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Anyone watch the Duggar grandson special?

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Yes!! We're huge Duggar fans. My dd loves them and I gotta admit, I love that they are role models for her rather than Lady Gaga, Hannah Montana, etc, etc. Also, I loved that she gets to occasionally see great births like Anna's. It helps counteract all the negative things you hear about childbirth. I want her to look forward to the experience, not think of it as some horrific thing to dread.

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I hope I have it on TiVo or I'll record it later! I love the Duggars. In a lot of ways my family could not be more different - but I love how they seems to really enjoy one another, I think Michelle is wonderful, and I like how they emphasize selflessness throughout their home. I love them!!

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I knew that the birth was recent, but then at the end of the show they said Michael was born on the 15th with the show being aired 4 days later. Guess it really was recent.


I just thought it was funny that after all the preparation they made with covering the areas where she was sitting to protect them, she ended up giving birth in the bathroom. And now that it's been shown on national TV, she can't very well lie about the location.:tongue_smilie:

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Another Duggar fan here, too. I think they're amazing and I love the example they set.


I thought it was a very sweet episode and Anna seems like such an awesome young mommy. I got all teary when she was holding her daughter in that one scene, when Makynzie (sp?) had just woken up and there was a pause in Anna's contractions. I so remembered that feeling of just wanting to snuggle my firstborn and savor every last second that it was just him and me.




Though I must admit that seeing her visceral pain during contractions brought back memories of my own labors and made my toes curl a bit. It hurts! But she did great!

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Another Duggar fan here, too. I think they're amazing and I love the example they set.


I thought it was a very sweet episode and Anna seems like such an awesome young mommy. I got all teary when she was holding her daughter in that one scene, when Makynzie (sp?) had just woken up and there was a pause in Anna's contractions. I so remembered that feeling of just wanting to snuggle my firstborn and savor every last second that it was just him and me. Sniff-sniff!


Though I must admit that seeing her visceral pain during contractions brought back memories of my own labors and made my toes curl a bit. It hurts! But she did great!


Me, too. I was weepy during that scene.

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Have you looked at Hulu?


I wanted to see it, but I don't have that channel. I went to Hulu but it seems to only be clips of different shows...and I can't even find a clip of that episode. Can you give a link?


On the Today Show last week it was announced that she had the baby....but that they hadn't decided on a name yet. She had the baby on the toilet? I really need to see this somehow.

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I watched it that night, which was a big deal for me because there was Sunday Night Baseball on! :D


I'm very happy for them. I just feel bad that she ended up giving birth on the toilet! :001_huh: What a story to tell him one day, huh?


This is a bit of speculation but based on what "Miss Teresa" said at one point I wonder if she was embarassed to push b/c she had to go #2.


And what are "Miss Teresa's" creds beside being a Bradley teacher? With their first birth I was stunned to see them call her a doula...it seemed as if there was no midwife? Am I wrong about that?

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Dh and I loved watching them laboring together. Our birth with DS was just surreal and dreamy. I labored on my own in the wee hours of the night and then as dawn was arriving and labor was really heating up I woke him up to keep me company. It was the best few hours of my life. So peaceful and beautiful waiting on our baby together. The only down side was schlepping off to the birth center later that morning. Ugh. Next time we are absolutely definitely staying at home. Oh shoot...now I really need to go make some TeA and the kids don't go to bed for hours yet. :/

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I wanted to see it, but I don't have that channel. I went to Hulu but it seems to only be clips of different shows...and I can't even find a clip of that episode. Can you give a link?


On the Today Show last week it was announced that she had the baby....but that they hadn't decided on a name yet. She had the baby on the toilet? I really need to see this somehow.


I haven't even looked to see if it's even there. If you search and it doesn't show up then they might not have it. :(

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This is a bit of speculation but based on what "Miss Teresa" said at one point I wonder if she was embarrassed to push b/c she had to go #2.


And what are "Miss Teresa's" creds beside being a Bradley teacher? With their first birth I was stunned to see them call her a doula...it seemed as if there was no midwife? Am I wrong about that?


There is a whole movement out there that believes in unassisted childbirth but I don't think the Duggars are at all part of that crowd. I would imagine Miss Teresa is a midwife. I thought sure they mentioned a midwife at least once.

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>> I got all teary when she was holding her daughter in that one scene, when Makynzie (sp?) had just woken up and there was a pause in Anna's contractions. I so remembered that feeling of just wanting to snuggle my firstborn and savor every last second that it was just him and me. <<


I cried during this part too. It was so touching - made my heart melt.



ETA: I know Teresa is a doula, but not sure if she has gone beyond that.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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Oh, my. On the toilet? And they filmed it? I can't imagine ...




Ladies, when a woman births on the toilet, the baby doesn't go INTO the toilet. The woman will move her pelvis forward just a bit and the attendant catches the baby. Then baby goes right to Mom.


It didn't surprise me at all that she ended up birthing there. She seemed to have a tough time pushing in other positions (why..we'll probably never know. Could have been mental, could have been baby's position, etc). On the toilet the mind will allow the pelvic floor muscles to relax and allow baby to move down.

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Ladies, when a woman births on the toilet, the baby doesn't go INTO the toilet. The woman will move her pelvis forward just a bit and the attendant catches the baby. Then baby goes right to Mom.


It didn't surprise me at all that she ended up birthing there. She seemed to have a tough time pushing in other positions (why..we'll probably never know. Could have been mental, could have been baby's position, etc). On the toilet the mind will allow the pelvic floor muscles to relax and allow baby to move down.


I know when I gave birth, it felt like I had to, well, um, push something out! With my homebirth, I spent a couple minutes on the toilet thinking I had to go, when, really, I had to push a BABY out!!! It relaxed me and I was able to make it to the bed (barely) where I landed on hands and knees and birthed that way.

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I'm guessing if she wasn't okay with it, she wouldn't have done it. I'm certain they must've known that it was going to air soon after.


Honestly, it surprises me that the film crew is in there at all during some of those moments, especially with the modesty concerns, but I'm so glad because I think it is inspiring for those wanting to go natural. I know my daughter enjoyed watching it, and she called me and asked me questions afterward.

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Ladies, when a woman births on the toilet, the baby doesn't go INTO the toilet. The woman will move her pelvis forward just a bit and the attendant catches the baby. Then baby goes right to Mom.


It didn't surprise me at all that she ended up birthing there. She seemed to have a tough time pushing in other positions (why..we'll probably never know. Could have been mental, could have been baby's position, etc). On the toilet the mind will allow the pelvic floor muscles to relax and allow baby to move down.


:iagree: with all this!


You need to go over the Television Without Pity forums and explain it to them. :lol:


I know there is a bit of a yuck! factor to think she had the baby in the toilet...but Anna was sitting on the toilet and the baby was caught and handed riight to Anna.


I wonder b/c epidurals are so common that women have lost touch with that pushing sensation and how much it feels like a BM sensation. Not to be too graphic or anything but those areas are right next to each other!

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I'm guessing if she wasn't okay with it, she wouldn't have done it. I'm certain they must've known that it was going to air soon after.


Honestly, it surprises me that the film crew is in there at all during some of those moments, especially with the modesty concerns, but I'm so glad because I think it is inspiring for those wanting to go natural. I know my daughter enjoyed watching it, and she called me and asked me questions afterward.



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Its possible Theresa is a lay midwife.


I notice they never outright declare their intention to birth at home and that they never call Theresa anything but a friend or doula.


I imagine this may be a careful protection of her status and their liability.


Homebirth is seen as rogue (even tho it shouldnt be) so I wonder if they feel like this is just a necessary precaution.


Long labor. Anna was a trooper and I was surprised at how well Josh seemed to do with coaching.




Teresa is a licensed Direct Entry midwife.

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I'm guessing if she wasn't okay with it, she wouldn't have done it. I'm certain they must've known that it was going to air soon after.


Honestly, it surprises me that the film crew is in there at all during some of those moments, especially with the modesty concerns, but I'm so glad because I think it is inspiring for those wanting to go natural. I know my daughter enjoyed watching it, and she called me and asked me questions afterward.


Money might play a factor.

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money may have something to do with it. I can't imagine they are struggling, though they do seem to continue to live frugally from what is shown (all the the while probably racking up and investing plenty, but more power to them).


I'd rather see their family with it than the other reality types! At least I feel like they do a lot of positive things with their money (mission trips, giving to those less fortunate, etc.) I guess it's just refreshing to think of it that way.

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I watched it that night, which was a big deal for me because there was Sunday Night Baseball on! :D


I'm very happy for them. I just feel bad that she ended up giving birth on the toilet! :001_huh: What a story to tell him one day, huh?


I had two of mine on the toilet - the first by accident, the second on purpose because I was tired of that pushing business, and knew that if I sat on the toilet she'd fall right out :)


But I'm not certain I would have chosen that with the second one if it would have been on TV :lol:


(Neither baby actually touched the water)

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Yes, I've always thought she had that "deer in the headlights" look. Probably comes from having to quickly learn and remember so many names, all beginning with the letter J! :D


Either that or the worry that her husband will expect HER uterus to carry 19 children. That would terrify me. :001_smile:



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Ladies, when a woman births on the toilet, the baby doesn't go INTO the toilet. The woman will move her pelvis forward just a bit and the attendant catches the baby.


It looked like she did more than move her pelvis just a bit, she was laying on the toilet from what I could tell!! I'm shocked that was comfortable. I have terrible back labor and cannot be in upright positions so I was :confused: at that position.


I, too, am thankful they allow these situations to be taped. I am greatly encouraged by their family. NOT that we are aiming to have 19 children!!!!!!! :blink:

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I wonder b/c epidurals are so common that women have lost touch with that pushing sensation and how much it feels like a BM sensation. Not to be too graphic or anything but those areas are right next to each other!



Yeah and no one ever talks about it! The twins were my first (and only) when I was hospitalized for a week at 29-30 weeks for premature labor. I thought I had to go to the bathroom, I had my monitor on. The nurses came running freaking out into the bathroom and basically carried me back to bed saying my labor was progressing and I didn't need to go, I needed to lay down and NOT MOVE. I had NO idea before that. It does make sense when you think about it though :tongue_smilie: Luckily I was so high from all the IV meds to stop my labor I wasn't embarrassed!

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Yeah and no one ever talks about it! The twins were my first (and only) when I was hospitalized for a week at 29-30 weeks for premature labor. I thought I had to go to the bathroom, I had my monitor on. The nurses came running freaking out into the bathroom and basically carried me back to bed saying my labor was progressing and I didn't need to go, I needed to lay down and NOT MOVE. I had NO idea before that. It does make sense when you think about it though :tongue_smilie: Luckily I was so high from all the IV meds to stop my labor I wasn't embarrassed!


So were your twins born then? Or did the drugs hold off labor for longer?


I love baby stories!

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I have terrible back labor and cannot be in upright positions so I was :confused: at that position.


This statement made me cringe because I had horrid back labor with DS and the only way I could manage it was sitting up on a birthing stool with someone (DH and midwife's assistant took turns) putting pressure on my lower back/tailbone.


Bummer I'm missing the Duggars. We have a very basic plan on our sattelite now and don't get the channel.

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I had my third ds on a birthing stool and all I could think when my midwife brought it out was that it looked like a mini toilet. :tongue_smilie:


The difference between pushing on that vs. on the bed was huge. I will be looking to do the same if I have another babe.

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I am so using the ball next time if I can. I labored in bed with both of mine and think it made it harder. I spent like 5 minutes on the ball with ds and dilated the last 3 cm as well as had projectile water breakage. lol! The ball hurts but it is SO effective! At least for me it is!

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One can confuse a baby head with a BM, even without any epidural, and even if it is the fourth time. And a toilet baby *doesn't* have to be a precipitous labor either. Ask me how I know? :blush:


I'd been in labor for about 24 hours, typical for me, and at the birth center for an hour. My water broke, and contractions really picked up, so I asked for my midwife to prepare the tub for me to labor and deliver in. After waiting for the tub to fill, I was walking to the tub and decided I needed to use the restroom first, rather urgently. My midwife and her assistants were in the kitchen eating sandwiches, believing it was going to be a while yet. My husband and doula were outside the bathroom door which was just cracked. I quickly realized that I did not need to use the restroom, but that a baby was barreling his way out!! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to say anything, but I finally roared, and my husband threw open the door and my doula shouted for my midwife as they hoisted me up under the arms. My husband caught the baby as my midwife slid underneath just in the nick of time. It was all actually quite comical from my perspective. :lol:

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I think it's awesome that Anna let the birth be taped. As far as the modesty issue, she stayed covered up the whole time... she looked fully dressed! I think the Duggars are a wonderful family, and they are very encouraging to others.


Oh, and the toilet thing... she was laying back and the baby did not go into the toilet.

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