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So done trying to sell curriculum!

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I have a three-fold situation:


1. I have one person on the board who has a similar philosophy to mine, and when I get something that I *think* I want to use, but turns out to be a bad fit for kid, I just PM her and ask her if she wants it. If she does, I mail it to her.


2. I have TRIED to simply give stuff to posters on the board. I read people's sig lines and posts and have PM'd them with "hi, you don't know me (but I have 8 bazillion posts here), and I have ______ and don't need it; would you be interested in accepting it as a gift? No postage or anything - a real, honest to Pete gift?"


My family moves a LOT, and it isn't just curricula that we find ourselves surrounded with; sometimes it is just "stuff" that I read people on the boards wishing they had. I'd rather send it to someone who wants / needs it than to an amorphous "thrift store". No dice. No one is even willing to give up their address. Whatever.


3. Kid wants to homeschool his own kids someday. Almost everything we have (save IEW and Teaching Company videos) isn't bought curricula - it is BOOKS. I made up lesson plans specific to those books (kind of a TRISMS/WTM hybrid). He's not willing to let go of any of those books. I already told him they are HIS library, so...


Someday I may be selling a kidney to pay my property taxes, but I'm not there yet. My mom says I got this whole "give it all away" thing from her.






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I have a three-fold situation:


1. I have one person on the board who has a similar philosophy to mine, and when I get something that I *think* I want to use, but turns out to be a bad fit for kid, I just PM her and ask her if she wants it. If she does, I mail it to her.

2. I have TRIED to simply give stuff to posters on the board. I read people's sig lines and posts and have PM'd them with "hi, you don't know me (but I have 8 bazillion posts here), and I have ______ and don't need it; would you be interested in accepting it as a gift? No postage or anything - a real, honest to Pete gift?"


My family moves a LOT, and it isn't just curricula that we find ourselves surrounded with; sometimes it is just "stuff" that I read people on the boards wishing they had. I'd rather send it to someone who wants / needs it than to an amorphous "thrift store". No dice. No one is even willing to give up their address. Whatever.


3. Kid wants to homeschool his own kids someday. Almost everything we have (save IEW and Teaching Company videos) isn't bought curricula - it is BOOKS. I made up lesson plans specific to those books (kind of a TRISMS/WTM hybrid). He's not willing to let go of any of those books. I already told him they are HIS library, so...


Someday I may be selling a kidney to pay my property taxes, but I'm not there yet. My mom says I got this whole "give it all away" thing from her.







I've done this too. No reply. They must think we're freaks or something. :D


Oh well. :tongue_smilie:

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I guess I just don't really get the whole "cheapskate" thing (but then maybe someone would call me that, so that could be why :tongue_smilie:). If I see something I'd like but I want to pay less, I send a PM and make an offer, with a "thanks for your consideration." The other person is free to laugh at my offer or whatever, but I'm just not getting why anyone is getting upset by things like this. All one has to do is say no thanks. If I'm buying used, I'm taking a big risk that someone else's idea of "great condition" matches my own, so I have to take that into consideration when buying. It's not my responsibility to worry about how much someone else is making on a sale - it's up to the person selling. If you don't like the offers, don't sell at a lower price. :confused: Anyway, I love the for sale boards, even though they are sometimes frustrating. Thanks to all of the sellers here!


Oh, and I'll take free curriculum if it's things I want any day! lol

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I guess I just don't really get the whole "cheapskate" thing (but then maybe someone would call me that, so that could be why :tongue_smilie:). If I see something I'd like but I want to pay less, I send a PM and make an offer, with a "thanks for your consideration." The other person is free to laugh at my offer or whatever, but I'm just not getting why anyone is getting upset by things like this. All one has to do is say no thanks. If I'm buying used, I'm taking a big risk that someone else's idea of "great condition" matches my own, so I have to take that into consideration when buying. It's not my responsibility to worry about how much someone else is making on a sale - it's up to the person selling. If you don't like the offers, don't sell at a lower price. :confused: Anyway, I love the for sale boards, even though they are sometimes frustrating. Thanks to all of the sellers here!


Oh, and I'll take free curriculum if it's things I want any day! lol




I don't mind at all when someone offers me less-sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't, no harm in asking.

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Hmmm' date=' that's interesting. I've never tried to sell anything, but I'm sick of trying to buy. I got totally burned once (I sent money and never heard from her again) and sent a 'is this still available' question and that wasn't responded to for a couple of weeks.


I did have one wonderful transaction.[/quote']


I haven't had time to read through all the postings, but my suggestion to this is to pay with Paypal / goods. That way the buyer is protected. The fees really aren't that bad. If the buyer won't cover them, I don't mind paying a little extra.

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And to a pp who mentioned Cathswap----I quit that LONG ago!!! My Catholic friend and I have laughed hard over the years at just how cheap some buyers on there can be. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's like some people want the cheapest deal they can find and then don't consider that the seller's perhaps need some money to buy their own curriculum :confused:


Yep - these folks are after the true bargain, not disputing that. But, they are quick to pay, courteous (except 1-2 instances) and kind enough to notify you when the books/curriculum arrive. Smaller 'known' group to me too. They don't have the corner on the cheapskate market either! BUT, I'm OVER selling anything anymore except to good old Amazon or other known places that buy back books.

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I've also given up trying to sell curriculum. I take great pains to make sure we don't mark in books or cause them to show wear. Then I post a price for 1/2 of the cost and people are still trying to get it for less or don't even respond. My used books are like new and priced lower than our local used curriculum store! Then people will ask me to hold something and never reply. So when I give them 24 hours beyond what they ask for and sell it to someone else I'm selling it out from under them? I don't think so! Then the ones that want to reduce the price by just a few dollars. When I'm flexible on the price, I post that. When I'm firm on the price, I post that. I don't appreciate people trying to haggle a firm price. I'd rather trade it in at the local curriculum store so at least I can benefit.


I guess I better :chillpill:. LOL Trying to sell used curriculum is frustrating to say the least!

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I do one of five things


1- Trade once or twice a year curriculum with a friend in another state (we do this currently with History and Science).


2-Sell at local group sale.


3-Sell on here or another forum I am on


4-Sell on Ebay (I have over 1000 feedback on ebay mostly selling stuff with 100% feedback. So far no issues for me)


5-Put on paperback swap or take to used bookstore to sell (this is for when i just want it out of the house and am 100% sure I won't use it again). c

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Because if I sell a SWO teacher's book for $6 (half of the purchase price) and it costs me $5 to ship, I haven't made any money on it at all when you add in my time, gas to the PO, etc. It's not a bonus, it's money I spend to send people a book.


Again, I have seen people freak out when they don't receive a book within a few days. Instead of stress about it, I'd rather keep it or give it away to someone local or sell it to the local used bookstore.


I have found it's not worth it to sell curricula online. It's just not. That's not an indictment of anyone, it's just my experience.


I get what you are saying. But you can work around this. When I list items, I make it clear that I am shipping it media mail, but that they are welcome to pay more for Priority shipping if getting it quickly is important to them.


I also do not sell books postage paid unless the total sell is $12 or over. I don't mind spending $3.50 or so to ship $15 worth of books. But it is definitely not worth the time or effort IMO to sell a book for $6ppd and make only a couple of dollars. My listings usually say, free media mail shipping for purchases of $12 or over, or I will add media mail shipping. Most people end up spending over $12 to get the free shipping and its a win-win.


This is it for me exactly. I had many people wanting me to ship items for free in order to keep their costs down. While I understand their position, I don't think it's fair to me. People seem to forget that postage price is not the only part of shipping. I have to buy envelopes or boxes to send the items in, pay for delivery confirmation and sometimes insurance, pay for gas to drive the 14 mile round trip to the post office, and take time out of my day to drive there and stand in line which is always at least a 10 minute wait.


I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just giving the reasons why selling used items is not economical for me.


I read this a lot, but I often wonder why anyone goes to the post office to ship? It's easy to ship media mail or priority through Paypal, I print the postage on my home computer, and ship it in a box that someone shipped their books to me in. :)


I've probably just outed myself here about how often I buy and sell on here, but I wouldn't be able to buy all the curriculum I do otherwise. And a BIG portion of the curriculum I do buy is with the Paypal I've earned from selling off what we don't use. So it's certainly worth it for me! I suppose if I were buying the majority of my curriculum new, then the money I earn wouldn't seem much, but I can buy a lot of used books this way! :lol:



2. I have TRIED to simply give stuff to posters on the board. I read people's sig lines and posts and have PM'd them with "hi, you don't know me (but I have 8 bazillion posts here), and I have ______ and don't need it; would you be interested in accepting it as a gift? No postage or anything - a real, honest to Pete gift?"


My family moves a LOT, and it isn't just curricula that we find ourselves surrounded with; sometimes it is just "stuff" that I read people on the boards wishing they had. I'd rather send it to someone who wants / needs it than to an amorphous "thrift store". No dice. No one is even willing to give up their address. Whatever.




Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a freecycle style board on here? Of course, it would need to have a high threshold of posts to be able to participate. There is a free-for-shipping forum on another board I frequent, and it's a nice way to pass on stuff you won't use, but that isn't worth enough to sell, and for others to benefit from.

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I read this a lot, but I often wonder why anyone goes to the post office to ship? It's easy to ship media mail or priority through Paypal, I print the postage on my home computer, and ship it in a box that someone shipped their books to me in. :)

So do I, but I've got a scale. If you don't have a scale, you have to go to the post office.

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Last year I sold LOT----but for a huge loss. But I did sell and it felt good to clear shelves. This year, I have newer stuff I was trying to sell and found that if I listed practically BRAND NEW items for even close to what I paid not even a year ago-----I didn't get ANY responses. Go a little lower, get a response of 'I want it and do you take PP?' and then never get a payment or response back to my inquiry! I have high school level items priced very fairly and no responses----and with shipping having gone up I am just worn out trying to sell fairly----and then get a few $$ for next year.


I have sold a few items so far, again, for a HUGE loss. And it doesn't feel so good this time around.



And to a pp who mentioned Cathswap----I quit that LONG ago!!! My Catholic friend and I have laughed hard over the years at just how cheap some buyers on there can be. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's like some people want the cheapest deal they can find and then don't consider that the seller's perhaps need some money to buy their own curriculum :confused:


Do you mean you're paying to sell them? You miscalculated and ended up paying more for shipping, packaging, etc. than you actually received? Otherwise I don't see how selling for any amount is a loss. It was a financial loss when you decided to buy it. Anything you sell it for is recouping some of that initial loss.


It's true that I don't buy used in order to do the seller a favor. I buy used because I can't afford to buy new even though I would like to support the companies that create and sell curricula by doing so (and I love shiny new books). I am, of course, looking for a deal so I can afford to get the things I feel I need.


I love the for sale forum!!! I have never had a bad experience selling or buying here. :D


I do not buy anything that is more than 50% of the new price, nor do I sell anything for more than 50%.


I use Sonlight and I usually buy it new, so I do ask for 50% when I sell it.


:iagree: Most of the time I don't want to pay more than 50% of what I would pay for it new. I LIKE new things and I'm not going to get a used (even slightly used) curriculum to save 10-20%.


:grouphug: I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I have not sold any curriculum on here (or anywhere) yet. But I value the boards because I scour them all the time looking for the items we need. If all the sellers left discouraged, it would sure be a sad day for honest buyers.


I do wonder what kind of great curriculum you guys have given away. No one gives curriculum away around where I live! :001_smile:


I have given away very shiny and new looking Saxon manuals, Easy Grammar, HOWT supplies, various Usborne books. I write inside them a request to please not sell the items if I am putting them on a shelf and don't know who will take them. I plan to give Oak Meadow away to a friend, and I'll probably give her MCT too if the books are still in okay shape.


Because if I sell a SWO teacher's book for $6 (half of the purchase price) and it costs me $5 to ship, I haven't made any money on it at all when you add in my time, gas to the PO, etc. It's not a bonus, it's money I spend to send people a book.


Again, I have seen people freak out when they don't receive a book within a few days. Instead of stress about it, I'd rather keep it or give it away to someone local or sell it to the local used bookstore.


I have found it's not worth it to sell curricula online. It's just not. That's not an indictment of anyone, it's just my experience.


Obviously that is something that is not worth selling. I have huge books that I know are going to cost me more in shipping than they are worth. I either give them away or they go in recycling.


I usually sell stuff for around 50% off what I paid. I am always amazed that people try to sell used stuff for either the same retail price as new or for $5 or $10 off. It would have to be at least 50% off for me to take a chance and buy something used from someone I don't know.


:iagree:Some things are worth selling and some aren't. Some things are only worth selling if there is a buyer willing to buy more than one thing. This is nobody's fault; it's just the way it is.


I guess I just don't really get the whole "cheapskate" thing (but then maybe someone would call me that, so that could be why :tongue_smilie:). If I see something I'd like but I want to pay less, I send a PM and make an offer, with a "thanks for your consideration." The other person is free to laugh at my offer or whatever, but I'm just not getting why anyone is getting upset by things like this. All one has to do is say no thanks. If I'm buying used, I'm taking a big risk that someone else's idea of "great condition" matches my own, so I have to take that into consideration when buying. It's not my responsibility to worry about how much someone else is making on a sale - it's up to the person selling. If you don't like the offers, don't sell at a lower price. :confused: Anyway, I love the for sale boards, even though they are sometimes frustrating. Thanks to all of the sellers here!


Oh, and I'll take free curriculum if it's things I want any day! lol


I agree with all of this.

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I didn't read the replies but a great place to donate your books to is the Book Samaritan. They give free homeschool books to families in need.

When we first started homeschooling I didnt have the money for books, so I wrote them to see if we could get at least some of the books on our list.


They sent me a box full of different curriculum I had asked for, and some I hadn't. It was great.


The only thing they ask is that people do NOT resell the curriculum they are given. They are to give it away to someone else or back to the Book Samaritan.


I have some Math-U-See curricula that I'm going to give away actually because I got it from the Book Samaritan and am not using it anymore. I just want to be sure that who I give it to really needs it and won't resell it.

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"Less" is fine. Offering someone $10 for something you know cost $100 is chintzy.


It's all about supply and demand. I don't care what someone else paid for an item. For all I know, that $100 item may have been bought used for $15 by the person selling it (or picked up free somewhere, or whatever). The only thing that really matters in the end is what the market will hold. There are certain items that I see listed and sold frequently on the sale boards at prices that I personally think are too high, so I don't buy them. Obviously there are people out there who value that small discount on particular items because they always seem to sell. On the other hand, if I bought an item new and then decided to sell it, how I price it (and whether or not it will sell) is all based upon whether there are actually people who really value what I have to sell. It doesn't matter if I paid $100 for something if everyone else thinks it's only worth $10. Perhaps, instead of being cheap, they are being smart.

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I got most of my curriculum for free from other families giving away their old material, so I try to pay it forward.


However, I tried to sell my nursing school textbooks on craigslist. What a pain! Some people were willing to pay my full asking price (in line with the cheapest price available online), but only wanted one book, and only if I wanted to spend an hour's worth of time/gas driving it to them. One guy offered to buy the whole lot for $100 (total asking price would have been closer to $400). When I asked some questions about what program he was in, he said he was just someone who sold books. At least he was honest.


I sold one to someone who was willing to meet me in-town for less than the asking price, and that was fine.


The rest went to Amazon Buyback. I'm never doing anything else again. I just boxed them all up, took them to the post office, and got about 2/3 of my full asking price from craigslist. No bargaining or driving all over the universe to deliver them.

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I have a three-fold situation:


1. I have one person on the board who has a similar philosophy to mine, and when I get something that I *think* I want to use, but turns out to be a bad fit for kid, I just PM her and ask her if she wants it. If she does, I mail it to her.


2. I have TRIED to simply give stuff to posters on the board. I read people's sig lines and posts and have PM'd them with "hi, you don't know me (but I have 8 bazillion posts here), and I have ______ and don't need it; would you be interested in accepting it as a gift? No postage or anything - a real, honest to Pete gift?"


My family moves a LOT, and it isn't just curricula that we find ourselves surrounded with; sometimes it is just "stuff" that I read people on the boards wishing they had. I'd rather send it to someone who wants / needs it than to an amorphous "thrift store". No dice. No one is even willing to give up their address. Whatever.


3. Kid wants to homeschool his own kids someday. Almost everything we have (save IEW and Teaching Company videos) isn't bought curricula - it is BOOKS. I made up lesson plans specific to those books (kind of a TRISMS/WTM hybrid). He's not willing to let go of any of those books. I already told him they are HIS library, so...


Someday I may be selling a kidney to pay my property taxes, but I'm not there yet. My mom says I got this whole "give it all away" thing from her.








Oooh -- I need to put want I want in a siggy line then! I'd respond to you, and even pay postage!

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oh Asta, I would have responded to you if you offered me something! I have a few times offered something to a fellow poster here, and mailed it to them free. It feels good to help out another homeschooler on tough times.


I do sell occasionally, helps with my curriculum junkie habit...:D I've had good experiences here on the sale boards.

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oh Asta, I would have responded to you if you offered me something! I have a few times offered something to a fellow poster here, and mailed it to them free. It feels good to help out another homeschooler on tough times.


I do sell occasionally, helps with my curriculum junkie habit...:D I've had good experiences here on the sale boards.

I also have offered things to people free. Only one person ever replied and I sent that item to her. I offered someone else some books that were kind of heavy, so I told her if she paid postage I would send them to her. No response. Just a few days later I offered them to someone else for postage and she took me up on it. If I see someone struggling and I have that item, I'm likely to share it.


That said, sometimes I have needs for curriculum, so I try to sell what I have so I can get what I need. I've had almost 100% no problems. Only one person out of the MANY I have dealt with on this board have I had trouble with. After ages of waiting she finally sent the item, and it was in way worse shape than she said! Then she got mad at me when I told her it wasn't in very good condition! :glare: But, she got her money, and I got my item, so I moved on. That's it. I hope it continues, and I hope everyone doesn't stop selling and buying on here! :001_huh: I don't come here for that, I LOVE all the advice and stories and opportunities to pray for others! However, I also appreciate this place to buy and sell with fellow homeschoolers, since there is no place here for me to sell used curriculum.

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  • 1 month later...
I don't see how so one could say they can't get their money's worth selling used curriculum.


I mean, one either you did use it and in that case got your full value, and ANY resale you get out of it IS an extra bonus




two, you didn't use it it at all and it just sat on your shelf collecting dust, so again, if you were able to sell it, then "bonus".


How can you not consider this getting your money's worth?


Yes, I get the annoying people trying to get it for dirt cheap. Say no politely and move on. I usually state that my price is firm so no one will ask for lower prices.


Alot of times I see people listing their stuff waaaay to high, which in that case I just move on. I mean, if I am buying used, that means I am looking for a deal. If you are only offering $5-10 off of the new price, I might as well go new (who doesn't like a shiny new book, lol!). I see that with the Apologia Elementary science books, they are rarely a good deal used....I usually just buy those new. I am not going to pay $28 for used, when I can get it for $35 (if not cheaper on sale) with free shipping at CBD.com. On the other hand, knowing that, that is why I sold mine for $20 when I listed it. That is a deal. Why not? I got my FULL value from as we used it and love it. Now I need the shelf space and even getting $20 is $$ I can use for something else.


I buy and sell used curriculum all of the time...like it is a bad habit, as in I check the For Sale boards daily if not more than once a day.


Yes, as a seller, I have had flakes who say they want it and then never pay. I have learned to just move on. I usually give them 24 hours from the time they said they would pay. If I don't hear from them, I move on the the next person who asked for it.


As a buyer, I try to pay within 24 hours, if I don't do it immediately. I have had one bad experience, which I posted here about when it happened, of a seller not shipping the curriculum, not responding to posts, not refunding my $$$. She finally did respond like 4 months later, and gave a refund, with some wonky story about her being in another country and international shipping (which was never mentioned in her For Sale post). But that is one out of many many purchases.


I think those that are getting bent out of shape over selling curriculum, well, maybe you are investing to much thought into it. It doesn't need to be that stressful, really.


I totally agree. It is a bonus to just sell items. I don't expect to recoup the money I paid for an item and what I paid for an item has no bearing on what it should be sold for. I browse and see what others are asking and reduce that a few $$ and hope for the best. :tongue_smilie:

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I've never sold anything, and hate to ask...but what is the problem? I've bought a lot of stuff and so I don't get it. You post "For Sale", I PM you "I want that", I send money same day, you mail books (hopefully within a few days)....??? Or is it that people will say they will send money and don't or what?

Some people love to haggle, are slow to pay, send you money with old addresses (happened to me twice!), want photos, want to call and discuss, and so on. Sometimes there are problems with the post office, or the recipient never gets it or complains about condition. That being said, most of my sales have gone fine.


I don't bother selling dirt cheap stuff. I think some people expect to get their money back, and that's probably not going to happen, unless you got it really cheap.

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Okay----I hope me saying this isn't too inflammatory, but honestly, I just have to get it off of my chest! I am SOO done trying to sell gently to almost new curriculum online---here or anywhere else. I am simply tired of flakes and cheapskates. :glare:


That is all.

:iagree:I'm with you sister.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I have not sold any curriculum on here (or anywhere) yet. But I value the boards because I scour them all the time looking for the items we need. If all the sellers left discouraged, it would sure be a sad day for honest buyers.


I do wonder what kind of great curriculum you guys have given away. No one gives curriculum away around where I live! :001_smile:



We've lived a couple different places. I sell only the very best of our stuff and give most away. When we factor in the hassle, shipping, reduced prices, etc., dh and I have just figured it makes more sense for us to donate the books and materials somewhere that can use them. We also give to friends and fellow homeschoolers a good bit.


I've been fortunate to buy used a few times and received almost everything as advertised. A couple descriptions of very good condition were optimistic at best. It makes me wary, I guess.


But, as we head into the upper grades and spend more for curriculum, we might rethink this. :001_smile:


ETA: Sorry to hear OP so frustrated. It takes some of the excitement away from clearing shelves, making money and finishing a deal.

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I've never sold anything, and hate to ask...but what is the problem? I've bought a lot of stuff and so I don't get it. You post "For Sale", I PM you "I want that", I send money same day, you mail books (hopefully within a few days)....??? Or is it that people will say they will send money and don't or what?


That stinks. I have gotten so much great used curriculum and really appreciate people selling it to me.


That happens. :glare:

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I've not read through all the pages of posts, so I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but is there some way that we all can give feedback (like EBay does) when we buy and sell? I don't have a whole ton of posts, but am here for community/friendship. I've bought and sold things here and have had good experiences, but I have to admit all these recent posts re: buying and selling curricula is freaking me out! I usually add in my husband's EBay profile so that people can check it out and read the reviews there, so that people know we're not scamming them, but it'd be nice to have something like that here.

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I haven't read all the posts yet. But I'm not getting it either. You post what you are selling. If I think your selling it at a good price I respond, send payment , get my materials I bought.


I don't barter or deal. I figure if that's the price you post that's the price you want for the product.


I wouldn't be able to homeschool without used curriculum either.

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I have found that some people want to pay pennies on the dollar for what I bought brand new last year and used for one school year. I try to price things fairly (so it enables me to purchase more curriculum and so that it helps others to get a break and not have to pay full price.)


Sorry that you have had these bad experiences with buyers.

I have found this also. When someone offers me $2 for a book I paid $16 for and have listed for $6-7 I simply tell them that I can't do that. Normally I have gotten what I have asked or just under. My problem is I have gone to BJU for pretty much all of our school and we love it. The only things is it doesn't seem all the sell able used. It doesn't matter though as I am happy with what we are using and the kids are doing well in it. We are going to stay with it. I am finished with the Curr. jump mode.:D

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Y'know, I think the thing is- when you're buying from some faceless person on the internet......you might get screwed. If someone is selling a $400 curriculum for $325.....that's a great deal. But you might send that person $325 and they might just drop off the face of the earth. I have had that happen to me. (not that much, but still) So, while I enjoy perusing the for sale board- I don't buy things if I can't afford to lose that amount of money. Now, I don't make offers on things- if a seller is asking more than I want to spend, I just move on. (For the record- I have only purchased things twice, the first time I had a wonderful experience, the second- I got completely screwed)

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Y'know' date=' I think the thing is- when you're buying from some faceless person on the internet......you might get screwed. If someone is selling a $400 curriculum for $325.....that's a great deal. But you might send that person $325 and they might just drop off the face of the earth. I have had that happen to me. (not that much, but still) So, while I enjoy perusing the for sale board- I don't buy things if I can't afford to lose that amount of money. Now, I don't make offers on things- if a seller is asking more than I want to spend, I just move on. (For the record- I have only purchased things twice, the first time I had a wonderful experience, the second- I got completely screwed)[/quote']


Yes, that's exactly why I won't buy an item advertised as new from someone even if it is a little cheaper than Amazon. The risk is too great to save just a few dollars. I really pretty much stick to that 50% rule.



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Actually yes, there is a feedback system in place here that looks very much like e-bays feedback. You just click on the persons name and choose 'view public profile'. You can than click on 'view all feedbacks for 'so-and-so' and you'll get the comments line like you would see on e-bay.

This is also where you can, then, leave feedback.








I've not read through all the pages of posts, so I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but is there some way that we all can give feedback (like EBay does) when we buy and sell? I don't have a whole ton of posts, but am here for community/friendship. I've bought and sold things here and have had good experiences, but I have to admit all these recent posts re: buying and selling curricula is freaking me out! I usually add in my husband's EBay profile so that people can check it out and read the reviews there, so that people know we're not scamming them, but it'd be nice to have something like that here.
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but I'm one of those who has never had a bad experience, either buying or selling. Because my daughter is dyslexic, some of the curriculum I must buy for her is very expensive (Barton, etc.). Therefore, it is so nice to be able to come here and save some money on the regular curriculum I need. I've never tried e-bay, and I decided re-selling on Amazon was a waste of time, so I'm very thankful for this sale/swap board!

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Only had time to read first couple pages but I have bought and sold here and done ok.


And once someone even threw in some extras they thought I would enjoy, (since I had bought something for Ancients time period, and they sent more Ancients related things.)


And someone else, when I bought her BSGAA, sent all the supplements (maps, etc.) that she had for it w/out even telling me she was going to or charging me for it, plus some other extras.


That being said, I don't sell here much anymore because the money I make isn't really worth the effort, unless I have something I know is highly desired/in great shape, etc. And then I try to be fair with the price.


I feel so bad for the people that have been burned. I must say, as others have said, that I don't really buy high priced items here, and I also only buy from people who have been on here quite awhile or post a lot.

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I used to love buying & selling used. I am very rural, so buying used is the only realistic way for me to check out a curriculum, and then reselling it if I don't need it.


However. Just in the past year or two I've had a lot of problems. People who rudely haggle. I almost never haggle, and fully expect people to say no when I try, though if it is really expensive, I do try. I have also had packages lost in the mail and people unwilling to refund me or that have not been forthcoming in communication. I've also had people who did not read the item descriptions and look at the provided pictures and then get upset about something that I basically sold for shipping.


Add in outrageous shipping prices and it's just getting less and less worthwhile. I've had good luck on this board minus one transaction I am seething over. In fact, I've had two ridiculously nice sellers that I wish I could hug for being so kind and giving. I give away some of my less expensive stuff to friends IRL. But I'm going to try and sell my stuff at a local curriculum swap soon. If not, some of it I might donate to The Book Samaritan. This is the first I've heard of it.

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I don't understand the name calling -- cheapskates and chintzy? Couldn't those people just as easily call you greedy for asking what they might consider a high price? I've received low ball offers on my listings. I consider it and either accept it, counter-offer, or say no thanks. At least it tells me someone is reading my for sale posts!


I've also made offers, contacting a seller (usually when their price is above the amazon or rainbow resource price) and offering less. Maybe they paid more or they need to get more for some reason, but I am buying for my own reasons. If we can work it out, great. If not, it doesn't hurt to just be courteous. I sure hope they aren't out there calling me chintzy or a cheapskate!

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