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*sigh* Who else is NOT close to finishing the school year?

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We're finished with some things (math, phonics and history for the 1st grader) but we have a month left with the 5th grader's history and science. But I decided last week that we would continue with something over the summer so it's not that big of a deal this year.

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Me, too!

But we school year-round from January to December, so obviously are no where near finishing up school. :lol:

This is the only time of year our unusual schedule bothers me - all this talk about being 'done' and we are just gearing up. But it seems so many people are stressed that they aren't 'done' so maybe I should look at it as a blessing?


School doesn't let out here until the last week in June. That means nothing is open until then (the pool, park stuff, etc.).
Same here, though our government schools let out early June. I so wish the water parks and amusement parks started their summer schedules earlier.
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We are not even half way through last year :D.


I changed our main curricula in the middle of the fall last year. That set us back a good bit. Then, I ditched that because the kids were asking for the old stuff, so I went back to my original plan :blink: and then I had an unplanned emergency surgery that sidelined me for over a month.


We will school lightly through the summer and should finish up by the early fall.

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Me. But I've solved that. We're schooling all year. :001_smile: Lemons, lemonade.



Yesterday, I realized I was killing myself to get it all done in the Public School's time-frame, when our lives have NEVER matched theirs. As we speak, I'm working out a schedule of 6 weeks on ___ weeks off (haven't decided yet). I think this will serve us, as a family MUCH better. Plus, it will help us to have clearer goals and to not get so frustrated when we're not "finished" at a certain time. After all, it's only in school where you get summers "off." That never happens in the real world and it was a HUGE shock to me the first summer I had to work a "real job" with no time off to relax.




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wavesmile.gif We tend to go year round, anyway, but what I had hoped to finish by the end of June won't be finished. It was still a very good year, though, and I'm happy with what we did complete. We'll carry Sonlight and math over, and I'll work new plans for the new year with everything else. We'll take 2-3 weeks off at the end of June/beginning of July, and then start the new year.

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we never finish-we just keep going to the next level. We finished SM3b but we're doing review for a month and then we'll move to 4A. We are in the middle of WWE3 so...we'll just keep going. We're in the middle of SOTW3 so...same thing. Older is almost done with GWG3 and the section of Spelling Power I hoped he would be finished with. And he's almost done with Science. But again, we just go on to the next level right away so.....:D

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we have about 10 weeks left and are going to try and take August off before starting again in mid-September. Trying to fit VBS and visiting family in June will make that goal more of a challenge for us - but I have warned the children of this many times as an encouragement to try to get things done (we will be be done with grammar, writing, history and science when we get them done, even if we should still have weeks of school left).

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July 1 is our end date, unless I can combine days in our HOD guide. We have 8 Units left to do. Dd has more in hers (MFW AHL) but she is combining days in order to finish by end of June. We are also beginning a school year-round system. We'll take July off so I can plan and then start in beg. Aug. Kids get soooo bored anyway and the summers can be hot.

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Well, good, I feel better about being a few weeks behind! I definitely don't want to school year round. Once upon a time, I might have done it, but my life has changed a bit. I'm really looking forward to the summer to recharge, work on some things for myself, and fold laundry!:)

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I've got about 10 weeks here on my own curriculum and my first CC class starts in about a month, 1 day before my surgery :banghead: Thankfully, it's online, though.


Winter really kicked my butt, plus I switched math programs about 1/2 way into the year.


I must be tired. I read your first paragraph to mean that you were having your surgery online, and I even thought, wow, the things they can do these days!!


Hedgehog needs to go back to bed.


Btw.. we are so not done. Life is what happens when you're planning other things, right?

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I must be tired. I read your first paragraph to mean that you were having your surgery online, and I even thought, wow, the things they can do these days!!


Hedgehog needs to go back to bed.


Btw.. we are so not done. Life is what happens when you're planning other things, right?


LOL, reading that back, I can see why you saw that :lol:

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We're definitely not done. We got a late start at the end of last year, and then didn't accomplish much through the Christmas season. This is our third year homeschooling, and I still can't quite figure out how I'm going to organize our calendar...ugh. Anyway, so at least for the completion of this year, we are year-round schoolers, LOL!


I am hoping that we will finish everything that is from "this year" by the 2nd week of August. Then, I'll give us a month break, and begin the new school year in mid September. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out exactly how I want to plan out our school year.


Maybe I'll figure it out before they all graduate...:001_huh:

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Our school year doesn't end until July 22nd, the same as the state schools. We're going away July 8th-15th, so I was really hoping to be finished by the 7th and not have to do schoolwork that last week, but I don't think it's going to happen.

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DS announced he wants to graduate a year early. Pair that up with his two broken arms we are so far behind! It doesn't matter we will just work over the summer.


Wasn't there a family featured in the news that schooled year round so their kids were done with school by the 8th or 9th grade? I tried to google it, but I can't find it.

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Done? That's a joke! Our move completely killed our schedule, then I switched almost all the curriculum, then dd had surgery on her arm so it was a killer for her to write. And now we're moving in 3 months and I have to get them ready for ps.

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Travel hockey did us in this year. We won't be done until the first week of july, and that's by doing the bare minimum for science and history (those are the things I want to finish in an academic year).


Public schools here get out before Memorial Day (so around the 20th of May), but they start the second week of August). We didn't start until the second week of September, which is a bit closer to the schedule I had in school and then things ended at the end of June, but I'm just DRAGGING right now.


I think a decent source of my "i want to be DONE" feeling is that the breaks we've had corresponded with family visits that haven't been as relaxing as I'd like.


I'm looking at the UK school system calendar off and on (we have family there) and that seems like a more relaxed and yet still productive schedule. I think having more planned vacation time ("we'll go until ABC date and then we have 2 weeks off") will make it easier for me mentally, rather than the current system we have of "we'll take time off when someone comes to visit."

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We're year-rounders too, although I like to be done with the "grade level" by the time the public schools start in the fall to keep us on track. Considering I decided to have my dd start CLE 2nd grade math halfway through this year to get us back on track with math (she's in 3rd grade)... yes we still have awhile to go to get her caught up. :tongue_smilie:I'm pretty sure we'll be done with all of 3rd grade by the time summer is over, she's flying through the 2nd grade stuff.

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Hahahaha!!! Done?!?! I just sat down this afternoon and really looked at where we are and what we have left to reach the goals I'd made for myself at the beginning of the year. Let's just say that a new job in a new city in September, home improvements to sell the house, house showings from Sept to February, moving across the state in Feb, selling the house in March, and starting a new part-time job in Feb has taken its toll on our lives. I'm just trying not to cry right now. We will become year-round schoolers out of necessity I think. We'll go 6 weeks on, 1 week off from now on.

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Six weeks to go. That's more or less how I planned it, so I'm OK with that.


What I would LIKE to do is start in mid- to -late August this year, so that we don't have to school through all of June. The grandparents freak a bit if we start before Labor Day, but they can suck it up, methinks. :)

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