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Romantic weekend with dh... which would you invest in?

If you had to choose...  

  1. 1. If you had to choose...

    • super sweet 5 star accommodation in castle & cheap restaurants
    • standard Holiday Inn & expensive dinners in the castle's 5 star restaurant
    • kick and scream for both even though it's pushing the budget
    • let dh choose it all... and bite tongue...

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More information needed....


What is the climate of where you are staying and what are your plans.


If I was planning a get away, 'in' the room, and we really didn't plan on leaving much....the room would be important.



If I was planning on lots of activities outside the room, and the private time in the room was the bonus...I would invest less in the room and more in dinners and other things outside the room.



If it was 1/2 and 1/2, as in, I was planning to spend several hours every day, lounging around the room, I would want to make sure it was decent.



Have you spent much time reading reviews? One of the most expensive rooms I have ever stayed in, was also the smallest (tiny room actually) and noisiest! It had a river front view, but they failed to mention that the sound of the train echo'd off the hillside at 5am every day and that the freeway entrance ramp was near by, so you could hear the cars accelerate up the ramp for 2hours during both rush hours. The price had more to do with, where it was located and the luxurious nature of it. I would pay more for a less luxurious, larger, and quieter room, if I planned to spend much time there.




For dh and I, I would pick a mid-range room, with a higher spending budget. We like to go out when we are together, not just hang in a room.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Castle? Who wouldn't want to stay in a super-sweet castle? Just to say I've done it. Which I haven't....I have stayed in a Holiday Inn and I've eaten some pretty fancy dinners but no castle.....yet. <getting ideas>


I especially voted this way because of the "romantic weekend with hubby" thread title. Can't get "romantic" at dinner quite like you can in a room. ;)

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If you had to choose... see poll...


I'd go for the nicer room. But that is because we tend to spend out time visiting museums or historic sites and when we're done I can hardly stand up, let alone enjoy a 5 star meal.


So I'd eat at less expensive places. But I might find a way to do cake and coffee at the castle, just to enjoy the setting.


We did stay in a castle once Burg Colmberg.

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I answered 'kick and scream for both', but let me clarify. I wouldn't whine about it or nag if my dh was really opposed to spending the money; however, in our relationship I am the one that handles the money, not him, so that would not be an issue.


So what I really mean is that I would splurge (if possible, without going into debt) and go all in on our getaway. The last time we took a weekend without the children was...8 years ago. Yeah, I'd splurge. Big time! Some couples may even feel that this is an experience worth accruing debt over. Who am I to judge?


If I had to choose one or the other, I'd splurge on the room and maybe just dine once at the fancy restaurant. Then again, we are perfectly happy with any number of chain restaurants. No biggie.

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I say splurge and do both. We went to Hawaii once, stayed in a decent hotel (not 5 star) and ate out. Being naive and young we didn't know how expensive the food would be. We ended up eating a few meals at Denny's. Grand Slam in paradise. :lol:


We generally save up and splurge. At this point if we're going to go, we might as well go all the way. We rarely do nice things anymore and I hate feeling budget restricted when we do. (we pay cash when we go, so we're still budget minded)


My 2nd choice would be stay at the castle and eat elsewhere.

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I would just be glad to be able to do such a thing at all, I surely wouldn't pitch a fit and demand something that would really stretch a budget.

How long is the trip for? You could do one night at the fancier place, and then the rest at a less expensive place. Just a thought.

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I chose fight for both. Honestly, dh and I go away alone infrequently (2 times in the last 5 or so years; and just for a weekend). We are both foodies and love really good food (which usually translates to expensive). Yet we also love going to inns...really nice ones that make the weekend special. So when we do get away, we try our darndest to find a great place and have some great meals as well.

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Personally, I'd put off the trip a little until I could do both. But, that's how our family travels - we like to do it "right" (for us). So, we travel less often, but go all out!


BUT, it depends on the time of year and what your other plans are. If you're planning on doing things outside the castle for a lot of your stay, I'd stay at the Holiday Inn and just eat there. If you're making the castle your destination, I'd obviously stay there.

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It's a marriage weekend, where are you going to spend the most time - luxuriating in bed or at the table? Spend accordingly.


2. I'm with previous poster - for a two day trip. Pack a cooler with wine, cheese, pate, cherries and chocolate.


ETA: How could I have forgotten the Kilt? love the new avatiar elegantlion!

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  • 4 months later...

We went for the super sweet accommodations and felt like we were in paradise. VERY romantic. That's where we spent most of our time. For meals, we got certificates on restaurant.com and tried some different places. We sometimes shared meals. We drank water. No McDonald's, but we kept our costs really low. If we had gone to a nice restaurant only to come back to a normal hotel, it would be nothing like the anniversary I remember.

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We went for the super sweet accommodations and felt like we were in paradise. VERY romantic. That's where we spent most of our time. For meals, we got certificates on restaurant.com and tried some different places. We sometimes shared meals. We drank water. No McDonald's, but we kept our costs really low. If we had gone to a nice restaurant only to come back to a normal hotel, it would be nothing like the anniversary I remember.


Sounds wonderful! Thanks for the update!

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We went for the super sweet accommodations and felt like we were in paradise. VERY romantic. That's where we spent most of our time. For meals, we got certificates on restaurant.com and tried some different places. We sometimes shared meals. We drank water. No McDonald's, but we kept our costs really low. If we had gone to a nice restaurant only to come back to a normal hotel, it would be nothing like the anniversary I remember.


Sounds awesome. :)

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I'd go for the nicer room. But that is because we tend to spend out time visiting museums or historic sites and when we're done I can hardly stand up, let alone enjoy a 5 star meal.


So I'd eat at less expensive places. But I might find a way to do cake and coffee at the castle, just to enjoy the setting.


We did stay in a castle once Burg Colmberg.


Oh my...we may have been there at the same time. I lived in the area (not in the castle :001_smile:). Thanks for the link - a journey back in time.

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