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POLL: Okay, time to get down and dirty. Mac or PC?

Mac or PC?  

  1. 1. Mac or PC?

    • I am married to Mac. Once you go Mac, you never go back.
    • I am (or wish to be) pregnant with PC's baby.
    • I have a PC but want to get a Mac.
    • I have a Mac but I want to get a PC.
    • I have both and I don't really have a preference.

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Happy Mac family here. I bought my first Mac as a freshman in college under the advice of my graphic designer boyfriend. That Mac went on to be a great source of freelance income in our early married days. Now, several Macs and Macbooks later, we are still very happy customers. (How's that for a theme for a ballad?)

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Macs all around here.


They are the best computers for creative endeavors like video making, photos, art and the like. My dh is a professional artist, and his studio uses Macs for all the work that gets done before printing.


They are safe from all those viruses.


Their operating system uses so much less space than Vista.


They are expensive, but long lasting -- no "blue screens of death".


Now my younger son, who is interested in gaming, would like to have a PC as there is so much more available for PCs. I'm striking it up to those rebellious teenage years...

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I was raised on Macs, and they are my philosophical choice.


However, DH is a staunch PC guy, and since I have to use PCs for my telecommuting work . . . I don't think I have much chance of convincing him we should have two different operating systems at home.:tongue_smilie:


(I have to say, PCs have come a long way. I haven't seen a blue screen of death in a long, long time. And Macs aren't without their quirks--like the fact that you can get an error message like "You really screwed up. Your computer will self destruct in 5 seconds" and the only button you can push is labeled OK. No, it's not OK!)

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And you can post why if you want to also... (If I know my fellow Mac people, we could be in for some mushy :001_wub: love ballads...) :tongue_smilie: I'm sure you can tell where my allegiance lies. blinkyapple.gif


Having a Mac attack as we speak :)

We own 4 laptops, one desktop and a Mac :thumbup: Nobody wants to use the PCs anymore b/c the Mac is intuitive, fast, and easy. Once you go Mac, you never go back! (Can't wait to eventually replace others with MacBooks)

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My first computer use was on an Apple back in 1990. I avoided DOS like the plague. Finally, when Microsoft went to a graphic desktop, I thought, "Well, this isn't so bad."


However, I am a Mac user and always will be. I hate that I have to use the Windows OS for work, though.


For the person who mentioned the price - Apple has refurbished computers for decent prices on their website. They come with a 1-year warranty, but you can purchase up to 3 years if you want. For regular home use, an iMac is all you need.

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First computer was a Mac LCIII I believe, way back when. Got a pc in 2001 in order to play kids stuff since the Macs then did not then. Hated it from the get go. Dh uses Mac at work. So we got an IMac a couple of year ago. Then I got a MacBook for Christmas. Oh boy, no more pcs here. We still have the pc since it runs some kids games and such. But we will not buy anything for it nor replace it with a pc when it dies.

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For the person who mentioned the price - Apple has refurbished computers for decent prices on their website. They come with a 1-year warranty, but you can purchase up to 3 years if you want. For regular home use, an iMac is all you need.


Decent Price and Affordable are two different things. A refurbished laptop (something my husband NEEDs) from Dell is as low as $500 ($800 for 3yr warrenty)...the same in a MAC is over $1500 (before 3yr warranty). We need the warranty as this computer has to get him through 4yrs of school as we won't be able to buy another in that time. I haven't compared the prices on home desktops, but I'm sure the pricing difference would be about the same. Right now, he needs a laptop and I need to replace my desktop. So we'll be sticking with PC till hubby gets his degree.


Another issue, if I were to be looking for myself, is that I would want HST to work on it...at the moment, I don't believe HST is compatible with MAC.


This thread makes me look forward to the day though ;)

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I had the privilege of using the very first Macintosh that came out. I even had the (first) t-shirt. (I wore it til it literally DIED.)


I have the first two issues of Mac World. (Is that still published? And is it one word -- "MacWorld"?) Anyway, they are in pristine condition if anyone wants to make me an offer.


But alas, I am married to a PC man. Though he doesn't, thank heaven, look anything like the PC guy in the commercial.

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I.... I.... cheated. I was a Mac gal, but I married a PC guy and...eventually... left my Mac for his PC. We've been PC ever since, but NOW *he* wants a Mac, and our next purchase will be a Mac.


Isn't Justin Long adorable? I read somewhere that he was dating Drew Barrymore. This has nothing to do with anything, so I'll shut up now.

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Another issue, if I were to be looking for myself, is that I would want HST to work on it...at the moment, I don't believe HST is compatible with MAC.



Well the newer Macs have Intel and can run dual operating systems, so you could install a version of Windows (though Vista sounds awful from what I've heard) and then run your Windows-based apps. There is also a Virtual Windows program that runs on Mac OS that will run Windows apps. if necessary. Though I'm sure all that sounds like a lot of extra fuss unless you *really* *really* want a Mac.

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When I met DH (back in 1990), he had an Amiga. Anybody remember those? When he finally gave up on it, we got a Mac.


When we absolutely had to have a PC to run stamps.com software for our business, DH got an old one from work for free. :) When that one died, we loaded Parallels and Windows on our iMac.


I love, love, love the Mac.

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I grew up on Apples, dh on PCs. There was a time when we had several of each, as dh needed PCs for playing online games. But now he & the kids play World of Warcraft (which runs on both) so we replaced all the PCs w/ Macs...and are living happily every after.


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I could write a song - a ballad - about my love of Apple products.


Since I dabble in graphic design, take a billion pictures and I'm a web moderator - there is nothing as intuitive and easy as Mac. It also runs well with my Adobe suites. It can store a whole lot, love the time machine (well, I love the concept of it. never had to use it! ;) ). On my lap right now is a MacBook Pro. It's sweeeeet.


Incidently... I also use the iphone. Best invention this millenium. Hands down. It's the birthday gift I never knew I always wanted. I can access a phone book, calendar, phone, GPS, directions to anywhere, traffic conditions, the internet, my email, my work (I work online), listen to my music, see my voicemail and skip around to listen to some before others, take and store decent photos, watch you tube, check stocks, set an alarm, see the 7 day weather forecast, and write myself a shopping list or reminders. When hubby bought it for me, I thought it was one of those 'really for him' gifts. But I love it. It is a smart machine. Too bad it's only AT&T but the machine is so useful, I'm willing to tolerate AT&T (until Apple opens it up to other providers and I'm jumpin' ship!).


I am a bonafide walking Apple commercial. ;)

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I could write a song - a ballad - about my love of Apple products.


Since I dabble in graphic design, take a billion pictures and I'm a web moderator - there is nothing as intuitive and easy as Mac. It also runs well with my Adobe suites. It can store a whole lot, love the time machine (well, I love the concept of it. never had to use it! ;) ). On my lap right now is a MacBook Pro. It's sweeeeet.


Incidently... I also use the iphone. Best invention this millenium. Hands down. It's the birthday gift I never knew I always wanted. I can access a phone book, calendar, phone, GPS, directions to anywhere, traffic conditions, the internet, my email, my work (I work online), listen to my music, see my voicemail and skip around to listen to some before others, take and store decent photos, watch you tube, check stocks, set an alarm, see the 7 day weather forecast, and write myself a shopping list or reminders. When hubby bought it for me, I thought it was one of those 'really for him' gifts. But I love it. It is a smart machine. Too bad it's only AT&T but the machine is so useful, I'm willing to tolerate AT&T (until Apple opens it up to other providers and I'm jumpin' ship!).


I am a bonafide walking Apple commercial. ;)


I will NOT show dh this post! He needs no more kindling for his iPhone fire! :lol:

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I could write a song - a ballad - about my love of Apple products.


Since I dabble in graphic design, take a billion pictures and I'm a web moderator - there is nothing as intuitive and easy as Mac. It also runs well with my Adobe suites. It can store a whole lot, love the time machine (well, I love the concept of it. never had to use it! ;) ). On my lap right now is a MacBook Pro. It's sweeeeet.


Incidently... I also use the iphone. Best invention this millenium. Hands down. It's the birthday gift I never knew I always wanted. I can access a phone book, calendar, phone, GPS, directions to anywhere, traffic conditions, the internet, my email, my work (I work online), listen to my music, see my voicemail and skip around to listen to some before others, take and store decent photos, watch you tube, check stocks, set an alarm, see the 7 day weather forecast, and write myself a shopping list or reminders. When hubby bought it for me, I thought it was one of those 'really for him' gifts. But I love it. It is a smart machine. Too bad it's only AT&T but the machine is so useful, I'm willing to tolerate AT&T (until Apple opens it up to other providers and I'm jumpin' ship!).


I am a bonafide walking Apple commercial. ;)


Dh seriously loves his iPhone too. We recently had to entertain our 4 year old while her older siblings were preparing for a concert (had to be there an hour early) and he had downloaded 4 Backyardigans episodes onto the iPhone, talk about a brilliant (and compact!) lifesaver. :D That and having a mapping device with him, the man NEEDS directions on hand at all times.



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We resisted getting a Mac, even though we knew how much better they are, for a long time due to the expense. But when you've had not one but count 'em TWO machines totally trashed by viruses because of your crappy windows system and internet explorer, you finally come to realize that PC ownership is too expensive to be worthwhile.


And now . . . wow, an operating system that actually makes sense and is so easy to use, a machine that doesn't freeze up and have to be rebooted every ten minutes. It's glorious! We'll never go back.


Incidentally, love my iPod too.

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Actually, I can go either way, but my DH has decreed that our children aren't allowed to say the M word at our house. He won't even get an ipod. Those allegiences (sp?) run deep.


I had to read again, I assumed the M word was microsoft! :eek:


I've never heard an allegiance to MS before! You're not married to Ballmer, are you? :lol:



PS. Mac all the way here!

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I'm a Microsoft gal through and through.

I live in their back yard, and I get service from them that I couldn't dream of getting from Apple.

They take our input seriously regarding the software we use for photo management, and when I have questions or need tech help, it hasn't been unusual for someone on the development team to come over on his lunch hour to help me.

I've never had any issues with my PCs either. No stalling or crashing or any of that business.


And yet, I want one of these.

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Decent Price and Affordable are two different things. A refurbished laptop (something my husband NEEDs) from Dell is as low as $500 ($800 for 3yr warrenty)...the same in a MAC is over $1500 (before 3yr warranty). We need the warranty as this computer has to get him through 4yrs of school as we won't be able to buy another in that time. I haven't compared the prices on home desktops, but I'm sure the pricing difference would be about the same. Right now, he needs a laptop and I need to replace my desktop.


I got my iMac for just under $900, including the shipping. The laptops are a bit pricey, I'll give you that. However, it's got a dual processing chip, so when it says its a 2GHz, it actually runs at roughly 3.75GHz. I am able to run both Mac OS and Windows XP. I use OSXs own Bootcamp, so I didn't have to purchase Parallels or VM Fusion. Apple not only offers a homeschool discount (which at the time I forgot to use!!!), but on their website they have links to tons of educational freeware and shareware to download. They also tend to not need to be upgraded nearly as often.


Some will say that they don't get viruses, but he truth is, sometimes they do - it's just not often, because the virus makers don't bother wasting their time making OSX viruses (or so I've heard!). However, there are some really simple steps that you can take to protect your computer.


About Macworld: I'm looking at the June 2008 copy right now. There's a great article on how to choose the Mac that's right for you.



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I married a Mac guy, or should I say Apple. When I married him he was still using an Apple IIc. We bought a Performa in 1995, an iMac in 2003, a G4 in 2003, a laptop for ds21 in 2006 and I got a used iBook G4 from Stacey in LA this past December. The Performa is in the garage, but all others are in use.


Thanks, Stacey! I love my iBook.


When my daughter told her friend that she plugs her digital camera into the keyboard and iPhoto automatically opens up and begins to download her photos, her PC diehard friend absolutely would not believe her until she saw it for herself, which she did the next time she visited.


Macs are for geniuses and people like me who need to be able to just push a button to make something work.

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We've had it less than two years, and it's already had to have the CD burner replaced, had corruption in the hardrive, and then had to have a whole new hardrive installed. I don't find it easier to use than a PC. And there is a lot of software I'd like to have, but doesn't run on the Mac.

Michelle T

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We've had it less than two years, and it's already had to have the CD burner replaced, had corruption in the hardrive, and then had to have a whole new hardrive installed. I don't find it easier to use than a PC. And there is a lot of software I'd like to have, but doesn't run on the Mac.

Michelle T


Truth be told, my iBook G4 (2004) was a total lemon so I understand your frustration! We had so many problems with it I was about to light my hair on fire. (Not that that would have done any good but it's fun to say.) But they were really great about it (we had Apple Care) and they replaced my whole computer after I had three major problems with it. The replacement unit has worked flawlessly. And my iMac (desktop) is wonderful and has had no problems as well.


I guess I'm really die hard, cuz even having the one lemon didn't sour me at all! :tongue_smilie:

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I didn't vote...


I have a PC. I love the idea of a Mac, especially when it comes to bugs and viruses, etc. My biggest hesitation is software that won't work on a Mac. (I have a lot of OLD software, and we USE it!!)


As the software issue slowly disappears in the stores... and as my computer zonks out on me almost weekly now... I may convert. ;)


(Well. Not that I really need to convert. We used Macs in school and it took me a long time to get used to a PC. It'd take more getting used to going back, but I think it'd be worth it. OpenOffice even works with Macs, right? Puh.)

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I can't stand Macs. DH and I have been in various tech support fields forever and have never liked Apple since the getgo. I grew up on Commodores (I had an Amiga in college! LOL) and my high school had shiny new Macintoshes, so I learned to use those... but once I met my first PC that was IT! The kicker for me is that I just HAVE to be able to right-click. Everything has properties and I want to get to them NOW.


That said, we have three computers in the house and none of them have Vista and if we can help it they never will.

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I can't stand Macs. DH and I have been in various tech support fields forever and have never liked Apple since the getgo. I grew up on Commodores (I had an Amiga in college! LOL) and my high school had shiny new Macintoshes, so I learned to use those... but once I met my first PC that was IT! The kicker for me is that I just HAVE to be able to right-click. Everything has properties and I want to get to them NOW.


That said, we have three computers in the house and none of them have Vista and if we can help it they never will.


Mac's have right click now... it's been out for a few years. But I guess that point is moot if you can't stand macs :lol:

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Mac's have right click now... it's been out for a few years. But I guess that point is moot if you can't stand macs :lol:

You know as soon as I hit "submit" I thought... "I bet Macs have added right click since I last used one... uh oh..." LOL!!


I'll have to come up with another reason now ;)

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