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Our latest (mild) encounter with White Supremacism

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Our car was one of many leafleted by the National Socialists. I feel icky from the ugliness printed on there - and the recruiting call to Anti-semitic Whites. My kids said, "Well, that counts out us and Daddy." I told them that counted out Mommy too.


I've had some scary encounters with skinheads before - who specifically targeted me for having the audacity to "pollute" the white race. I had hoped we had moved to a safer area for a mixed race family. Now I feel icky again.

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Yuck. We've had very limited run-ins--Dh has a website about Second Temple Synagogues, and some white supremists left threatening comments a while ago. Pretty scary--there's just no reasoning with indoctrinated idiocy.


Didn't some lady on this forum turn out to be a white supremist? Maybe a couple of years ago? {Shudder}

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I'm sorry they really are creepy. I got to explain the whole skinhead concept to my daughter standing in line at Sea World. There were 2 thugs covered in tattoos which quite visibly displayed their hatred and intolerance in a most graphic manner. My daughter was pretty freaked and wanted to get out of line. Since they weren't mouthing off to anyone, I told her we were staying put. We were not going to let their hatred interfere with our enjoyment of Sea World. It was a great teaching moment. Thank goodness the 2 thugs were on their best behavior that day.

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Wolf's hustled me out of a public area before, refusing to discuss what was going on, just a 'move, move, move!'.


Turned out he'd spotted members of Red Alert heading our way. (Red Alert is a First Nations gang, quite violent).


When ignorance and violence go hand in hand, everyone suffers.

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SPLC has a FABULOUS magazine. Although it's creepy because I don't often actively see these groups in action. It's creey because you find out how close some of them really are. :(


Yes indeed. Nebraska was a stronghold for years . The magazine is superb.

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I am so sad and sorry this happened to you. I remember as a child that our neighborhood was canvassed by some supremacist group. I was one of the older children in the group of neighborhood kids and orgnixed the kids to find the papers and get rid of them. I don't know if they were trying to recruit (that is what the paper implied with a fill out coupon for more information) or if they were trying to intimidate. Probably both but as far as I know, no one was buying. We were used to crazy posters and pamplhlets. I distinctly remember when the Iranian Revolution happened and some politicians were talking about how it was a complete surprise. Well not to me, a child or teen. Why? Because my neighborhood was routinely decorated with anti-Shah posters.

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I'm sorry, Jean. While I have not personally experienced it myself, a friend of mine who taught at a middle school just south of my town was fearful of some of the students in her grade finding out she was Jewish because they were part of an anti-Semitic group. It was sickening to hear that people with these beliefs were so close.

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Our car was one of many leafleted by the National Socialists. I feel icky from the ugliness printed on there - and the recruiting call to Anti-semitic Whites. My kids said, "Well, that counts out us and Daddy." I told them that counted out Mommy too.


I've had some scary encounters with skinheads before - who specifically targeted me for having the audacity to "pollute" the white race. I had hoped we had moved to a safer area for a mixed race family. Now I feel icky again.


Very sorry, Jean. Those are a bunch of reprehensible idiots. When I lived down south, there was a short time that I lived in an apartment where across the courtyard from me a group of Posse Comitatus/Christian Identity folks set up camp. They were running "services" out of the apartment and you could hear their spew even with all the windows and door shut. :ack2: I moved as soon as I could come up with the deposit for another place. They were vile.

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I am so sorry that happened to you. At the risk of sounding naive, is this a southern thing? I can't remember even hearing something like that here in Maryland. We are close to DC and there are so many different races and nationalities and mixed race families it seems normal here. We do live out in the country but I never hear anything like this. I didn't realize there were so many people left like that.

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I am so sorry that happened to you. At the risk of sounding naive, is this a southern thing? I can't remember even hearing something like that here in Maryland. We are close to DC and there are so many different races and nationalities and mixed race families it seems normal here. We do live out in the country but I never hear anything like this. I didn't realize there were so many people left like that.


I live in the Pacific Northwest.

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At the risk of sounding naive, is this a southern thing? I can't remember even hearing something like that here in Maryland. We are close to DC and there are so many different races and nationalities and mixed race families it seems normal here. We do live out in the country but I never hear anything like this. I didn't realize there were so many people left like that.


You might want to check out the SPLC's Hate Map to see what groups are known to be active in your area... I don't know exactly where you are, but they list at least 12 active groups in DC, 29 in VA, and 17 in Maryland, for example....

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You might want to check out the SPLC's Hate Map to see what groups are known to be active in your area... I don't know exactly where you are, but they list at least 12 active groups in DC, 29 in VA, and 17 in Maryland, for example....


Wow, that is unbelievable! There are none near us (I guess because we live pretty far out) but it is really scary to look at that on a map. So sad.

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I am so sorry that happened to you. At the risk of sounding naive, is this a southern thing? I can't remember even hearing something like that here in Maryland. We are close to DC and there are so many different races and nationalities and mixed race families it seems normal here. We do live out in the country but I never hear anything like this. I didn't realize there were so many people left like that.


When I ran into them it was in North East PA.

They are despicable.

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I dealt with this in Germany, when I was an exchange student there. I have dark brown eyes. My host family informed me my eyes were "evil", even pointing in my Langenscheidt dictionary to make sure I understood. They promptly asked for a transfer of houses. I cannot even count the number of times I was pushed off public buses by Neo-Nazis, and the bus driver did... nothing. When I was in the Czech Republic, where brown eyes are acceptable to the Neo-Nazi groups there (apparently), my host family's daughter was dating a guy who bragged to me about how many gypsies he'd killed and filled me in about his group. I was never so glad to get back home.


(Edited out personal info here.) People are NUTS!!!


I've run into racism far more in Europe and Latin America than in the U.S. I know it's here in the U.S., too; I just haven't experienced it on a daily basis here. I'm truly sorry that you had such a rotten experience, Jean!


ETA: Thanks for the link to the SPLC. I see that I've just moved to a city with a National Socialist Movement group. Great. :glare:

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Oh that's just gross. :( I had no idea such groups still existed. According to the map, there are several right here in my area. I wondered why my friend didn't want to come here to my home although she wanted to come visit me. She is in a mixed race marriage... now I understand.


I find it hard to understand such racism and hate. I'm sorry you were exposed to that today Jean.

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I am *shocked* by how many groups are in New Jersey. 49 in our tiny little state! Really?? The only ones who have more are Florida (barely, they have 49), Texas, and California (but both of those are huge states). There was barely room on that map to cram all the icons in. So gross.

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So sorry, Jean.


I think it's probably a good thing that you had the opportunity to point out that you don't align yourself with such groups, and that they would reject you. It's probably an important discussion to have.



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So sorry, Jean.


I think it's probably a good thing that you had the opportunity to point out that you don't align yourself with such groups, and that they would reject you. It's probably an important discussion to have.




I was actually speechless for a moment that dd would even think that I would consider it because I am white (though I'm not anti-semitic or racist). Ds is old enough to understand and be disgusted.

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I'm sorry Jean. That's a horrid thing to have happen to you. :grouphug:


We were sent recruitment materials twice. Once in the D.C. area and once here in FL. I don't know how they got our name and address but the material was disgusting. We thought about taking it to the local post office but I wasn't sure that they could do anything about it. In the end, we threw it in the trash. We haven't received anything since then, thank heavens!


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Yuck. I'm so sorry. We are a multiracial family. We've come across a very vocal black segretist and know (knew?) some white supremists but I've never experienced it in an organized manner.


We lived in a smaller town in our state where our dd was the only black person in town (we moved when she was 2). I knew a lady who had a biracial son and some man spit in his face in the Walmart parking lot and made a racial slur to her. The baby was only 6 weeks old at the time. :(


This was only 5 years ago.


We were targeted at the zoo by the black segretist. I've shared the story before so I won't go into it again, but we had to call the cops. And we are no longer welcome in the home of some relatives because our daughter is black.

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I was actually speechless for a moment that dd would even think that I would consider it because I am white


That was my reaction when I read it, and I was thinking that might have hurt. :grouphug:


I have also had people assume I will want to join in their random ethnobash moment, and it is actually an ongoing problem.

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