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A rather un pc rant about conventions

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How incredibly grateful I would be for that too since we are doing high school chemistry next year and I'm going nuts trying to pick a curriculum. This is exactly the kind of thing that is desperately needed.


He's teaching dual credit right now, so I'm sure he'd be willing! I might be able to talk. :)


I'm afraid I'm knowledgeable about many subjects but expert in none, myself. I'd be willing to talk about adult self-education, though.

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So, really people, I think I would be able to swing something like this. I'm in Florida, but I've been scheming to do a cross country road trip with ds for a while. Can somebody set up a poll to vote on locations? A serious one where people vote for a location they would really be willing and able to travel to for HS Festivus? (I would but I have yet to figure out how to make a poll. :blushing:)

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Ok, so let me see if I've got this right.....We will be meeting somewhere west of the Mississippi and in between getting "glitter toe" pedicures, braiding each other's hair, eating obscene amounts of really good chocolate and imbibing on suspect home-brewed beverages, we will have an airing of the grievances on the last year's posts, compete in feats of strength, tie-dye some groovy t-shirts.....oh, and have Susan give us a workshop or two on how to teach our kids to write. :lol: :lol: I am SOOOO there! This will be the best homeschool convention since the inception of homeschool conventions. That it will also be the most legendary goes without saying. ;)

Edited by DianeW88
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I will preface by saying that I haven't read through the entire thread.


I remember *loving* our homeschool convention 10 years ago. Although, over the past 5 years, I've really started to become frustrated with it. It is very difficult for new vendors to get into... and many of the featured speakers I have no interest in hearing.


In some ways, it seems "taken over" by a certain bent... and I had been just going for the floor sales. I've become increasingly frustrated with what was being offered at our local convention in Richmond. So, we're going to make the trek to PA instead.


I may still head to Richmond for the used curriculum sale, to see what I might be able to pick up... otherwise, it's off to PA for my family! I would like to talk to MCT, and look at some different things for once!

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Ok, so let me see if I've got this right.....We will be meeting somewhere west of the Mississippi and in between getting "glitter toe" pedicures, braiding each other's hair, eating obscene amounts of really good chocolate and imbibing on suspect home-brewed beverages, we will have an airing of the grievances on the last year's posts, compete in feats of strength, tie-dye some groovy t-shirts.....oh, and have Susan give us a workshop or two on how to teach our kids to write. :lol: :lol: I am SOOOO there! This will be the best homeschool convention since the inception of homeschool conventions. That is will also be the most legendary goes without saying. ;)


We might need to throw in a rule for no picture photography. ;)

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I think the MACHE conference is much better than what people here are sharing. They certainly have their parenting/marriage type workshops that I tend to avoid, but they have also had some marvelous academic workshops over the years that have been well worth attending. I'd also say women in pants is more the norm than the oddity there. If you like to shop used books-they have a lot of hsers selling used stuff. Usually come across some good/great finds. I think there are some great workshops there this year I'd love to hear, but alas, it's almost 6 hours away and too much money.


After YEARS of attending the ND conference, that's the one that had the keynote address on the virtues of arranged marriages, MACHE was a breath of fresh air!! I wore pants and fit in. LOTS of talks, some fluffy, some academic, some Christian, some vendor talks, huge vendor hall....it was wonderful.


But I'm at least 5.5 hours from Duluth. I could double what I'd spend on Duluth and head to Cincy. That's the one I want!!!

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I agree and we are Christian. However, I need to see high school curriculum and be told how to actually use the darn stuff in our home! What does my dd NEED before college? I only go as a vendor now, and won't be going to any workshops ever again.

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Ok, so let me see if I've got this right.....We will be meeting somewhere west of the Mississippi and in between getting "glitter toe" pedicures, braiding each other's hair, eating obscene amounts of really good chocolate and imbibing on suspect home-brewed beverages, we will have an airing of the grievances on the last year's posts, compete in feats of strength, tie-dye some groovy t-shirts.....oh, and have Susan give us a workshop or two on how to teach our kids to write. :lol: :lol: I am SOOOO there! This will be the best homeschool convention since the inception of homeschool conventions. That is will also be the most legendary goes without saying. ;)


This sounds utterly perfect! Please count me in. :D

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You are all missing the obvious solution here.


Regional Festivus Conferences!


I know that Susan doesn't want to be away from her family too much but over the next couple of years she could convert over to primarily the Festivus circuit and it can all equal out.


So I am thinking.....




Denver or Reno


to start and after that expanding East (since they already have some access to conventions that include SWB)


This could work. A more casual conference, classical, academic. The only problem will be that once word gets out we will have to beat people back with a stick!


No doubt!! Were we not just talking about this? There are others I wouldn't mind having, but none who can talk so neutrally so that all could enjoy. :) Maybe, SWB should give HS Speakers conferences on "How to not offend" :) She seems to do well with just talking about Homeschooling :)

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No doubt!! Were we not just talking about this? There are others I wouldn't mind having, but none who can talk so neutrally so that all could enjoy. :) Maybe, SWB should give HS Speakers conferences on "How to not offend" :) She seems to do well with just talking about Homeschooling :)


Really I'm not that easy to offend. There was only one aspect I mentioned in my op that offends me. The rest did not offend even though I don't agree with it.


My point was not one of offense. It was one of frustration that a home schooling convention had little to nothing to do with providing an actual academic education whatsoever.


So if we could table the feel good rhetoric and actually discuss the work at hand in the job of providing an education to our kids, I'd be mighty happy.

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Hey the Arlington Home School Book Fair looks good? It has some of the iffy stuff, but it also looks like a good mix of vendors and speakers topics?




But it is just four weeks before my due date. That is likely cutting it a bit close for a weekend drive out of state. Figures. :(

No!! No!!! It is a great place to go to see curriculum, but not to hear speakers. This is where I heard the vaccination speech.



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No!! No!!! It is a great place to go to see curriculum, but not to hear speakers. This is where I heard the vaccination speech.




Well crap. What the heck does vaccinations have to do with schooling?:001_huh:


Ug. And I don't vaccinate normally, so, again, it's not even about whether I agree with them.

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Could someone tell me which chemistry I should order for 10th grade so I will quit considering a conference this summer??:)


Friendly Chemistry. http://www.friendlychemistry.com


So apparently one could listen to Pudewa all day long. There was also a keynote address by Pudewa, a session for new homeschoolers (:D), a break for confession, and anticipatory mass (which is standing room only on an ordinary Saturday as it is :glare:). It looks like the fee was only $25. Hmmmm....


Yes, he is well worth listening to all day long.


How about Chicago? Does southwest fly there? Or was SWB thinking further west.....


I can coordinate if we are thinking Chicago.


OH OH OH! Then we could invite the "honorable" Senator Maloney and educate him into submission. :D

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No doubt!! Were we not just talking about this? There are others I wouldn't mind having, but none who can talk so neutrally so that all could enjoy. :) Maybe, SWB should give HS Speakers conferences on "How to not offend" :) She seems to do well with just talking about Homeschooling :)


I appreciate SWB's talks and own several of her mp3's. However, because you and I choose not to be offended by anything she says does not mean everyone else reacts that way. I'm sure someone, somewhere has taken offense at something she has said.

The only advice that can be given to speakers so no one is offended is "shut up and stay home." The problem with that advice is neither you or I nor any other offended party here constitutes the whole homeschooling population and I, at least, recognize that although some speakers are not going to help me or my family, that doesn't mean they are not benefitting someone else.

Someone else posted listening to certain speakers made her physically sick.

Listening to someone who is so neutral that everyone enjoyed them~well, I think that's impossible, but I suspect that would make me physically sick.

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How I long for a home school convention sans the propaganda and actually about *gasp* academics. I think purity rings are somewhere between stupid and creepy. Neither Rob nor I have any desire for me to be a meek and quiet wife. (Thank goodness! LOL) I think real boyhood is more than learning to be a good provider. I think Hank the Cowdog should be put down -seriously that dog is horribly behaved! And hearing a couple expound on their research into how effective home schooling is, is not particularly helpful in practical applications. Though I'm sure it is temporarily inspiring to hear that if we just relax and leave the kids to their own devices and raise them to be Godly - that everything else will fall into place. And if it doesn't, well at least they aren't having sex at the public school.


What I wouldn't give for actual academic discussion of options and how to apply them in our homes. All the rhetoric about how to raise our sons to be manly providers and our daughters to be pure is not very helpful when it comes to teaching actual religion, algebra, dissections, or how to write a coherent 5 paragraph essay with end notes and bibliography.


It perpetuates a stereotype that most home schoolers don't fit (IME) or want to fit and excuses poor education in the name of being a better Christian, which I personally find insulting.


I probably shouldn't hit post. Feel free to ignore. I will go to the convention tho I won't attend a single speaker. I just want the free shipping and instant gratification of my vendor purchases.;)



:001_huh: I had NO idea!!

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Well, I think it's like anything else. You take what you can use and leave the rest. I can go to the organization talk and skip the teaching history from a Biblical perspective talk. I think the larger conferences have something for everyone. I got a lot from Andrew Pudewa even though I disagree with him politically (and he insists on making a lot of political commentary, people should be warned) and I disagree with him on the grammar issue.

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How I long for a home school convention sans the propaganda and actually about *gasp* academics. I think purity rings are somewhere between stupid and creepy. Neither Rob nor I have any desire for me to be a meek and quiet wife. (Thank goodness! LOL) I think real boyhood is more than learning to be a good provider. I think Hank the Cowdog should be put down -seriously that dog is horribly behaved! And hearing a couple expound on their research into how effective home schooling is, is not particularly helpful in practical applications. Though I'm sure it is temporarily inspiring to hear that if we just relax and leave the kids to their own devices and raise them to be Godly - that everything else will fall into place. And if it doesn't, well at least they aren't having sex at the public school.


What I wouldn't give for actual academic discussion of options and how to apply them in our homes. All the rhetoric about how to raise our sons to be manly providers and our daughters to be pure is not very helpful when it comes to teaching actual religion, algebra, dissections, or how to write a coherent 5 paragraph essay with end notes and bibliography.


It perpetuates a stereotype that most home schoolers don't fit (IME) or want to fit and excuses poor education in the name of being a better Christian, which I personally find insulting.


I probably shouldn't hit post. Feel free to ignore. I will go to the convention tho I won't attend a single speaker. I just want the free shipping and instant gratification of my vendor purchases.;)


Thank you.


I am a Christian. I actually would like more practical advice on teaching my children. I do want to raise Godly children, I want them waiting until marriage for sex (although I suspect that it's too late for my oldest ds - but what can I do?) and I don't want them doing drugs. Homeschooling isn't going to be the deciding factor for my kids, on those issues. I know now that homeschooling doesn't shelter kids from these aspects of life.


I don't want to spend money on a conference and be part of the choir that is being preached to. I want practical advice and teaching tips. I want to hear what works for people and what doesn't. I want to hear about learnin styles and how others do their lesson plans etc.


I have heard other Christians say that if we focus too much on the academics that we will raise really smart heathens. Ramming scripture down their throat could also mean I raise really ignorant heathens since there are no guarantees. I'd rather them be very academically inclined and able to logically think and make decisions for themselves. Of course I want them to choose Christ, and I think educating them, praying for them and leading by example is the surest way they will do so. JMO of course.

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Thank you.


I am a Christian. I actually would like more practical advice on teaching my children. I do want to raise Godly children, I want them waiting until marriage for sex (although I suspect that it's too late for my oldest ds - but what can I do?) and I don't want them doing drugs. Homeschooling isn't going to be the deciding factor for my kids, on those issues. I know now that homeschooling doesn't shelter kids from these aspects of life.


I don't want to spend money on a conference and be part of the choir that is being preached to. I want practical advice and teaching tips. I want to hear what works for people and what doesn't. I want to hear about learnin styles and how others do their lesson plans etc.


I have heard other Christians say that if we focus too much on the academics that we will raise really smart heathens. Ramming scripture down their throat could also mean I raise really ignorant heathens since there are no guarantees. I'd rather them be very academically inclined and able to logically think and make decisions for themselves. Of course I want them to choose Christ, and I think educating them, praying for them and leading by example is the surest way they will do so. JMO of course.


I agree.


I get tired of the "churchy" stuff that's offered at conventions. I get my "churchy" stuff at church. This year, the conference I'm hoping to go to actually has workshops on teaching algebra, essay writing for the SAT, and other academic issues. I'm so glad. The last thing I want to spend money on is workshops on "family singing" or "family journaling". I don't mind practical workshops on organization or time management, though. But parenting, discipleship, family worship, etc, are topics I skip over. Most of the time, the world-views of the presenters of these topics are pretty far removed from my own world-view.

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... I think purity rings are somewhere between stupid and creepy... Neither Rob nor I have any desire for me to be a meek and quiet wife. ...I think real boyhood is more than learning to be a good provider. ...


It perpetuates a stereotype that most home schoolers don't fit (IME) or want to fit and excuses poor education in the name of being a better Christian, which I personally find insulting.



:hurray: :lol: :iagree: I just have to say YES, YES, YES before this thread gets locked. I attended our state convention a few years ago and your comments about sum it up. Never. Again.

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Okay so most of the stuff that's being slammed in this thread is stuff that I would love to attend - I'd love to hear the Maxwells or the Duggars speak :D - but I see some people here looking for other things and another thread that seems to indicate there might be something happening, so I hope that you guys can create what you want. I think that's probably the best option - creating what you'd like to have, rather than wanting what exists already (and is welcomed by many) to change. Go, make it happen. :)

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