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What is the dumbest thing that someone has told you and you believered

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The thing about these new boards is that these posts are here much, much longer.


Oh, well. My bio dad told me that the big water tower in town (it wasn't a normal-shaped one, it was odd, in my defense) was a spaceship. There was an elaborate story about how it'd been damaged and the aliens had to leave it there to flee the FBI (this was pre-ET, btw) .... I believed him well beyond an age that I should have.


Fast forward twenty or so years and my toddler son asked what the big water tower behind the mall (not the same tower - we're in a different state) was. Before I knew what I was saying, out popped "Oh, that's the spaceship."


It's a sad cycle. Maybe my son will be stronger, and my grandchildren won't suffer.

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Guilibility...is that even a word? Oh well. Here goes.


When I was in college (early years), this guy I was dating got this girl to call me in my dorm room and say she was an RA and I needed to bring my matress down to the lobby for a mattress check. So I stripped my bedding and hauled this mattress down many flights of stairs. By the time I got it down to the lobby and I didn't see anyone else down there with their mattress, I knew it was a big trick! My roomates were even helping me take it down. I don't know how they kept a straight face. Boy did I feel stupid! I'd like to think I'm not that guilible anymore. :glare:

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When I was in 7th grade we moved to Odessa, TX and my dad told me the snow was blue in TX. First of all, it is a rare occurence for snow to fall in TX, but that year it did. And guess what I went out to see that my dad was pulling my leg. I was all excited about blue snow. :glare:

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They told me that Mountain Dew was clear if it was in a glass with pictures on it. They told me that so they could give me Sprite and tell me it was Mountain Dew.


I believed it for a LONG time. I was in school before it dawned on me that it wasn't true.


Also when I was younger, I always wanted to buy Jiffy Pop popcorn. My mother told me it didn't work on our stove (my mother swears that she just meant she always burnt it. Whatever).


ANYWAY, I was talking with some friends in college and Jiffy Pop popcorn came up. I told everyone I always wanted to get some but since we had an electric stove it wouldn't work. It took me a long time to live that one down.

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Guilibility...is that even a word? Oh well. Here goes.


When I was in college (early years), this guy I was dating got this girl to call me in my dorm room and say she was an RA and I needed to bring my matress down to the lobby for a mattress check. So I stripped my bedding and hauled this mattress down many flights of stairs. By the time I got it down to the lobby and I didn't see anyone else down there with their mattress, I knew it was a big trick! My roomates were even helping me take it down. I don't know how they kept a straight face. Boy did I feel stupid! I'd like to think I'm not that guilible anymore. :glare:


That is hilarious!! I would have done the same thing.;)

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In college, after passing a house that was painted bright pink, asking a friend (intended to be rhetorical) "Why would you paint your house pink?" He told me people in Texas do it all the time to keep tornadoes away. I asked (why, why oh why did I even ask) how does that work. He gave me some very technical-sounding story that involved color rays bending during storms and pink, because of where it is in the prism, bends rays further and therefore keeps....blah, blah, blah. I believed it. I did. And, I even told other people.


I am hanging my head in shame.


Oh, this is too funny! See, when people give you looong reasons about why something can be true it plants that seed of belief, right? At least, that's what I tell myself to make me feel better.;)

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OK, the jiffy popcorn reminded me of some other people's funny things!


We were at a homeschool campout and some kids were making jiffy popcorn over a fire. One of my closest friends turned to us and asked "Are they cooking pies over there?" She had NEVER even heard of jiffy pop!


Same friend was telling her teens about not having a microwave when she was growing up, you know, they just didn't exist back then. Her kids looked at her in horror and said "You mean you never had popcorn growing up?"


Thought these would make you all chuckle.


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Same friend was telling her teens about not having a microwave when she was growing up, you know, they just didn't exist back then. Her kids looked at her in horror and said "You mean you never had popcorn growing up?"


Thought these would make you all chuckle.



That really made me :lol:

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I have three silly things that I believed for way longer than I should have!:


1. I thought "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" was actually about a mommy kissing the real Santa Claus (in whom I firmly believed until age 9!), and keeping it a secret from daddy. I thought it was an awful song. I was in high school at least before I realized that it was supposed to actually be the daddy dressed as Santa Claus.


2. When I was 4, I believed that I saw a baby octopus in the wood shavings around our front porch. I told lots of people that I saw it-- and I still remember seeing it. It was mid-elementary school before I realized that must have been a dream!


and 3, at the risk of sounding truly crazy, another dream that I had when i was very young, that thought actually happened....I believed until I was about 9 years old that I saw a huge life-sized Mr. Potato Head man come in our back door, and put presents on our kitchen table. I clapped my hands when I saw the Digger Dog he put there, but then he saw me, and took all the presents away! I was so sad, and felt guilty about that for years! I was relieved when I finally realized when I was about 8 or 9 that that couldn't have really happened! I can still see it as though it were just yesterday, though. LOL



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and 3, at the risk of sounding truly crazy, another dream that I had when i was very young, that thought actually happened....I believed until I was about 7 years old that I saw a huge life-sized Mr. Potato Head man come in our back door, and put presents on our kitchen table. I clapped my hands when I saw the Digger Dog he put there, but then he saw me, and took all the presents away! I was so sad, and felt guilty about that for years! I was relieved when I finally realized when I was about 8 or 9 that that couldn't have really happened!




Hahahahaha!! HA! That is SOOO funny!


Veering wildly OT: Erica, how is it possible you only have 26 posts?

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We were visiting my aunt and uncle. They had a springer spaniel pup who was usually very playful, but on this particular visit they told me I couldn't play with her because she had just had an operation ...and instead of saying that she'd been spayed, they told me that she had her tonsils taken out! The worst part is that I remember going around telling people about how my aunt and uncle's dog had to have her tonsils taken out.

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Veering wildly OT: Erica, how is it possible you only have 26 posts?


LOL, well, I'm gradually getting sucked back in, that's how! I used the board switch as a chance to regroup and refocus my priorities, and I tried going cold turkey on the new boards. But, I've really missed it, and I'm testing the waters to see if I can manage to post in moderation this time. I am really trying not to go overboard!!!



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#1 My mom told me that eating crust gives you curly hair. I had really nice long blond hair and I always wanted curls. I ate crusts for years until I forgot about about the curly hair, but then I liked the crusts. I think I was in my teens when I realized I didn't have curly hair after all those crusts, but my mom didn't have to cut the crust off anymore. I tried to tell my Kate and Bianca the same tale cuz I am tired of cutting off the crusts, but they didn't buy it. Not even after I said, "U huh, ask Gramma. She'll tell you." I am glad they are not as gullible as I am.


#2 I always had headaches growing up. I am tall. Even though I had mostly sisters, Dad put in a basketball court. Dad told me basketball cures headaches. He got a lot of games out me and I couldn't figure out why those stupid headaches would not go away. I was in my 30's when I realized Dad needed someone to play with.

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That marshmallows grow on trees/bushes.


There was a commercial when I was a kid that showed that. I remember seeing it at my friend's house. We kept pestering her dad about it (he was watching tv w/ us) -- whether it was true or not. He just laughed at us, but never answered us. So, we looked it up in their set of encyclopedias.


Did you know there is actually a plant known as a marsh mallow plant? And, that parts of it are used for food/are edible? That's what really threw us for a loop. We were confused & unsure for quite awhile. LOL.


Guess I'm older & wiser now. (At least I hope so.)

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You know how everyone says it takes 10 years (or something like that) to digest gum if you swallow it? I used to think that wad of gum in my stomach was just growing and growing with each piece I swallowed. So I stopped swallowing my gum. I think I was in high school before I realized the gum doesn't actually stay there slowly getting digested. Duh!



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Just after we were married, dh was hanging a mirror for me. After he had drilled the hole, I decided that it needed to be just 5 cm (2 inches) lower. He convinced me that drilling that lower hole would damage the brick and thereby the structural integrity of the wall!! He had such a long explanation about tensile strengths and and and....that although I was skeptical, I believed him!! Must have been young love...

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When my now dh and I were first going out, I was a young thing (22 or so) and he was 35. He told me he knew how to cut hair, no worries, plenty of experience.

So, I let him at my blonde curls. Wow did he cop it when he told me after he started that I was the first! I made him stop right there, lop sided, and take me to a hairdresser.

He is wicked like that. :001_smile:

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Just as you certainly understand that many, if not most of the posters here do believe.


So it is okay to step on the beliefs of other, or non beliefs, since we are in the minority? So he has to shut up because he is a non believer? You could have ignored him or politely disagreed but instead you berated him. I am tired of being put into a second class status because I am not an evangelical christian.

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So it is okay to step on the beliefs of other, or non beliefs, since we are in the minority? So he has to shut up because he is a non believer? You could have ignored him or politely disagreed but instead you berated him. I am tired of being put into a second class status because I am not an evangelical christian.


I think, if I may speak for her, that the point had nothing to do with religion. The point seemed to be that this was intending to be a light and funny thread and that particular post took it in a direction that was unnecessary, regardless of the content. Maybe she did mean that, but I took it to mean that it was simply too heavy a topic for a silly thread. Maybe the words could have come out differently in order to properly say it in that way.


I am sorry you feel put in a second class. That is not the way we should treat each other at all regardless of our belief system. Things often do not come out the way the person intended them to in writing. The tones, the inflections, the facial expressions which help us in person just aren't there. It is very easy to take things differently than the writer intended. I do this all the time. Sometimes more is needed to properly explain.


Sorry for the hi-jack here. I just don't think the words came out like intended. I don't think it was really about religion at all. Just about too heavy for a fun place.

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So it is okay to step on the beliefs of other, or non beliefs, since we are in the minority? So he has to shut up because he is a non believer? You could have ignored him or politely disagreed but instead you berated him. I am tired of being put into a second class status because I am not an evangelical christian.


Hmm, well, this really doesn't have much to do with believer or non-believer. Putting religion (or lack thereof) into a light-hearted thread wasn't really sporting, no matter which side of the aisle (so to speak) you fall on. Those issues are outside a testable realm, not like, say, that watermelon seeds won't actually grow inside your stomach should you swallow them.


It's a matter of pointing out what a thread intends. Phred does post to poke back sometimes. I suspect he was poking back at the tongues post. I know why he did it, but it doesn't make the stick less sharp. (No offense intended, Phred.) And you might be very surprised that in thinking Crissy -- CRISSY -- is resigning you (or Phred) to second-class status for not being evangelical Christian, you'd be barking up the wrong tree. You might even be in the wrong forest.

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When I was about 18-19, a guy at work was telling me how important it was to change the air in my tires. A few days later my boyfriend (now Dh) who was stationed at a base a few hours away, came home on his day off. When I asked him to go with me to have the air in my tires changed, he looked at me like I had two heads :lol:, then gently informed me the other guy was playing a joke on me. I felt like an idiot...but I was SO glad, it was David who knew how gullible I was...and NOT a whole garage full of men! From that day forward, he has taken care of our cars...so I don't have to :D

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When I was about 18-19, a guy at work was telling me how important it was to change the air in my tires. A few days later my boyfriend (now Dh) who was stationed at a base a few hours away, came home on his day off. When I asked him to go with me to have the air in my tires changed, he looked at me like I had two heads :lol:, then gently informed me the other guy was playing a joke on me. I felt like an idiot...but I was SO glad, it was David who knew how gullible I was...and NOT a whole garage full of men! From that day forward, he has taken care of our cars...so I don't have to :D


LOL! My dad told us we needed to put summer air in our tires!

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When I was about 18-19, a guy at work was telling me how important it was to change the air in my tires. A few days later my boyfriend (now Dh) who was stationed at a base a few hours away, came home on his day off. When I asked him to go with me to have the air in my tires changed, he looked at me like I had two heads :lol:, then gently informed me the other guy was playing a joke on me. I felt like an idiot...but I was SO glad, it was David who knew how gullible I was...and NOT a whole garage full of men! From that day forward, he has taken care of our cars...so I don't have to :D


The things that we will believe!:lol:

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OK, I have to admit to two big whoppers I fell for, hook, line and sinker:


1. In high school, I worked at a grocery store that offered carry-out service. (Dillon's -- in Kansas, for those of you in that region). I started as a carry-out.


I was on the job for about a month, when we got our first big snowfall. The night manager told me to go in the back and get the skis for the grocery carts, so we could push them on the snow! I went and looked and looked, and asked the produce manager, and the deli manager, and everyone in the back where the skis were.


I don't know how they kept a straight face, as they sent me from one department to another... :blushing: boy did I feel dumb later!



2. In college, I worked with a guy who loved to tell stories of his escapades growing up on a farm. One day he told me how he & his buddies would make cars "fly." They would roll down all the windows, and have someone sitting at each window with their arms out, then drive REALLY FAST down the country dirt roads... if they angled their arms just right and hit just the right speed, they could achieve lift off for a few miles!


I totally and completely believed him, and told my BF (now DH) and dad about it later. They just laughed and laughed... 22+ years later, my DH still teases me about that!!

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The first time I rode in a car that had windshield wipers with an "intermittent" setting, my best friend told me that the windshield actually sensed how wet it was, and when there was enough water it would send the wiper across to wipe it off.


(Yes, I am old, and my family was poor and drove old cars, so I actually remember having cars without intermittent wipers.)

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Thanks, Mom! Well, it kept me away from the train tracks, right?!


In college, I was driving down the road with my roommate. We saw a uhaul with the states on it. This one was from Hawaii. She said, "Hmmm, I wonder how that got here?!" Smile. Smirk. Devil horns sprouting.


I said, "On the pontoon bridge, of course." She bought it. For a long time. I finally told her the truth when she mentioned a couple days later that we should all go on a road trip to Hawaii! :lol:

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Well, I was a born skeptic with a rarely-serious father, so I can't think of a single silly thing I actually believed! Though my mom says that when I was 3-4, I used to come to her constantly after talking to my dad and verify whether he was telling me the truth, even about real things! She had a talk with him because she was worried that I would grow up not knowing when to trust him!


Here are a few from my friends/family!


1. My 12-year-old friend Rachel had been told by her aunt that if you swallowed your gum, it made your butt crack stick together and you would have problems using the restroom. She seriously believed this, despite my efforts to persuade her otherwise!


2. When my mom was 10, she stayed in her first hotel while on a trip to Disneyland with her aunt and uncle. Uncle Richard told her that it was her job to make all the beds in the two rooms. My mom did this without questioning until her aunt took pity on her the 3rd day and blew the joke.


3. When I was 4, my dad TRIED to get me to believe that our garage door was named George, and the only way it would open as we arrived home was to ask, "George, please let us in." I didn't believe him, but he kept trying to convince me until I caught him pushing the remote button!

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Oh wait, I do remember one thing. No one actually told me this--I thought I "figured it out" myself!


When I was 6, I told my 4 year old sister that she would not be able to breastfeed her babies because her nipples were pushed in and the milk wouldn't be able to come out the middle like it needed to. When my sister asked my mom and she explained how it worked in more detail, I said, "I know" was so embarrassed that I denied having said that at all.

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I was a very gullible small child because I was very trusting, but quickly became skeptical as my family loved to get a rise out of me (I am intense, but the plus side is that it's hard to get a rise out of me now.) However, I do have one account when I was over fifth grade.


When I first met dh he seemed very earnest and very serious. I had never heard him crack a joke. Everyone told me he was very shy (they really believed it, fwiw). I knew a number of things about him by the time he asked me if I'd ever been married before (we were over 30). After I answered, I asked him, and he, deadpan, said, "Yes, three times." And for half a second, I actually believed him!


Dh is neither shy nor always serious, but he is quiet and usually soft-spoken, so that's why so many thought he was shy.

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Wouldn't have but since "speaking in tongues" was added early on I figured it was appropriate.


I notice nobody thought that the "speaking in tongues...blah, blah" mention was out of place yet it was just as much so as my comment if, indeed, my comment is to be considered inappropriate.


You don't seem to understand, do ya? It's who I am. There's nothing evil or mean about it. I simply do not believe that a deity of any sort exists. I'm not looking for an argument. But why do those who think that speaking in tongues and miracles and Jesus is wonderful get to speak of it whenever and wherever they wish without fear of recrimination yet the reverse is simply not true?


Ok, I'll poke my nose in here. I did see the speaking in tongues one. Thought it was inappropriate. Saw yours, thought the same. But, I generally figure things are less likely to blow over if I say something than if I just ignore it & hope everyone else will, too.


The reverse of that, of course, is that those who either don't know or don't care when such comments might be appropriate can kind-of tend to dominate the boards, making those in other camps of belief/opinion feel alienated or harangued.


Anyway, ftr, I agree w/ you: the speaking in tongues comment was equal to yours. Both were saddening, not in the content of the statement but in the divisiveness of the manner presented. Both were insulting to those whose views are different. Intentionally? I guess I doubt it. I imagine people in this thread are primarily looking inward & can forget how things come across.


Now, to the OP: my neighbor told me that my dad was Santa Claus. I took that literally--my dad was the one. true. Santa. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that that was why they stored my bro's outgrown bassinet in their closet: it was covering the portal to the North Pole.

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I don't usually fall for tricks of others, so I can't think of a time I've been gullible.


But my own brain plays tricks on me! I've given lots of laughs to others over the years with the things I think.


One example:


The Goodwill Games were on TV. I worked for Turner Broadcasting so we had TVs all over the place, and everyone in my office was eager to watch the water polo match.


"Oh my gosh!", I said, thrilled with the idea of this. "I can't wait to see how they get the horses into the water!"


You can imagine that the whole office had a field day with that remark.

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1. My 12-year-old friend Rachel had been told by her aunt that if you swallowed your gum, it made your butt crack stick together and you would have problems using the restroom. She seriously believed this, despite my efforts to persuade her otherwise!


I think I heard that one too! Or that it stayed in your stomach forever.


Mine was the umm.. the female one - that when your monthly first comes, it's very heavy and just goes everywhere, so never wear white. Even though my mother assured me that this was not the case, I still was totally freaked until mine came. Then felt so stupid for believing it. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't usually fall for tricks of others, so I can't think of a time I've been gullible.


But my own brain plays tricks on me! I've given lots of laughs to others over the years with the things I think.


One example:


The Goodwill Games were on TV. I worked for Turner Broadcasting so we had TVs all over the place, and everyone in my office was eager to watch the water polo match.


"Oh my gosh!", I said, thrilled with the idea of this. "I can't wait to see how they get the horses into the water!"


You can imagine that the whole office had a field day with that remark.


I thought the same thing about water polo! :lol:

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When I was about 4 or 5 my big brother told me that the minute you spit something into the sink, it immediately cycled back up and came out the faucet. I was very perturbed until I decided that he just couldn't be right about this (I don't think it took me too long... can't remember how I figured it out... must have asked my Dad, a plumber.) :lol:

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When I was about 5 or 6 we lived in New Mexico. We had some friends who lived off the grid and up in the mountains on a little homestead. It was the neatest place for a kid! They had girls my age and lots of animals and space to roam. I can't remember what my mom was doing, but she needed someone to watch me for about a week and I got to go out and stay with them. It was fun, but there were things I had to adjust to--like the fact that they had no indoor toilet. The toilet paper in the outhouse sat on the wood platform next to the seat and somehow I kept dropping the roll of toilet paper down the hole. Running out of toilet paper isn't such a big deal if you live in town, but they lived an hour away from the closest store. After about the fifth roll and only the second day, the dad finally said, "You know, if you drop another roll, we're going to make you go down and get it." I was terrified! I had no idea what exactly was down there, but I could picture having to crawl through a dark, stinky tunnel, wading through poo searching for the roll of toilet paper. I never dropped another roll. I doubt he knew I took him seriously!:lol:

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This wasn't me, but it's something I told someone else. I just really feel the need to share:D


Dh's cousin is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She isn't at all dingy, but is very gullible because it never occurs to her that someone could be trying to pull her leg. Once when she was over at our house we had some small snack-size bags of roasted soy nuts in a basket on the counter. Someone had given us a ton of them and we asked her if she'd like to take some home. She opened a bag and tasted them. She said they were kinda good and asked exactly what they are. I couldn't resist. She had a nice mouthful of them and I said, "Well...the soy is a tiny rodent that lives in South America." She stopped chewing and her eyes got big. "I don't understand..." (I can't believe I said this next part with a straight face.) "It's okay, they don't kill the soy. They just chop off their tiny little testicles and roast them." She spit the entire mouthful across my kitchen.:smilielol5:


I'm usually such a nice, quiet person. Rarely can I pull off telling a whopper like that. I feel too guilty. Every once in a while I just get this wild hair...

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When I was around 6 or 7, my much older siblings told me that if I swallowed an orange seed, an orange tree would grow in my stomach. This of course after I had just swallowed one. I cried and cried and they were all sympathetic about poor little Lisa with the orange tree sprouting inside of her...

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So it is okay to step on the beliefs of other, or non beliefs, since we are in the minority? So he has to shut up because he is a non believer? You could have ignored him or politely disagreed but instead you berated him. I am tired of being put into a second class status because I am not an evangelical christian.




Who stepped on another person's faith here? I think both "religious" comments were out of line in a thread like this. No one was telling Phred to shut up because he was a non-believer. Would you like me, a Christian, to mock your faith (or absence of) in a thread you started that was meant to be lighthearted and silly--or in any thread for that matter? So why is it OK for an unbeliever to mock faith, period? You want to mock faith you are free to do it on your blog, but this is a community of varied people. We ought to *all* go out of our way to make everyone feel welcome - those of all faiths or none at all.

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When it the time for those who do not believe like you do? Where is the place? This is mixed company and you got a notion what it is like for those who are not a ardent follower of christ.


. . . when the original post doesn't include the word "dumb" to describe said belief.


Phred's response called the belief that God exists "dumb," not incorrect, unpersuasive, or scientifically unnecessary. Phred's lack of belief in God is not remotely offensive or problematic, and can be raised at any time of Phred's choosing.


Phred's choice to call such belief "dumb," however, in the presence of many believers, is the problem.


I find your "you got a notion what it is like" comment unpersuasive, as I do not notice many posts on this board explicitly calling non-Christian faiths "dumb." I'm sure people find plenty to be offended by--it's quite the fashion these days--but I've never seen that.

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Who stepped on another person's faith here? I think both "religious" comments were out of line in a thread like this. No one was telling Phred to shut up because he was a non-believer. Would you like me, a Christian, to mock your faith (or absence of) in a thread you started that was meant to be lighthearted and silly--or in any thread for that matter? So why is it OK for an unbeliever to mock faith, period? You want to mock faith you are free to do it on your blog, but this is a community of varied people. We ought to *all* go out of our way to make everyone feel welcome - those of all faiths or none at all.


This thread combined witht the thread of what non christians should read makes me feel mocked. "If only I would read this one book, then I would see how right the christian faith is and how wrong I am."


I am also stinging from a post a while back when I asked for advise about my mother and specifically ask not to refer to the ten commandments. Yet a christian HAD to lecture me based on it. Yes, I feel mock on occassion.


I will let this thread die for me. I am too emotional. I probably ought to take a board break.

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This thread combined witht the thread of what non christians should read makes me feel mocked. "If only I would read this one book, then I would see how right the christian faith is and how wrong I am."


I am also stinging from a post a while back when I asked for advise about my mother and specifically ask not to refer to the ten commandments. Yet a christian HAD to lecture me based on it. Yes, I feel mock on occassion.


I will let this thread die for me. I am too emotional. I probably ought to take a board break.


I'm sorry you felt that way, Melissa. The thread about what Christians would like non-Christians to read went both ways, though. Surely you didn't miss that part. ?? I really don't understand. (And I'm sorry about that, because sometimes there's nothing worse than not being understood.) Why didn't you post a book that you would like Christians to read so that they would more nearly understand a secular position? That's what Stacy was looking for -- for both sides to contribute and to have greater understanding.


How do you know who is Christian here and who isn't? I often throw out what I feel are wise words from the Christian bible as "advice" or whatever, but I'm not Christian. And I figure some people really just don't fully read or fully understand all that I post. And they answer accordingly. And some, sure, try to convert me and tell me that if I'll just seek hard enough or read the right book or scripture, I'll surely find God. ("If you see Me, you will find Me, if you search for Me with all your heart.") And I say to myself, um, ok. Sometimes I'll reply, but usually I just smile and move on. People mean well, I figure. And if they don't, well, that's not my issue and shouldn't raise my blood pressure.


Board breaks are great if you need them. I'd be sorry to have one less voice from a non-religious perspective around here, though.

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