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I am addicted to...

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Mountain Dew.


It was (and still is) much harder to give up the Dew than to quit smoking.


Parrot, ask any of my family what I am addicted to they would say Mountain Dew (and anything chocolate.)


I have tried for years to stop drinking MD without success. My husband kept trying to tell me that Sprite was better and also better for you (if you can say that about any soda :001_smile:)


Then the beginning of this year I decided that I would try to go a year without any MD. I couldn't believe how hard it was to quit. I had always jokingly said I was addicted to the stuff, but I had never realized that I actually was.


I have managed to be faithful to the "No MD for a year" but I think I replaced my MD addiction with a Sprite addiction. :D

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MY addictions change all the time. This week it is 'Red, White and Blueberry' bread from a local bakery and ice tea. I have eaten 1/2 a loaf in 2 days. At 160 calories in 2 oz that is a ridiculous amout of calories. The loaf was 26 ounces.


Last week it was cold chicken and rice with mango chutney.



I have very few long term addictions

I would have a hard time going to Trader Joe's and not buying the small chocolate chip cookies though. :D As I sit here, (bread in hand LOL) they don't sound good to me at all.


One food I cannot leave alone if it is in the house is Cheddar Pringles. I only buy them for a rare treat because I will keep eating and eating until they are gone. I don't even think I really like them anymore and I will eat them...I guess that is the sign of the true addict. I get my fix once a year and then I am good for a while.

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We're not allowed to have Red Vines in the house.


Funny you should mention this. Red Vines were my favorite candy when I was in high school. Haven't had them in a long time. The other day I just had. to. have. them. And wouldn't you know--Kroger had them on sale *and* I had a coupon. So I got a one pound bag for $1. They're almost gone! And I've only shared them with dd who only eats about 2 per day. :blush:


ETA: I'm also addicted to coffee. I'm sitting here now enjoying coffee and Red Vines. :D

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Parrot, ask any of my family what I am addicted to they would say Mountain Dew (and anything chocolate.)


I have tried for years to stop drinking MD without success. My husband kept trying to tell me that Sprite was better and also better for you (if you can say that about any soda :001_smile:)


Then the beginning of this year I decided that I would try to go a year without any MD. I couldn't believe how hard it was to quit. I had always jokingly said I was addicted to the stuff, but I had never realized that I actually was.


I have managed to be faithful to the "No MD for a year" but I think I replaced my MD addiction with a Sprite addiction. :D

It is hard. I smoked for 20+ years. Walked away from it with absolutely no cravings after two weeks on Chantix. A year later I stopped drinking the dew. It calls to me every single day from the grocery store. It has been six months and I still have problems with wanting it.


I've replaced it with many varieties of black tea, but it isn't the same.

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Lindt dark chocolate. Or any dark chocolate. And if that fails, any chocolate. I guiltily admit to eating the rest of a pkt of white cooking chocolate pieces which I am not sure had any chocolate in them at all, but they were close enough for me at one point.

Ever since the cold weather hit here, I have been chocolate obsessed, and I am normally quite reasonable and sugar free :)


Dh keeps it in the safe. I literally have to beg him to unlock the safe and get me out a portion at a time.

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Mountain Dew.


It was (and still is) much harder to give up the Dew than to quit smoking.


I have tried so hard to give it up and I just can't. Since I don't have any other addictions, I figure I am allowed one vice. :)


As a side note, are you a jimmy buffet fan?

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