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I'm curious, in what proportions do we use these curriculum?


Which do you currently use? (multiple choice)  

  1. 1. Which do you currently use? (multiple choice)

    • MFW
    • HOD
    • TOG
    • SL
    • WTM
    • WP
    • other

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I voted WTM, SL, and Other. The only SL we're currently using though is the 2 intermediate readers and we don't even have the schedule - just the readers and we bought those used on the boards here. My list of "other" is long but I do have one question. Does everything not recommended in WTM count as other - even, say, math curricula that are pretty standard but just not recommended for whatever reason?

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Guest aquiverfull


WOW! That is really interesting, considering ho wmuch talk there is about certain programs. Not at all what I expected...


:iagree: I was thinking the exact same thing. It's been fun to see the results, thanks for the poll melmichigan.

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WOW! That is really interesting, considering ho wmuch talk there is about certain programs. Not at all what I expected...


Since it's multiple choice, I imagine a lot of people put "SL + WTM", "TOG + WTM", etc. Afterall, most people who are here are probably using at least some part of WTM.


I voted "other", THEN realized it was multiple choice and that the OP might be talking about all subjects, not just history type subjects, so really it should be WTM + Other (I use Biblioplan right now).

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I voted WTM and other because we use secular materials. All the other options are very religion-specific and require substantial tweaking to be used secularly (and some just can't be tweaked enough to do that), so I don't really consider them when choosing curricula. What we do use is really from all over--MCT, Saxon, Editor in Chief, Logic Liftoff, a variety of websites, workbooks, etc. Agreed that no poll could hold me;).


We're also using History Odyssey and supporting k12 offline materials, but I'm still working with WTM as an overarching guide in other areas, so I included it. We used SOTW for elementary history.

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So I thought I'd ask in a poll. :)


I use AO (years 6 and up--the lower grade history books just don't seem to work for us, though I use much of the literature for years 1-5). For lower grades history I have used an assortment of things.


As far as methods/approach go, I use a blend of CM & WTM with a few ideas of my own. I marked WTM and other.

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I voted before I realized this was an old poll. I was confused if you meant for history or all subjects, so I took it to mean all subjects and chose SL, WTM, WP, and other.


SL is our main history curriculum, I am also using WP AS 1 this year though (with SL core 3) and we do like it. I use mostly WTM for my overall philosophy and for LA. Then we use a mix of other things like LFC and RightStart math.

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