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Do You Like Children That Aren't Your Own?

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I love all kids, not even my own. I totally enjoy them.


Me too, though I haven't always been that way. As mine get older, I find I'm more patient with and delighted by other peoples' kids.


I'm becoming a grandma before my time.

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I'll be brave and answer this since deep down, the honesty of answering 'No' honestly does kind of bother me. Maybe it's sort of 'taboo' because children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? I guess I just always imagine my kids going to someone's house and the thought that the adults don't like other kids---including mine----kind of leaves me feeling weird. :001_huh:


I can understand your concern, but it's pretty insulting. Just because I prefer not to be around OPK doesn't mean I would abuse or neglect them or help someone else do it! If ds has a playdate then it's that mom's responsibility to tell me any issues that need dealing with. I will then take care of them, but if I don't know then I can't, can I? If I accept a playdate, then I am willing to deal with that kid. I haven't seen anyone on this thread that said they hate OPK but still allow them into their homes on playdates. Your kids would be perfectly safe with me.


This thread refers back to other threads in recent days where we were talking about neighbor kids just showing up. These are kids where the parents are absent and you may not know about special diets, etc. These are kids whose parents use homeschooling mamas as free babysitters.

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I can understand your concern, but it's pretty insulting. Just because I prefer not to be around OPK doesn't mean I would abuse or neglect them or help someone else do it! If ds has a playdate then it's that mom's responsibility to tell me any issues that need dealing with. I will then take care of them, but if I don't know then I can't, can I? If I accept a playdate, then I am willing to deal with that kid. I haven't seen anyone on this thread that said they hate OPK but still allow them into their homes on playdates. Your kids would be perfectly safe with me.


This thread refers back to other threads in recent days where we were talking about neighbor kids just showing up. These are kids where the parents are absent and you may not know about special diets, etc. These are kids whose parents use homeschooling mamas as free babysitters.


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I feel the same way now. Really. Kids are fun and exciting to be around and listen to. Bratty, whiny kids can rub me the wrong way---along with precocious stuck up ones. But for the most part---since having my own kids I find life more exciting with a houseful, especially since we only have 2.


I did NOT like kids or babysitting or anything to do with kids growing up though. It's only something that I have acquired since having my own ;)


You know, maybe it's because I HAVE a houseful, I don't appreciate other people's kids. I don't remember other children bothering me as much when my two oldest were just toddlers.


The kids I tell to go home and eat live just across the street or right next door. AND the rule for these kids is that they can't come in, so they're ususally sticking their head in my door (HELLO... get out my house!) and saying, "CAn I have something to eat? (said in whining tone.)

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I like having my children's friends over because it makes me happy that my kids have friends.


I do not like children per se, never felt the urge to babysit and do not enjoy being surrounded by kids other than my own.


But I am genuinely happy to host and feed my kids' friends, because it makes my own kids happy to have company.

And their friends are pretty nice, actually.


:iagree: completely. Right down to the babysitting.


As a teen, I would rather have spent the weekend mucking out a huge barn than babysitting a toddler even for one evening. Especially if the toddler was potty training. :tongue_smilie:

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I have a hard time with picky or demanding kids. We don't eat snacks here much. It makes me crazy when kids who are visiting keep coming in asking for drinks, snacks, etc and then get picky with what you offer them. I try to make kid-friendly meals (like hamburgers or chicken nuggets) only to get the visiting kids telling me they don't like that and what they want me to give them instead. I guess I'm not good at being the cookie-baking, sweet kind of Mom that just loves to serve. I'm not even good with that with my own kids! I try to make what they like, but the rule is, if it is made, you have to eat it.


With other people's kids I also feel like I can't set the same boundaries I do with my own kids. I feel like I have to put up with things I don't have to with my kids.


I also feel guilty to admit this....but I'm not lovin' hanging with kids. I have my moments, though. And the kids never know it, I am friendly and even bubbly and entertaining to them. I'm just worn out and a bit relieved when it's time for them to go home. :blush:

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I have empathy for all kids (it's tough to be a kid many times) and I think they're generally innocent of whatever problems they have (up to the teen years when they're expected to start think for themselves). At the same time, I can't stand spending time with children who do not behave if I'm not allowed to discipline them (that can be a lot of kids, unfortunately). I don't blame the kids, but I have the right to limit the time my family spends with children whose behavior doesn't meet common standards of politeness and kindness.

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In general, I like kids. But I've met some kids I really did not like. I think a large part of that had to do with their parents.


I knew a woman (through a homeschool group) who was kind of pushy and schedule oriented, lacking imagination and uptight. I did not like her oldest child. She was rude, bossy, and snotty.


We have a friend Bill, who's son is great. He's quiet, well behaved, polite and respectful. He's nice to both my older children and the younger children.



I have a really hard time coping with picky, demanding, whiny, and dramatic kids. I also think that behavior results from how they are raised. So is it the kid I don't like, or the parents? I can tolerate those kids at the park play date, but I wouldn't invite them to a play date at my home.

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I'll be brave and answer this since deep down, the honesty of answering 'No' honestly does kind of bother me. Maybe it's sort of 'taboo' because children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? I guess I just always imagine my kids going to someone's house and the thought that the adults don't like other kids---including mine----kind of leaves me feeling weird. :001_huh:


Hmmm...I'm trying to see your pov but "dislike" doesn't have the same connotation to me as it must have to you. I suppose if you think that "doesn't like children" is the same as "is a horrible human being", your apprehensions might be accurate. I know lots of people who don't like children but would never be neglectful or purposefully avoid helping another human being. I know a couple of people than I truly dislike (hate would probably be a more accurate term) but I would never walk past them if they were hurt - never avoid them if they truly needed help. There is a kid in our neighborhood that I really, really don't like but I still let him come over to play because my son likes playing with him. I watch out for him because he is very clumsy, take his side when my son isn't playing nice and walk him home because I don't like him crossing the street by himself.


Thanks for answering though. I guess if others think that people who don't like children behave the way you think they do it would explain why there is such a negative reaction.

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Honestly, I'm not much of a kid person. I love my own kids and I enjoy hanging out with them, but I don't really enjoy other people's kids. I hope that doesn't sound horrible.


:iagree: The exception being the kids of my closest friends who I start to think of as almost nieces and nephews and therefore like mine. But just neighborhood kids and...*shudder* kids at the store? I could live without them quite nicely. I'll be horrible with you. :D

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I don't understand how to interact with most children. Even as a child, I was always more comfortable around adults. I never know what to say to kids. I don't like noise, particularly repetitive noise. I didn't play imaginatively as a child much. I may be a little spectrum-y :tongue_smilie: That said, I adore the awkward kids. The kids who hang around on the periphery looking confused or overwhelmed call to me. They are the ones I enjoy drawing out and interacting with. I feel like children are puppies and I'm a full grown cat...jumpy and prone to having my tail bitten. It is HUGE that we are sort of the destination house in my corner of the neighborhood. I'm still not comfortable, but I'm making an effort.

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In general, I like kids, but I am not comfortable with them. My only sibling is 10 years younger than me, so I wasn't around kids much when I was growing up. I'm also an introvert, and I like peace and quiet, so being around kids makes me stressed. But I don't dislike them.


Although there are some kids that I don't like at all.


You may be on to something there. I actually had four siblings and they were all older than me. My next nearest age sibling (a brother) was 6 years older. He never wanted much to do with me when we were young (Can't say as I blame him. I was the proverbial pesky little sister :tongue_smilie:).


The oldest three were pretty close in age and moved out within about a 2-3 year time span.


I spent a lot of time alone as a kid or with animals. We were rural, so the whole neighborhood pack of kids thing is a pretty foreign concept.

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I love kids - I babysat all through high school, taught Sunday School at church, volunteered in the church nursery.


And now, I think most kids are pretty much adorable or fun or interesting.


But........I don't have any kids of my own yet so I'm not sure how I'll feel when I have my own kids?


But this is just an opinion from a completely parenting inexperienced childless person :)

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I love kids - I babysat all through high school, taught Sunday School at church, volunteered in the church nursery.


And now, I think most kids are pretty much adorable or fun or interesting.


But........I don't have any kids of my own yet so I'm not sure how I'll feel when I have my own kids?


But this is just an opinion from a completely parenting inexperienced childless person :)


I was the same way. Always babysat, worked at a day camp, did childcare on the side during grad school before I had my own kids.


The biggest disappointment when I had my own children was realizing that being good with other people's kids does not necessarily mean being good with your own children. I am, even today, so much more patient and forgiving toward other people's children than I am toward my own. With other people's kids, I just enjoy their company and their kidness. With my own kids, I've got so much of my self-image tied up in their behavior (and what other people think of my parenting) that I find it much harder to enjoy them and treat them with the same level of patience and understanding. Sad, but true.

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I even like the naughty ones.


Me too! Seems like we're about half and half here. Some people naturally have it others don't. I grew up with one on my hip, babysat all the time. I find babies unresistable. Toddlers I find charming, they are so like sponges, wanting to explore everything. Elementary age very entertaining, what's in is out. With older kids I love to pick their brains and make them think, especially outside their boxes. I love kids!


:cheers2: Cheers!

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I can understand your concern, but it's pretty insulting. Just because I prefer not to be around OPK doesn't mean I would abuse or neglect them or help someone else do it! If ds has a playdate then it's that mom's responsibility to tell me any issues that need dealing with. I will then take care of them, but if I don't know then I can't, can I? If I accept a playdate, then I am willing to deal with that kid. I haven't seen anyone on this thread that said they hate OPK but still allow them into their homes on playdates. Your kids would be perfectly safe with me.


This thread refers back to other threads in recent days where we were talking about neighbor kids just showing up. These are kids where the parents are absent and you may not know about special diets, etc. These are kids whose parents use homeschooling mamas as free babysitters.


So it's okay for people to be perfectly honest about not liking OPKs. At all. But it's not okay for me to be honest? I wasn't trying to be insulting or suggest abuse. It's just uncomfortable for me to hear other mom's state how much they don't like OPKs and I was just giving a reason why I think there could be a 'taboo' on being honest about it. Double standards on 'honesty' aren't fair.

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You know, maybe it's because I HAVE a houseful, I don't appreciate other people's kids. I don't remember other children bothering me as much when my two oldest were just toddlers.


The kids I tell to go home and eat live just across the street or right next door. AND the rule for these kids is that they can't come in, so they're ususally sticking their head in my door (HELLO... get out my house!) and saying, "CAn I have something to eat? (said in whining tone.)


Exactly! We only have 2, so the noise and chaos was always a nice change. But my friends with 3+ never felt that way----so their kids came here! :tongue_smilie:

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So it's okay for people to be perfectly honest about not liking OPKs. At all. But it's not okay for me to be honest? I wasn't trying to be insulting or suggest abuse. It's just uncomfortable for me to hear other mom's state how much they don't like OPKs and I was just giving a reason why I think there could be a 'taboo' on being honest about it. Double standards on 'honesty' aren't fair.


Well, no. Because admitting you feel a certain preference is completely different than a conjecture as to what you think OTHER people are thinking. You said you believe *other* people think people who don't enjoy children would secretly withhold food or comfort from a child. You would be wrong,

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Well, no. Because admitting you feel a certain preference is completely different than a conjecture as to what you think OTHER people are thinking. You said you believe *other* people think people who don't enjoy children would secretly withhold food or comfort from a child. You would be wrong,


Like I said---I am speculating as to why it's not considered okay to be open and honest about not liking OPKs. I have a feeling that my honesty as to why hearing it bothers me would be crossing other's minds too. Just because I worry about things doesn't mean they are true----thankfully! And I guess the reason I even brought up why I would think that way is because I actually DO know a mom in real life who would and has done mean things to kids she doesn't like. :001_huh:

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All of the destination house and snack threads have me thinking that I'm a bit unusual. I like children. I even like children that don't belong to me.


A few people said that they like having other kids over. Everyone else seems to look at it either with horror or as a necessary evil. I don't mind feeding children (obviously, the budget restriction makes sense). I don't mind the noise and chaos. I don't even mind talking to or playing with children. You want to sit here and give me a blow-by-blow retelling of Pikachu's battle with Spiderman? Go for it.


I spent my high school and college summers running preschool playgroups and school-age all-day camps through parks and recreation. I loved it. I find my little house quite dull in comparison. Am I just strange? I see at least a few other people who like having little visitors, but we seem to be in the minority.



There are some kids that I really like. The kids in ds's 4-H group are a good example. Those are nice, respectful, bright kids. I could hang out with them all day, any day.


Other kids.... not so much.

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Like I said---I am speculating as to why it's not considered okay to be open and honest about not liking OPKs. I have a feeling that my honesty as to why hearing it bothers me would be crossing other's minds too. Just because I worry about things doesn't mean they are true----thankfully! And I guess the reason I even brought up why I would think that way is because I actually DO know a mom in real life who would and has done mean things to kids she doesn't like. :001_huh:


You asked why it isn't okay to be honest about speculation. Because you must tread gently when speculating about the intentions or feelings of others. It's a different animal altogether than talking about your own preferences..it's not a double standard. I also prefer cats to dogs, men to women, spicy food as opposed to bland, city living to country living and and teens to toddlers. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw rocks at dogs, backstab my female friends, insult someone's cooking, throw trash around the countryside or pinch toddlers when their mothers aren't looking. Suspecting I'm going to secretly neglect or even harm a child because of a simple preference is just completely insulting.



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You asked why it isn't okay to be honest about speculation. Because you must tread gently when speculating about the intentions or feelings of others. It's a different animal altogether than talking about your own preferences..it's not a double standard. I also prefer cats to dogs, men to women, spicy food as opposed to bland, city living to country living and and teens to toddlers. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw rocks at dogs, backstab my female friends, insult someone's cooking, throw trash around the countryside or pinch toddlers when their mothers aren't looking. Suspecting I'm going to secretly neglect or even harm a child because of a simple preference is just completely insulting.






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Little girls with high pitched screams drive me nuts. But other than that, I like other people's kids. Especially rambunctious boys and class clowns. Send them to me, please. My life is dull these days...


Oh, Mercy. Have I got a little boy for you :D



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You asked why it isn't okay to be honest about speculation. Because you must tread gently when speculating about the intentions or feelings of others. It's a different animal altogether than talking about your own preferences..it's not a double standard. I also prefer cats to dogs, men to women, spicy food as opposed to bland, city living to country living and and teens to toddlers. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw rocks at dogs, backstab my female friends, insult someone's cooking, throw trash around the countryside or pinch toddlers when their mothers aren't looking. Suspecting I'm going to secretly neglect or even harm a child because of a simple preference is just completely insulting.





Wow. I never suggested abuse. At all. I find it insulting that my honesty has led to this suggestion. :confused:

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I love kids, it's some parents I don't like. I actually prefer my house being the kid's gathering place. I know dh or I will be keeping an eye and ear out supervising. Too many kids are left roaming the neighborhood freely. I'm saddened by the kids craving adult attention, their parents don't listen to or talk with them. I wish there were more responsible parents. Many of the kids do have discipline and roughness issues where I step in and say we do not x,y, z here, you may ____. There are others who seem insecure and must boast or put down my kids instead of just having fun together. My heart breaks to have to send them home because they weren't taught any better. There are no other homeschoolers in our neighborhood. My guys play with all walks of life. Each child is special and I am honored to spend time with them, everyone has a story and wants to be valued.


I love this, especially the bolded, and agree with most of what you wrote.

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Wow. I never suggested abuse. At all. I find it insulting that my honesty has led to this suggestion. :confused:


Harm as in:


"children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? "


I never said the word abuse either. The above is what I take exception to. Yes, I always help children who appear lost. Yes, I feed kids at the park if they look hungry and mom says it's okay. Yes, I would clean up a little one's cut and put on a bandaid. To suggest otherwise is insulting.



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I like kids. I don't really get the baby/toddler thing when they aren't mine. They are cute, and there is nothing like a quick cuddle, but I don't want to talk to them on the phone, and I don't think their every move is adorable, unless I am related to them. Closely related, like mine, or my grandson, other than that you can keep them until they are about 4-5 and then they get interesting, and I prefer them to most adults.


We enjoy kids so much that once our homegrown children were adults we decided we weren't done. Lots of people thought we were crazy to adopt, because I believe that some people have children because it is a cycle in life and they can't wait for them to grow up so they can get back to their "real" life. (not anyone on the boards here, but in my real life and family I see this) We thought about it and there isn't anything we want to do that we can't do with kids, or by letting the Grandparents have them for a week or weekend. But instead there are so many things that you can only enjoy with kids, and we weren't ready to give that up and just get older.

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It depends on the kid. Right now I don't have a lot of exposure to other people's kids on a regular basis (I'm trying to find a local hs group.) But my best friend's kids who I see the most...I don't love. The oldest does things/says things that make cringe inside sometimes. The 15 month old is okay. She just doesn't say or do anything. I would never tell my friend, though.

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I like nice kids. I really like nice teenagers, and there are a ton of them in this world. Just saying that because I feel like teens get a bad rap today.


Hear, hear.


I really like teens as well. The world is their oyster. (Now there is a rabbit hole--what a strange expression!) ETA: the expression comes from Shakespeare! I should have guessed.

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Harm as in:


"children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? "


I never said the word abuse either. The above is what I take exception to. Yes, I always help children who appear lost. Yes, I feed kids at the park if they look hungry and mom says it's okay. Yes, I would clean up a little one's cut and put on a bandaid. To suggest otherwise is insulting.




Really? Was I singling out anybody here!? Not at all. Just speculating at why it feels uncomfortable to hear something that honest come from another mother. And another honest thought---If I knew that the mom in the house next door didn't like kids that weren't her own, I personally would not feel comfortable with my kids at that house or going anywhere with them in a situation where that mom was in charge for a while. I'm sorry if that sounds insulting, but I don't see how one can't understand that hearing "I don't like OPKs" has sort of negative connotations. That's all. I'm not trying to ruffle feathers or insult. And I'm sorry if my honesty is being taken that way. ;)

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I can understand your concern, but it's pretty insulting. Just because I prefer not to be around OPK doesn't mean I would abuse or neglect them or help someone else do it! If ds has a playdate then it's that mom's responsibility to tell me any issues that need dealing with. I will then take care of them, but if I don't know then I can't, can I? If I accept a playdate, then I am willing to deal with that kid. I haven't seen anyone on this thread that said they hate OPK but still allow them into their homes on playdates. Your kids would be perfectly safe with me.


This thread refers back to other threads in recent days where we were talking about neighbor kids just showing up. These are kids where the parents are absent and you may not know about special diets, etc. These are kids whose parents use homeschooling mamas as free babysitters.



It doesn't bother me that many people don't like children that aren't their own. Heck I know lots of people that really don't like their own kids.


We all have tolerance levels for different things. I can't stand being around sick people. They get on my nerves and I am not really nurturing to my DH or kids when they are sick. I am the "go to the doctor and get well but stop whining already" type of person and I know that is considered weird. We all have different personalities and "gifts", kids happen to be mine, and I thank God for people who take care of the sick and elderly, because it couldn't be me.

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All of the destination house and snack threads have me thinking that I'm a bit unusual. I like children. I even like children that don't belong to me.


A few people said that they like having other kids over. Everyone else seems to look at it either with horror or as a necessary evil. I don't mind feeding children (obviously, the budget restriction makes sense). I don't mind the noise and chaos. I don't even mind talking to or playing with children. You want to sit here and give me a blow-by-blow retelling of Pikachu's battle with Spiderman? Go for it.


I spent my high school and college summers running preschool playgroups and school-age all-day camps through parks and recreation. I loved it. I find my little house quite dull in comparison. Am I just strange? I see at least a few other people who like having little visitors, but we seem to be in the minority.


I think it is a gift that some people have and others don't. I don't. I love my kids, but am not great with kids. I would NOT want to listen to a retelling of pikachu's battle, lol. But I'm great with animals. My mom is great with the elderly. Everyone has a gift. My son is wonderful with little kids. Go figure.

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For the most part, no. I don't like other people's children. That said, I do like to be the house where everyone is playing. I don't mind the noise or the mess (to an extent) or the food and drink needs.


I really don't want to carry on conversations though. Just go play and leave me be.

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I'll be brave and answer this since deep down, the honesty of answering 'No' honestly does kind of bother me. Maybe it's sort of 'taboo' because children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? I guess I just always imagine my kids going to someone's house and the thought that the adults don't like other kids---including mine----kind of leaves me feeling weird. :001_huh:


I can understand your concern, but it's pretty insulting. Just because I prefer not to be around OPK doesn't mean I would abuse or neglect them or help someone else do it! If ds has a playdate then it's that mom's responsibility to tell me any issues that need dealing with. I will then take care of them, but if I don't know then I can't, can I? If I accept a playdate, then I am willing to deal with that kid. I haven't seen anyone on this thread that said they hate OPK but still allow them into their homes on playdates. Your kids would be perfectly safe with me.


This thread refers back to other threads in recent days where we were talking about neighbor kids just showing up. These are kids where the parents are absent and you may not know about special diets, etc. These are kids whose parents use homeschooling mamas as free babysitters.


So it's okay for people to be perfectly honest about not liking OPKs. At all. But it's not okay for me to be honest? I wasn't trying to be insulting or suggest abuse. It's just uncomfortable for me to hear other mom's state how much they don't like OPKs and I was just giving a reason why I think there could be a 'taboo' on being honest about it. Double standards on 'honesty' aren't fair.



:blush: Oh my word! I just re-read our posts. I understood the bolded part to read "helps to hurt...children"! I got upset, didn't read every word of the rest of your post and reacted. I am so sorry!


Anyone who knows me or has read my posts on this board know that I do not agree with any double standards. I am a painfully honest person.


That said, I stand by the rest of my post. I prefer not to spend time with OPK, but when I allow a playdate where I am responsible for OPK, I make sure that I am ready, able and willing to deal with those kids. It's usually kids I know and not just drop-offs. So, the responsibility is on the OPK parent to make sure they know who they are dropping their kids off with. The drop-off parents don't care who their kids are with; they just want free babysitting and meals. Yes, that's harsh, but those are the ones I'm talking about, NOT ALL OPK that visit my home. My friends have all heard me say that I don't like OPK, but I blame it on my social anxiety.

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