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Paisley Hedgehog

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This is our first "official" year of homeschooling, although I too was homeschooled as a child from 4th grade through 12th. I do feel that even though I'm a "newbie" at homeschooling my own children, I'm definitely not a newcomer to the world of homeschooling. I still have a lot to learn though, and this board has been extremely helpful in that area! :001_smile:

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We are in the second half of our 6th year. I've learned a whole heckuva lot. I admit that I was an opinionated newbie at one time. ;) Then I got more experienced as my kids shattered my preconceived ideas. I tried a philosophical approach (no textbooks, no required learning, etc.) that was not turning my children into little scholars as its proponents claimed it would. I'm glad I changed tactics early enough to avoid too much damage. This approach was utterly wrong for my family. :)

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I was homeschooled during grades nine, ten, eleven and twelve. I homeschooled my stepsons for grades eleven, twelve, second, third, fourth, sixth and seventh. I have homeschooled my younger boys for two kindergartens, two first grades, two second grades, one third grade, and one fourth grade. I started this adventure in 1994.


I have very few strong opinions. I feel like a newcomer and a little kid when I'm on these forums. Each of my children has been a different experience.


I too sometimes read a strongly worded post or one giving information on a fifth grade program, then get to the sig line only to discover it was written by a woman whose oldest kid is four. I guess I have an opinion about that, but not a strong one. I was there five years ago myself. Y'all humored me, and I'll pass that kindness on gratefully.

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We're in our 2nd year and I'm just beginning to feel like I almost have a clue. It's taken me this long to figure out what kind of teacher I am and what kind of learners I have. i finally found curriculum that works for both of our styles. In our case, pretty much anything PHP is a hit.


The best bit of advice I've picked up from this board:


"The best curriculum is the one that gets done."




Amen again. Except I only have one at home :D

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Well my oldest is at the end of 2nd grade, so technically 3 years. He has never been to any kind of preschool or public school. I was also homeschooled myself for most of my education. With that said I sure hope I have never posted anything that made me sound like a know it all:lol:.

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I went with 2-3 as in a few weeks, we'll have been hsing for a year. I count this past year as our K year. (We are still using what some would consider k materials but only have another 10 lessons of those materials and then we're done.)


I'm an opinionated person so I'm sure some of those posts were from me. :tongue_smilie:I lurk and absorb A LOT and don't post often simply b/c I know this attitude of 'who are you? you've barely been homeschooling at all!!' prevails..and the fear of rejection or snarkiness as a result of posting even if I've read a zillion threads on the topic stops me from joining the conversation. I always try to put my little disclaimer in there b/c I'm *not* an expert, and don't think I know it all. But rarely I think I have something to offer (however naive it may be) and hope I'm not dismissed b/c my kid is 4. There are some very bright kids on this forum (I'm not implying my own in this, btw) who work at a much higher level than their age so I think that should be considered too. I trust the advice of a mom whose kid has gone thru 5 levels of AAS to tell me what to expect, even if her kid is 5 and she's homeschooled for a year. YMMV but just wanted to offer a different perspective.


I love this forum for what I've learned from all the experienced, veteran hsers. I'll echo the sentiment of a pp..Please be gentle with us. You all can be intimidating and we're trying not bug you, honestly!! Hopefully I can learn more each year and be as helpful to others as you all have been to me. :D

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I chose that we are in our first year since you said k-8 but we actually started earlier than that.


I do think it's a little snooty to insinuate that only those who have been homeschooling for many years are qualified to have opinions. I think it completely depends on the situation. My son is an older K doing first grade work. The opinions that I find the most useful are those who are in the same approximate position that I'm currently in, or who has been there recently. Someone may have been homeschooling for 11 years but if their only child is a junior in high school, they probably aren't really all that familiar with resources for K - 2nd grade which is what I'm interested in. Also, I have met moms who have homeschooled for quite a bit more time than I have, yet the only resources they are familiar with is Abeka or Sonlight. They don't research or use any alternatives. Their opinions and knowledge about Abeka or Sonlight are going to be very useful, but what will they know of resources outside of that?


There's no doubt that wisdom comes from putting in the time, but just because someone is in their first year of homeschooling does not mean they have not had time to form opinions and gather information that would be helpful to others.


Having said that, I really try to comment on those things we have actually used, and I will allow myself to change my mind as time goes on. For instance, I may not have loved Phonics Road when I first got it and I may have shared my opinions about what I didn't like. However as time goes on, we use it more and more, and I like it more and more.


When I ask a question, I love to get as many comments from as many different minds as possible. It allows me to look at many different angles, take what I like, leave what doesn't work for me and go on from there. I would be sad if someone didn't chime in because they felt their opinions would be judged as invalid simply because they are a new homeschooler.

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I went with 2-3 as in a few weeks, we'll have been hsing for a year. I count this past year as our K year. (We are still using what some would consider k materials but only have another 10 lessons of those materials and then we're done.)


I'm an opinionated person so I'm sure some of those posts were from me. :tongue_smilie:I lurk and absorb A LOT and don't post often simply b/c I know this attitude of 'who are you? you've barely been homeschooling at all!!' prevails..and the fear of rejection or snarkiness as a result of posting even if I've read a zillion threads on the topic stops me from joining the conversation. I always try to put my little disclaimer in there b/c I'm *not* an expert, and don't think I know it all. But rarely I think I have something to offer (however naive it may be) and hope I'm not dismissed b/c my kid is 4. There are some very bright kids on this forum (I'm not implying my own in this, btw) who work at a much higher level than their age so I think that should be considered too. I trust the advice of a mom whose kid has gone thru 5 levels of AAS to tell me what to expect, even if her kid is 5 and she's homeschooled for a year. YMMV but just wanted to offer a different perspective.


I love this forum for what I've learned from all the experienced, veteran hsers. I'll echo the sentiment of a pp..Please be gentle with us. You all can be intimidating and we're trying not bug you, honestly!! Hopefully I can learn more each year and be as helpful to others as you all have been to me. :D


See? That makes me sad. I'm sure you have wonderful things to add to the topics that may be helpful to many people. You should not let the fear of snarkiness keep you from sharing!

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I said 4-6 as I feel almost through the 4th year.


I generally post advice based either on curriculum I have been using for quite a while or for those with advanced students that sound similar to my sons. I may have posted on other topics I have researched or don't have much experience but I do try to state that, that someone else told me about it or we are just starting etc.


I think it is great when people post from their experience teaching or tutoring, as having experience teaching a range of students can be very helpful. It is good to hear the background if relevant so I can see where their opinion is coming from.

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We have been homeschooling for 4.5 yrs, counting from when my daughter would have started JK here had we gone that route.


I've seen people with very few years under the belt offer great advice, and people who have been around for a long time come across as know-it-all (when it's impossible to actually know it all no matter how long you've done it). So from my perspective, I don't think length of time homeschooling is the deciding factor on whether or not I find a person's advice valid, or their attitude palatable.

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I'm an older hs mom, and I have to say that the more I learn, the more I realize how very little I know. That is basically the main, most important thing I learned in college, and it carries over into all my life. We are all students of both academics and life. As a hs mom, I have chosen to mentor my dd over areas that I have either been or am learning with her.


While I have hs'd my dd for four years now, and though I feel like I've finally reached the rank of veteran hs'er, I still have so much to learn! For instance, I have never hs'ed through logic and rhetoric stages -- something that feels a bit daunting to me at times, yet here I go! And if it weren't for this board and the sharing of experience from other hs moms at every level, I don't know where I'd be.




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I chose the 7-9. I homeschooled for 8yrs before letting my girls attend private school this year. It most likely will be there first and only time. It will definitely be my oldest's first and only time as the school is closing down their 7th and 8th grades.

I homeschooled 8yrs prior though. Started when my oldest was 4.5 yrs with kindergarden with her.


I feel like I know as much now as I did when I first homeschooled. I've learned a little more along the way but still feel clueless sometimes.


I will only comment on a curriculum that I have used if I do respond. I don't respond if I haven't.

Edited by TracyR
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See? That makes me sad. I'm sure you have wonderful things to add to the topics that may be helpful to many people. You should not let the fear of snarkiness keep you from sharing!



I think we all have something to share and know something that may help some one else...Or at least think we know something that may help someone else :tongue_smilie:...I just try and remember when I am giving advice that I am not an expert on anyone else's situation...Heck, I am not even an expert on my own situation!...I just offer what has worked for me and those I know and what has not...What "works" is also subjective because people have different wants and goals in mind...


Just my 2 cents that may not even be worth 1...

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17 years this fall. My oldest son is 20 and is currently serving a mission for the LDS church. He has a deferred scholarship for college when he returns. My dd is 17 and has a full ballet scholarship for college. Youngest ds is 10 and is currently homeschooled and in 4th grade.


Homeschooling is all my children have ever done from preschool on.

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This is our 5th year, we started when my oldest started 2nd grade.


All I can say is that I am just now really starting to figure out what works for my kids, I can't expect to know what will work with anyone else's. I try to post our experiences with certain curriculum and hope I haven't come across as a "know it all" or "curriculum snob"

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We're are about 3/4s of the way through our 6th year of homeschooling.


When we first started homeschooling I was blessed to be able to get advice from:


a graduated homeschool mom (long term perspective)

a mom with children 3-5 years older than mine (short term perspective)

a mom with a highschooler and 2 children nearly the same age and same gender as my oldest (in same trenches with me, but more experienced)


All these perspectives are very helpful.

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When do we start counting from? Assuming starting age 5, I voted 4 years.


:lol: My answer would be yes. I will never forget the time that a mom informed me that she had been homeschooling for almost as long as I had been b/c she had been homeschooling since birth. :tongue_smilie: ;)


Ummm.....that's nice, but the more pertinent information is really whether you have realistic understanding of what 9th grade actually entails vs. educating your 10 yr old. ;)

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I chose that we are in our first year since you said k-8 but we actually started earlier than that.


I do think it's a little snooty to insinuate that only those who have been homeschooling for many years are qualified to have opinions. I think it completely depends on the situation. My son is an older K doing first grade work. The opinions that I find the most useful are those who are in the same approximate position that I'm currently in, or who has been there recently. Someone may have been homeschooling for 11 years but if their only child is a junior in high school, they probably aren't really all that familiar with resources for K - 2nd grade which is what I'm interested in. Also, I have met moms who have homeschooled for quite a bit more time than I have, yet the only resources they are familiar with is Abeka or Sonlight. They don't research or use any alternatives. Their opinions and knowledge about Abeka or Sonlight are going to be very useful, but what will they know of resources outside of that?




This bears repeating.


Also not everyone who has homeschooled for longer, has been on a classical path. Some unschool for a few years and end up switching, some have children the same age but the children have been in public school a few years.


I also like to hear as many opinions as possible when I post with questions. I do give more weight to those who have had more than one child go through the same grade I am asking about, or those who have used a curriculum longer or have tried a number of things and have more experience. But I also like to h ear from people om their first year or two who are happy or not happy with a resource, and why.

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See? That makes me sad. I'm sure you have wonderful things to add to the topics that may be helpful to many people. You should not let the fear of snarkiness keep you from sharing!


Thanks. I'm just frustrated by this pervasive attitude in the homeschool community that larger amount of time homeschooling=expert at homeschooling in general. I tend to not see things as so black or white. I find it borderline offensive, honestly, to insinuate that we have *nothing* to add simply b/c of our kids' age or our little experience. I don't liken it not having kids at all and offering potty training advice. To me, it's not the same.


I think I'm taking this too personally. :lol:

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This is our 4th year of homeschooling and I welcome everyone's perspective and opinion. People form opinions based on what knowledge they *do* have. When they get more experience and information *sometimes* their opinions change, but sometimes they were right all along. I am happy to be part of an open forum where everyone's opinion counts.


I would not want to "participate" in a site where only the most experienced people were allowed to say what they think. Just because you have more experience doesn't mean you're right, and it doesn't mean you have the type of experience that is helpful to me. Why start a public conversation if you only want certain people to answer? For that, you should start a private conversation.


I agree that you should include in your post how long you've been using something, but just because it hasn't been a long time doesn't mean you shouldn't post and it doesn't mean your post shouldn't include opinions, even if your opinions are still forming. Whatever information you have, even if it's very little, is still better than no information at all.

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I do think it's a little snooty to insinuate that only those who have been homeschooling for many years are qualified to have opinions.


This caught my eye. I actually agree with you.


I do think that long term hser do offer a valid opinion though.


We know that you do run out of time and eventually the kids graduate and you are done. We know that consistency is more important than finding the perfect curriculum. We understand that just because we found what works great for our kids that it may not be the best option for you.


I personally cringe when a less experience hser offers advice that can have long term consequences such as "just do it all orally" or "don't worry about it you have plenty of time".



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This is my first "official" year.


Opinionated newbie posts remind me of the messageboards I was on when I was pg with my first. Everyone was so passionate and adamant about the "right way" to mother. Endless debates and hurt feelings over breastfeeding, circumcision, co-sleeping, on and on. Then we had the babies and brought them home. Suddenly, these die-hard convictions weren't so firm any more.


I think the passion and optimism you have initially helps you to persevere through the reality checks and difficulties. It's just important to share your passion and optimism with humility. ;)



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I began my teaching career in 1983, but I didn't start homeschooling until 1996, the year my oldest started first grade. He is now a senior in college, after being homeschooled all the way through from first grade to twelfth grade. His younger sister is now in 10th grade. After she graduates in 2013, I plan to continue homeschooling other children in my area. I would especially like to teach middle school girls.

Edited by ereks mom
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I marked 4-6 years, but after thinking, we've been hs'ing closer to 7 years. I was also homeschooled from 2nd - 8th grade when I was young (that was when homeschooling was still a "dirty word" :lol:). So I guess if you want to include the total # of years from "both sides of the fence" it would be almost 14 years. Even with that much experience, I still feel like I am constantly learning new things all the time! I think this is a wonderful place where we can all come and learn from each others experiences regardless of how long we have been doing what we are doing.:001_smile:

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First year homeschooler here. I'm well aware of my inexperience, and try to be clear about the specific experience I have when I offer an opinion.


That said, I do find the opinions of parents with kids the same age as mine, or only a year or so older, particularly useful. Not that the opinions of more experienced homeschoolers aren't also useful, but I definitely value all perspectives.


I enjoy hearing from people with teaching experience, too.

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I think we need to be careful not to simply discount a person's pov based on number of years homeschooling and/or age of children, as someone else mentioned other things such as work and life experience are important as well, and then there are those intangibles. I do know what you mean though Shari, I find the people that get my eyes rolling are often arrogant in their advice. Humility goes a long way.


There may be a number of factors that will not show up in a person's "siggy". What if you have history in the education field? What if you helped raise your neice? What if you've taught other people's children how to read?


I was homeschooled myself and I think that does give me a little different perspective than some (not superior, just different). I'm not trying to say this in an arrogant way. I have learned how different (and scary) it is when it comes time to have/homeschool your own children. I have very few posts for the amount of time I have spent on these boards. I have learned SO MUCH here, simply by reading. I try to stay out of the conversations for the most part because I know I still have so much to learn and my own children are still so young. However, when a post like this shows up it can seem a little inconsiderate to some of us.


I've used Rod and Staff with other people's children, I used to keep a boy with Cerebral Palsy and helped him with many of his exercises, I tutored phonics before I had my own children, I've taught a couple of small classes of homeschoolers (kids older than my own). These are things that won't be in my siggy and are completely unrelated to the number and ages of my own children. I realize they also don't make me a homeschool expert. I'm sure other people here have far more impressive "bios" than I do. I'm simply trying to give an example.


All of that being said, I believe I have seen what you (op) are referring to and roll my eyes at some of the posts. And you may have cringed at some of mine as well. :blushing: Some of the most intelligent conversations I've had the privilege of sitting in on have taken place on this board (like the highschool board). I usually bite my virtual tongue and simply read. The longer I hang out here the more I learn and the more I realize I have SO MUCH MORE to learn. I think a lot of "newbies" would benefit from doing this, as I have. I also learn more about the different people on here and what they have to offer. I love all of the different backgrounds and perspectives they bring to the table. I try to take that into consideration as I read what they have to say.

My mother has been homeschooling continuously for 24 years (with 9 years to go) and I love that she is still learning and re-evaluating the way she homeschools. If she had time to spend on these boards she'd tell you that--3 years, 10 years, 20 years--you learn a lot and figure out a lot, but you never really have it ALL figured out and there is always someone else you can learn something from. I love that about her...


I hope this came across in the tone that was intended. Anyone who knows me in real life knows just how shy and quiet I am. I just thought I'd add my own perspective.

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Our family is wrapping up its 9th year of this hs journey.


My oldest was home 5th-12th and is now a freshman in college.


My middle ds is in 11th and began homeschooling in 3rd grade.


My little man has always been at home and is in the second semester of 2nd grade.


So, when I wrap up this year, I will have officially homeschooled every grade from k-12. However, all the boys are so diffferent that I feel like I am starting over from scratch each time. <sigh> I definitely understand that no product can work for every child. OTOH- since I am at least familiar with what kind of things I like, at least the searching time has gotten shorter!



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First year homeschooler here. I'm well aware of my inexperience, and try to be clear about the specific experience I have when I offer an opinion.


That said, I do find the opinions of parents with kids the same age as mine, or only a year or so older, particularly useful. Not that the opinions of more experienced homeschoolers aren't also useful, but I definitely value all perspectives.


I enjoy hearing from people with teaching experience, too.

And I, for one, have enjoyed the German background/recs you've offered here.

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