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May 21st- why that date?

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Let me start out that I don't think the world is ending tomorrow. I know that the 'seer' in question previously predicted the end in 1994. What I don't know is why does he think it is tomorrow? Has he given a reason?


I am also confused why people believe him instead of the Bible. I believe that all the people who believe him are thinking they are Christians but why are the trusting this man instead of the Bible which says no man knows the time?

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LOL - that was exactly my thought! I didn't realize it is tomorrow. Man, time flies!


Yeah, I thought it was December 12, 2012 or something like that. I guess I don't have 8 soccer games this weekend! (2 girls in different age groups, both doing the tourney.)

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It's kind of the same way that others can go through the Bible and find information about events in history that have already happened. He just kind of worked it backwards, I suppose.


Sorry to anyone who believes the Bible can tell us things by decoding, but I think it is all hogwash. You see what you want and find what you were looking for.

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Yeah, I thought it was December 12, 2012 or something like that. I guess I don't have 8 soccer games this weekend! (2 girls in different age groups, both doing the tourney.)


This is a different guy. I think (not sure) that the December 12th one was from the Mayans or Notradamus (sorry, don't really follow these things). Some people have started saying it is no longer 2012 but a year like 60 years in the future because they miscalculated the Mayan calendar or something to that effect.


I remember when the world was supposed to end June 6th, 2006 and July 7th, 2007. :lol: Oh, and of course Y2K

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I remember when the world was supposed to end June 6th, 2006 and July 7th, 2007. :lol: Oh, and of course Y2K


Y2K was my favorite! Do you remember standing around with friends and family, doing the countdown and waiting to see if all of the lights would go out because we were supposed to have major powergrid failure?

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Apparently there are people paying money for all kinds of services based on this day- things like automatic emails if you are raptured and life insurance policies for your pets when the humans leave.


I haven't met anyone who is believing this. THe local media apparently has found some believers but I guess we don't move in the same circles. All my Christian friends have plans for Saturday and later. I am not sure why Christians would need to prepare anyway. If you believe you will be raptured tomorrow, what do you need to do today? Maybe the only thing would be not to do some unpleasant chores.


I went to the site but it certainly didn't convince me. Since the calendars have changed a number of times and I saw nothing on the site relating to that, I have to believe that even if he was counting days correctly (and I don't), he would be off some days because of the calendar changes.

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Y2K was my favorite! Do you remember standing around with friends and family, doing the countdown and waiting to see if all of the lights would go out because we were supposed to have major powergrid failure?


I was only 6 :tongue_smilie: but we went to church for a service and then we did a countdown. I remember the pastor turned the lights on about 5 minutes before so we could see if they would go out.

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Yes. I read it online. Something about it having been exactly 7,000 years since the Flood and a thousand years is as a day and something about one week. Here's the link... http://www.ebiblefellowship.com/outreach/tracts/may21/


Anyway, does ANYONE believe this guy? I mean other than people who would obviously drink Kool-Aid if he was passing it out?


Sadly, yes. I know of one family where the father is completely obsessed. It has taken over his life. His wife and kids know that it isn't true, but he won't listen. They are really struggling right now and they can't wait until Saturday is over so they can get back their lives and their father.


Please pray for all those who have been deceived by Camping. I'm sure this has hurt many families. It will be hard to put the pieces back together after this weekend.

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It's part of human nature to want to know the future. It's the fallen part, as Christians would say, to try to use numerology, horoscopes, tea leaves, etc., to try to know what is not to be known and to be our own little gods. But sadly, it's as widespread in the Christian world as it is everywhere else. You can find seers, "prophets", and other pagan practices in churches all across the world - they simply put "Christian sounding" words along with it.


I think some of it is because this stuff tickles our ears and tingles our spines. When people lose sight of the gospel, they go searching for truth elsewhere, just like the rest of the world.

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Sadly, yes. I know of one family where the father is completely obsessed. It has taken over his life. His wife and kids know that it isn't true, but he won't listen. They are really struggling right now and they can't wait until Saturday is over so they can get back their lives and their father.


Please pray for all those who have been deceived by Camping. I'm sure this has hurt many families. It will be hard to put the pieces back together after this weekend.


That's sad. :(


Thanks for the reminder to pray for those who are deceived. I imagine Sunday is going to be a tough day for them.

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According to his website, it's in the BIBLE. There is irrefutable BIBLICAL evidence. He has an extra special ability to interpret the BIBLE and no one is allowed to question of his interpretation because it's in the BIBLE.


Not one verse is sited. Well, except the one that doesn't count ("no one will know the day or the hour").

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Sadly, yes. I know of one family where the father is completely obsessed. It has taken over his life. His wife and kids know that it isn't true, but he won't listen. They are really struggling right now and they can't wait until Saturday is over so they can get back their lives and their father.


Please pray for all those who have been deceived by Camping. I'm sure this has hurt many families. It will be hard to put the pieces back together after this weekend.


I read an article featuring a family with a two year old. They chose to live on their savings for the past few years, spreading the word and spending the remaining time with their daughter. They planned financially for their savings to run out on the 21st, with no backup plan, as they believe that anything less is showing a lack of faith and would doom them.


I've also heard (though not verified) about people euthanizing beloved pets so that they won't suffer in the aftermath.


I really worry for people in this situation, who have invested their all in this date, and may truly suffer, not "just" psychologically, if it doesn't occur, as I really don't expect it to. I have a hard time finding any humor in the situation because of this.


I also have concerns that this may lead to individual or group suicide.


(Incidentally, I'm apparently friend's with Camping's grand-niece, who in no way believes this.)

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Sadly, yes. I know of one family where the father is completely obsessed. It has taken over his life. His wife and kids know that it isn't true, but he won't listen. They are really struggling right now and they can't wait until Saturday is over so they can get back their lives and their father.


Please pray for all those who have been deceived by Camping. I'm sure this has hurt many families. It will be hard to put the pieces back together after this weekend.


This is sad. It happened in our church a few years back, when a family grabbed hold of a date (It was October something). They put out notes ("It was not the aliens, Jesus took us!"), boxed up their stuff with labels, and got everything ready. They were VERY outspoken about it. It was a family with 11 kids, 8 still at home then, and the dad got the kids believing it.


They are still trying to come to terms with that mistake. Not only the Sunday after the supposed rapture date, but even now when these End of the World predictions come back again. It's sad. You could just see how devastated all these kids were - they were hoping for Christmas, and they're still stuck here on earth. :glare:

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Please pray for all those who have been deceived by Camping. I'm sure this has hurt many families. It will be hard to put the pieces back together after this weekend.


I wanted to thank you for saying this, and for praying. I find this whole thing to be very sad. Without getting into details, I will just say that I know people whose lives have been deeply affected by false prophecies like this, and the whole situation is very heartbreaking. What's really sad is that if my experience is any indication, many people will still go on believing this guy when his prophecy fails, and wait with bated breath for the next one. :crying:

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I've tried and tried to make sense out of it (I mean, the Y2K thing at least I could understand why people were worried about it; I was able to grasp the concept), and...it really just doesn't make any sense. It's based on two things, I believe...one, the idea that it's been exactly 7000 years since the flood and a day in heaven is like a thousand years on earth. Umm, so when God warned Noah about the flood he was ALSO warning us. Something like that. But as far as I can tell pretty much no one who's at all interested in coming up with a date for the flood agrees that it's been 7000 years anyway. Most people place it somewhere in the 2000's BC. So there's that.


And then things get really weird:




The number 5, Camping concluded, equals "atonement." Ten is "completeness." Seventeen means "heaven." Camping patiently explained how he reached his conclusion for May 21, 2011.


"Christ hung on the cross April 1, 33 A.D.," he began. "Now go to April 1 of 2011 A.D., and that's 1,978 years."


Camping then multiplied 1,978 by 365.2422 days - the number of days in each solar year, not to be confused with a calendar year.


Next, Camping noted that April 1 to May 21 encompasses 51 days. Add 51 to the sum of previous multiplication total, and it equals 722,500.


Camping realized that (5 x 10 x 17) x (5 x 10 x 17) = 722,500.


Or put into words: (Atonement x Completeness x Heaven), squared.


"Five times 10 times 17 is telling you a story," Camping said. "It's the story from the time Christ made payment for your sins until you're completely saved.


"I tell ya, I just about fell off my chair when I realized that," Camping said.


Now you're all convinced, right? Atonement x Completeness x Heaven. Squared. Duh.

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I didn't know this was so widespread. We were in D.C. last month and saw 5 or 6 RV type buses with these doomsday "May 21, 2011" sayings painted all over them along with blaring bullhorns reading Bible verses.


I was with ds6 and he was so confused about what was going on. It was very loud and they kept blowing horns.

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Well, I'm not cleaning my house - just in case. ;)


I will, however, do laundry as we have church the following day and a whole 'nother week of school/work afterward (as in, I work at school, not hs where my middle son can wear the same dirty clothes if he wants to - sometimes).


I'll still go grocery shopping too. I can't imagine hubby and the 3 teen guys being ok without food on Sunday.


It boggles my mind that people can believe in this.

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Oh, good, we're low on food. ;)


I shouldn't laugh, it's sad that people get so sucked in, so convinced. But it's not the first time, and it won't be the last. You'd think people would look at all the many times in the past people have been totally convinced that a particular date was The Day, and take a pause.

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I was just reading an article about a couple who believes this (their kids do not).



Wow, how sad.


“My mom has told me directly that I’m not going to get into heaven,†Grace Haddad, 16, said. “At first it was really upsetting, but it’s what she honestly believes.â€


Can you imagine how damaging this is all going to be to their relationships with their kids? :(

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I was only 6 :tongue_smilie: but we went to church for a service and then we did a countdown. I remember the pastor turned the lights on about 5 minutes before so we could see if they would go out.


LOL - my oldest son was still a tiny baby (4mos) and he was in his crib, asleep. His dad and I watched the ball drop and went to bed.

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I wanted to thank you for saying this, and for praying. I find this whole thing to be very sad. Without getting into details, I will just say that I know people whose lives have been deeply affected by false prophecies like this, and the whole situation is very heartbreaking. What's really sad is that if my experience is any indication, many people will still go on believing this guy when his prophecy fails, and wait with bated breath for the next one. :crying:



I am hoping that this is not a continued trend. When Camping wrote 1994 he actually set things up to include a back-up date of 2011. So when it didn't happen in 1994, his followers were a little disappointed, but were already set on waiting until 2011. As far as I know he hasn't set anymore back-up dates. So I really hope and pray that when this passes it will be the end of his deception.

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Y2K was my favorite! Do you remember standing around with friends and family, doing the countdown and waiting to see if all of the lights would go out because we were supposed to have major powergrid failure?


:lol: I do remember this!...Only my brother in law went into the basement and turned the house electricity off at midnight!...I was afraid until we realized the people across the street still had lights :tongue_smilie:

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A friend of mine wrote something like this on his facebook wall. "If you wake up on May 22 and you're still here, please don't worry. Jesus still loves you. You just made a mistake."


Even though the prediction is crazy to me, I do hope that those who were planning on being raptured on Saturday will be able to find mercy and peace on the 22nd.

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I worry about those who do believe. What is going to happen to them on Sunday? I am afraid some may commit suicide or do something even more drastic. Those poor people who gave their whole life savings, gave up their homes, its so sad.


You are right, it is very sad...My friend's mom believes this and has been preparing...It is very sad that people have given up their life savings and such...

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SO why are the people quitting jobs? Is it because they have to proselytize? I read on Wikipedia about this guy and seems like he has rather unconventional ideas about the Bible and Christianity in general. It is sad that people are misled.


Basically, they believe if they don't give up the stuff of the world they don't really trust God and won't be raptured.

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This has been going on since, what? 1843? Probably before that as well, but that's the first instance I personally know of.

What I really don't understand is how these feverent believers think they can know when it will happen, when their Bible specifically tells them that no one can know.... I don't get it.

It is very sad....

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Apparently there are people paying money for all kinds of services based on this day- things like automatic emails if you are raptured
:001_huh: That just doesn't seem right at all.


I just signed up for two gym memberships. Now I won't get to use them? What a rip-off.:lol:


Oh and I wanted to see a few of the new movies coming out too. Bummer.

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I read an article featuring a family with a two year old. They chose to live on their savings for the past few years, spreading the word and spending the remaining time with their daughter. They planned financially for their savings to run out on the 21st, with no backup plan, as they believe that anything less is showing a lack of faith and would doom them.


I've also heard (though not verified) about people euthanizing beloved pets so that they won't suffer in the aftermath.


I really worry for people in this situation, who have invested their all in this date, and may truly suffer, not "just" psychologically, if it doesn't occur, as I really don't expect it to. I have a hard time finding any humor in the situation because of this.


I also have concerns that this may lead to individual or group suicide.


(Incidentally, I'm apparently friend's with Camping's grand-niece, who in no way believes this.)


This is so incredibly sad.


Daisy, thank you for the reminder that much prayer will be needed for these people.

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I read an article featuring a family with a two year old. They chose to live on their savings for the past few years, spreading the word and spending the remaining time with their daughter. They planned financially for their savings to run out on the 21st, with no backup plan, as they believe that anything less is showing a lack of faith and would doom them.


I've also heard (though not verified) about people euthanizing beloved pets so that they won't suffer in the aftermath.


I really worry for people in this situation, who have invested their all in this date, and may truly suffer, not "just" psychologically, if it doesn't occur, as I really don't expect it to. I have a hard time finding any humor in the situation because of this.


I also have concerns that this may lead to individual or group suicide.


(Incidentally, I'm apparently friend's with Camping's grand-niece, who in no way believes this.)



That's just flat-out pathetic. :glare:


And, come to think of it, if you do believe in the xian god, it's also pretty presumptuous to be SO SURE that you are going to get Raptured. As if you could possibly know how, when and who your god would choose to Rapture.

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I didn't even know about this until a few days ago… and I wish I'd never heard of it. I have enough faith confusion going on at the moment; I really wish I didn't now have "what if this is true" trying to sneak into the back of my head.


I mean - I know it isn't. Or at least, it shouldn't be. It sounds looney - doomsday cult and all that, right?


"but what if it is" <--- goes the little sneaky bit in the back of my head.




(of course, i have the same thing going on about faith in general…so i really shouldn't be surprised)

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Our water has been out for about 4 days so I've got laundry piled to the ceiling and dirty dishes overflowing from the sink. It sure would be nice if Camping was right, because I really don't feel like doing laundry and dishes non-stop for three days.:D


Seriously, though, I do feel sorry for those who believe this guy. They will probably doubt their salvation when they wake up on Sunday morning and then think they are going to spend eternity in hell. Very sad indeed.

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Y2K was my favorite! Do you remember standing around with friends and family, doing the countdown and waiting to see if all of the lights would go out because we were supposed to have major powergrid failure?


We were standing up on a hill with some friends, waving sparklers and waiting for something, anything, to happen. I felt cheated somehow. Since then I have noticed a pattern in the news. Whenever they get on the band wagon and make a big stinking deal out of it you can be pretty sure nothing is going to really happen. The real stuff usually sneaks up on us. I can't believe I have heard in depth stories about this guy on serious national news stations. The whole thing just seems silly. Our local newscaster read a scripture about no man knowing the time and moved on, thank heavens.

Edited by jcooperetc
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That's just flat-out pathetic. :glare:


And, come to think of it, if you do believe in the xian god, it's also pretty presumptuous to be SO SURE that you are going to get Raptured. As if you could possibly know how, when and who your god would choose to Rapture.


It would be presumptuous if you were counting on being raptured due to your own merit, but Christians put their faith in the merits and work of Christ and since He earned salvation for us, then we aren't really presuming upon anything but the righteousness of Christ, His finished work on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.


I think it is a common misconception of unbelievers to think that Christians believe God saved them based on their own goodness. Christians do not believe that. They believe that God saved them based on Christ's righteousness - even the belief (faith) is a gift of God so that no man can boast. ( For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9)

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I didn't read the whole thread, sorry, I'm getting ready to walk out the door, but I didn't see this on the couple of pages I read. This is a good blog post about the issue...the guy writing it used to be one of 'those ppl' as a kid, and so he writes about how sad this whole thing is. 11 Days until Judgement day and I'm not laughing


Thank you for that.

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