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And Now For a REALLY Controversial Issue: Iced Coffee

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What is your opinion of iced coffee? I think it is disgusting. IMO, coffee wasn't meant to be consumed cold, only hot. I find all forms of cold coffee foul: iced mochas, coffee flavored ice cream, even mocha flavored baked goods if they aren't still warm from the oven. What says The Hive? (Link to inflammatory Facebook note is forthcoming.)

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It has to be really, REALLY REALLY hot out for me to drink iced coffee. I mean living on the sun hot.


I do like Starbuck's Frappiccinos, though. Not the ones you buy at Starbucks, those aren't...right. The ones you get at the grocery store or gas station, in the glass bottles? Those... SO yummy!!

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It has to be really, REALLY REALLY hot out for me to drink iced coffee. I mean living on the sun hot.


I do like Starbuck's Frappiccinos, though. Not the ones you buy at Starbucks, those aren't...right. The ones you get at the grocery store or gas station, in the glass bottles? Those... SO yummy!!


I've never tried the Frappiccinos. It involves two things I immediately distrust: cold coffee and bottled coffee. :D

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This can be such a hot topic. I hope people don't start taking icy tones in their responses. Next think you know, Tom Horton (or is it Tim?) will be calling out the Starbuck mermaid creature thing and then the Duncan Doughnuts coffee drinkers will be smacking down the Seattle's Best and Chock Full O'nuts folks and THEN where will we be? Anarchy, folks. Total anarchy. On a caffeinated high, even.

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This can be such a hot topic. I hope people don't start taking icy tones in their responses. Next think you know, Tom Horton (or is it Tim?) will be calling out the Starbuck mermaid creature thing and then the Duncan Doughnuts coffee drinkers will be smacking down the Seattle's Best and Chock Full O'nuts folks and THEN where will we be? Anarchy, folks. Total anarchy. On a caffeinated high, even.


I know. I'm really nervous about it. I debated whether or not to post, but I've been drinking so much coffee all day that I can't sleep and figured I'd hang out in here. :D

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This is really going to make people :ack2:...


I can't drink any type of hot liquid, makes me ill. DH drinks coffee, but only at home on the weekends. So, on Saturday and Sunday I make big pots of coffee. He drinks a cup of hot coffee, and I mix mine half and half with milk and ice and add vanilla, cocoa powder, and a little bit of turbinado sugar.


I put the leftover coffee in mason jars in the fridge, and during the week I just reheat and reuse the cold coffee. I have to reheat it first in order to mix in the cocoa.


Since coffee has gotten REALLY expensive, this lets me keep drinking my iced coffee without making seven pots during the week.


PS - Please don't accuse me of not being a "real" or "true" coffee drinker. Just because I don't drink coffee the same way as you doesn't mean it's not real coffee. :tongue_smilie:

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I never liked iced coffee until I had lived in Florida for a few years. Although it was probably a combination of the Florida heat and the sleep deprivation of first time motherhood that helped me learn to like iced coffee. I do prefer my own homemade iced coffee better than bottled or one from a coffee shop, but I also prefer a cappuccino made by me too. I picked up some good coffee drink making skills during a brief job in a coffee shop. I still prefer hot coffee, but on a hot summer day, mid afternoon, an iced coffee is nice.

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I love some (not all) iced coffee drinks, with LOTS of sugar and lots of cream. I like some hot coffee drinks with lots of sugar and lots of cream. I really like the Jamocha shakes from Arby's too.


:iagree: I'm right with you on all of the above. I will add that I like Mocha Almond Fudge ice cream, too. I'm not a regular coffee drinker/eater though.

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I totally disagree. Both hot AND cold coffee have their place. When I was a kid, if there was some coffee left in the pot, my mom would put it in a glass with ice and a LOT of milk, and let me drink it. That's probably what got me started on it. Then my relatives from New England used to bring me Eclipse coffee-flavored syrup, which I would add to my milk, which made it taste kind of like coffee ice cream (which I also love).



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I like Vietnamese and Thai iced coffees (I'm presuming other SE Asian variants as well). Otherwise, no, it's wrong. :tongue_smilie: FWIW Starbuck I don't even like hot.

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I normally stay clear of controversial threads, but feel that I must comment on this one. ;)


Like many of you, the thought of cold coffee used to be a most disgusting thought. But - then I moved to Germany and discovered Eiskaffees: coffee, real whipped cream (usually whipped by hand!) and Eis (ice cream)!!! Beyond delicious. Once summer rolls around I MUST have one several times a week at the local outdoor cafe!


Please, ladies. Do not judge all iced coffees by what you have been served at your local Starbucks or Krispy Kreme. Please consider that there may be other versions - other recipes - out there that are beyond your wildest expectations.


That is all. Thank you for listening.

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Drinking my iced coffee right now . . . yum! I like hot coffee, too, but only when it is very cold outside--I can't stand to drink hot drinks when it's hot out. And since Florida is close to surface-of-the-sun hot for a number of months out of the year, it's iced coffee for me.


But I don't drink either without lots of cream & sugar. Someone mentioned it becomes a dessert then . . . I guess that's why I like it!

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I am fundamentally against the concept. I can hardly stand a swig of cold coffee, ice coffee would make me shudder.


Now, it is possible that if I lived on the surface of, oh....MERCURY, then I might change my mind as it would be necessary for me to get my caffeine fix but probably not through a hot beverage.


I will say this, homemade ice cream - drop a table spoon of it into your very hot coffee and let it melt. YUMMY!



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I normally stay clear of controversial threads, but feel that I must comment on this one. ;)


Like many of you, the thought of cold coffee used to be a most disgusting thought. But - then I moved to Germany and discovered Eiskaffees: coffee, real whipped cream (usually whipped by hand!) and Eis (ice cream)!!! Beyond delicious. Once summer rolls around I MUST have one several times a week at the local outdoor cafe!


Please, ladies. Do not judge all iced coffees by what you have been served at your local Starbucks or Krispy Kreme. Please consider that there may be other versions - other recipes - out there that are beyond your wildest expectations.


That is all. Thank you for listening.


He tells me that he never has iced coffee in the U.S.

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Iced cofee! Yum! Who can drink hot coffe on a hot day! Here's for cold mocha on a hot summer day! :cheers2: bTW I often make my own just mix together some cold breakfast left over coffee, a swig or two of half and half or milk, a few squirts of chocolate or some vanilla flavoring, whipped cream or even some vanilla ice cream added! YUM.



I drink coffee in any and all forms. Hot ,medium ,cold, iced, ice cream.



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