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New season of Sister Wives starts tonight at 9 pm eastern

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This is what I don't admit IRL. I love that show. I love to watch how people who live in a different family dynamic than mine function together. I hate that there's all this "controversy." They aren't hurting anyone, and it really bugs me that there has to be legislation condemning their relationships. I think the only people who have to be comfortable with their (consenting, adult) relationships are the people involved, ya know?


Ok. Must step off of my soapbox now, before I go on a random tangent...

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This is what I don't admit IRL. I love that show. I love to watch how people who live in a different family dynamic than mine function together. I hate that there's all this "controversy." They aren't hurting anyone, and it really bugs me that there has to be legislation condemning their relationships. I think the only people who have to be comfortable with their (consenting, adult) relationships are the people involved, ya know?


Ok. Must step off of my soapbox now, before I go on a random tangent...


But are the children "consenting adults"? I'm actually not super conservative but I have to wonder how the children feel, especially when they are older, and realize this isn't the "norm". Not meant to be snarky, just what I wonder about.

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I watched a couple of episodes, but I just couldn't watch it.....maybe i am in the minority.....




I agree. It was vile in all respects. People call social workers to complain about people for homeschooling their children but that gets televised nationally?!?

Edited by RanchGirl
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This is what I don't admit IRL. I love that show. I love to watch how people who live in a different family dynamic than mine function together. I hate that there's all this "controversy." They aren't hurting anyone, and it really bugs me that there has to be legislation condemning their relationships. I think the only people who have to be comfortable with their (consenting, adult) relationships are the people involved, ya know?


Ok. Must step off of my soapbox now, before I go on a random tangent...



I disagree that it's not hurting anyone. I can't count the number of times that a Mormon person on this forum has said "this is not representative of our faith." I think it is hurting those people very much to have to constantly be defending themselves because a certain group uses the name of their faith to do something that they do not believe is right at all.


It's kind of like the Protestant Christians on here who feel they need to defend themselves against the sullying that groups like Westboro Baptist inflict upon their faith.


Just FTR, I do not think that polygamists represent Mormons, nor that Westboro represents Christians. I have more functioning brain cells than that. :glare:

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This is what I don't admit IRL. I love that show. I love to watch how people who live in a different family dynamic than mine function together. I hate that there's all this "controversy." They aren't hurting anyone, and it really bugs me that there has to be legislation condemning their relationships. I think the only people who have to be comfortable with their (consenting, adult) relationships are the people involved, ya know?


Ok. Must step off of my soapbox now, before I go on a random tangent...

Oh really, they aren't hurting anyone ? When a man involved in this type of situation cannot possibly afford to support all of his so called "wives" and children, the rest of society gets to pay the bill through the welfare system. But considering how welfare is going away, I can only imagine what kind of poverty these little children must be living in due to these peoples decisions that are not hurting anybody. :glare: Adultery, which is what this is, but all dressed up in fake religion and called something else, always hurts many people.

The whole concept is creepy. :glare:

Edited by Miss Sherry
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I disagree that it's not hurting anyone. I can't count the number of times that a Mormon person on this forum has said "this is not representative of our faith." I think it is hurting those people very much to have to constantly be defending themselves because a certain group uses the name of their faith to do something that they do not believe is right at all.


It's kind of like the Protestant Christians on here who feel they need to defend themselves against the sullying that groups like Westboro Baptist inflict upon their faith.


Just FTR, I do not think that polygamists represent Mormons, nor that Westboro represents Christians. I have more functioning brain cells than that. :glare:


To be fair, in the first episode, he states very clearly that they are fundamentalist (??) Mormon, while mainstream LDS is completely different, and hasn't condoned polygamy for hundreds of years. On a personal note, I think a great many people have to defend themselves against idiots all the time, and will have to continue to do so no matter how hard anyone tries to represent the truth about that particular group. After a point, people just shouldn't have to defend themselves anymore, and might be better off ignoring the idiots. :glare:

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But are the children "consenting adults"? I'm actually not super conservative but I have to wonder how the children feel, especially when they are older, and realize this isn't the "norm". Not meant to be snarky, just what I wonder about.


It's certainly not something I'd consent to (!!) but children generally don't get to choose their parents. They get born to, or adopted by older parents, younger parents, gay parents, bi parents, straight parents, parents who like sport, parents who don't, religious parents, non-religious parents, deaf parents, hearing parents etc, etc.




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It's certainly not something I'd consent to (!!) but children generally don't get to choose their parents. They get born to, or adopted by older parents, younger parents, gay parents, bi parents, straight parents, parents who like sport, parents who don't, religious parents, non-religious parents, deaf parents, hearing parents etc, etc.





and homeschooling parents, which is also not the norm

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It's certainly not something I'd consent to (!!) but children generally don't get to choose their parents. They get born to, or adopted by older parents, younger parents, gay parents, bi parents, straight parents, parents who like sport, parents who don't, religious parents, non-religious parents, deaf parents, hearing parents etc, etc.





...parents who say they're monogamous then cheat anyway, parents who divorce, parents who remarry and divorce multiple times, parents who don't remarry and just sleep around...

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But are the children "consenting adults"? I'm actually not super conservative but I have to wonder how the children feel, especially when they are older, and realize this isn't the "norm". Not meant to be snarky, just what I wonder about.


By that logic, I should probably start saving for the therapy my DC are going to need later on. After all, they haven't consented to live the way I choose...


I disagree that it's not hurting anyone. I can't count the number of times that a Mormon person on this forum has said "this is not representative of our faith." I think it is hurting those people very much to have to constantly be defending themselves because a certain group uses the name of their faith to do something that they do not believe is right at all.


It's kind of like the Protestant Christians on here who feel they need to defend themselves against the sullying that groups like Westboro Baptist inflict upon their faith.


Just FTR, I do not think that polygamists represent Mormons, nor that Westboro represents Christians. I have more functioning brain cells than that. :glare:


Really? You believe that this family is the "Mormon" equivalent of the Westboro Baptists? :confused: I can't even begin to connect the two in my mind, because they're so dissimilar.


As to whether I believe that they're representative of the entire LDS faith? Absolutely not. I have more functioning brain cells than that. But I also have enough of a heart to believe that this should not make their relationship choice subject to hatred & ridicule simply because they are polygamous & practice their religion the way they understand & believe in it.


Oh really, they aren't hurting anyone ? When a man involved in this type of situation cannot possibly afford to support all of his so called "wives" and children, the rest of society gets to pay the bill through the welfare system. But considering how welfare is going away, I can only imagine what kind of poverty these little children must be living in due to these peoples decisions that are not hurting anybody. :glare: Adultery, which is what this is, but all dressed up in fake religion and called something else, always hurts many people.

The whole concept is creepy. :glare:


Let's line up all of the welfare recipients and shoot them. Solves your problem. [/sARCASM]


However, this family (that I'm specifically referring to right now) doesn't appear to fall into that category. I am absolutely against people who just keep having kids to stay on government aid, but the archetype of that stereotypical welfare family is very rare anymore. I can't speak for every state, but in Ohio, every family is limited to 3 years on any sort of cash assistance program (in fact, the Federal limit is 5 years, which does kind of speak for the whole country) and then are subject to constant income checks and to job training, followed by verification that no more than one parent is staying home with children to make a salary that qualifies said family for food stamps & medical assistance.


As to the sweeping statement that anything "X" always results in anything "Y," when dealing with matters of the heart? I would say that's too broad a brush. You simply can't make that statement for others without being part of, or a close personal observer to, the relationship.


To be fair, in the first episode, he states very clearly that they are fundamentalist (??) Mormon, while mainstream LDS is completely different, and hasn't condoned polygamy for hundreds of years. On a personal note, I think a great many people have to defend themselves against idiots all the time, and will have to continue to do so no matter how hard anyone tries to represent the truth about that particular group. After a point, people just shouldn't have to defend themselves anymore, and might be better off ignoring the idiots. :glare:


To the bold: Yep.


To the rest: You're very right. But while so many are now teaching their children tolerance for other lifestyles, this one choice seems to be an area that people are not interested in accepting. My stand on this is very much live & let live. Letting the government dictate what goes on in some people's relationships & families in this regard opens the door for the government to try to dictate what's going on in other relationships... sets a dangerous precedent, IMO.


It's certainly not something I'd consent to (!!) but children generally don't get to choose their parents. They get born to, or adopted by older parents, younger parents, gay parents, bi parents, straight parents, parents who like sport, parents who don't, religious parents, non-religious parents, deaf parents, hearing parents etc, etc.





Exactly. I don't think these children are being harmed any more than children raised by gay parents are being harmed. They seem like normal, intelligent, well-adjusted children. They're obviously being fed, clothed, educated, and loved just as well as any children... and better than many.


I'm not saying that I expect anyone to agree with me. I just believe that I don't believe a relationship has to be acceptable to everyone in the world in order to be functional. The ONLY people who have to be okay with the details of any marriage are the people who entered into it. You can hope (as I do) that the parents take the wishes & welfare of their children into consideration when making these decisions, as it seems the family on this show does.


That, ladies, is my $0.02 on the matter. I'm certain that most of you disagree & I can respect your opinions.

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To be fair, in the first episode, he states very clearly that they are fundamentalist (??) Mormon, while mainstream LDS is completely different, and hasn't condoned polygamy for hundreds of years.


Well, let's not get carried away. ;)


Mormonism hasn't even existed for hundreds of years. The first official call to end polygamy came in 1890, the second in 1905. The LDS church began excommunicating members for new polygamous marriages in 1910.

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I disagree that it's not hurting anyone. I can't count the number of times that a Mormon person on this forum has said "this is not representative of our faith." I think it is hurting those people very much to have to constantly be defending themselves because a certain group uses the name of their faith to do something that they do not believe is right at all.


Personally, I find it ironic when mainstream Mormons don't want fundamentalists to use the name Mormon, but then get upset when other Christians don't want mainstream Mormons to call themselves Christian.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints certainly differs in many ways from the many churches that have splintered from it. However, they also share history, hymns, and scripture. Polygamy was a distinctive part of early Mormonism. It's not like the fundamentalist groups split off and then became polygamist.

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They aren't hurting anyone and I love watching the show. It's not the life that I would choose, but....I also didn't choose to grow up in a xian fundy household, either and could EASILY call that abnormal and development-stunting.



I think it's funny to hear someone get all self-righteous about "but, they are adulterers and dressing it up as something else", but we don't go around screaming about gluttony and gambling and all the other "sins" of the xian bible. IMO, they aren't guilty of adultery. They have entered into marital relationships with each other, whether or not the state recognizes them.


Their marraiges have absolutely ZERO effect on MY marraige.

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I like to watch the show. Aside from the fact that there are 4 wives and one husband, they are relatively normal. According to last night's episode, one of the reasons they are doing the show and "coming out" is that they want people to see that they are normal and to be accepted.


Hmmmm....sounds familiar and much like what many people have been saying for years about the gay issue. If same sex relationships and marriage should be accepted, why not Sister Wives?


Personally, it isn't for me, but I find watching them semi-fascinating.

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I know everybody's different. Cultures differ. Personalities differ. But some things are just so hard for me to understand based on my life experience and personal constitution. I have a hard time imagining that jealousy and other negative emotions are not gurgling below the surface of these womens' relationships. (The show even hints to it sometimes in commercials, but I don't watch it so I don't know how that plays out.) I know for a fact, I would never share my man like this and what they have as far as a marriage relationship would never be satisfying to me. I try to imagine my DH spending every other night (or more) in the arms of another woman and I feel ill. He's mine. He's me. We're one. There is no room for anyone else. Why would either of us WANT anybody else?


And if for some reason my man wanted another wife, I'd kick him to the curb so fast his head would spin and I'd find myself a man who realized what a prize I am and felt blessed to be with me and who was willing to give his whole self to me and me alone. If I didn't have that, I'd rather be alone, no question! IMO, the women have no pride or dignity and the man is a selfish egomaniac. I realize that's coming from my cultural bias. I still think it and pitty them reguardless.


As far as the show, I wish it wasn't on. But then again, I wish TV and movies didn't constantly throw homosexuality in our faces either. I am a conservative Christian and believe these lifestyles are immoral. I don't like the direction our culture is going in that regard. But, I do love people. All people. And I wish them all well. I don't hate anyone and don't agree with anyone being treated unfairly or inkindly no matter what they believe. I just disagree with the choices they make and the values they espouse. I won't be bringing thier choices and values into my living room as if it's acceptable behavior. I don't think it is. But I won't be wishing them any ill will either.

Edited by katemary63
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They stated in the first episode that they used to homeschool and then they found a school (private) for polygamist lifestyle choice kids and so the kids when there. Now I think I saw them going to the local public school and they didn't seem to state how they ended up there instead......and I was curious as to how that all happened......was it just for high school? Did the school close down?




When my husband saw it advertised he asked me if it was some kind of weird homeschooling thing :glare: The bad part is he was serious.
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Las Vegas has a rather large poly community, believe it or not. I watched the show last season and will probably watch a couple this season. I find it interesting in a train wreck kind of way.

I don't know how I feel about sharing my city with them though. I have to say I don't mind at all how other people live their lives. But my gut reaction was sadness that they moved here.

Vegas already has a tarnished image and I like my city.

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Personally, I find it ironic when mainstream Mormons don't want fundamentalists to use the name Mormon, but then get upset when other Christians don't want mainstream Mormons to call themselves Christian.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints certainly differs in many ways from the many churches that have splintered from it. However, they also share history, hymns, and scripture. Polygamy was a distinctive part of early Mormonism. It's not like the fundamentalist groups split off and then became polygamist.

To address the bolded: I do think there is a difference. *I* don't personally care if they call themselves Mormon, but when they mention it to people unfamiliar with Restorationist churches, those people almost always instantly place them under the umbrella of the mainstream LDS church. When someone answers the question of "What faith are you?" with "Christian" then almost always the follow-up question is "What denomination?" They're not automatically categorized as being Catholic or Baptist or Amish, etc, just because they said they're Christian, but when someone says they're "Mormon", it's almost always assumed that that must mean they're mainstream-LDS.


As people become more knowledgeable about the various off-shoots of Restorationist churches that will probably change, but for now, when a fundamentalist tells someone unfamiliar with the LDS faith that they're "Mormon" it perpetuates the myth that the mainstream-LDS faith is still practicing polygamy.


(but again, *I* don't mind that they call themselves Mormon, because to them, *I* am a member of the off-shoot group :lol: )


ETA: And I'm not bothered by polygamy. I could even see situations where I would welcome a sister-wife. If carried out in a respectful manner (meaning, between consenting adults who are able to support the resultant large families) I don't see anything wrong with the relationships.

Edited by Xuzi
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I know everybody's different. Cultures differ. Personalities differ. But some things are just so hard for me to understand based on my life experience and personal constitution. I have a hard time imagining that jealousy and other negative emotions are not gurgling below the surface of these womens' relationships. (The show even hints to it sometimes in commercials, but I don't watch it so I don't know how that plays out.) I know for a fact, I would never share my man like this and what they have as far as a marriage relationship would never be satisfying to me. I try to imagine my DH spending every other night (or more) in the arms of another woman and I feel ill. He's mine. He's me. We're one. There is no room for anyone else. Why would either of us WANT anybody else?


And if for some reason my man wanted another wife, I'd kick him to the curb so fast his head would spin and I'd find myself a man who realized what a prize I am and felt blessed to be with me and who was willing to give his whole self to me and me alone. If I didn't have that, I'd rather be alone, no question! IMO, the women have no pride or dignity and the man is a selfish egomaniac. I realize that's coming from my cultural bias. I still think it and pitty them reguardless.


As far as the show, I wish it wasn't on. But then again, I wish TV and movies didn't constantly throw homosexuality in our faces either. I am a conservative Christian and believe these lifestyles are immoral. I don't like the direction our culture is going in that regard. But, I do love people. All people. And I wish them all well. I don't hate anyone and don't agree with anyone being treated unfairly or inkindly no matter what they believe. I just disagree with the choices they make and the values they espouse. I won't be bringing thier choices and values into my living room as if it's acceptable behavior. I don't think it is. But I won't be wishing them any ill will either.


:iagree: Katemary, You have summed up exactly what I think so much better than I ever could!



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Well, let's not get carried away. ;)


Mormonism hasn't even existed for hundreds of years. The first official call to end polygamy came in 1890, the second in 1905. The LDS church began excommunicating members for new polygamous marriages in 1910.


Either he was wrong, or I misheard. I never claimed this was my area of expertise. ;) I was pointing out that he made sure people understood that they ARE different than mainstream Mormonism.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I watched the show that aired on the 20th.


Janelle's mom is married to Cody's Dad.


So does that make Janelle and Cody stepbrother and stepsister as well as husband and wife?


I caught this part. If I understand correctly, Janelle's mom met Cody's family after Janelle married (or maybe got engaged) to Cody.

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I watched the show that aired on the 20th.


Janelle's mom is married to Cody's Dad.


So does that make Janelle and Cody stepbrother and stepsister as well as husband and wife?


I don't see anything wrong with that. I have a sister and stepbrother who would make a perfect match (though they've never actually dated), and my mom once dated the father of a long-time crush of mine, and I sure as heck wouldn't have turned down a date from him! ;)


There's a difference between being raised as siblings and becoming "siblings" later in life.

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I don't see anything wrong with that. I have a sister and stepbrother who would make a perfect match (though they've never actually dated), and my mom once dated the father of a long-time crush of mine, and I sure as heck wouldn't have turned down a date from him! ;)


There's a difference between being raised as siblings and becoming "siblings" later in life.


I was just surprised.

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I find it strange that some people "feel bad" for the women - they WANT to live this lifestyle, they're happy that way.. or so it seems, anyway, from the episodes I've seen. They chose to become 'sister wives' and that's the way they want their family to work....


The kids all seemed pretty happy, well adjusted, normal, whatever, as well.


I haven't seen anything from this season yet - but I'm curious about something. I caught a quick commercial that seemed to imply some sort of police investigation? Why? I know that "legally" you can only be married to one person at a time, but I've always assumed that polygamous families simply had a "legal" marriage between the husband and one wife, with the others being "spiritual" marriages... ie, they did the official stuff with one and just church stuff with the other. (and I don't mean to imply that the church stuff isn't important - I'm just talking about legally.) ...So only one couple is married in the eyes of the law - the others CALL themselves married, act as married, etc.. but the law wouldn't view them that way, since they didn't do anything "official" - as they can't.


Did I have it all wrong there? ^^^

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I find it strange that some people "feel bad" for the women - they WANT to live this lifestyle, they're happy that way.. or so it seems, anyway, from the episodes I've seen. They chose to become 'sister wives' and that's the way they want their family to work....


The kids all seemed pretty happy, well adjusted, normal, whatever, as well.


I haven't seen anything from this season yet - but I'm curious about something. I caught a quick commercial that seemed to imply some sort of police investigation? Why? I know that "legally" you can only be married to one person at a time, but I've always assumed that polygamous families simply had a "legal" marriage between the husband and one wife, with the others being "spiritual" marriages... ie, they did the official stuff with one and just church stuff with the other. (and I don't mean to imply that the church stuff isn't important - I'm just talking about legally.) ...So only one couple is married in the eyes of the law - the others CALL themselves married, act as married, etc.. but the law wouldn't view them that way, since they didn't do anything "official" - as they can't.


Did I have it all wrong there? ^^^


I think it is called unlawful cohabitation. IOW, it is illegal even if it is spiritual.

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I think it is called unlawful cohabitation. IOW, it is illegal even if it is spiritual.


You mean they can actually make a law that dictates who you can and can not have living in your home with you? And what kind of relationship you can and can not choose to have with that person, what you can and can not choose to call them, etc? :001_huh:


eta: that sounds like it's only a step or two away from making it "illegal" to cheat on your husband or wife. (not speaking at all to the morality of it, just the legality)

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