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Urgent prayer request - I have pneumonia!

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Hey there,


I just wanted to ask everybody to please be praying for me. I have pneumonia. I went to the doctors today and they put me "the strongest antibiotic we have before we have to put you in the hospital" as the doctor put it. So, I'm on that for three days, drinking loads of fluids, resting and praying I don't have to go to the hospital. Ya'll know how I hate that place. I finally have some cough medicine that is keeping me from coughing because it hurts to cough. It seems so good to not hear me coughing. I don't feel terrible, but I am tired and weak.


Thanks again for standing in the gap with me and agreeing with me that the medicine works and I don't end up in the hospital.





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Make sure you rest- and really rest - not doing the dishes, putting your feet up for five minutes, vacumming and repeat, repeat.


I had pneumonia - I was in hospital for a week with it - it wouldn't have got that bad if I had rested (and went to the doctor:glare:) when I first got sick. I had an 18 month old and a 3 month old at the time with no outside help - hence no rest, no trip to the doctor (I physically could not take myself and the two little ones I didn't have the energy or breath for it) , and I got week in hospital instead (the week before Christmas mind you).


I know how bad you feel - there were points in my illness that I wished I could just die.


REST and get better soon.:grouphug:

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