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What do you think of these boy names?

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We found out that we are having a baby boy and I am having such a hard time with names. Girl names are easy for me- I have tons that I love. I think boy names are so much harder! Even though I like the names William and Daniel, my husband doesn't want anything too popular. He likes more unusual names.

We have one girl, who is named Emmeline (pronounced em-ma-line, like caroline). Our last name is one syllable. What do you think of these names?


Everett (nickname of Rett maybe?)




Troy (my husband likes it, I'm not so sure)


So, what says the hive?

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Maybe not Troy (since you have a short last name already) and wasn't the lead character in High School Musical a Troy?


Everett - ok, but Rett - Rhett Butler. So he'd have to be very good looking to pull it off! A little Clark Gable! ;-)


I'd do Cameron before Camden - the latter sounds like a city


Colton and Logan are my favs!

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Maybe not Troy (since you have a short last name already) and wasn't the lead character in High School Musical a Troy?


Everett - ok, but Rett - Rhett Butler. So he'd have to be very good looking to pull it off! A little Clark Gable! ;-)


I'd do Cameron before Camden - the latter sounds like a city


Colton and Logan are my favs!


Cameron is a city too. ;) I think Camden would get mistaken for Cameron a lot.


Honestly I think the listed names have been done to death over the last 10 years. I haven't seen a William or a Daniel in forever. A Tony or a Paul either for that matter.





I'm always thinking of names for characters. My latest are Emerson (could be a girl Emmy or a boy's name) and Myerson.

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They're cute, but trendy. I know a lot of little Camden's. Rhett is cute, but seems too "Gone with the Wind"-ey for me to ever use it! ;) They're all ok names though I try to stick to the more traditional (ok, besides Braden but he was my first and named when I was 20! ;) AND--he was the only Braden I'd ever known at the time--all of a sudden his name became VERY trendy. But he's the oldest Braden we've ever known! ;))

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We found out that we are having a baby boy and I am having such a hard time with names. Girl names are easy for me- I have tons that I love. I think boy names are so much harder! Even though I like the names William and Daniel, my husband doesn't want anything too popular. He likes more unusual names.

We have one girl, who is named Emmeline (pronounced em-ma-line, like caroline). Our last name is one syllable. What do you think of these names?


Everett (nickname of Rett maybe?)




Troy (my husband likes it, I'm not so sure)


So, what says the hive?

They are all good names, but...


there is a city in NJ, named Camden. It is usually near if not the top of the most dangerous cities list. It's rally just a very harsh place. I wouldn't name a child that.


Logan makes me think of the airport in Boston.


Troy may be too short with a one syllable name.


You could try the baby name wizzard. http://www.babynamewizard.com/

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Emmeline is such a classy and elegant name, I'd look for something in a similar style. The boys' names you mentioned are uber-trendy- I'd expect them to be brother to a "Madison" or "Brianna" not an "Emmeline".


When I put "Emmeline" into Nymbler.com these are the boy names I got:





































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nothing wrong with that, but I think they are all, except Colton, which sounds like a place name even though I can't think of what place.


I don't think place names are necessarily a problem, but you just have to know that some people are going to associate those names with certain places - they either love Camden SC and wonder if you are old schools Carolinians, or hate Camden NJ (or love it) and think of that when they hear the name. They hear "Logan" and think of the airport, perhaps.


Of course, most places are named after people first, and I would imagine that Logan Airport, Camden SC and NJ, and even Troy are named after people. Everett too, naturally.


All of these names are trendy, but I think they are all nice names. My son told me recently that "Troy" is the coolest name, and he wishes he were named Troy. Or Corey - also a "cool" name in his book. His name is William. I also have a Frank and a Tyler.


Tyler was a very trendy name, and mine was named by his Mom and my Husband. I probably wouldn't pick it myself because I tend to not like names that when you hear them, you know what decade the child was born in. But it suits him. Like the names you are considering, it's a place name and a trendy name, but he likes it and it feels like the right name for him. I think your son would be happy with any of those names.

Edited by Danestress
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What about Evan? That's my Caleb's middle name and I keep kicking myself for using it as a middle name because I'd really LOVE for it to be a first name if we ever have another boy... my husband tried to tell me! :D


I have an Evan and of my 3 boys it's my absolutely favorite name. It's easy to say but not common...well it wasn't common 23 years ago. :D

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We found out that we are having a baby boy and I am having such a hard time with names. Girl names are easy for me- I have tons that I love. I think boy names are so much harder! Even though I like the names William and Daniel, my husband doesn't want anything too popular. He likes more unusual names.

We have one girl, who is named Emmeline (pronounced em-ma-line, like caroline). Our last name is one syllable. What do you think of these names?


Everett (nickname of Rett maybe?)




Troy (my husband likes it, I'm not so sure)


So, what says the hive?


I would go with Everett. There's a younger brother of a girl in my daughter's dance class whose name is Everett and he is such a cutie patootie. :D


Camden and Logan are really super trendy right now. Everywhere I go there's a Logan. Colton makes me think of a gun (maybe because of Colt?) and Troy always makes me think of the mean jock in the movie The Goonies.

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Everett (nickname of Rett maybe?)




Troy (my husband likes it, I'm not so sure)



I like Everett, and I think Emmaline and Everett go well together.


Camden and Colton sound like you're trying too hard to be hip. Logan is too popular for my tastes. Troy I just don't care for, although there is nothing wrong with it.



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Honestly I think the listed names have been done to death over the last 10 years. I haven't seen a William or a Daniel in forever. A Tony or a Paul either for that matter.


LOL, we had William picked out for this one but it's a girl and Daniel was a favorite, but as she ended up a girl TOO, she became Daniella.



I like Colton.

Do any of them have a meaning you'd particularly appreciate? That's how we end up choosing one name over the other - the origin, the meaning, if they are family names, etc.

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Love all those names! :)



Well, thank you!

A friend just became a grandma to a Caedmon. (like Caedmon's Call, I think) Pronounce it like 'KAD-mun'. Neat. Very British.


Some other ideas:








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Oh I love picking names!


My boys are Jonah and Jesse and we always talk about names for their little sibling that we may or may not have someday....we're working on Dad!


Of the ones you listed I like Everett.


Someone listed Owen that I love but it makes dh thinks of the movie "Throw Mama from the Train":001_huh:


What about...



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Well I am very partial to Troy as that is my son's name. And to the pp that said it sounded like Troy would go with a Madison.....we have one of those also only spelled with a y. Our last name looks like it has two syllabals but is pronounced with one and Troy still works. Although we quite often call him by both his first and middle and only throwing the last in when he is in trouble but Troy Mikal ( pronounced like the traditional Michael which I never can spell write) just seems to flow well.

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Emmeline is such a classy and elegant name, I'd look for something in a similar style. The boys' names you mentioned are uber-trendy- I'd expect them to be brother to a "Madison" or "Brianna" not an "Emmeline".




Out of the list that Crimson Wife posted, I like:




















FYI, I like the name Troy. But, as a kid, I could never pronounce it (& I knew a boy named Troy, so I did actually need to use it) -- it always tongue-tied me. I can pronounce it now as an adult, though. I think from your list, I'd pick Everett (no nickname).

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I like Everett the best of your list (I do know one baby Everett...not sure if it's on the cusp of super trendiness or not). A lot of the others I think are the kind of names that "date" a kid...they sound like names from this decade, you know?


My less popular picks for boy names are in my sig (Gus is short for August), but I actually love a lot of more common, classic boy names, too...like, say, William and Daniel :). I think Will is a really awesome name for little boys and for grown men. Once we named Ari, I felt like those were sort of out for us--it seemed too incongruous to have one 600ish ranked name (750 or so when we named him) and then a top 20 or 30. We use the common names for middle names; I have a Daniel, Joseph, and David there.


Anyway, maybe you and your DH could find a compromise with a name that's still a classic like William and Daniel, but a little less popular? I really like Owen and Jonah. Henry? Peter? Benjamin?

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Thanks for the feedback so far. It is really helping to narrow the choices. I had no idea that Camden, Colton, and Logan were considered trendy! I don't know anyone with any of those names- I just pulled them off of baby name lists. Camden reminded me of Camden, SC, which has good associations for me (love their steeplechases!). Now that people have pointed out Camden, NJ though... Plus I don't want a really trendy name.


So, now I am trying to think of some new names. I still really like William, but dh said no way. It is listed as the #1 most popular name in North Carolina. Daniel is #7 in the country, so another no go for him. A few people suggested Evan, which I love, but it is already taken by a close family member (as is Andrew). Someone suggested Emerson, which I also like, but I think is too similar to my daughter's name. Several of the names that people suggested are names that I like but that my husband has already rejected. He is great at rejecting names, but not so good at suggesting them. I love reading everyone's ideas.


A few new ones for your consideration:

Everett (still a contender- I think Emmaline and Everett sound good together.)



Ronan or Rohan (I have a feeling these might be trendy too)

Liam (I think this is getting really popular though)


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Honestly I think the listed names have been done to death over the last 10 years. I haven't seen a William or a Daniel in forever. A Tony or a Paul either for that matter.


Agreed! I would think the dh likes non-classic names, not non-popular names. Colton, Logan and Camden have been done to death lately.


More unusual names I like are:






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I haven't read all the replies, but have to say I love the name Everett, in fact that's my oldest son's name. We don't call him Rett for short, we call him Ev (short e sound, just in case it wasn't obvious) Most people think we named him after the city in WA, because he was born in Bremerton WA, but I actually got it and his nickname from a short lived Kimberly Williams show called "Relativity"


He loves his name, and there aren't a ton of them out there.

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Everett (nickname of Rett maybe?)




Troy (my husband likes it, I'm not so sure)


So, what says the hive?


I have not read any other posts. I personally avoided any boy name that could also be considered a girl name. Based on that, I wouldn't choose Camden or Logan.


I've always liked the name Troy. It used to be a popular "juvenile delinquent" name when I worked in the court system (!), but I don't think it still has that connotation. I also think Colton is great. Everett is okay, I prefer Rhett.

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I have not read any other posts. I personally avoided any boy name that could also be considered a girl name. Based on that, I wouldn't choose Camden or Logan.


People are naming girls Camden and Logan??


Parents of girls need to keep their hands off the boy names. This is getting ridiculous. :tongue_smilie:

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A few new ones for your consideration:

Everett (still a contender- I think Emmaline and Everett sound good together.)



Ronan or Rohan (I have a feeling these might be trendy too)

Liam (I think this is getting really popular though)



I really like Ronan & Liam.


Also, have you considered a traditional name (popular world-wide), but w/ a slightly different spelling (a more international spelling)? Maybe something like Aleksander vs. Alexander. Jacques vs. Jack or John. Kwim?

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People are naming girls Camden and Logan??


Parents of girls need to keep their hands off the boy names. This is getting ridiculous. :tongue_smilie:


Logan was a girl way back in the Flowers in the Attic series, so I've always considered it a girl's name first. Camden, Cameron, I think they are both similar, popular girl names.


We chose our ds's name when I was several months pregnant. Several pointed out to us that it was the "new" girl's name, and we changed it two days before he was born to avoid that. It took me a month to remember his new name.


I was traumatized as "Kris" in kindergarten when a classmate was a boy Chris. I've never recovered.:tongue_smilie:

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My favorite boy name that I probably won't ever get to use that would probably fit your criteria:




If we have another boy this will be his name. I think it would be a great alternative to Camden and Cameron.


My boys names and other names I like but can't use:










I think Everett would work well with your daughter's name

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We found out that we are having a baby boy and I am having such a hard time with names. Girl names are easy for me- I have tons that I love. I think boy names are so much harder! Even though I like the names William and Daniel, my husband doesn't want anything too popular. He likes more unusual names.

We have one girl, who is named Emmeline (pronounced em-ma-line, like caroline). Our last name is one syllable. What do you think of these names?


Everett (nickname of Rett maybe?)




Troy (my husband likes it, I'm not so sure)


So, what says the hive?


We have some friends with 3yo twins named William & Daniel. I like classic names too.


What about...






According to the Baby Name Wizard, these are Emmaline's brothers.

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This is actually Journey's daughter, but I thought I'd reply cuz I spend so much time looking for boy's names, for my next horse; but I look at human names to find them. My first choice is Jude. I love it, and if I never name a horse that, I will probably name my future son that. Other ones that I love are Ryan, Gavin, Nolan, Kane, and Gideon. Oh and I also loveee Italian names so Niko, Marco, and Valentino are also favorites, but those probably aren't what you're looking for!


Anyway, I love Colton too!

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