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They said what? Good thing they're homeschooled!


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Maybe they thought she couldn't spell?


I had for a while a picture book that I think was originally published in Australia, with "chooks" and a "moggy". The Amazon reviews contained one Very Annoyed Person complaining that books for small children shouldn't be teaching them "made-up nonsense words".


Moggy, as in cat?


Or Maggy, as in Magpie?

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I was just digging through my records of things the boys have said and wanted to share a few funny ones.  (A is DS#1, L is DS#2, and O is DS#3.)


A (then 4.5): Mama! This is SO dangerous!

Me: I think it's okay. The back is screwed on.

A: But if O (then 1) found a screw driver, and inserted it, and rotated it the right way, then he could get the back off and EAT the button cell batteries!!!

Me: .........Yeah, I suppose that could happen.




Me: Tell me the multiples of 3, backwards. Start with 30. 

L (then 6): 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, *pause* NEGATIVE 3, negative 6, negative 9 --

Me: Okay, that's good. How about 46+87?

L: 123? No, no. 133.

Me: What number comes before 26?

L: WHAT!? *throws self into heap on floor* I doooooon't knooooooooow! It's too haaaaaard!




O (then 4.25): Look mama, a nunyo! 

Me: That says yo-yo. 

O: No, it says yo minus yo. Mama.  If we have a yo and minus yo, then we have none. It says nunyo.

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My five-year-old: "It's high time I started acting like other children, and calling my bedroom the nursery!" :lol:


Yeah. That was when I stopped the classic British children's books and got some books written in the last twenty years, instead.


I had a moment like that when dd was five - we had recently moved and she wanted a bosom buddy. 

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Sacha, struggling to carry a [small] pumpkin back from the pumpkin patch yesterday: "Now I understand how Atlas felt, carrying the sky on his shoulders!"


ETA pics: https://www.facebook.com/monique.b.labarre/posts/10155150128473261?pnref=story

Edited by SeaConquest
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Two recent ones from my youngest:


Oldest dd made 3.5-year-old ds a little stuffed bear for Christmas, and he decided all on his own to call it "Ursa Minor".


We also heard him playing Hot Cross Buns on the piano the other day.  He has seen his older siblings practice it before, but no one has directly taught him to play it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Not exactly a “said whatâ€,but this seems like the best category


DD13 is taking a multisensory education workshop with me this weekend, and today, at one point, DD was asked “so, A, are you a teacher?†She replied “I’m a college student interested in educationâ€. The questioner commented “OK, I was wondering-you look about 12!â€


I think she enjoyed it.

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DD, age 7, has some serious imposter syndrome. Going through the results of her Woodcock Johnson with her: “The tester must have made a mistake. I’m not very good at math. Oh! I know what must have happened! She told me I could stop at a certain question because it was for older kids and I wouldn’t have learned it yet, but it was a really fun equation, so I did it anyway. Something like 4x+7=23. I love those! She must have given me bonus points or something.â€

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  • 2 weeks later...

In honor of Pi Day tomorrow.


So, we're listening to this song in the car (&Run by Sir Sly) and these lyrics come on:


Heavy as the setting sun
Oh, I'm counting all the numbers between zero and one


Sacha: He's going to be here awhile.
Me: What?
Sacha: He's says that he's counting all the numbers between zero and one. In the song.
Me: Oh, right.
Sacha: That's an infinite number of increasingly smaller numbers that approach zero.
Me: I don't think I understood limits until college.


Edited by SeaConquest
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In honor of Pi Day tomorrow.


So, we're listening to this song in the car (&Run by Sir Sly) and these lyrics come on:


Heavy as the setting sun

Oh, I'm counting all the numbers between zero and one


Sacha: He's going to be here awhile.

Me: What?

Sacha: He's says that he's counting all the numbers between zero and one. In the song.

Me: Oh, right.

Sacha: That's an infinite number of increasingly smaller numbers that approach zero.

Me: I don't think I understood limits until college.



Ha ha. That's hilarious. I remember trying to explain to my husband the difference between countably infinite and uncountably infinite a few years ago. It completely blew his brain that the "number" of numbers (including infinite decimals) between 0 and 1 is "infinitely larger" than the (infinite) "number" of counting numbers / integers.


(Quotes just because it's layman speak and not the correct terminology.)

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It completely blew his brain that the "number" of numbers (including infinite decimals) between 0 and 1 is "infinitely larger" than the (infinite) "number" of counting numbers / integers.


I remember reading once that the guy who first worked out that infinite sets can be different sizes actually checked into a mental hospital for a while. I'm loath to research this and find out it's not true, or not connected to math anyway.


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I remember reading once that the guy who first worked out that infinite sets can be different sizes actually checked into a mental hospital for a while. I'm loath to research this and find out it's not true, or not connected to math anyway.


Well, he was in and out of sanitoriums a number of times in his life, for various things ranging from depression to paranoia. Some have suggested it was due to his rather deep contemplations of mathematics (they really shook up the world, particularly religious folks who worried about the implications his mathematics on infinity would have on how people view God), but it's not at all clear that there was a causal relationship there.

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A lady in an office we were submitting some paperwork to mentioned she was going to Italy and that she was going to start by visiting Rome.  My son said, "Don't you know?!  You are too late! Rome was sacked and overrun by the barbarians in, like, 400 BC!" 


Decided it was time to add some 'current events' and maybe fast-forward a little in chronological history... :huh:

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DD13, to a 14 yr old friend she doesn’t see much (in the back set of the car).


“So, what do normal teen girls talk about? You’re my only normal friend. Everyone else is a college student, homeschooled, or a statistical outlier, or some combination thereof, so what do normal girls my age want to talk about? “



They did find a topic, mostly on how hard it was to talk to people at school :).

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DD13, to a 14 yr old friend she doesn’t see much (in the back set of the car).


“So, what do normal teen girls talk about? You’re my only normal friend. Everyone else is a college student, homeschooled, or a statistical outlier, or some combination thereof, so what do normal girls my age want to talk about? “



They did find a topic, mostly on how hard it was to talk to people at school :).


Am I the only one that imagines dmmetler's daughter like Hermione Granger when she talks? :)

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Am I the only one that imagines dmmetler's daughter like Hermione Granger when she talks? :)


dmmetler posted a video a while back, of her and her daughter at an alligator park. It may have been on the chat board.


It was really nice to put faces (and voices) to these online personas that we feel we know so much about.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When you're factoring quadratics in math, but your head is really back on your bio lab: "Variables are dominant, and constants are recessive! If you multiply variables you get a variable, and if you multiply a constant by a variable you get a variable. The only way a constant is expressed is when you multiply constants." ~ DS#1 (10)

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  • 1 month later...

Dd6 came down this morning sobbing that she’d just had a terrible, awful nightmare. After calming down a little she shared with me her nightmare... “I had to go to school all day and only got to see you at dinner!!” (Cue renewed sobbing...) “They wanted to make me into what everyone wants me to be [sob], but I just want to be your *own* kid, in my *own* way!!”


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a “maybe folks here will get it”

DD13 just moved to a travel cheer team, due to there really not being enough kids at her age/level for limited travel. 

So, we had this conversation this morning:


DD-people keep congratulating me on moving up, but I know it’s more a mistake than anything else since I’m completely unqualified except for being too stubborn to quit. 

Me-You sound proud of yourself when you say that. 

DD-I kind of am. I’m not going to be the best at anything the team does, and everyone knows it. I can just do what I can do! 



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We took DS for a speech therapy eval (lisp). He was his usual chatty, curious self. He charmed the receptionist, who answered every question with a smile and totally went along with his energy. "What kind of phone do you have? (android) Do you use hangouts? (no) Please do not post any of my information on Facebook, Hangouts or Twitter. (I won't) What kind of labeler do you use? (I don't know) Is it a Dymo labeler? (I'm not sure). What kind of charging port is on your phone - is it USB C or ...? Why does the sign say I need to let you know if I have a cough, fever or rash? What if I fake cough? Like this - cough cough cough....." 

The speech therapist, however, was not amused. I think I had a glimpse of what it might be like for him in a class room setting. She was annoyed by his questions. She showed him a series of pictures which he needed to verbally name so that she could assess for articulation disorders. He basically had a question (valid) or smart-alec (he really wasn't trying to be annoying, he just found it funny) remark for every picture. At one point he asked her in exasperation, "Is this speech therapy or knowing therapy? You're just asking me if I know all these pictures!"  Part of me felt bad because the therapist was clearly annoyed, part of me empathized with her because this is what it's like every day at home, part of me was just bursting with love for my sweet, curious boy! Plus, he really was hilarious.... I was trying not to laugh....


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  • 1 month later...

I've been casually reading and working through the first few sections of AoPS Pre-A  with ds9 this week, since he finished BA 4D book last week, but I wasn't prepared and hadn't ordered 5A for him yet. So last night, I told him (happily!) that his new BA should be here soon and then it's back to Beast and how fun!

DS9: Aw... 
Me: What? You want to keep doing pre-algebra?
DS9: Yeah.
Me: How about we split it and do BA twice a week and PreA twice a week?
DS9: I'd just rather to prealgebra every day. I just like it.
Me: (laughing) Even when we end up doing it for an hour, like we did today, instead of the twenty minutes we set out to do, because the problems took so long?
DS9: Honestly, Mom, the longer I do it, the more I like it.
My husband couldn't contain an eyeroll and a mutter about this being someone else's child. lol.
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Not an AL thing, but boy am I sure glad they're homeschooled and don't have as much opportunity for this nonsense....

DD7 to middle-aged violin teacher: Are you pregnant?
Teacher: Nope. And it's not really appropriate to ask that. I have medical issues that affect my weight.
DD7: Oh good. You're too old to be having more kids.

Teacher told me about this after the lesson (while laughing), but all I could do was cringe...

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DD14’s cheer coach told them to bring a binder, and handed out a set of inspirational quotes, etc. DD said “I read them and edited them. There were a lot of apostrophes used for plurals, multiple spelling errors, several comma/semicolon errors, some awful comma splices, and some misplaced modifiers.” 

I don’t know whether to be proud-or hope the coach never looks in that binder! 

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13 hours ago, dmmetler said:

DD14’s cheer coach told them to bring a binder, and handed out a set of inspirational quotes, etc. DD said “I read them and edited them. There were a lot of apostrophes used for plurals, multiple spelling errors, several comma/semicolon errors, some awful comma splices, and some misplaced modifiers.” 

I don’t know whether to be proud-or hope the coach never looks in that binder! 

She and my dd would get along well. Dd reads articles and wonders if people even edit before they publish something. She thought about sending a letter to the New Yorker after reading it in a doctor's office asking if they would like to retain her services as an editor. 

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All these little kid stories reminded me of one from my youngest many years ago. He was at speech therapy at age 5.5 for a stutter. At the initial assessment the therapist asked him to sing a song (often people with stutters don't stutter when singing). I'm sure she was expecting 'Happy Birthday' or 'Old Mic Donald' or some such. 

My ds sang 'O Mio Babbino Caro'  🙂


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25 minutes ago, JIN MOUSA said:

This morning DD8 put two smaller dryer balls on top of a larger one and said, "Hey Mom, look!"

Me: "Nice! It's Mickey Mouse."

DD8: *eye roll* "Mooooom. It's a CO2 molecule."

Well, alright then. 


Bwahaha. That's hilarious. I always say that I never had a child until I had my second kid.

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