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If you don't mind me asking

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If you live in town and have city water/sewer how much does your bill average per month? We are essentially paying $95 per month for water/sewer.


Of all the places I've lived this is the highest I've had to ever pay and I think it is outrageous. The last two places lived I paid $35 -$50 per month.

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If you live in town and have city water/sewer how much does your bill average per month? We are essentially paying $95 per month for water/sewer.


Of all the places I've lived this is the highest I've had to ever pay and I think it is outrageous. The last two places lived I paid $35 -$50 per month.


That's what we pay and I think it's outrageous too. The last place we lived was also 30-40 dollars.

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We are paying the same. In fact, we just got the bill for July and dh was saying that oddly, being as hot as it was and we watered the grass some, that our bill was *only* $80. In June, our bill was close to $100. It's the most expensive we've ever had to deal with also, but then again, our family is larger than it was those other times, too. It seems like everything is outrageously expensive these days....

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You sitting down?


Last quarter we paid $780 for water AND sewer. Granted, we have a large family, but still! *headdesk*


We know we have to put in low flow toilets, and I've taught the kids to turn off the faucet while brushing. They take 5 minute showers, BUT, almost everyone takes a shower every day. They're getting older, yanno? We have a HE washer, but I still do 2-3 loads a day, and a water effficient dishwasher but I still wash 3 loads a day.

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78 in the winter and almost 300 summer. Our sewer rates are about 3x our water rate (so a 100 bill is essentially 25 for the water and 75 for the sewage). We ended up having to put in a second meter for the yard as 250+ water will was freaking ridiculous. Much better now, still about 100 though.

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We pay $65 a month and are not on city water, we live outside of city limits. We pay for our water and sewer but if something goes wrong with our lines all the way from our house to the road we have to pay for repairs. The board that runs our water district is very crooked :glare: That just changed. It used to be (before this board) that we were only responsible for I think it was 25 feet from our house. Its not a huge distance for us but some peoples lines are blocks long. I don't see how that is legal

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We do not now live with a water/sewer bill. But, the house we moved from was a minimum useage water bill of $35.00 per quarter and the average for a household of four was $60.00 per month. We continued to use our well and never hooked up. Then city sewer came through and they adamantly refused to allow us to continue using our septic even though we proved that it was in tip-top shape and wasn't leaking a blessed thing. That was $285.00 per quarter. So, my guess is that for our family of six, had we remained and hooked up to both, would have been between $170.00-190.00 per month combined.



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My bill this month is $35.84 for water and $36.88 for waste water. It is around that most of the year, except for normal summers when I water it will be closer to $100. This summer, I quit watering the grass. I'm changing the landscaping next year to require less water. Our city utility company announced the price of water will increase by 100-200% over the next 5 years. :) Colorado has some water issues.

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This is a issue with me too. Our water is just for the neighborhood and they keep raising the rates. The water is currently (the bill is out right now--due tomorrow)


11,000 used $72.00

sewage $65.00

@## FEE 15.00



151.75 (plus 25.00 if ONE DAY LATE) this is for two months.


so 75.00 a month---HOWEVER I pay the same amount for 1 gallon or 10,000 gallons. I pay a prorated increase after 10,000 gallons.


this is for a small neighborhood (45 houses) I would think they could be a little nicer about the fees.



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$100/month for water + sewer.


We've all been good citizens and conserved water. And we've had cooler summers, and we're not watering our yards as much as we used to. So the city will raise the rates soon to compensate for the water we aren't using. :glare:

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We just paid $40.88 for water from April-June. I believe sewer is included with our property taxes. Five people, 14,000 gallons.


That's slightly less than the previous three months which was $43. I expect the next cycle will be more since the boys did a lot of water play during July.

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We have city water; in the summer, the bill can be as high as $150, though last month it was closer to $80 for a family of five - we don't have a lawn, but we do water our trees. In town, the sewer rate is $33/month, but we have a small private sewer company. The current rate for our sewer is $61/month, but the company recently petitioned to increase rates.


To almost $200/month.



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we pay about $115 per month and we do NOT water our yard at all. We are a family of 4. I do about 3-4 loads of laundry every 3 days . We have low flow toilets. We are looking to move off shore and it will be septic and well so we will finally be able to water our yard and have a pool. We will save that 115 per month plus we will no longer have to pay flood insurance.

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We pay about $95 *PER YEAR* for our water. We have no additional fees for septic or trash removal, so I assume those are included in property taxes (which our landlord pays).


I'm sure our water bill will go up this year since I'm washing cloth diapers now; it'll be interesting to see by how much. I guess I should be thankful water is so inexpensive for us!

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That's what we pay and I think it's outrageous too. The last place we lived was also 30-40 dollars.


Yes we pay around $80 and our neighbors are higher than that---except for last december when it was $250 and we found our 5yo had left the backyard spigot running.

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Our water bill for the last month was 50.91, that includes water, sewer, trash pickup and a fee for fire protection.


Breaks down to:


Water 5/8" Meter Flat fee: 6.80

Water Volume Residential: 7.60

5/8" Public Fire Protection: 4.18

Sewer Residential Flat Fee: 6.30

Sewer Residential Volume Charge: 14.75

Solid Waste Fee: 13.00

Storm Water Fee: 3.00


I think ours is pretty good, we water the grass about twice a week and do at least one load of laundry a day, plus showers so I won't complain.

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Our bill combines water, sewer and garbage (not by choice, we are required to have city garbage pickup). Basic monthly charges are $83. They just changed the water usage charge structure so that that less water you use the less you pay so we were supposed to see lower rates. EXCEPT, they added a huge additional required monthly charge that kept our bill the exact same as it was before the rate change. Our water usage charges are done every other month so when that is added on we usually pay around $88 and that's for 5 people.


Our city just decided to raise the rates on sewer charges so after that goes in to effect we'll never see our basic monthly bill under $100.:glare:


I want out of the city, where my parents live they only pay about $45 a month total.

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Our's is around $300! Keep in mind the amount of people (signature)! We do 2-4 loads of laundry a day, and everyone takes showers/baths everyday (for the most part), then there's all the other normal water usage.


Matthew's who lives right down the street, with a "normal" sized family :lol: is around $100

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We pay $80 a month for water and it isn't metered. Our sewer & trash is lumped in with our property taxes which are A LOT. I'm not sure what percentage is sewer/trash at present because that is the Husband's sphere of responsibility.


I wish we'd get metered because other folks with a similar family size are only paying $45 a month and I'm JEALOUS.

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It is well under 100$ for water and sewage, and it is quarterly. We only have two kids so that makes it easier. I also have a very high efficiency washer and we take short showers etc. I would never water a lawn, but I do let the kids play with the hose as much as they want in the summer.


I live in an area that generally has abundant water. I don't mind paying for clean water. I have lived without clean and adequate water, so I never take it for granted and am happy to pay for it. I still sometimes do a little dance when I turn the tap and it just comes out.

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If you live in town and have city water/sewer how much does your bill average per month? We are essentially paying $95 per month for water/sewer.


Of all the places I've lived this is the highest I've had to ever pay and I think it is outrageous. The last two places lived I paid $35 -$50 per month.


About that. It was less in the midwest. And there, the sewer bill was linked to the winter water usage, not month to month. I don't think it is fair to charge 1:3 sewer on the months when the big jump is watering the yard.

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If you live in town and have city water/sewer how much does your bill average per month? We are essentially paying $95 per month for water/sewer.


Of all the places I've lived this is the highest I've had to ever pay and I think it is outrageous. The last two places lived I paid $35 -$50 per month.


Where we currently live it is included in our housing allowance. In Hawaii we paid about $150/month. At our house in NC before that we paid around $30/month.

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