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51 year old man marries 16 year old

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Okay, well... being in a very strict moral religion that remains politically neutral (not even allowed to vote or comment on, and definitely not siding with Republicans) that makes things get a little confusing for me.


I'm not with either side either. I don't know why people assume if I'm a morally strict Christian I must be Republican.


I don't get involved with politics at all. I tried at one point in my life but I couldn't get past the idea that every side seems corrupt. So my allegiance belongs only to God. He never gave me the authority to tell others what they must do. That's between Him and them. He certainly does have laws and I believe that we are all subject to them. I'm neither judge nor jury concerning those, though. Your life, your consequences.

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I'm not with either side either. I don't know why people assume if I'm a morally strict Christian I must be Republican.
Exactly. I run into this a lot.
That's fine. I think I'm not making sense. :D



Oh, you are sweet. No, I am familiar with what you said. You made sense. Hopefully we won't get into trouble for using the "R" word. ;)
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What do you think about Celine Dion? Similar situation...young singer marries her older manager.


I wonder if some of the hype is because this young girl seems so...hum, trashy? sexualized?


Celine and her husband have a 26 year age difference. He has been her manager since she was 14. His first marriage happened two years before Celine was even born. I don't know the back story, but apparently they waited until she was 18 to "date" and got married after she was an adult.


My gut reaction is that this young girl is spoiled and has gotten everything she has wanted, ever, probably even a pony. :lol:

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I think that the problem with this is that there is a lot of assuming going on. When someone does hold conservative views, it is automatically assumed by everyone else that they wish the law to reflect those views, and/or that they are prejudice or bigoted against people who don't hold those same views. In some cases that is true, in some it is not.


In addition, as lionfamily pointed out, there have been cases of people saying that it is child abuse to raise your children with your own morally conservative values, or perhaps a bit milder, that the children at least need to have the liberal values taught to them.

Exactly. What this family has done is so incredibly pc. I mean, they are the epitome of what parents are supposed to be in today's society. If they have any values/morals/religious beliefs they definitely didn't let those interefere in the raising of their daughter. Then, people that are rigid, do have rules/morals/values/religion, they're the bad parents because they would never allow their child to go in particular directions. It's funny to me, in a sad, mind boggling sort of way.

I wonder if some of the hype is because this young girl seems so...hum, trashy? sexualized?


Celine and her husband have a 26 year age difference. He has been her manager since she was 14. His first marriage happened two years before Celine was even born. I don't know the back story, but apparently they waited until she was 18 to "date" and got married after she was an adult.


My gut reaction is that this young girl is spoiled and has gotten everything she has wanted, ever, probably even a pony. :lol:

I bet she has a lap giraffe too :glare:

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Maybe it's just the angle of the picture, but I don't think he looks 51, either....


You're right...he's pretty boyish looking and she's definitely not your typical 16 yo. Plus she's had a good bit of work done if she's truly just 16.


Interesting that on the link there was a photo of Joan Rivers off to the side -- someone else who's a big believer in plastic surgery.


Imo this is too big an age gap mostly because it's such a huge experience, life experience and life expectation gap. I wouldn't want my own children to got this route, but if it works for the two in this photo .....

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She is 16. I'm acquainted with her older sister, who married someone my family knows. No, I have not met the rest of the family, and I have no idea what led up to this. I do know that her sister has asked that people pray for her sister.

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As I said, her professional resume notwithstanding, she's 16. She's still developmentally, 16. Her brain isn't finished developing even if her boobs are. She's a girl/child.


A man who is 51 interested in a 16 year old has problems.


This is exactly why the actions of Anthony Weiner were so disgusting. He may not have been physically intimate with those he approached, but a 46-yo man "sext-ing" with a 17yo high school student, among others in their late teens, 20s -- something wayyy off there. He might not have send the nude/semi-nude photos to the youngest of his fans, but the sexual innuendo is unmistakable. Ick.


Her physical maturity has certainly been enhanced. Wonder who's footing those bills hoping that she'll get her big break? There's more than one older adult here who could be seen to be taking advantage of a beautiful young teen here. :glare:


Hollywood encourages those things, but I'm often shocked when parents of 15-16-17 yo stars stand by while their teens "date" other stars in their mid-20s and 30s. :001_huh:

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It's not the age difference. It's that she is still a child in the process of developing into a mature woman.


If she were 20 and he were 55, I'd raise an eyebrow, but I wouldn't think it's gross the way 16 and 51 is gross.


Children should not be married to 51-year-old men. 51-year-old men should not be interested in marrying children.


Then again, the 80-plus Hefner and 25-yo bunny was pretty gross too. Glad she saw the light (after she got famous of course.)! :tongue_smilie:

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Guest submarines
"Courtney, an aspiring actress, model and pop singer, met her husband when he began managing her career.*Her parents welcomed Hutchinson, who is four years older than his new father-in-law, into their lives when he started dating their daughter."


He was her manager? :001_huh: That makes this feel even ickier.




Well, Celine Dione married her manager as well--I think it must be pretty common in the artist world. But their timeline is definitely classier. (They are still married, btw)


"Dion first met her husband and manager, Rene Angelil in 1980, when she was 12 and he was 38, after she and her mother sent him a demo tape of a song they had written. They began a relationship in 1987, and became engaged in 1991. They married on December 17, 1994, at the Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal, Quebec"

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Exactly. What this family has done is so incredibly pc. I mean, they are the epitome of what parents are supposed to be in today's society. If they have any values/morals/religious beliefs they definitely didn't let those interefere in the raising of their daughter. Then, people that are rigid, do have rules/morals/values/religion, they're the bad parents because they would never allow their child to go in particular directions. It's funny to me, in a sad, mind boggling sort of way.


Has "politically correct" lost all meaning? Do we know just throw it around to insult points of view we don't like?


Because, if you think there is anything "politically correct" about the way this girl's parents raised her, you are either using the term wrong or don't understand most people very well.

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Has "politically correct" lost all meaning? Do we know just throw it around to insult points of view we don't like?


Because, if you think there is anything "politically correct" about the way this girl's parents raised her, you are either using the term wrong

I don't think Julie is the one misunderstanding things. If you don't see where she is coming from you haven't felt the general atmosphere on many a thread. Read some sex ed or courting threads.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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I don't believe a sixteen-year-old needs parental permission to marry in my state (Idaho) but I could be wrong. I'm thankful it is becoming less common for young ones to marry as time goes on. I think this is definitely a reflection of inadequate parenting in the young girls case. It's very sad, really.

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I haven't read all the posts, yeah it is a huge age difference and probably won't work and no I wouldn't want my kid in that situation, but how many 16 yo's are out sleeping around? How many 13 yo's are out sleeping around? This really isn't any worse than that. In fact if they waited until they were married it would be at least 1 step better.

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I watched a snippet from an interview they did. http://www.salon.com/entertainment/tv/feature/2011/07/15/doug_hutchison_courtney_stodden/index.html (scroll down a bit to see it). There is something so very, very, very wrong with both of them. Her mannerisms, fake postures and facial expressions are scary. It would appear lots of people dropped the ball trying to protect her.

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I saw an interview on TV. I hate to gossip, but she appeared to be drugged, and behaved like a porn star. I was not at all impressed with her behavior. I understand people don't dress modest all the time, but she was dressed like a hooker. I was shocked that the parents allowed an online romance between the two, and gave permission for them to marry. I am still is disbelief.

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Not the end of the world. She will be a handful for him- he won't keep up :) She will move on in a few years.


I was a 16yo in love with a much older man (not quite that old). It was real for me and it wasn't creepy- I also wasn't a beauty pageant queen. Even all these years later and with a 17yo daughter myself, I don't feel it was wrong or creepy. But he was wise enough to make me move on once I finished school. I had left an abusive home life- mother's boyfriend was an alcoholic- it was much better than that. He was protective and it went a little further than it probably should have, but I was the one pushing it, not him.


Life is full of variety. It would be boring if it wasn't. They live in a free society- she will grow up and learn from it.

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Not the end of the world. She will be a handful for him- he won't keep up :) She will move on in a few years.


I was a 16yo in love with a much older man (not quite that old). It was real for me and it wasn't creepy- I also wasn't a beauty pageant queen. Even all these years later and with a 17yo daughter myself, I don't feel it was wrong or creepy. But he was wise enough to make me move on once I finished school. I had left an abusive home life- mother's boyfriend was an alcoholic- it was much better than that. He was protective and it went a little further than it probably should have, but I was the one pushing it, not him.


Life is full of variety. It would be boring if it wasn't. They live in a free society- she will grow up and learn from it.


It was brave of you to come forward with that.


I was 17, he was in his early 40s. It was what I needed at the time. He broke it off after several months since I was finishing school and starting to plan my future. (which couldn't include him). It wasn't wrong for me, or creepy. He was kind and caring and I'm glad I had him when I did.

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I watched a snippet from an interview they did. http://www.salon.com/entertainment/tv/feature/2011/07/15/doug_hutchison_courtney_stodden/index.html (scroll down a bit to see it). There is something so very, very, very wrong with both of them. Her mannerisms, fake postures and facial expressions are scary. It would appear lots of people dropped the ball trying to protect her.


She does appear to be drugged. Just does not seem normal the way she moves.

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I watched a snippet from an interview they did. http://www.salon.com/entertainment/tv/feature/2011/07/15/doug_hutchison_courtney_stodden/index.html (scroll down a bit to see it). There is something so very, very, very wrong with both of them. Her mannerisms, fake postures and facial expressions are scary. It would appear lots of people dropped the ball trying to protect her.


that's what really turned my stomach - her facial expressions, posture and mannerisms. It made me feel SO uncomfortable. She looked like she was filming for a porn movie.


They both were very "off" and I hope they disappear out of the limelight.

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I haven't read all of the responses, but I truly believe this is disturbing on all sorts of levels.


This article: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20510475,00.html

says that she is a "deeply Christian girl." I'm sorry, but "deeply Christian" people do NOT walk around dressed like streetwalkers and pose in pictures like they are trying to make an adult movie.


Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. AND she does NOT look 15 at all.

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I haven't read all of the responses, but I truly believe this is disturbing on all sorts of levels.


This article: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20510475,00.html

says that she is a "deeply Christian girl." I'm sorry, but "deeply Christian" people do NOT walk around dressed like streetwalkers and pose in pictures like they are trying to make an adult movie.


Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. AND she does NOT look 15 at all.


In that article he says he has been called worse things than a pedophile. What? WTHeck is worse than that? So bizarre!!!

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that's what really turned my stomach - her facial expressions, posture and mannerisms. It made me feel SO uncomfortable. She looked like she was filming for a porn movie.


They both were very "off" and I hope they disappear out of the limelight.


During that interview at one point she made these pouty lips and her tongue started to come out like she was going to lick his face. It was gross!

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Wow! I just watched that video. So many thoughts...

~Nothing says "deeply Christian" like walking down the aisle in a Vegas chapel with your garter showing!

~NO CHANCE she hasn't been surgically altered.

~Doesn't her back hurt from sticking her chest and tush out so far?

~I was a little worried she was going to lick his face at one point in the interview.

~All the giggling during the interview; what is she on??

~I think it is a publicity stunt that is working really well. She isn't going to get far on her singing "talent" and he hasn't done anything of note since The Green Mile. They had to come up with a new plan and this is it.

~They'll be divorced within 2 years.

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I feel so bad for this girl. She doesn't know her real value, that is obvious by the way she objectifies herself. So stinking sad!


I totally agree. The porn star pouts and body language from a 16 year old girl make the entire situation even more upsetting than it otherwise would be.

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I agree with the PPs who are saying it's gross. Ranks pretty high on the squick-factor scale for me.


I disagree with the PPs who say he doesn't look 51. Yes, he does. The baggy, crinkly/wrinkly eyes, beginning of a chin jiggle and thinning/receeding hairline give it away.

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I agree with the PPs who are saying it's gross. Ranks pretty high on the squick-factor scale for me.


I disagree with the PPs who say he doesn't look 51. Yes, he does. The baggy, crinkly/wrinkly eyes, beginning of a chin jiggle and thinning/receeding hairline give it away.


Yup. He's got that creepy, puffy look that says, "Botox!" but he still looks 51 to me.

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I definitely don't doubt she's really 16....take off a few layers of the spackle she has on her face and I've seen teenagers around here who look very similar. She also seems immature.


I agree, seeing the interviews, there is something really wrong with her or else she is just so conditioned to be "on" all the time.....her mannerisms are just so strange.

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Extremely creepy & gross! I hope she's on drugs & it isn't her "natural" self -just soooo weird. Aside from the obvious ? what does a 51 yo have to talk to a empty headed 16 yo (yeah sure). The whole p*rn star/Anna Nicole Smith routine is enough to make anyone gag. She was saving herself because she's a Christian. I know many Christians & their daughters who are saving themselves wouldn't be acting as if they were on drugs, wanted to be a XXX star, & conduct themselves like that. A serious pyschological disconnect/train wreck.

Just yuck!

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Isn't just saying "I'm mature for my age" a sign of immaturity?


Someone posted they know the family and her friends are asking for prayer for her. I think that's all any of us can do. This poor girl has obviously been exploited by everyone who says they love her and she's too close to it all to recognize it for what it is. She's seriuosly deceived and she needs our prayers.

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