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What Handwriting Program is Your First or Second Grader Using?

nova mama

What Handwriting Program is Your First or Second Grader Using?  

  1. 1. What Handwriting Program is Your First or Second Grader Using?

    • Handwriting without Tears
    • Zaner-Bloser
    • Getty-Dubay
    • Cursive First
    • A Reason for Handwriting
    • Penny Gardner
    • Other!!!

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I used HWT print for first grade (did most of the workbook, but now just do copywork made with Startwrite software, using HWT font). For second grade, I'm switching to Getty-Dubay Italics book C to get the connected italics, and once we're past the letter instruction phase, we'll again just do copywork using Startwrite software with the G-D connected italic font.

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My boys have used Abeka cursive (Writing With Phonics), starting with the Manuscript-to-Cursive penmanship book in 2nd gr. I didn't know about all these other programs when I started it, and it's what I used years ago with my dd and also when I was little. I've shown my son penmanship charts from other styles and he seems stressed at the idea of other formation options, so I don't worry about it. If your dc doesn't have a really good slant or control, Abeka's style can end up looking "bally". All those little loops can easily turn into circular formations attached to letters with a not-so-careful writer. That said, if I knew then what I know now, I'd go with Zaner-Bloser, Classically Cursive, or GD.

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We use Abeka handwriting (manuscript & cursive depending on what they want/need). I only used it because it was what I knew, it worked, and we had no complaints with it. But I've heard great things about Handwriting Without Tears.

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Thanks for responding. Will your DD do copywork?


Yes, I plan on some sort of copywork in the future (or I think so!!). Right now, she writes in her BJU Spelling book and works in her Singapore Math workbook alone and I correct and show her how to make letters/numbers as the need comes up. She'll do other little writings (like cards to Grandma, etc). I just don't plan on buying a formal handwriting program.

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J uses HWOT and we do *not* do copy work as he has motor delays and processing disorders, so copy work is pure torture for him, and me ;)


We will most likely stick with HWOT thru-out as we have tried Zaner Blosser and it was a complete failure. He used HWOT in K4 and then the Catholic school switched to ZB for K and it was a train wreck.

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Smith-Hand for cursive and Draw/Write/Now for printing. I'm sure I used something originally for printing while my dd was in K, but for the life of me, I can not remember what we used! (I'm old, and it is obvious tonight!)

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I chose other because it is more than one. In 1st grade I printed off copywork pages from Zaner-Bloser's free site here. I wanted a separate cursive book from the cursive in CLE, so I purchased Universal Publishing. I think he needs more tracing that it provides, so I'm printing cursive from this site. I'm still going to use Universal, just combined with the website and after I feel he's ready for less tracing.

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I started out with Getty-Dubay but now we are working on traditional cursive (because she wanted to learn "loopy" writing). I just write out her copywork in my cursive writing and she copies it. When she writes on her own she has begun using her own style which more closely resembles the italics.

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I did HWT with my eldest in K and I am still regretting that :banghead:. She is still using those ugly HWT capitals outside her schoolwork, even though we did Cursive First after that and she can write beautifully in cursive. I'm not making that mistake again, my 4yo is doing great with Cursive First.

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