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I need to lose weight...fast...

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I know, I know...weight loss isn't supposed to be fast and I know the speeches that will follow my title. I have tried so much and my body is fighting it, so I need something a bit extreme. My DH just decided that we can take a family vacation to the coast. We haven't been in 4 years! I have gained 15 pounds and I can't wear anything from last spring/summer. I don't have the money for new clothes and I don't want to buy new clothes anyway, KWIM? I need a good kick start/jump start. I bet only 5-10 pounds and I could wear my capris from last summer.

We leave in a month :001_huh:


Thoughts? Ideas?


Edited for clarification: I gained the weight with a thyroid med change, not because of potato chips ; )

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Martin Katahn's Rotation Diet - it's tough but only 3 weeks long and it WORKS!!! After 3 weeks, you do the maintenance phase for at least a week, but then you can repeat it if you need to, but it sounds like you won't need to. It works every time for me as a kick-start, and helps "reset" my eating patterns. It includes ALL the menu plans for the full length of the diet, too, which makes it so easy.


Here's a description:




You can get the book cheap on Amazon:




I know a bariatric physician, and she says that of course this isn't healthy for the long-term, but that it's exactly like the diets she has her patients use when their weight-loss is stalled before surgery.

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I began the SCD diet on March 30 and have lost 6 pounds so far. SCD is not necessarily for weight loss but I am trying it for a month to determine if eating this way will alleviate some health problems I have been having.


The biggest difference is not necessarily the weight loss but how my clothes fit.


Good luck. I hope you can find something that works for you.

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I don't know that it'll work quickly enough, but we restricted eating to ONLY in the kitchen/dining room due to my son's food allergies.


You have to be really dedicated to snacking to sit at the table and snack. :glare:

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I began the SCD diet on March 30 and have lost 6 pounds so far. SCD is not necessarily for weight loss but I am trying it for a month to determine if eating this way will alleviate some health problems I have been having.


The biggest difference is not necessarily the weight loss but how my clothes fit.


Good luck. I hope you can find something that works for you.


brain freeze...what is scd?

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I second the Atkins/South Beach induction suggestion. You could do a Medifast type thing but I think with Atkins/SB you could lose almost as fast and since they are high protein you wouldn't have the lean muscle loss that you would with the Medifast type programs. I would workout like a nut too. Get a $5 jump rope from the sporting goods store and just jump as long as you can several times a day.

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brain freeze...what is scd?


Specific Carbohydrate Diet


In a nutshell - no grains (i.e. rice, wheat, corn, oats, etc.), no processed foods, no starchy vegetables (i.e. potatoes, yams, etc.), no canned vegetables of any kind, no flour, no sugar, no sweeteners other than honey, and no milk products.


The first five days are cleansing and all I ate was roasted chicken breast, diluted 100% grape juice and plain scrambled eggs. I lost three pounds in three days. Since then I have added in lettuce, olives and lots of fresh fruits, along with canned pineapple.


I am having some sugar cravings but that is mostly at the times of day when I would be drinking chai.


Here's a link to the 'diet'. It wasn't really designed for weight loss but to help alleviate Crohn's, IBS and some other ailments.


I hope this helps.

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I would try the Master Cleanse (also called the lemonade diet). IT is a 10 day fast, where you only drink a homemade lemonade (the recipe is in the Master Cleanse book- check your library) and it's supposed to detox your body,e tc... but you should drop some pounds in the process....

Good Luck!

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The 17 Day Diet--

It's really more than 17 days. It's various cycles, each are 17 days. It's had a lot of publicity lately and been recommended by several doctors on television for being healthy with fast results. I just started it in hopes of getting that last 20 pounds off that I've found impossible to lose!

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Specific Carbohydrate Diet


In a nutshell - no grains (i.e. rice, wheat, corn, oats, etc.), no processed foods, no starchy vegetables (i.e. potatoes, yams, etc.), no canned vegetables of any kind, no flour, no sugar, no sweeteners other than honey, and no milk products.


The first five days are cleansing and all I ate was roasted chicken breast, diluted 100% grape juice and plain scrambled eggs. I lost three pounds in three days. Since then I have added in lettuce, olives and lots of fresh fruits, along with canned pineapple.


I am having some sugar cravings but that is mostly at the times of day when I would be drinking chai.


Here's a link to the 'diet'. It wasn't really designed for weight loss but to help alleviate Crohn's, IBS and some other ailments.


I hope this helps.



Since my c-section 2 years ago, I have had off and on bouts with IBS so this sounds interesting...very interesting - thanks for the link!

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Another thumbs up for South Beach--I lost 6 pounds in 8 days in the induction phase (before the chocolate chip cookies knocked me off the wagon :blushing:). It worked so well I'm starting back up tomorrow.



Man, those chocolate chip cookies - homemade? They will do it to us every time! :)

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Man, those chocolate chip cookies - homemade? They will do it to us every time! :)


:lol: Especially when you have to make them for the lemonade stand you've been promising your DD she could run for months. It all starts with just one little mouthful of dough...

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I would try the Master Cleanse (also called the lemonade diet). IT is a 10 day fast, where you only drink a homemade lemonade (the recipe is in the Master Cleanse book- check your library) and it's supposed to detox your body,e tc... but you should drop some pounds in the process....

Good Luck!


Here is a free website on the Master Cleanse. Interesting. I might just give this a try. But, if this is all you have, how could one not lose weight? Just wondering:confused:

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Don't eat anything until 3 in the afternoon and then have a normal healthy meal. Have a healthy large snack (not as big as a meal) in the evening. Lather, rinse, repeat.



I feel so much better when I eat so much less. And the pounds do come off.

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Don't eat anything until 3 in the afternoon and then have a normal healthy meal. Have a healthy large snack (not as big as a meal) in the evening. Lather, rinse, repeat.



I feel so much better when I eat so much less. And the pounds do come off.


If I *don't* eat in the morning, I just don't get hungry until late, late afternoon. On the days that I forget to eat breakfast, and then forget to bring lunch with me to class, I can easily not eat until dinner.

But if I wake up and eat (no matter WHAT I eat, I've tried all sorts of combinations) I'm starving all day and end up eating so. much. So I've always wanted to try this type of diet, but everyone says 6 small meals a day are better than 3 big meals. (Although, I guess not better if I am always sabotaging myself! :tongue_smilie:)


I think I'm going to try this. Or one of those diets with a plan all laid out. I can't handle choices and such.

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I started the Dukan Diet on March 30th and have to say that it's been the fastest I've ever lost weight (and my bodyfat percentage went down as well so it's not just water weight). It's like South Beach on steroids.


Thanks for the update. :D

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Don't eat anything until 3 in the afternoon and then have a normal healthy meal. Have a healthy large snack (not as big as a meal) in the evening. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I feel so much better when I eat so much less. And the pounds do come off.

This sounds very similar to Intermittent Fasting.







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I would try the Master Cleanse (also called the lemonade diet). IT is a 10 day fast, where you only drink a homemade lemonade (the recipe is in the Master Cleanse book- check your library) and it's supposed to detox your body,e tc... but you should drop some pounds in the process....

Good Luck!



Not that i agree with rapid weight loss but if you are cleansing and doing your body some good, it might be a healthy approach.

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I'm going to be the wet blanket and ask if a fast type diet will mess with your thyroid condition? I don't know a thing about thyroid issues, but I thought I'd throw that out there.


I don't have a specific diet to recommend, but when I'm trying to drop a few pounds, I try to drink 2 gallons of water a day - before dinner. Before dinner so you eat less and so you're not up all night running to the restroom. Though that would burn more calories. :)


I also switch most of my carbs to cauliflower (rice and beans becomes cauliflower and beans, roasted potatoes becomes roasted cauliflower, etc.) I still have other carbs, but mainly in the form of fruits.


Good luck with the diet and have a fantastic time at the beach!

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I started the Dukan Diet on March 30th and have to say that it's been the fastest I've ever lost weight (and my bodyfat percentage went down as well so it's not just water weight). It's like South Beach on steroids.


Do you have a link for this? When I go to their site, it says the book is out next week and they will soon have an online coaching system, etc..


There's a lot coming up on Google, but just wondered which site you were using. :) Thanks!


Sounds interesting!

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I'm going to be the wet blanket and ask if a fast type diet will mess with your thyroid condition? I don't know a thing about thyroid issues, but I thought I'd throw that out there.




Wet blankets are allowed...in moderation :D I honestly have no idea if an extreme diet will mess with my thyroid? I wouldn't think so, since I take my meds the same time every morning on an empty stomach. I do have to be careful with supplements, especially if they are too close to the time of my meds.

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If I *don't* eat in the morning, I just don't get hungry until late, late afternoon. On the days that I forget to eat breakfast, and then forget to bring lunch with me to class, I can easily not eat until dinner.

But if I wake up and eat (no matter WHAT I eat, I've tried all sorts of combinations) I'm starving all day and end up eating so. much. So I've always wanted to try this type of diet, but everyone says 6 small meals a day are better than 3 big meals. (Although, I guess not better if I am always sabotaging myself! :tongue_smilie:)


I think I'm going to try this. Or one of those diets with a plan all laid out. I can't handle choices and such.



This is me too...I just always feel guilty because you read/hear that waiting will make you gain weight, will destroy your metab, etc. I am not sure I buy it and I am not sure my metab. can get any worse anyway. What is there to lose? :tongue_smilie:

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I don't have a specific diet to recommend, but when I'm trying to drop a few pounds, I try to drink 2 gallons of water a day - before dinner. Before dinner so you eat less and so you're not up all night running to the restroom. Though that would burn more calories. :) Not wanting to be a nay sayer but...drinking that much water dilutes stomach acid and hinders digestion. If someone suffers from IBS this would exacerbate the problem.



I like the cauliflower substitution ideas. Thanks for sharing those.

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From what I have read, anytime you lose weight fast, it's easy to put back on and then some. It's not a good idea to loose weight quickly. If you start exercising and eating proper, you will loose a little bit of water weight and in the long run, it will be better for your body. Sorry, but I'd never do the quick diets, it's not really good for your body.


Good luck.

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I second the hcg. I'm on it now and went from 177 to 157 in 30 days! It has been like a miracle to me after failing on every other diet.


I use homeopathic pellets I bought online for about $60. I think that is very affordable for the results I have been getting.


I have had nearly zero hunger so don't let the low calorie diet part scare you too much.

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I second the hcg. I'm on it now and went from 177 to 157 in 30 days! It has been like a miracle to me after failing on every other diet.


I use homeopathic pellets I bought online for about $60. I think that is very affordable for the results I have been getting.


I have had nearly zero hunger so don't let the low calorie diet part scare you too much.


Okay, I need more info on this...where did you get the supplements and do they come with a diet that you follow too? I need more info on this :D

Please, tell all!!!!!


ETA: I weigh 175 and I would love to weight 160 before we go on vacation...I love the similar weight/goal here...makes me think it is doable, kwim?

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Search "hcg diet" on this board and read Negin in Grenada's posts. That's how I learned about the diet and decided to try it (thanks Negin!). I read on the hcg diet info forums she suggested and I even bought the pellets from the source she linked.


I am happy to answer any questions I can but Negin covers it pretty well in her posts. She is definitely more knowledgable than I am. I can tell you it works!


Your goal is totally doable. I was down 16 lbs in 3 weeks. I was dieting previous to trying this so it isn't as though I was eating an extreme amount before the diet.


And to the poster that asked...yes I feel ecstatic :001_smile: I feel very healthy as well. I am not having any issues with lack of energy or anything. I generally become hyper focused on food when dieting (counting calories/ finding diet recipes/ etc.) This diet isn't like that and it has been very freeing for me.


Good luck to all!

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I'm going to be the wet blanket and ask if a fast type diet will mess with your thyroid condition? I don't know a thing about thyroid issues, but I thought I'd throw that out there. (...)


I also switch most of my carbs to cauliflower (rice and beans becomes cauliflower and beans, roasted potatoes becomes roasted cauliflower, etc.) I still have other carbs, but mainly in the form of fruits.

I'm going to be another wet blanket, and mention that I've read many times that too much cauliflower (or cabbage or rutabaga, which are related) can cause thyroid problems in susceptible people. Some say that it only applies to raw cauliflower, but others say that cooked can be a problem too. Just something to look into if you're considering using it frequently as a substitute for everyday foods.

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So the wet blankets and naysayers can have a club and teach me all about dieting. :) I'm just a normal person - no IBS or thyroid issues, so I've never thought about these issues or had any problems. Will keep my freakish unhealthy diet techniques to myself. :)


Reread this when checking back in on the thread. Was meant to be self-deprecating, not snarky. :) Hope that came across like that and not hurt and tantrum-y.

Edited by MSNative
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Do you have a link for this? When I go to their site, it says the book is out next week and they will soon have an online coaching system, etc..


There's a lot coming up on Google, but just wondered which site you were using. :) Thanks!


Sounds interesting!


I got a copy of the book from Amazon Vine. Basically it's low-carb/low-fat. First, you do 1-10 days of pure lean protein with no veggies or any other carbs except you do get 1 oat bran galette (kind of like a pancake) per day. I did 2 days on this phase because I felt awful by the end of the 2nd day.


The second phase adds back in non-starchy veggies and you alternate that with pure protein days. Depending on the amount of weight you have to lose, you can do every other day or 5 PV + 2 PP (that's what I've chosen to do).


Once you reach your target weight, you add back in 1 serving of fruit and 2 servings of 100% whole grain carbs per day plus 2 additional servings of starchy foods per week and 2 "celebration" meals (but only 1 appetizer, 1 entree, 1 dessert, and 1 serving of alcohol at this meal). One day per week remains pure protein. You stay in this phase for 5 days per pound lost.


The final phase he claims there are no limits on what you eat for 6 out of 7 days, so long as you keep the 7th pure protein. This I think is bunk (eating what I felt like is the reason I gained weight in the first place IYKWIM). I don't believe for a second that one day per week being pure protein is going to be enough to overcome 6 days of bad eating. Staying on the 3rd phase with perhaps a slight loosening of the restrictions on healthy carbs seems to be the best idea for maintaining weight loss.

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