized more than 100 times in my life because of it.


5. Despite that, I was a 4 year varsity swimmer and played 3 years of JV softball.


6. I love to read.


7. I love history. My favorite periods are the Tudor era in English history and World War 2. I am currently reading a book about Auschwitz.


8. I am a very emotional person. I cry at the drop of a hat and I hate it.


9. DH and I have been married for 5 year in October.


10. I love love love baked goods but recently discovered that I am allergic to gluten. :glare: This is how I know God has a sense of humor.

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1. I got married at 18. I was not pregnant. I was, however, stupid.


2. I sing. All day. Always have. I'm not bad, lol. DS now sings. All day. I feel for my parents.


3. I have 4 sisters and we have a lifelong dream of opening a bistro together.


4. I read for hours a day as a kid. Other than the Bible and homeschool materials, I hardly read at all anymore. :(


5. I have a strong ability to force myself to do the BIG things that are difficult for me. (Move out of state, live in the ghetto, stay in a tough marriage, homeschool...) but cannot seem to force myself to eat better and work out regularly. I like to think that I use my willpower on the big stuff and there's none left for turning off the TV at 11 or putting away the oreos.


6. I'm barely 5'5" but I have size 11 feet. They are the bane of my existence. It's impossible to find cute, fashionable shoes in that size.


7. At age 9, I took a test for exceptional giftedness. I failed by 3 points. I was so incredibly nervous, I forgot what a fire hydrant and a compass were. I'm fairly certain that if I took the test today, the ONLY answers I'd get right would be the fire hydrant and compass.


8. As a child I moved from the suburbs of Florida to a farm in Pennsylvania. I painted fences, drove a truck at 14, mowed fields, kept a fire going all night, walked miles into the woods by myself, and bumped around in the back of my dad's pickup while he drove like a maniac. I would probably cry if someone made me do most of that today.


9. I thought I would be a writer or a Broadway actress when I grew up. Now I write grocery lists and perform West Side Story in my kitchen.


10. Birthdays make me sad. I always feel they mean that more of what I do is "expected" and that it's one less chance to do something great "by the age of..." I cried when I turned 18 because it meant I had run out of chances to become a child author or prodigy, lol.

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Here's the link:



Nope, never read Victoria magazine and now I want to.

Sadly, Grenada no longer imports ANY magazines. None. :confused: It's been months and months and we've gone back to the dark ages :mad:.


Thank you! And I would be :angry:, too. I checked to see if it is available online, but it's not. :(

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Duh, I never even thought of this one. I actually have no gene pool. I am adopted, I have siblings somewhere, but know nothing about them, and my kids are adopted. One little gene floating all alone :D


Wow! I vividly remember when my eldest was born, thinking, I am looking at my first living relative.

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1. I drink only water.


3. I have a huge heart for orphans and missions, esp in Africa.


4. I only liked holding babies when they were my own. I do not like holding other people's babies at all. I'm like the only lady I know who isn't fond of infants in general (disclaimer: I did love my own babies). haha


10. My Lord and Savior rocked my world and I'll never be the same.


i could have typed these! i have coffee for breakfast and only drink water otherwise. i went to college to be a missionary overseas working with orphans! i also do not like holding newborns. i'm terrified i'll drop them or hurt them, so you will never hear me asking to hold someone's little baby (although i wouldn't say no if they needed me too).

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I think one of the networks should have talent competition with MOMS instead of hot young things, lol... They could create a Broadway troupe out of moms and write something for us to star in. How could it be less interesting than "Housewives of...."?!?


Houswives/househusbands of the Hive. :D The would be so awesome.

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I did a blog post about this last week but my list was longer, so I cut and paste and then deleted some that may offend. ;)


1. I fry my spaghetti. Heat up a frying pan, put in cooked noodles and pour over the sauce. Mix and cook until all sauce bakes onto the noodles. It tastes so much better. I've even converted my husband.


2. I have had a crush on Jared Leto since I was 14 and he was on My So Called Life. I am not fickle with my celebrity crushes, so when an opportunity came up where I could potentially meet him I declined. What if I met him and was disappointed? That would be like 18 years of my life wasted. Who would I crush on after that?


3. If I stare blankly at you during a conversation, than it usually means you have said something stupid and I am giving you time to save yourself.


4. I eat food that falls on the floor. The five second rule applies to everything except what falls beside the stove. It's scary there. True story. On my husbands and my second or third date we went to a Thai restaurant. We each had a main course and split an order of Pad Thai. So when I was trying to maneuver the noodles from the dish to my plate I dropped 95% of them on the table. Without thinking I scooped them all from the table to my plate with intent to eat them. I had a moment of "Oh sh**, maybe I shouldn't have done that." and then I shrugged and figured if that turns him off then I have no hope when he really gets to know me. It turns out he liked the fact I did that.........(or so he says).


5. I don't understand abstract art, it frustrates me. I just can't see it as art. Can a 5 year old paint like Caravaggio? Not likely.


6. I don't like clowns or Santa, they make me uncomfortable. I also don't like crocs.


7. I am a cup half empty kind of person. The eternal pessimist. The upside? I never expect anything to work out so if it does I am genuinely surprised and thankful.


8. I play the lottery weekly because if I don't, then you know my numbers will be drawn next week. This goes back to the pessimist/cup half empty thing.


9. I love McDonald's, it's yummy and has the best coke. It honestly doesn't bother me that someone experimentally left a McDonald's burger out for 3 months and it still looked the same.


10. I've never had sushi/seafood but I avoid it like the plague. Lobsters are the cockroach of the sea.


11. I've worn glasses since I was three and contacts since I was 14. My eye sight still sucks and I am considered legally blind without them.

Edited by sarawatsonim
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Ok...I will try:


1. I love the smell of chlorine in my kids hair.


2. I am a red candy kid. I ate so much red licorice when pregnant with dd#3 that my kids were joking she was going to come out like Esau...red and hairy.


3. I read constantly....I love to read...even cereal boxes:D


4. I wish I were more creative....and I am a little jealous of my creative kids...but, I do encourage them every step....like I know what I am talking about.


5. Same as 4 with my athletic kids.


6. I have tattoos....and I think my dd's belly button ring is cute...but I would never admit it.


7. I am not sad my older kids are moving out. I need some space.


8. I really want to Perdue a degree in American history focusing on women in the 1600's


9. I have worn glasses since I was 15 mos. Old. I wore bi-vocals and tri-focals as a little kid. Now, I wear one pair of glasses to see far and 2 pair...one on top of the other...to read. It looks really stupid but it works.


10. I want to be a Grandma when I grow up.



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I'll play!


1. I HATE to cook, but ABSOLUTELY adore baking...and I'm pretty good at it! ;)


2. I don't get fuel for the car. My DH does it for me. Thank goodness he doesn't travel for work much!


3. I am adopted.


4. I love to lay in the sun even though I know it's bad for you. It just feels so darn good!


5. I could seriously live off of Frosted Flakes.


6. I am super scared of spiders...all sizes, colors, etc. All of them...and I live in the south people!


7. I LOVE cheesy teen movies.


8. I love to text, but loathe talking on the phone.


9. I love the beach, but don't like to swim in the ocean.


10. Would have an outdoor (concealed) shower at the house if our HOA would allow it.

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Hmmm, this is fun.

1. I was a vapid cheerleader in HS and a hairy, vegan, radical feminist in college.

2. I love to read too and can't wait 'til I'm good enough to read Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, et al.

3. My dog has been skunked 4 times in 2 months and when it happens I shun her for a day.

4. I wish I had been a ballerina.

5. I never want to go to LA or Las Vegas.

6. I wish I had a voice like Kathleen Turner or Demi Moore.

7. I have a skewed view of my body ... I actually think I'm a lot cuter and thinner than I really am!

8. I can't spend over $100 on a purse ... I've tried but can't bring myself to do it.

9. I bite my cuticles and tear at my toenails. (I know, gross.)

10. I love going to the dentist.

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1. I'm convinced I can't find 10 things about myself that could possibly be interesting. However, every time I've read someone else saying that about themselves I've adamantly disagreed. :) Maybe I think I'm the only boring person. lol


2. I generally hate food. I hate cooking, deciding what to eat, going out to eat, etc Why hasn't the pill been invented yet so I can just avoid the hassle. I swear after we finish eating it's almost immediately time to think of what to do again. Ugh!


3. I'm terrified of snakes. They are nasty and unnatural no matter what the Crocodile Hunter tried to teach me otherwise. I have nightmares about them. My husband is terrified of spiders.


4. I love to travel. Love it. We have some friends that have been endlessly traveling with their 4 year old daughter around the world for about 3 years now. If I didn't have 3 children (2 of which are teenagers) I would like to try it for a year or so. I'd definitely live in Italy. I ache at the thought of going back to Italy.


5. I stay up late and want to sleep late. I do sleep until about 8am but if I followed the natural pattern of my body I would stay up until about 12 - 1am and sleep until about 9 - 10am. That doesn't work in my house though. I'm usually sleepy and getting tired of it. :)


6. I like to shop and that embarrasses me. lol I was never a shopper because I never had the opportunity. My husband and I began making much better money about 7 years ago and I discovered I really like clothes, shoes, jewelry and purses. :001_rolleyes: I love a new top or shoes. However, my sizes make it really hard to find things that fit, so... Naturally occurring restraints. LOL


7. I don't have a favorite color. I over think it when people ask me.


8. I don't like to ride with someone else driving. Every time I ride with another driver it's because I force myself; even with my husband. Teaching my 15 year old to drive has been an act of love. lol


9. I married my high school sweetheart but only after 10 years of being apart. I very, very foolishly married my preacher's son who was a preacher when I was 18. My high school sweetheart moved back to town right after my divorce and... Well, there you go! :)


10. I'm a terrible decision maker and terribly non-confrontational. I analyze decisions until I know everything I can and the idea of confronting someone makes me want to throw up. ugh!

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This thread is fascinating. I'll even give it a shot myself instead of lurking and reading as is more my habit. ;)


1. I sing. All the time. Songs that I'm reminded of by whatever I'm doing or thinking, or I parody songs based on whatever I'm doing or thinking. I don't know why I do this, but I can't seem to stop. :001_huh: My poor children are going to grow up thinking they're in some sort of terribly off-key musical. :tongue_smilie:


2. I've had every length of hair from shaved head to so long I could sit on it.


3. People ask me all the time if my hair colour is natural...it is.


4. I wish Mark Twain was my best friend.


5. Both my grandmother and mother were widowed relatively early, both lost their husbands to freak accidents. When my anxiety is particularly bad I sometimes worry if my family is cursed and I've somehow doomed my poor dh. My many long-married aunts make me feel a little better. I have never, ever expressed this fear to anybody before, especially not my husband.


6. I am obsessed with the WTM forums. I don't post very often, but I read here every day. Anytime I want to know about something, I come here first to see if it's been discussed already (who needs Google? :lol: ). When I see long threads I get excited. :D


7. Most of my favourite music dates from before I was born.


8. I always know what's going to happen in books, television shows, movies, etc. I don't know if it's from reading a lot or writing a lot, but I can see where the plot's going and am very, VERY rarely surprised by anything. My husband no longer enjoys watching movies with me. :lol:


9. I read my favourite books over and over.


10. I like planning much more than I seem to like actually getting things done. ;)

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Chiming in VERY late in this thread because I have been very, very busy!


1. I must have things to do... I don't do "idle" very well...


2. Although I have to have things to do, I LOVE quiet time... reading, blogging, thinking.


3. I was NEVER going to be a coffee drinker and at 33 years of age, I just had to try it for a while to see if it would give me an energy boost... Now I love my morning cup of coffee.


4. I broke 3 bones in my back... one of them a vertabrae and if I had landed 1/4 an inch over, I'd most likely have become paralyzed.


5. I pray for odd things... like for God to fix a broken watch... to find something that has been missing a very long time... and for physical healing.


6. Although I have lots of plants around the porches, flowerbeds and back yards... I really don't like taking care of them AT ALL... it is torture... to keep them watered and cared for.


7. My husband and mother-in-law just love plants, which is why I have a lot mentioned in #6.


8. I once had a Hispanic boyfriend who meant the world to me... while we were dating I had one lone black hair grow on my left wrist (I am off white when I tan and have blonde hair)... when we broke up, it fell off and never grew back. Honestly! I didn't make that up!


9. I've always longed to learn piano. But now, it would be a lot of work and doesn't have the same appeal as it did several years ago... sadly...


10. I have SO many dreams... and feel that there is so little time left... life goes by too fast. Sure wish I had a do-over!

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1. I collect ceramic frogs.


2. My hair is wavy and frizzes in humidity - I hate it.


3. I had 4 hip surgeries by the time I was 10 and have always walked w/ a limp. It is one of the best things that ever happened to me b/c it made me strong and determined.


4. I love fashion, for others though, not myself. Same w/ make-up.


5. Ice cream and chocolate are the best foods on earth.


6. Coffee is a necessity.


7. I would not marry a man who would not agree to adopt.


8. I love the outdoors.


9. I love to travel.


10. I love to read.


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1. I'm Chinese

2. was born in Jamaica

3. huge basketball (NBA) fan

4. huge tennis fan

5. love to dance

6. love to read romances and watch sci-fi movies but not the reverse

7. can't swim even though I was born on an island famous for its beaches

8. don't like anything sweet (no cakes, pies, ice-cream, cookies, etc) except Coke

9. grew up reading comic books and Nancy Drew books (not much available in what passed for a library)

10. grew up listening to reggae and Mo Town music - not your typical Chinese person

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1. I was abused by my father all during my childhood. He won the Pulitzer Prize the year I told my counselor, so no one believed me.


2. When I grew up, I didn't want animals because they shed, and I despise cleaning small-animal cages. My family now has three adopted dogs, two adopted cats, and two rats rescued from a research lab.


3. I didn't want children because, though they don't shed, I despise wiping noses. I now have twins and five foster children -- and I will be wiping noses the rest of my life unless I live to be 140 years old. :lol:


4. My husband is a cartoonist and when I'm happy with him, I say, "Honey, you're more than just a cartoon." I have been saying this to him for 20 years and he still chuckles.


5. In college, my roommate and I dragged one of those huge electrical spools into our room, painted it in yellow-and-black checkerboard, and used it as a (small) dining room table. It was featured in the thrift-idea section of the local newspaper.


6. My first job was at a place called "Angel's Haven," a place for special needs children behind my house. I was afraid my friends would see me. :confused:


7. My third job was at the same "Angel's Haven," and two of my friends came with me to work, too. :)


8. My longest-running job was as a crime reporter. I once gave a bath to a toddler who was found lying under her dead mother, who had been shot by her father, who then shot himself. I still wonder whatever happened to that little girl. After my own children were born, I couldn't bear the job anymore. I don't have that ability to distance myself from things.


9. My first cat was a stray tabby named Harvey. He ran away a year after I found him, and I still have dreams about him, that he's come home, is at my window, and cry when I awaken and find he's not there.


10. I like working, but I am always so disappointed that everyone is so mean. No matter how old I get, it still takes me by surprise when someone is mean for no reason. I can't seem to get over this.



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1. I have 9 fingers.


2. I love reality tv shows. I watch them late at night so I don't expose my kids to them. :001_smile:


3. I love to read.


4. I wanted to have 8 kids--ended up with 5.


5. I love plants like some people love their pets.


6. I wish I was displined but I'm not.


7. Cheese is my favorite food.


8. I take 6-10 baths a week.


9. I like things to be symetrical.


10. I like to sing.

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1. I almost always dislike shopping for and preparing food.

2. I have a plant named Claude that I have had for over 20 years ! But really I do not have a green thumb. He's just a strong plant.

3. I would like more aerobic exercise but my knees and arches do not cooperate with this.

4. My grandma named a minor league baseball team.

5. I love hot pink but can't wear it - it doesn't look good on me.

6. I confuse "color analysis" people because my skin is warm toned but I look good in black when I am not "supposed" to.

7. I want to play the cello but I'm learning violin instead because it's cheaper to rent and much more portable.

8. I like lime sherbet with caramel sauce.

9. I have small collections of penguins, angels, and miniature globes.

10. I love garnets.

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1. I have four kids and 7 years of my life were spent breastfeeding.


2. When ds, now 20, was in a high school biology co-op, we found out that he and I are mutants (supposedly). We each have one attached earlobe and one detached. No one else in our family has this.


3. I slept with a "blankie" until I was in my teens and I had bad dreams about taking it to school with me and people finding out.


4. I don't like things hanging over my head. In fact, I just had my first colonoscopy and I scheduled it just one week after my 50th birthday.


5. As a teen, i read books like The Woman's Room (very feminist) and actually registered as a Democrat for the first year that I voted. This changed very quickly and I ended up to be almost the complete opposite. I have been a very happy homemaker and extremely conservative for the last 30 years.


6. I sold Christmas Around the World from the time my oldest was 2 until the company went bankrupt a few years ago. I was an Executive Director and I have been all over the world (Africa, Egypt, Israel, Thailand just to name a very few) on trips that I earned for free. The biggest blessing was that I was able to do this part-time while I stayed home with the kids.


7. God is the most amazing part of my life. Every blessing I have has been a gift from Him and the biggest of those gifts has been my relationship with Him. My biggest goal (and prayer) in life has been that my kids would know Him and live for Him.


8. I too was a Bobby Sherman fan. I just ordered Here Come the Brides on Netflix. I also loved the Monkees and even had an album from the Archie's.


9. I once woke up spitting all over myself. I was dreaming that I had something awful in my mouth and I was trying to spit it out.


10. I love to cook and bake but I would rather not have to do any housework. Anyone want to swap chores?

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I have loved reading everybody's lists! Thank you!


1. I'm a California girl now living on a midwestern prairie.


2. When I was a girl I wished my name was "Summer," and every story I ever wrote as a child was about a girl named Summer.


3. I love being with my husband and family best of all, and I love being alone second-best.


4. I was once a newspaper reporter: I wrote obituaries and accident reports, which gave me nightmares for months.


5. I was once kidnapped on horseback when traveling through Jordan.


6. My young, health-conscious husband had a stroke last year and lost his ability to speak. It has been truly terrible. We are working at "reconnecting" his brain so he can speak again. He is making progress.


7. I love traveling, anywhere, and I don't mind staying in very cheap hotels.


8. I enjoy very strong coffee.


9. I wish I lived in New York City.


10. I am a follower of Jesus Christ.

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1. I was born on St. Cecilia's feast day.

2. I am a musician.

3. My first son was born on my birthday.

4. In high school, I imagined I'd marry another musician and have six daughters.

5. I married a cop and have two sons.

6. I always wanted to marry a cop and have two sons.

7. I strongly dislike talking on the phone.

8. I adore the color green.

9. I have a rather large collection of green depression glass and jadeite dishes which I began collecting as a child.

10. My favorite book is Jemima Puddleduck.

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1. I'm kind of hoping this will get lost among all the others

2. I think I'm boring.

3. I love to read, one of my first words was "book." My favorite books are cozy mysteries.

4. I have a wonderful funny husband and have 5 children that are turning out well, in spite of my faults.

5. I have a very subtle sense of humor, so subtle noone can tell when I'm joking. :-P I must look very serious most of the time, because sometimes people think I am upset when I am not.

6. My brain is more active than my body, I question everything, if something interests me I spend too much time on it then drop it when I get burnt out.

7. I don't remember ever not believing in God, but what I believe about him has changed greatly and is still evolving. I love reading about the history of religion.

8. I'm currently into beading jewelry, but I don't wear much jewelry myself. I just like making pretty things.

9. After years of trying to be like other people I admire, I've made peace with myself and accepted who I am.

10. I've only read a few of the responses to this thread because large threads overwhelm me. I stopped reading the thread that I started after half a day.



Ds1's first word was book!

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1. I started playing violin when I was 9 and decided within a couple months that I wanted to be a professional violinst. I could have become one except that my hands are too small to play a lot of advanced repetoire. I now play in a community orchestra with a slightly insane conductor.


2. I love the north. I'm not quite sure where this love came from, but it somehow developed in my teens and I ended up getting my degree in Scandinavian Studies.


3. When I was 15 I threw up cooking chicken. I've been vegetarian ever since.


4. I'm terrible at blowing my nose. I'm also pretty bad at blowing out candles and I can't play brass or wind instruments.


5. I go barefoot as much as possible. I would love to do barefoot trail running, but none of my previous running attempts have ended well.


6. Reading is my favourite thing to do. Always has been, probably always will be.


7. I adore languages. If I had an infinite amount of time (and an amazing brain), I'd learn every language in the world. Since that's not the case I try to content myself with French, Norwegian, Latin, and Greek.


8. I have a British accent.


9. I find voting extremely difficult because my political views are all over the map and the issues I care most about are from opposite sides.


10. I have the best MIL and the worst FIL ever.

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1. I worked as a McDonald's manager after college

2. Dh and I have a 16yo, 14yo, 11yo, and 9yo, but we've been married 12 years.

3. My father hasn't spoken to me in 16 years, when I told him I was pg with ds#1, and that my "baby-daddy" (now my dh) was African American.

4. I harbor a secret desire to play the trombone.

5. I harbor an irrational fear of ending up in rising water while in my vehicle.

6. Drinking wine makes my face get really red and hot. I drink it anyway.

7. I read Watership Down 18 times when I was a teen.

8. I can't stand the bottom of someone's foot touching me. Ew.

9. I love cats, but am highly allergic, so no furry pets in my home.

10. I could eat mushrooms every day of my life and not tire of them.

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1. The best job I've ever had was working in a college library

2. I want to be a writer when I grow up :)

3. I attended 9 (I think?) elementary schools.

4. I was a drama and choir nerd in high school. So fun :)

5. Sometimes when I'm having a bad day, nothing but a category romance novel and a bagel with nutella will do to cheer me up.

6. I'm the baby of the family.

7. My first boyfriend was a German exchange student who had a really cool accent but was a really bad kisser. Ah, well.

8. I met my husband on a blind date. Our mutual friend was the maid of honor at our wedding.

9. I have to read in bed in order to go to sleep.

10. I love '60s surf music (Beach Boys, etc.)

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If you all don't mind, I want to add some more.


1. My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. Romance, adventure, intrigue and drama. Not to mention the singing. It's perfect.


2. My whole family are sci-fi fans. We want Star Trek to come true.


3. I love British comedies. As Time Goes By with Judy Dench is my favorite.


4. I hate alligators. They want to eat my children for lunch. They should go extinct.


5. I have one pointed ear, like Spock.


6. I love gardens but can't grow a thing. I wish I could grow a beautiful garden of brightly colored flowers.


7. Too much darkness makes me depressed.


8. Every 2-3 years, I want to move someplace new.


9. Potty humor makes me laugh. (Shh. Don't tell my kids!)


10. It physically hurts to hear about people suffering.


Thanks for letting me list 10 more. It's fun.


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I'm coming in late, but...


1. I love sci fi, especially British sci fi. They come up with the most bizarre concepts.

2. I disliked my now dh the first time I met him (our senior year of high school). He was very arrogant.

3. One of my favorite memories is beating my now dh at Scrabble the first time we played by playing "smug" on a triple word score. :tongue_smilie:

4. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with some "female issues" and told it would probably be very difficult to have children.

5. I found out I was pregnant with ds on St Patrick's Day 2003. It was a complete surprise as we had not been trying at all. It was also the day I quit smoking.

6. My favorite song is Tin Cup Chalice by Jimmy Buffet.

7. I have had insomnia off and on since I was a teenager. Right now it's on.

8. I wish I could keep my heat/ac set at 80 year round.

9. I am strongly considering sending all my chickens to freezer camp because they are all 6 months or older now and still have not laid one single egg.

10. I think my dog has allergies. She has been sneezing her fool head off since we brought her home 3 days ago.


Wow. It was harder than I thought it would be to come up with 10 things.

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1) I am military born bred, raised and married.


2) I have lived in 30+ states, three countries and on three continents. I have visited even more.


3) I never planned to get married and have children. I am now on my second marriage (20 - years. The first was 10). I have six kids, two stepchildren and two grandshildren.


4) I am married to my previous brother in law so now my ex is my brother - in - Law and my children are related to their steps by more than one line of descent. Our family tree is very long and twisty.


5) We have lived in TN for 8 years now which is twice as long as I have lived anywhere in my entire life.


6) I love to read and would like to know as much as possible before I go.


7) My favorite color is red. My hubby is red/green color bling so he doesn't care.


8) I have been married for 20 years now and I am just now getting around to decorating the house.


9)I have died twice.


10) I was an unmedicated bi-polar teen. Cosidering all of the increibly stupid, crazy things that I did, I am amsolutely amazed that I am still alive.

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