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What is the significance of you user name?

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My last name is Kurwicki and so I shortened it to Kwickimom. In my head I say it is K-wick-ee-mom.


Some really cool dude from another forum kept asking me why I was "quickie" mom :glare: Maybe I should change it :lol:


:smilielol5:I'm sorry, but that's where my mind went too!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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When I was younger, for several years I was very, very involved with Pern fandom (Pern, not the other thing, you pervs- it's a book series. :D). In the Weyr I founded, my Weyrwoman's second's dragon was named Mergath. I started using it as my handle, and it stuck. For over a decade, now.

Edited by Mergath
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When I was younger, for several years I was very, very involved with Pern fandom (Pern, not the other thing, you pervs- it's a book series. :D). In the Weyr I founded, my Weyrwoman's second's dragon was named Mergath. I started using at my handle, and it stuck. For over a decade, now.


I LOVE those books! I own most of them and I read each of them about once a year :D


PS. Second dragon? What was your precedent for re-impressing? Didn't Brekke teach you it's a bad idea? ;)

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
didn't think of it until later
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We bought and renovated a 110 year old brick and stone church and made it our home. We named it Faithmanor and I've been going by Faith on the boards ever since. A couple of moms on the board are in a tiny inner circle that know my real name...shhh...they promised not to tell.


I don't like my IRL name and would probably change it to Faith if I had a chance.



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I LOVE those books! I own most of them and I read each of them about once a year :D


Me too!


Have you read the newest by Todd? Ugh. Not impressed. No Weyrwoman is going to say that she'd give up her dragon in a second to make her boyfriend feel better. If you haven't gotten to those yet, skip them.

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I love guitars. I was a teenager during the 80's when Ibanez made a lot of really great guitars. We all played them. They sounded great, kicked butt and were a great way to own an awesome guitar if you didn't have the coin to put down on a Fender or a Gibson. All my friends who were guitarists in bands and pretty much every band in school played Ibanez and my love for them started back then. I own 6 Ibanez guitars that range in date from 1976 all the way to the RG550 20th Anniversary reissue that I bought new in 2007. Ibanez guitars are nicknamed "Ibbys". Since I own a few and love them so much I'm Ibbygirl. :)

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Me too!


Have you read the newest by Todd? Ugh. Not impressed. No Weyrwoman is going to say that she'd give up her dragon in a second to make her boyfriend feel better. If you haven't gotten to those yet, skip them.


I wouldn't touch them with a 6 ft pole! I read a preview and a discription of the plot that was just...uggh. No thank you!


And he really wrote that about a boyfriend? Wow, someone must think he's God's gift to women...

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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There were always so many Jennifers in my classes at school I quit answering when my name was called. Changing the way I spelled it made me feel a little more unique. And there is no way I am going to get any variation of the real spelling of my name just about anywhere online. The "c" is the first initial of my last name.

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exactly how I began homeschooling. No prep, no deep reading or years of studying and being on boards. One long vacation with dear homeschooling friends and I knew what would happen the following September. I just wasn't going to put 2 kids through what I watched the 1st go through. (Nevermind the inquisition those dear friends spent calling a vacation...they were most patient and kind.) So I jumped straight into the deep end of the homeschool pool-no wading in from the shallow end.

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I took it from a box of cinnamon swirl cereal that was sitting on the computer desk the very first time I had to come up with a user name. I've used it ever since. Good thing I don't have to come up with a new one tonight or it would be pile of boys clip on ties. :)

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PS. Second dragon? What was your precedent for re-impressing? Didn't Brekke teach you it's a bad idea? ;)


Doesn't that happen in one of the Todd McCaffrey books? *shudder*


Sorry, I knew that was going to be confusing. She wasn't my Weyrwoman's second dragon, but rather my character was the Weyrwoman's second-in-command. So, my Weyrwoman's Second's dragon. :D

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I picked mine it seems like a thousand years ago when I was trying to sign up for yahoo groups. I kept picking names that were already taken and I was getting frustrated. I was thinking "this is SILLINESS!!" in my head and of course the 7 is how many kiddos I have. I think I am silliness5 on yahoo and somewhere else I am silliness6. It's so hard to keep up. :001_smile:

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I have a story: (and I hope I do not get in any trouble by sharing it.) When I was little my mother was a single mom and an aspireing writer. She wrote a wonderful manuscript, while we were living in the San Juan's. She went to a dinner party at a friends house and a published author was there. She asked this author (who wrote a very famous book about a seagull)if he would read her manuscript and let her know if it was any good. He agreed, but had to take it with him as he was only visiting the area. A few weeks later he told her he did not think it was worth publishing. In this story about rouge computers and technology (this was the mid-80's) there is a beautiful little blonde girl and her beloved white dog with a brown spot over it's left eye. I was that little girl, and the dog was my beloved Simka.


12 months later The Tommyknockers was published. My mother never wrote again:glare:

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I have a story: (and I hope I do not get in any trouble by sharing it.) When I was little my mother was a single mom and an aspireing writer. She wrote a wonderful manuscript, while we were living in the San Juan's. She went to a dinner party at a friends house and a published author was there. She asked this author (who wrote a very famous book about a seagull)if he would read her manuscript and let her know if it was any good. He agreed, but had to take it with him as he was only visiting the area. A few weeks later he told her he did not think it was worth publishing. In this story about rouge computers and technology (this was the mid-80's) there is a beautiful little blonde girl and her beloved white dog with a brown spot over it's left eye. I was that little girl, and the dog was my beloved Simka.


12 months later The Tommyknockers was published. My mother never wrote again:glare:

Oh no! :grouphug:

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I have a story: (and I hope I do not get in any trouble by sharing it.) When I was little my mother was a single mom and an aspireing writer. She wrote a wonderful manuscript, while we were living in the San Juan's. She went to a dinner party at a friends house and a published author was there. She asked this author (who wrote a very famous book about a seagull)if he would read her manuscript and let her know if it was any good. He agreed, but had to take it with him as he was only visiting the area. A few weeks later he told her he did not think it was worth publishing. In this story about rouge computers and technology (this was the mid-80's) there is a beautiful little blonde girl and her beloved white dog with a brown spot over it's left eye. I was that little girl, and the dog was my beloved Simka.


12 months later The Tommyknockers was published. My mother never wrote again:glare:

Oh, that is so sad. :( What a gut blow.

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When I first hit the internet about 15 years ago, I used it almost entirely to perfect my Indian cooking skills, and if you wanted to get good advice from the experts (Indians) I found I did best with a "handle" that was an Indian cooking term. All the sweet ones (rasmalai, gulab jaman, etc) were taken, so I picked a salty one.


I've never put my real name up on the 'net, but I've been the same handle, and nearly the same persona the whole time. I do tweak my persona to fit in with the Romans of the moment ("when in Rome...").

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When I first hit the internet about 15 years ago, I used it almost entirely to perfect my Indian cooking skills, and if you wanted to get good advice from the experts (Indians) I found I did best with a "handle" that was an Indian cooking term. All the sweet ones (rasmalai, gulab jaman, etc) were taken, so I picked a salty one.


I've never put my real name up on the 'net, but I've been the same handle, and nearly the same persona the whole time. I do tweak my persona to fit in with the Romans of the moment ("when in Rome...").


Really? I was thinking something PNW Indianish...I was off by a continent :D.

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My past, present, future


Tap 1- past- a shortened version of my childhood nickname

Tap 2-present-one of my favorite moments of childhood is when a you hold a sleeping child in your arms, and they softly pat your back.

Tap 3-future-the tap, tap, tapping of my keyboard as I shape my children's future by homeschooling.




I have had people say my name reminds them of someone impatiently, Tap, tap, tapping their foot. If you are one of those....sorry!

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I have had people say my name reminds them of someone impatiently, Tap, tap, tapping their foot. If you are one of those....sorry!


LOL I always thought it was the "tap, tap, tap" that a conductor does with their baton on the music stand before they start conducting a piece. Man, I was way off. lol :lol:

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