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s/o religious makeup thread

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I don't like the word Atheist because it implies I KNOW there is no God, which is no better than posturing that there IS one. Yet I don't like the word Agnostic because it sounds like waffling to me. I'm just not a lable guy, but I have spent the last ten years as a practicing Zen Buddhist. If you know anything about Zen, you know it's really no big deal either way. :D


I believe a rich tapestry of several beliefs is important to any culture. It's unfortunate how some of these beliefs are based on converting the rest of humanity towards their belief. I'd never subscribe to anything that asked me to impose my beliefs on someone else, especially in the violent manner of which the two largest religions have done for centuries. Shameful really. But that's just me.


If a friend of mine believed in a faith that was exclusive, and didn't try to convert me, I would be offended.

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This is me but with Taoist leanings. Not strictly in a religious sense, but more as a life philosophy.


Hey, that describes me too. I find Tao to be a very practical way to live my life, even though I'm not Chinese and haven't adopted any other aspects of Chinese culture. I'm an atheist (because agnostic is too wishy-washy, not because I feel compelled to convert anyone). I also ended up in charge of my kids' religious ed, so I go to RC mass and choir practice. I like the music and incense and it reminds me of my childhood, even though I don't believe it any more.

Edited by chiguirre
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Roman Catholic from cradle to grave. I love Christ's Bride, the Church, in all its richness. I love that I can go to a Mass in Latin with incense and gregorian chant or a charismatic healing Mass with worship music and folks praising in tongues. I love that we have saints who were kings and saints who were beggers. I love that we have missionaries traveling the world and cloistered contemplatives who never leave their monasteries. The Catholic Church...here comes everybody.

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Roman Catholic from cradle to grave. I love Christ's Bride, the Church, in all its richness. I love that I can go to a Mass in Latin with incense and gregorian chant or a charismatic healing Mass with worship music and folks praising in tongues. I love that we have saints who were kings and saints who were beggers. I love that we have missionaries traveling the world and cloistered contemplatives who never leave their monasteries. The Catholic Church...here comes everybody.

I love your screen name.

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I don't define myself.

I do not see religion (which is identifiable, a label) as necessary to spirituality, and I do not see beliefs as necessary to spirituality.


I have been involved in Hindu and Buddhist meditaiton practices, as spiritual practices of various Indigenous peoples, all my adult life, without defining myself as any specific religion.

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I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


I am.....







Sometimes I'm a moron,


and I'm not always a saint,


but I try.

I love that.



What Nakia said. I tend to refer to myself as a Christ-follower. The word "Christian" is used by many people I would rather not be identified with.


I'm always mortified on behalf of Christians (in the generic sense) when those lovelies crawl out of their hole and into public. I can see wanting a new title.


Just plain ole Roman Catholic. Somedays I feel confident saying I believe all of it. Somedays I'm praying like crazy for some faith, just trying to find some sign of God.


I'm a Roman Catholic revert, with Buddhist life philosophy leanings. Which sounds like I should be all calm and grounded but... see Ishki's comment above. Saint seems unlikely. Moron is frequent. Glad to know I'm in good company. :D

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I'm a Roman Catholic revert, with Buddhist life philosophy leanings. Which sounds like I should be all calm and grounded but... see Ishki's comment above. Saint seems unlikely. Moron is frequent. Glad to know I'm in good company. :D


Hee, hee.... I didn't mention all the books I have on Buddhist philosophy. ;) Many mornings I wake up with the promise to be calm and grounded - in the moment - aware of every footstep I take. I'm lucky if it lasts 5 minutes.

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Ok ~ here's a thread without a poll… and I'm wording this in the best way that I can….


How do YOU identify yourself in terms of your supernatural beliefs?


i think that can cover everyone?? whether you are hindu, scientologist, heathen, christian, jain, hedgewitch, buddhist, atheist, hellenic reconstructionist, jewish, witch, sikh, bahai, druid, taoist, pagan, zoroastrian, muslim, rastafarian, agnostic, santerian, or anything else ---- you should be able to answer. i think. i hope. :laugh:


You left out Bill! (but then he didn't remember what he said. lol.)


Christian - LDS

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I don't think I have any supernatural beliefs that tie into my religion.


I'm a Western Taoist, non-deitied, season based pagan; kitchen and greenie witchy wannabe, but if I ever get there, I won't call myself a witch.


How's that for a descriptive but poorly constructed sentence?



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I'm a Christian, non-denominational, but currently not attending anywhere because, well, it's complicated, who has at times thought it might be nice to go back to being a Catholic like I was growing up because it doesn't seem so complicated.


Me too...except the Catholic childhood thing. :seeya:

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Christian. And I hate that it's become a word which possibly denotes so much negativity. I believe God; I believe what He said about Himself in the Bible.


I'm too liberal to fit in anywhere within a 1,000 yard radius of my Independent Fundamental Baptist upbringing, yet I've discovered that some basal elements still form my thinking & questions. I've recently considered learning more about Catholicism & almost went to Mass w/ a friend. Still might. I attend a non-denominational-yet-adhering-strictly-to-the-Bible church where many folks' answers to this question would differ widely within the religion of Christianity.

Edited by Annabel Lee
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I'm not sure what you mean by "supernatural beliefs". Do you mean ghosts, seances, etc.?

I'm a Baha'i and that's not really what we're about - that is, our focus is not on things like that.

We believe that all religions are one. They come from one God, so they are one. They come at different times. Our basic beliefs are, in a nutshell:

1. The Oneness of God - there is one God

2. The Oneness of Religion - all religions are one (again, if there is one God, to us, it makes sense that religions are one. They come at different times) - Rainn Wilson says it well here.

3. The Oneness of Mankind - regardless of nationality, class, gender, etc.

Again, not sure what you mean by supernatural beliefs.

I love the quiz here. :)

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