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Tell me what you look forward to

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This year? Next year? Stuff that puts a giddy-up in your get-up-and-go.


We don't do stuff. I'm an introvert, so I'm not all big plans and gatherings. We rarely vacate (although I'd love to); maybe twice, or three times in a dozen years. It occurred to me that I have nothing to look forward to - every day I get up and do the same thing every day and see a sea of those same things ahead of me...and I think it bums me out (it's weird how we notice things about ourselves well after they've planted roots).


Even little things like projects or day trips or...something...different to do.


What are your plans for the rest of the year and beyond that get you excited, things to which you look forward?

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We have taken lots and lots of great vacations...but what I am looking forward to is our finished basement after 17 years in this house. We will have 2000 more square feet of finished living space which we never completed because of all those vacations. I have stuff piled up, things that sooo need a home, crowded closets, an overflowing garage...all waiting on the finished basement. Then and only then will my house feel clean again. I just want an organized, neat home with closets, a guest room, space. What won't go into a closet, or have a home, is going to Goodwill. We have already given away tons and tons and tons of stuff. It seems like absolutely everything is waiting for when it is finally finished.

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Every day you get up IS something to look forward to :)


I know what you mean, I given this thought too -- and I concluded that in the grand scheme of things, it is the little every day moments that make up this thing we call life. If you've got smooth sailing days, count it a blessing and try to take joy in the "here and now".

Edited by *~Tina~*
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Well, mine is 15 years off, but as I said in the 15+ year marriage thread, we just refinanced our 30 year mortgage to a 15 year. Somehow that seems so doable! We watch House Hunters International on HGTV and dream about where a second home could be. Tonight's episode (on right now!) is in Ecuador and their budget is $150,000. Finally, a budget that isn't $800,000 :001_smile:.


Other than that, I'm in a rut. There are a lot of updates I want to do in our home, but it's hard to get started on a big project when I'm dealing with my mom's quickly progressing dementia.


Do you have any hobbies?

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Do you have any hobbies?


Well, I like to read, write, and garden. But my reading has been reduced to listening and my writing has been reduced to...very little, because of all those daily routine things. Gardening is something I enjoy, and look forward to the harvest, and actually enjoyed the upkeep, but a few years ago we took out the raised beds to plant...grass :001_huh:. Made sense at the time because of all the weeds that invaded from the field behind us. So....


The basement thing sounds fun - we've talked about that for years. The mortgage thing gets my heart pitter-pattering (good for you guys!!), but we've only got 19 more years on ours presently...but that's nineteen more years (and I don't think we'll even stay here that long because we don't even like the location, really).

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I have felt that way, generally when I was younger and had a job/career. When I'd realize it was endless repetition, that's when I'd quit.


Now I like the rhythm, however sometimes it it gets to me. When it does, I shake things up with little things, like eating dinner outside on the patio, ordering pizza and watching a movie, or going out for coffee.


Sometimes I just wake up and decide to take off for the day. Pack up the kids and go on a picnic, or a drive to the next biggest city (or smaller town) and have lunch, visit a museum.


But if you feel like you are miserable and it's endless drudgery, no matter what and there is no pleasure or point, could it be depression?

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Being debt free. I dream of it, think of it constantly, and plan new ways to make it happen. I want it more than I have wanted anything.


But honestly, the chances of it happening in even a few years are so slim that the depression I have been fighting is weighing on me even more tonight.


So for tonight, I look forward to reading a good book, researching spelling and math curriculum, and snuggling in bed with my handsome hubby.

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I am planning a family holiday at a resort with a great kids club later this year. Just the thought of that makes me smile. I dream about another expat stint at some time in the future, or even living in a different part of Australia for a year, although I am also an introvert, so I have mixed feelings about the meeting of new people that entails.


This year I turn 40, and I decided on my last birthday that I was going to undertake 52 projects this year. I need to tally up - I am probably far behind - but I have definitely felt more challenged and happier about my life this year. I am on two committees, I have done lots of wall painting, I've made curtains, I've used the Ana White website to start making some simple wooden furniture, I sewed a dressing gown for dd, and made (and made the switch to) cloth menstrual pads, I made wicking garden beds for veggies, I have introduced family movie night, and am doing the "Book a week" reading challenge. I've read a book in a foreign language, and I'm trying to listen to a few classics on audio. I've laid laminate floor throughout the house (still busy with that - 2 rooms to go!). I want to self-fit a new kitchen. I want to start to run, but I first have to start to walk, I think!



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Going to the pool tomorrow.


My dd's softball tournament next weekend.


Possible road/camping trip to western Nebraska/Colorado mext month.


Studying the Middle Ages with my kids this coming school year.


The fifth book in George RR Martin's Song of Fire and Ice series coming out in July.




Dh's bonus in 21 months, which will wipe out our student loans.


Going back to school when my kids are off on their own.


Retiring with my dh.




Growing old with dh.



I am a midwestern homeschooling housewife living (grudgingly) on a farm. I have to look forward to SOMETHING, even if it seems small and insignificant.

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But if you feel like you are miserable and it's endless drudgery, no matter what and there is no pleasure or point, could it be depression?


Could be. But I think that just changing my environment every so often would be enough. I think that if I don't, it could very well turn out to be that. But, I do have control over my environment (whether I think so at times or not). So, just little things would be helpful. Just something different.


I think so often we get into slumps, and then they go on for weeks, months, years...and then it feels like there is no digging out. But, if we catch those things as soon as we recognize them, little things like taking the day off, ordering pizza on taco night or remodeling the basement actually work wonders.


So, I'm there (there, I said it), and I'm looking for ideas for some things to add to the pool because I might need to reach in and choose something soon.

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Every evening I get happy because I know I will have my two cups of coffee with creamer in the morning. Every morning it makes me incredibly happy.


Life is hard. I try not to plan too far ahead or I get overwhelmed. But those two cups of coffee with favorite creamer are truly something that I look forward to every day.:001_smile:

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I am going to assume you don't mean kids things-- watching movies together, going to museums, reading and discussing books and events, planning field trips, their muscial performaces, art shows, plays, ballet perfomances, and the volunteer work that comes with all of that.


Otherwise, it's all about me...lol. My sil , whose lfirst language is not english, once said to me, "I like you. You're simple." lol All told, she was/is right. I enjoy my organic garden and garden planning, visiting the famers markets in my area, my animals, my organic birds (raise them for eggs and meat), walks and bike rides, visits to book stores and libraires. My time with dh alone; our little getaways. We didn't have little getaways when the children were younger, as we are Attachment Parents and I breastfed, but now that they are well past that, I do enjoy going out & sometimes away (even for one night, one day, or more) with dh. We like to go to indie films, visit historic sites, explore bookstores, and interesting corners of various areas. I also recently spent time making a romantic playlist of music for us. ;) He was so sweet and happy about that. It was a lot of fun looking for all the old songs. (How fun is my iPhone for this? lol)

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I get what you are saying. We don't have tons of money or opportunity for many vacations, so rarely do we get to do that type of thing. But it does help for me to have some kind of carrot to dangle in front of me. No matter how small that carrot is...if it's something I'm looking forward to, it helps me get through the rough/mundane times.


For example, I attend a women's conference/retreat type of thing every spring without fail. It's not expensive, it's not very far away...but I go with a girlfriend of mine every year. It's one of those things where I go to 'fill my spiritual bucket' and come back feeling rejuvenated & ready to handle life's challenges a little better.


Is there some kind of thing like this that you might enjoy? Maybe it could just be a hotel night away with your dh, or an afternoon when you get to do anything you want all by yourself. I'm not very adventurous, so when I have time by myself I go to the second-hand store or the library...and head to the park to sit on a blanket and read without anyone talking to me. :D

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I just reread. I wonder if you might consider at least mild depression? Life can be so complicated. I've had times where the good didn't seem so good. We all do. But if you can't shake it and it goes on for a long time, even when you are getting decent sleep, you owe it to yourself to get that checked.


I mention the sleep part because I remember having a difficult time when the children were young and uninterrupted sleep was scarce. Once I started sleeping more than 2 or 3 hours at a crack, life seemed much more optimistic.

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I look forward to scrounging enough petrol to head out of town.


I am looking forward to August because our SCA shire is becoming a barony and I've never attended such a ceremony before because they don't happen often! There'll be lots of "important" people in fabulous frocks. I like frocks! I might even make a new outfit. I hate dressmaking, but you know, whenever you are going somewhere, you find you have nothing to wear. I'm going to make Russian, I think. I wish I could make a fancy hat, because the Russians do the best hats in history, but I don't know how to make hats and really don't want to push my luck because making a dress is hard enough. For some reason I can make a size 10 and a size 26 dress out of the same measurements. So that's something else I'm looking forward to: Learning how not to do that!


I look forward to nice food too. Mmm. Food. If I were wealthier, I'd go to the Korean place in the city for dinner tonight. Mmm. Sea vegetables. They do good seaweed there. :drool5:



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First, I know the feeling very well of not having anything to look forward to - from when I was depressed. So, please think about whether you might be dealing with depression and may need other help than what we can give here.


This said, I look forward to many things:

A big rare one is going to visit my family in my home country, once a year, and traveling out of state over the summer.

I look forward to every weekend, because we go hiking in state parks and wilderness areas around here, if weather permits- something we did even with little ones. When we were in college, we developed the habit of spending one day each weekend in the outdoors (back then, it was rock climbing) - a habit we found kept us sane in times of stress.


We enjoy going to concerts and plays, having company, throwing parties at our house.


And - though that may sound odd: I look forward to going to work almost every day during the semester. I was depressed as a SAHM, and getting this job helped me get well.

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Little things in life: A nice meal/special meal, visiting my friend over the weekend and spending a day with her, clearing our house out and emptying the boxes so we can completely move into this house, exploring this new area, planning a weekend trip to the coast, getting a new book at the library I've been wanting to read, sitting in the Adirondack chair and watching the birds fly over the orchard, it's truly the little things but they are so important. :)

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I really, really understand what you're going through. I'm glad I'm not alone, I guess.


Well, I'm looking forward to being done with my stupid diet, as well as being my goal weight (two separate wonderful things there! LOL). I'm also looking forward to having more kids, although I don't think that is a suggestion you were looking for. :D

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I used to feel the same way for years! Ever since we moved to Malaysia my life has been non stop and it was the best things we ever did! This year We are moving into a nicer home, going on vacation to Singapore, Thailand, and hopefully the US. I am finishing my master's degree. Plus, living here means it is rarely ever boring... So much to see and do and learn. It's going to be a great year!

Edited by Heather in NC
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Every day you get up IS something to look forward to :)


I know what you mean, I given this thought too -- and I concluded that in the grand scheme of things, it is the little every day moments that make up this thing we call life. If you've got smooth sailing days, count it a blessing and try to take joy in the "here and now".


:iagree: It's the every day stuff that I look forward to. For the past year, I've been conscious of just how little time I have left with dd at home. What do I look forward to? Chatting with her about the little things; reading out loud to my son; cooking for my family; doing little and just soaking in this time.

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In the short term I'm looking forward to my birthday (July 9th) because me, my mom, and my sisters are getting a hotel room for two nights with a conference table in it and we're having a scrapbooking weekend.


I'm also very much looking forward to October when I'll get to meet this new baby (and feel comfortable again too LOL).

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I am looking forward to:


our son's graduation/18th birthday party tomorrow

meeting lovely boardies at the RFWP conference outside of Philadelphia next week!!

our son's Eagle Court of Honor next month

extended family trip to WDW/Universal in August

celebrating our 20th anniversay in October with four days away :D

planning a vacation for next year (hopefully visiting family in California + National Parks)

enjoying older dd's junior and senior years

continuing with the landscaping of the front yard (I'm doing it all)

continuing with the remodeling plans we've been working on since buying this former-foreclosure 5 years ago


I'm turning 45 next week :eek: I really really really like the 52 project idea described by a pp. I'll have to put on my thinking cap after this weekend to figure how I can adapt that to my life!

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This year? Next year? Stuff that puts a giddy-up in your get-up-and-go.


We don't do stuff. I'm an introvert, so I'm not all big plans and gatherings. We rarely vacate (although I'd love to); maybe twice, or three times in a dozen years. It occurred to me that I have nothing to look forward to - every day I get up and do the same thing every day and see a sea of those same things ahead of me...and I think it bums me out (it's weird how we notice things about ourselves well after they've planted roots).


Even little things like projects or day trips or...something...different to do.


What are your plans for the rest of the year and beyond that get you excited, things to which you look forward?

I would like to be back in my mind numbingly consistent life right now. I look forward to that.


When I'm in it the things that get me going are my knitting projects & gardening. It's always fun to start a new one or grow something different. Small, I know. But I can start & finish something. In status quo mode nothing ever gets finished.


Can you challenge yourself to accomplish something like a hobby project or maybe do one of the 5k in 5 weeks walking/running challenges on Sparks People

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I think small changes can make a HUGE difference. I think you would have a different outlook on life if you started out doing two things: Get yourself outside and go for a walk Every Single Day. This, for starters, will help tremendously. If you live in a neighborhood and don't want to walk by your neighbors, drive to a place you will enjoy pretty scenery while walking.


Schedule day trips, both during the week with the kids and on the weekend as a family. Start off by going on a day trip once per week. They don't need to be big or fancy, just visit a new or favorite location every week. If once per week is too much, try every other week, but at least DO it.

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This year? Next year? Stuff that puts a giddy-up in your get-up-and-go.


We don't do stuff. I'm an introvert, so I'm not all big plans and gatherings. We rarely vacate (although I'd love to); maybe twice, or three times in a dozen years. It occurred to me that I have nothing to look forward to - every day I get up and do the same thing every day and see a sea of those same things ahead of me...and I think it bums me out (it's weird how we notice things about ourselves well after they've planted roots).


Even little things like projects or day trips or...something...different to do.


What are your plans for the rest of the year and beyond that get you excited, things to which you look forward?

I look forward to the last surgery my son has to have and I very much look forward to the start of every school year. New curriculum, refreshed attitudes, hopefully a great start. I am striving to make everyday an adventure, even if it's just a small change in our routine. But that being said, I am many times extremely grateful for our routine and the normalcy that comes with it.

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well I am an introvert but there are a few things I look forward to. WE don't go many places, as crowds make dh and I nervous, but we do enjoy having a few families over for dinner.



The 4th of July is a family holiday, when extended family come up and shoot fireworks off at our house.


As an introvert, I still have to make an effort to get out of the house. We go walking at the park.


Also, we participate in our county fair, entering exhibits and stuff that we can make all summer and win prizes for. That is a big thing for all of us


We do church every week too.


Also little celebrations are fun too. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays. etc.

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I'm looking forward to some milestones:


Ds1 getting his drivers license later this year so I'll no longer have to make the hour round trip to his school each day, twice a day.


Starting 1st grade with dd this fall.


Paying off our house and being completely debt free in about 2 years. :party:


And on the lighter side, picking my first tomato from my very own garden this year. I haven't had a garden in about 20 years, so I'm a little giddy about this one. We've already picked a couple of bellpeppers but I'm still waiting on the tomatoes. My neighbor already has tomatoes, but I think she planted her garden a few weeks before I did.

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Every day you get up IS something to look forward to :)


I know what you mean, I given this thought too -- and I concluded that in the grand scheme of things, it is the little every day moments that make up this thing we call life. If you've got smooth sailing days, count it a blessing and try to take joy in the "here and now".


Kid/family/church/hs things are our life and that is good. Few real vacations here - too expensive.


Things I look forward to/enjoy:

DD lost her first tooth yesterday :D

summer days at the pool

slow walks with my sweet, old dog

4th of July fireworks

an occasional day off to browse used bookstores or visit with a friend

choir concerts and hymn sings

tomatoes from my garden

watermelon, homemade ice cream and other summer treats

finding a new author or big, fat novel to sink into.

book club

catching fireflies


next year's HS conference in Memphis

teaching geography and history this year. continent blobs and SOTW.


far off...


growing old with DH

eternal life with Jesus and the new heavens and the new earth!!!!!



After marrying late in life and experiencing infertility, the routine of married life and children still seems like a precious treasure most of the time. Esp with DH who has a serious medical condition.

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:iagree: It's the every day stuff that I look forward to. For the past year, I've been conscious of just how little time I have left with dd at home. What do I look forward to? Chatting with her about the little things; reading out loud to my son; cooking for my family; doing little and just soaking in this time.


LIKE!! We so need a like button!

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Could be. But I think that just changing my environment every so often would be enough. I think that if I don't, it could very well turn out to be that. But, I do have control over my environment (whether I think so at times or not). So, just little things would be helpful. Just something different.


I think so often we get into slumps, and then they go on for weeks, months, years...and then it feels like there is no digging out. But, if we catch those things as soon as we recognize them, little things like taking the day off, ordering pizza on taco night or remodeling the basement actually work wonders.


So, I'm there (there, I said it), and I'm looking for ideas for some things to add to the pool because I might need to reach in and choose something soon.




That's good you are noticing you need to do something before it gets too late.


Could you just plan and start saving for a vacation within the year because you said you like them? It doesn't have to be big, or even far, but sometimes just planning something helps. Sometimes the idea of finances gets in the way, but a vacation can be much, much cheaper than having to seek medical help.


Or perhaps try an exercise program? Exercise is suppose to help with mild depression and provides more oxygen to the brain, helping you become revitalized and you can think more clearly. Even just going for a walk a few times a week is beneficial.


When I need a desperate change immediately, I rearrange the furniture in my house...


I hope you feel better soon. It sucks to think of endless drudgery, but really, it never is. Things always change at some point.

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Every evening I get happy because I know I will have my two cups of coffee with creamer in the morning. Every morning it makes me incredibly happy.


Life is hard. I try not to plan too far ahead or I get overwhelmed. But those two cups of coffee with favorite creamer are truly something that I look forward to every day.:001_smile:


I thought I was the only person like that. Drinking my coffee in the morning is bliss.


Do you live in a place with distinct seasons? We have lived in a house without air conditioning for a year now (obviously this cannot be done everywhere), and I am amazed -really, really amazed at how I feel much more grounded and connected to the seasons now. I couldn't wait for spring, to be able to open up some windows, to do spring cleaning. Now hot weather is here, the pool is open and we're out there every day we can be. By the end of August, I cannot *wait* to put the grill away and make a pot roast. I don't want to see another salad or eat another watermelon. The winter bedding gets put away and the summer sheets come out. Simple changes that make a huge difference.


It seems stupid, just adding in a real summer, but it's been an amazing change.

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I am just now at 35 starting to do more things that make ME happy and not worry about what anyone else thinks or if I am doing it the wrong way. When we move in this house 3 yrs ago I was so afraid to decorate the house. I didn't want to do it wrong. So I didn't do to much. I kept everything very simple. Then one day I looked around and really saw how plain and depressing everything looked. The first thing I did was paint the bathroom yellow!! I did it all in a beach look but with bright colors. I have a rug by the sink that is in hot pink trim and has a bright beach scene on it. I have teal and pink towels. I finally did it the way I liked it without wondering if I was doing it right. I am going to be doing a lot of painting this summer. I also want to get rid of the dark brown curtains in my room and get some white lacey ones. We do have blinds up to.


Even something like a new table cloth and some fresh flowers make me happy.


Going to see a movie by my self sometimes is a really nice treat.


I love getting a Sunday paper and being the first one to look at it. Hubby knows not to touch it and mess it all up before I get to it. LOL


I love taking the girls to Sonic out of the blue for ice cream.


This year we are skipping Christmas presents, the tree, all of the food and are going to use that money to go on vacation. Hubby told me to pick anywhere I wanted to go. Really looking forward to that.

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Thanks, everyone. There are some really great ideas in here. I'm making a list.


Just today, out of the blue, I decided I was going to get a pedicure (instead of doing it myself) and invited dd to come with me. It was fun, and lunch afterward was nice (gotta love OG's eggplant parm!). It was something different :). Maybe we'll plan it next time so I can look forward to it.

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Being debt free. I dream of it, think of it constantly, and plan new ways to make it happen. I want it more than I have wanted anything.


But honestly, the chances of it happening in even a few years are so slim that the depression I have been fighting is weighing on me even more tonight.


So for tonight, I look forward to reading a good book, researching spelling and math curriculum, and snuggling in bed with my handsome hubby.


:iagree: Hopefully by the end of the year. But this is with brutal measures. Uprooting our family, downsizing, utterly life-altering decisions.


Everyday I wake up a little numb from all the changes swirling. Pack a dozen more boxes. Put out in the garage sale pile hopefully more than I pack.


The last big debt is our current home. When it sells, we're hoping never to have to take another loan.

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What are your plans for the rest of the year and beyond that get you excited, things to which you look forward?
I am one who thinks it's beneficial to have things to look forward to. Yes, we live in a time and place such that we're more fortunate than many people in this world. We know each day is a gift and so on and so forth. But the reality is that sameness can be both a form of security and feel stifling. It's nice to have variations on the theme; it's encouraging to know that something different lies ahead, even if that something different is minor in the grand scheme of things.


I appreciate the changing seasons; it invigorates me to know fruit trees will blossom, gardens will bear produce, leaves will fall, and the earth will quiet for a time. I look forward to being able to do different things at different times of year, based on those seasons.


When we break from school for the summer, I look forward to the leisure time and the various "only in summer" activities: riding bikes into town for swim lessons; showing animals at the week-long fair; mountain hikes and kayak excursions. This year, like last, we'll probably take a road trip to various states. My in-laws will be visiting from Switzerland, too, and while that's not something I'm looking forward too, per se, I'm glad that the rest of my family is eager to see them. And next year we'll likely head over to Europe since we haven't been in a number of years.


My oldest son will get his driver's license soon, and this fall will be doing all his schooling at the community college. It's a new season for me as a parent and for us as a family. A bit nerve-wracking, but something to look forward to.


I'm a runner, and my whole family is into various sports. I love that there's always a race, game, or meet on the horizon. Running in particular provides a consistency in my life, and there are races I do each year that I anticipate. I've also started running marathons, and while I had to take a break after my most recent 26.2, I'm hoping to do another this fall ~ and looking forward to that.:)

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