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Totally frivolous poll: What do you think about the slang word "anyhoo"?

What do you think about the slang word "anyhoo"?  

  1. 1. What do you think about the slang word "anyhoo"?

    • Love it! I say it all the time.
    • I donâ??t say it, but I think itâ??s cute when others do.
    • Donâ??t really notice it when others say it and/or it doesnâ??t bother me.
    • It grates on my nerves! Please, please stop saying it!

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I love it with the kid from My Wife and Kids says it... great comic timing!


And I have to confess I love tweaking with some folks whom I know are a bit uptight... and use it to mess with their heads. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;)

See, I knew you were doing it to just mess with me. Not cool.











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However, it must be spelled with a "w" (anywho, people, anywho). Absolutely. Must. Be.




:iagree:spelling definitely matters :lol:


Plus, I'm guilty of this obviously very annoying habit - though only in email - so please forgive me and beemerciful :D


Much more irritating to me are words like ginormous, fantabulous, freakin', substantialicious (actually saw this one on a Snicker Bar wrapper today!) - you know basically any created combo-word or curse word substitute that sounds well...stupidonkulous :lol:


Anywho...off to bed :smilielol5:

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I have heard of the word but have never heard anyone actually say it, but didn't think it would bother me and answered the poll that way. Within an hour of answering the poll a cousin called and when there was a lull in the conversation she used that word. I almost starting laughing but she wouldn't have understood so I bit down hard on my tongue. She kind of drug it out to fill the space - so, annnyyhoooo...yeh, that's my story anyway.

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For some reason, I cannot use slang. It just does not roll off of my tongue. You will never hear me say "You go girl", "My bad", or "That's sick". (sick meaning cool, of course)


I'm not bothered when someone says "You go girl", I find it sort of cute, but the 2 others, especially "sick" drive me crazy!

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:iagree:spelling definitely matters


Plus, I'm guilty of this obviously very annoying habit - though only in email - so please forgive me and beemerciful


Much more irritating to me are words like ginormous, fantabulous, freakin', substantialicious (actually saw this one on a Snicker Bar wrapper today!) - you know basically any created combo-word or curse word substitute that sounds well...stupidonkulous


Anywho...off to bed :smilielol5:



:lol::lol::iagree: Ugh, I hate made up words like that. Or mangled words....funny you should mention ginormous because that's my ds8 favorite word. The other day I called him on it and he insisted it was a real word. He was quite shocked to find out it wasn't. :D


To the OP......never heard of "anywho" before, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention :001_huh:

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Mildly annoying, so I didn't vote. 1000 times worse for me is "hubby".... gah! I hate that word. Try avoiding THAT one on the internet. :tongue_smilie:


Ahh. Dialect differences. That's a legitimate word in Australian English. :)


I can deal with word mangling like "anyhoo" if used occasionally. If used so frequently I get to thinking the speaker thinks it is a real word, I will get annoyed. I think I even use it occasionally to show I'm being blase.



Rosie- wondering if she's the only offender who uses the "h" word on this forum...

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Rosie- wondering if she's the only offender who uses the "h" word on this forum...


I doubt you are. Just in case, I've been known to call mine hubalicious, which by the sounds of it would ruffle a few feathers and will make them all forget about you :)


I also sometimes call him manster. Half man, half monster... he's manster! Some of the noises he makes in his sleep could only come from some beast. :lol:

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I doubt you are. Just in case, I've been known to call mine hubalicious, which by the sounds of it would ruffle a few feathers and will make them all forget about you :)


I also sometimes call him manster. Half man, half monster... he's manster! Some of the noises he makes in his sleep could only come from some beast. :lol:



Urgh! That those are so bad I think I've been wiped from my own mind!





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I doubt you are. Just in case, I've been known to call mine hubalicious, which by the sounds of it would ruffle a few feathers and will make them all forget about you :)


Hubalicious! :lol: Now that is funny! And Rosie, no, you certainly are NOT the only one; I was actually shocked that a couple of people agreed with me in this thread. I thought I was the only one who it bothered! It's everywhere out there in internet land. Just a silly pet peeve of mine. I'm sure there are plenty of words I use that drive others batty. Like hubalicious. That's my new favorite... :D

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Not a fan, but only find it mildly annoying... and I'm sure I've said it myself on occasion.


I am also a non-fan of hubby, 'puter (what's with that? it takes more work then typing out computer!) and prolly (which makes me want to stomp my feet and pull out my hair).

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So uplifting it is to learn that other people hate "ginormous" and "fantabulous." You truly are my sisters.


My college roommate broke off an engagement because her fiance refused to stop saying "coinkidink" (rather than "coincidence," for those of you fortunate enough not to have heard that particular horror). There were other problems with the relationship, but she insists it ultimately came down to coinkidink.

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