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S/O (sort of) of appearance poll: hair products & perms & age

Select all of the statements that apply to you:  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Select all of the statements that apply to you:

    • I am under 40 years old & I use hairspray on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am under 40 years old & I use styling gel or mousse on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am under 40 years old & I use curlers/a curling iron on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am under 40 years old & I straighten my hair on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am under 40 years old & I have had my hair permed within the last 6 months.
    • I am 40 years old or older & I use hairspray on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am 40 years old or older & I use styling gel or mousse on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am 40 years old or older & I use curlers/a curling iron on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am 40 years old or older & I straighten my hair on what I would consider a regular basis.
    • I am 40 years old or older & I have had my hair permed within the last 6 months.

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I am 50 years old, and I think I am one of the only people I know who still uses hairspray. I use styling gel on my wet hair, then blow dry it, then use my curling iron to make it behave, and finally, I use hairspray to hold it in place. On me, I hate the straight hairstyles that I see so many women sporting these days. I cannot fathom why people with wavy hair or even not-quite-straight hair would want to use a straightener, because my curling iron is one of my prized possessions! :D I've always felt that my hair looks and behaves better when it's permed--just to give it a little volume and a bit of a wave, but not the HUGE hair that was popular in the 80s--but perms are out of style nowadays, or so I'm told. Is it something about my age? (Is it because I can't get past the 80s? :lol:) I'm going to try to post a poll that will show if there's a correlation between age & hair styling preferences.


Poll to come...

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36 and straight hair, no bangs. Only once in my life has a perm ever held on me. My hair won't stay curled. Adding product to it just junks it up and make it flatter and dirty looking. In the 80's and 90's, I was terribly out of style. My bangs did this one curl and flop to the side thing...height did not happen. My hair also breaks and splits easily. Hairspray, blowdryers, curling irons...they are fine for those once every ten years occasions...they are damaging to my hair though and I won't go back to them for the world.


My mother had similar hair and she kept it in short boy cuts or granny curls. Ugh! We don't look anything alike (I take after my dad). That was not really flattering on her, but would be even worse on me! Medium to long hair works for me. I also like that I can put it up and hide it all under a headscarf when I want to. My husband doesn't like curls on me (even though I would love some body to my hair).


None of the options apply to me. I'm under forty and use NOTHING other than shampoo, conditioner, coconut oil, barrettes, hairpins, and ponytail holders.

Edited by mommaduck
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My hair is just below the tops of my shoulders, layered, brown, some white and gray not too noticeable, REALLY! I blow dry it with a styling brush sometimes, but I don't do anything to it unless it's something important like a wedding. I mean, I style it a little, and in the winter I might use gel or spray, but only when I go to church.

I'm over 40, my hair has body, nice waves, looks thick. I used to get perms because I liked the fuller or curlier look.

I have never colored it.

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I'm 50 and only use hairyspray/gel when I've curled/styled my hair and am going out. Definitely not on a regular basis. My hair is shoulder length and fine; I usually pull it back with a clip or french braid it while it's wet. That helps it stay in place.

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I am 40 years old or older & I use styling gel or mousse on what I would consider a regular basis.


I replied with the above but for me it has nothing to do with age. I was a regular user of hair spray when I was working full time. I also now wear my hair longer layers and no bangs. Since I mostly used hairspray on the top, having long layers has eliminated that. Since my hair has lots of natural curl, I do use mousse to tame it. I do hair dry it at least in the roots. Sometimes I will straighten it, but not often. I am so busy with kids that my hair prep time is practically nothing.

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I have this hair that is neither truly curly nor truly straight. If it is cut short it is naturally curly. If it is really long it has this idiotic wave.


Right now it is neither short or long so I can do most anything with it. Some days I curl it with a curling iron. Some days I straighten it with the blow dryer.


I do use product in my hair. I'd love love love to be able to find something more natural than I currently use, but it is cost prohibitive to have what I have found shipped.


I'm over 40.


I have not had a perm since the late 80s early 90s.

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I'm going to be 40 shortly. I have wavy full hair that will not take a curl. So if I'm going to do anything to it, I have to add product and hairspray. Which, when I am doing my hair (about twice a week) I do. Other than that, in the summer I wash it, let it dry and put it up, in the winter I wash, blow dry, style and hairspray.

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I'm 46. I do not use hairspray or gel. My hair is naturally curly/wavy/frizzy (depending on the weather), and I neither straighten nor curl it.


I wash it, condition, towel dry, brush and then pin it back off my face. While it is wet, I kind of scrunch it or curl in around my fingers to tame and define the natural curls.


I want your hair.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
My hair is just below the tops of my shoulders, layered, brown, some white and gray not too noticeable, REALLY! I blow dry it with a styling brush sometimes, but I don't do anything to it unless it's something important like a wedding. I mean, I style it a little, and in the winter I might use gel or spray, but only when I go to church.

I'm over 40, my hair has body, nice waves, looks thick. I used to get perms because I liked the fuller or curlier look.

I have never colored it.


This is funny if you imagine Johnny Depp saying it! (your avatar :lol: )

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I'm 40+ years old, and I have learned to embrace my hair as it is: pin straight. I just twist it and put a clip in it on the back of my head. If I take it down later in the day it has nice waves in it. No hairspray, mouse, perming, etc...


I was the only one of my parents 4 children who didn't have curls. My mother made me sleep on rollers, and the curls would just fall out, later on she insisted that I needed to perm my hair. It destroyed my hair. I've come to the conclusion that the most beautiful hair is healthy shiny hair, regardless of whether it is curly or straight.

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I didn't click any. I am in my 20s. I have naturally straight hair. My grandma tried giving me a perm once and it fell out. :confused: So sad. I curl my hair when its chin/shoulder length but for some reason when it is longer the curls just don't stay in. I'd love to have naturally curly hair. :)

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I could not vote at all, my option was not there. I am under 40 and very rarely use any kind of product, blowdryer etc on my hair. It is naturally very straight, I let it air dry and hate to put product in it. The exception is if I am trying to do something fancy with my hair for a special occasion, I would use mousse and hairspray but that is like once per year.

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I am 50 years old, and I think I am one of the only people I know who still uses hairspray. I use styling gel on my wet hair, then blow dry it, then use my curling iron to make it behave, and finally, I use hairspray to hold it in place. On me, I hate the straight hairstyles that I see so many women sporting these days. I cannot fathom why people with wavy hair or even not-quite-straight hair would want to use a straightener, because my curling iron is one of my prized possessions! :D I've always felt that my hair looks and behaves better when it's permed--just to give it a little volume and a bit of a wave, but not the HUGE hair that was popular in the 80s--but perms are out of style nowadays, or so I'm told. Is it something about my age? (Is it because I can't get past the 80s? :lol:) I'm going to try to post a poll that will show if there's a correlation between age & hair styling preferences.


Poll to come...


46 with shoulder length, thin, fine, bone straight hair. I wash with baking soda, use a curling iron on the ends and bangs. (still have my 70's feathered bangs, so shoot me) Hair spray before I go out so my bangs don't fall in my face. I've never colored my hair and am now growing natural highlights. ;)

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46 with shoulder length, thin, fine, bone straight hair. I wash with baking soda, use a curling iron on the ends and bangs. (still have my 70's feathered bangs, so shoot me) Hair spray before I go out so my bangs don't fall in my face. I've never colored my hair and am now growing natural highlights. ;)


Farrah Facett (sp) hair seems to be back in.

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I go to church and half the Greek women have this gorgeous abundance of uncontrollable curls. LOVE it. Margaret's godmother has this kind of hair. She gets it straightened every once in awhile. I know it's a "grass is always greener" issue, but when so many people spend money and time trying to get curl, those with curl spend money and time trying to straighten.

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I'm under 40 (barely) and I don't regularly use styling products because my husband doesn't like the feel and they don't seem to make a difference. I do blow dry my hair for styling sometimes but that's not on your list. As long as I've had a recent enough cut my hair does ok air dry and so that's what I usually do. If I go too long between cuts it doesn't matter what I do I'm going to have to pull it back/put it up. There wasn't an other so I didn't vote.

Edited by sbgrace
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Under 40, no perm since before I was married 12 yrs ago. No hairspray, dh hates it and it just seems to make it sticky, I like to run my fingers through my hair. I use mousse sometimes. Usually it is wash and let it dry and curl it a bit. My hair is wavy-ish, it was a lot curlier after the last babe but straightened out more after fertility returned.

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I'm over 40, and none of the above.


my hair won't hold a perm, won't hold curls - so I ditched my hotrollers, I hate what hairspray does to it. I did buy a curling iron, but gave it to my daughter.


I do have my hair/roots professionally covered-up and highlighted. (I have too much hair to do it myself, even at shoulder length, and turn out nice - it always takes her nearly twice as long as most of her customers).


I've had short hairstyles, but I end up despising them so I grow it out. i hate hair near my face. I can do many attractive things with long hair, and it is much cooler to wear it up than have it short.

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I'm close to 40 and flat iron my crurly, frizzy hair every couple of days. I feel so much better with it straight. As much as I love curly hair on some women, my hair is just too BIG when I don't staighten it.


My other hair MUST is a ponytail in my pocket...you never know when it might start to rain or when a long summer day turns a bit too humid:D

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None of the options applied to me. I'm 42, and my hair is naturally wavy down to my waist. I don't need to add any product to it, though I'll sometimes rub some coconut oil on my palms and down the length if it's super humid.

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I'm 28 and don't do any of those things. I wash my hair, brush it, and put it in a pony tail. I get it cut about every two years. And for a super special occasion, like my brother's wedding, I go get it put up.

Except I leave my hair down for church and special occasions then it gets touched up with a curling iron and maybe some hairspray. I didn't vote because I don't consider that "regularly". I'm 39.

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45 and have naturally wavy hair. I wash and then use a gel and scrunch a bit and am good to go. I have a layered cut and too much time with it makes it look WORSE!


I do color my hair though. I know that wasn't one of the poll questions but my hair is gray. :tongue_smilie: I color it my natural, pre-gray hair color.



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I have this hair that is neither truly curly nor truly straight. If it is cut short it is naturally curly. If it is really long it has this idiotic wave.


Me too! I am pretty happy about it because my hair was absurdly straight until a few years ago. Maybe once a year I blow dry it truly straight (without product), the rest of the time it pretty much does its own thing. I'm 36.

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My hair is naturally super curly. It takes over an hour to straighten and in the NC humidity only stays that way around 30 minutes. Plus, dh hates it straight, he loves my hair curly. I use a gel made for curly hair and then a curl cream.


This is me, right down to the NC humidity, dh loving my curls, and the hair products!


ETA: I am older than Mrs. Mungo, though - definitely over 40.

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