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Just euthanized one of our dogs

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He was over 20 years old, a mixed breed terrier. We had him before we were married, owned a house or had children.

He was my childrens best friend, loved chasing the cats and a true terrier, never backed down from a fight.

Loved my family dearly, had the softest hair coat even though he was wire haired.

I could go on but it is hard:crying:











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I am just so very sorry. We lost our sweet 13 year old kitty last month. Same story: our first baby, had him since right before we married or bought a home, and before we had kids. It was heart breaking. We are still heart broken. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm sure your terrier friend enjoyed many happy years with you, because it's obvious he was very well-loved. I lost both my greyhounds within a few weeks of each other last year at ages 14 and 15. No matter how many years we get to enjoy them, it's always hard to say good-bye. :grouphug:

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I'm sorry. I know you made the right decision.


One of the dogs I walk has cancer, and has been thru so much. He is 14, breathes hard, is incontinent, fears going outside, lumbers around--it's so sad. I know the owner doesn't want to face putting him down, but may have to. Bless you for making such a hard choice.

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We had to put down two of our dogs over the years. Before this year, it was by far the saddest thing I'd ever lived through. But, you did the right thing! You were certainly blessed to have him for so many years.

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Sorry for your loss- ds and I had to take a kitty, Fidget, to the vet for her final trip a couple days ago :-( she is now buried under a cement marker in the backyard. It is one of the hardest things a responsible pet owner has to do.:crying:

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