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Harry Potter - dangerous to have had in the house?

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We were staying in a holiday cottage recently. The landlords told us about having an American family staying who, when they found HP in a cupboard, handed the books to the landlord and cut short their stay.


Do you know anyone who would not have just given the books to the landlord and stayed for the week? The accommodation was paid in advance.



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I want to say upfront I am not all Harry Potter. I was in the beginning but my kids lost interest after a few years so just not our thing. It's a book. Someones imagination come to life for goodness sakes. It is not dangerous and surely did not curse upon a cottage.


What kills me is those who say HP is so bad because of magic but they will sit down and watch Wizard of Oz. Magic and witches are magic and witches regardless of a yellow brick road. They also let their kids watch old cartoons like smurfs..Hello back to magic.


If you don't want your kids associated with HP fine but people need to quit acting like it's all real. It's a story from someones imagination that is all nothing more. So in answer to your question, Heck no I would not cut my stay and waste the money I paid.

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They wasted their own money and will continue to do so or get better at questioning landlords and business owners. The behavior just sounds silly though.


I've never heard of anyone doing this. If I were renting cottages in Britain or staying at B&B's there I think I would be surprised not to see JK Rowling on a bookshelf. It's the same as me expecting to find Dan Brown on the shelf at a typical US beach rental.


If I arrived at a rental and found something I did not agree with I'd take it off the shelf and put it in the back of a cabinet for a week. I arrived at a beach rental once to find an old game console and 4 M rated games. We just put the console and games out of sight for the week.

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Agreeing with PPs. Also, I would have a hard time finding a hotel to stay in that didn't have a Bible in every room, but holy books of no other religion and none that question it. If I were going to only stay in hotels that matched my morals and values, I'd have to stick to camping.

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Do you know anyone who would not have just given the books to the landlord and stayed for the week?


No, I do not know anyone who would cut short their stay over a book. I would think the appropriate response, if one found HP so bad, would be to put it out of sight. Why bother the landlord with it?


We have plenty of friends who do not "do" HP, Bionicles, Pokemon, or any combination thereof. They have long-allowed their children to play at our house (even their boys, gasp!), and my ds has always known to ask ahead of time if he doesn't know what may or may not grieve another family.

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We were staying in a holiday cottage recently. The landlords told us about having an American family staying who, when they found HP in a cupboard, handed the books to the landlord and cut short their stay.


Do you know anyone who would not have just given the books to the landlord and stayed for the week? The accommodation was paid in advance.




You can't fix stupid. Makes me sad for the people trapped in such fear.

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Their loss. Seriously, they must have a great life. How else could they get so worked up over a book?


I mean, I nearly threw a magazine at the landlord last time we stayed somewhere. A magazine that had been hidden under the bed and my 9yo son and 8yo daughter found. I really didn't want to answer questions about that kind of magazine. I was furious. Absolutely ropeable.


So, maybe they felt like that about HP. But then again, really? Over a book?


But, then again, I did. Maybe I can't say that a magazine is worth a toddler-sized temper tantrum and HP isn't because I happen to find one offensive and not the other?

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What kills me is those who say HP is so bad because of magic but they will sit down and watch Wizard of Oz. Magic and witches are magic and witches regardless of a yellow brick road. They also let their kids watch old cartoons like smurfs..Hello back to magic.




Or how about the Chronicles of Narnia? That's full of magic (and a witch).

Edited by EKS
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Do you know anyone who would not have just given the books to the landlord and stayed for the week?




My goodness.


Most of the people I know have their feet firmly planted in reality. And even the people whose reality I question, wouldn't give up a vacation over the mere presence of a wildly popular children's book.


(and darn, I wish I could write kid's book that have that much influence!)

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We were staying in a holiday cottage recently. The landlords told us about having an American family staying who, when they found HP in a cupboard, handed the books to the landlord and cut short their stay.


Do you know anyone who would not have just given the books to the landlord and stayed for the week? The accommodation was paid in advance.



Yes, sadly we know someone. My father. When he found out I allowed my children to read these books he went ballistic. Got in my son's face (who at the time was 12) and told him they were from the devil. We had to intervene and it got very ugly. For weeks after I force fed scripture, told I was inviting evil to fall upon my family and would reap the consequences if I did not get those books out of my house. He would probably have reacted in a very similar manner to what the op mentioned.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I know similar people and based on them I would presume it's not a fear thing, it's a principle thing. So what if people have strong beliefs/principles/opinions that they're willing to make personal sacrifice over. It was their own money and plans they gave up.

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This sort of behavior just adds to the international opinion that Americans are crazy.


Yeah. When I was traveling in the UK, I was so embarrassed by a "Proud American" while on a van tour to Stonehenge and such. He told everyone that in the US, you could not grow crops without irrigation. HELLO!!! Have you been east of the Mississippi? And the misinformation just went downhill from there. Oh, and his 10 yo son didn't want to ever get out of the van, he just wanted to stay in and play his portable video game. What a waste.


The people next to me kept looking at me to ask if all the thinkgs he was saying were true. I just kept shaking my head.

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Maybe the landlords are embellishing a bit?


They didn't seem the type to embellish: straightforward, north country sheep-farming types.


ETA: husband is American, so they would be unlikely to drag out an all-Americans-are-mad story when talking to him. They were just happy that he was okay with HP.



Edited by Laura Corin
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I know similar people and based on them I would presume it's not a fear thing, it's a principle thing. So what if people have strong beliefs/principles/opinions that they're willing to make personal sacrifice over. It was their own money and plans they gave up.


That people with strong principles like this would not do a bit of research. As a PP mentioned, leaving a HP book on a bookshelf would be a normal courtesy in a British holiday cottage. If it concerned me as a guest, I would approach it like any other personal requirement and ask in advance.



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This sort of behavior just adds to the international opinion that Americans are crazy.



Aren't we? ;)


I'd like to think that story an urban legend, but it's probably not.


One wonders, if HP is so dangerous, why anyone afraid of books would bothering going to the UK at all...it being the international home of a great school of wizardry. So many student practice spells to dodge.

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They sound very superstitious. Like a demon is going to jump out of the book and possess one of their kids or something. I once dated a guy who took his religion to this level of superstition. He led a nutty, restrictive life totally based in fear from taking this view; and yet would go on and on about the "freedom" he had found in his religious beliefs. Ultimately I left him to enjoy his "freedom" without his constant picking at the "evil" I was "opening myself up to".

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Yeah. When I was traveling in the UK, I was so embarrassed by a "Proud American" while on a van tour to Stonehenge and such. He told everyone that in the US, you could not grow crops without irrigation. HELLO!!! Have you been east of the Mississippi? And the misinformation just went downhill from there. Oh, and his 10 yo son didn't want to ever get out of the van, he just wanted to stay in and play his portable video game. What a waste.


The people next to me kept looking at me to ask if all the thinkgs he was saying were true. I just kept shaking my head.


Can you blame him? :001_huh:

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There are some people that believe that such books are so evil that they produce an "atmosphere" (aka encourage demonic activity at their location) and therefore will either refuse to stay at such a place or will anoint the place with oil and pray over the location (yes, I've known all kinds of people...).

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Guest RecumbentHeart
That people with strong principles like this would not do a bit of research. As a PP mentioned, leaving a HP book on a bookshelf would be a normal courtesy in a British holiday cottage. If it concerned me as a guest, I would approach it like any other personal requirement and ask in advance.




This kind of "principle" goes beyond things like that. So long as they weren't asking money back, I'd be fine, although in a slight state of shock for a little while due to the unexpectedness of it.

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In my case HP can be destructive. But that has nothing to do with the books and everything to do with the fact that he's a 10th boy living in my house. (Yes, it's my son's name.) So aside from eating me out of house and home everyday, he has broken a cupboard, lost his ds more times than I can count and leaves things everywhere. Bit I'm not sure witchcraft and wizardry have anything to do with it and we love the books.

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for about 4 months. I was suprised at the number of people who would tell us how awful Americans were while at the same time assuring us we were the right type of Americans. Of course, they knew nothing about our religious or political opinions but assumed certain things based upon appearance.


They didn't seem the type to embellish: straightforward, north country sheep-farming types.


ETA: husband is American, so they would be unlikely to drag out an all-Americans-are-mad story when talking to him. They were just happy that he was okay with HP.



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LOL Too true. There should be an international fund dedicated to helping the less weird travel abroad.


:lol: I have been laughing so hard at this thread. I've traveled all over Europe and I lived in the Middle East for a while...so, yeah, there should be a special fund - maybe through the State Department or the International Red Cross. :tongue_smilie:


I've said this before...Americans are soooo isolated and segregated that I think some of them are becoming very, very eccentric. I also think there was a big wave of weirdness in our parents' generation. My grandfather says he remembers watching the younger generation in the 60s and he was like :confused:. "What the heck?"

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We were staying in a holiday cottage recently. The landlords told us about having an American family staying who, when they found HP in a cupboard, handed the books to the landlord and cut short their stay.





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This wasn't about principle. It was a spiritual belief.


I have known (and still know) people who believe that certain books or articles (like items from countries with lots of voo-doo for example), have demons attached to them. They believe that there is a lot of spiritual activity going on around us that we don't see, and demons will attach themselves to these items, so that when you come into contact with the item, you are allowing the demon to come into contact with you.


These people are very sincere in their beliefs. It isn't about principle or judging anyone else. They simply believe it's a serious danger and they are trying to protect themselves.


Usually people with these beliefs believe that they can cast out the demons, so I'm not sure why they didn't remove the book, cast out the demons and then continue their stay, but maybe they didn't feel strong enough in their faith to cast out any demons.


And, in response to earlier comments, these same people would NOT watch The Wizard of Oz, Smurfs, Lord of the Rings, Narnia or Star Wars. I even had a friend when I was young who was not allowed to watch Speed Racer because the opening song said, "He's a demon on wheels."

Edited by Garga
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Could someone please contact that family and let them know our home is available for rent - cash paid up front? They can absolutely hand me every single HP book and I'll keep the cash. I could totally use some crazy people cash to offset hail damage. :)


FYI - it is not crazy to not watch Smurfs. Those things are creepy and wrong. ;)

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Are you in England? Because I am actually looking for something to rent towards the end of 2011. You don't even have to remove the HP books. ;)


Could someone please contact that family and let them know our home is available for rent - cash paid up front? They can absolutely hand me every single HP book and I'll keep the cash. I could totally use some crazy people cash to offset hail damage. :)


FYI - it is not crazy to not watch Smurfs. Those things are creepy and wrong. ;)

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I've never met a person who acted like that. Why do those people always have the money to travel overseas?




Because they save a lot of money not buying books. Lol I don't know anybody who would cut a vacation short over it, put the books out of sight/ reach of their children or even ask that they be removed during the stay, but not just leave.


The magazine was probably left by the previous tenant and hopefully the owner had a stern talking to with housekeeping. I really doubt the owner placed it there for his customers enjoyment (eeeewwww!!!).

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We were staying in a holiday cottage recently. The landlords told us about having an American family staying who, when they found HP in a cupboard, handed the books to the landlord and cut short their stay.


Do you know anyone who would not have just given the books to the landlord and stayed for the week? The accommodation was paid in advance.




I am reminded of Innocents Abroad, when MT said that there was only one donkey in the holy land he could ride because he hadn't seen its back. All the donkey backs he'd seen were running with sores, and he knew his donkey had them, too, and they hurt like the devil, but he hadn't seen that particular donkey's back. Thus it was the only one he could ride. :lol:


They'd seen the landlords oozing back.

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I just think of it as a great containment policy. It's like when some religious groups announced they would boycott Disney when the company started offering same sex partner benefits.


Fine, stay home and don't go to the amusement park. It will make my time there much more enjoyable.


Soon, they won't be able to do anything but stay home. Works for me.

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