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Book a Week in 2011 - week one

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:D I've actually managed to read two, thanks to my Kindle.


I downloaded 10 free books and I'm psyched, tired, but so happy to have new good books to read!


Centurion's Wife, by Jannette Oake

Daughter's of Joy, Kathleen Morgan


Not my usual sort of book and definately a light read. But (yawwwn!) I'm pretty tired and won't keep up this pace. :D



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Does anybody else add EVERY SINGLE BOOK you see recommended by your fellow WTMers to your "want to read" list? They all sound so good! I already have well over 52 books on my list for this year, and the list grows daily!


I did think it was funny that some of the same books show up on both the "favorite" and "least favorite" books lists posted in other threads! So I'll have to figure out how to decide on those.

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Does anybody else add EVERY SINGLE BOOK you see recommended by your fellow WTMers to your "want to read" list? They all sound so good! I already have well over 52 books on my list for this year, and the list grows daily!





My list has 135 books on it. That's not including the WEM books. I keep adding to my list from these threads and from books I read that reference other books.

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Well, I've started the year off with indulging in some bubble gum, young adult fun. My husband read these first and said I might enjoy them. I've read City of Bones, Fallen and about midway through Torment. Yes I've gobbled them up since Saturday, amazingly enough. It's been nice to just spend so much time reading before getting back to real life. :)


So, I've gotten a few ahead so I can make time for a lengthy or slower reading book next week.

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Sorry, I'm late to the thread (I've been busy and couldn't find it--heh).


I'm reading John Sandford's Wicked Prey. So far, the story is slow going and I'm half way through. Bummer.


I'm going to have to make a list of what many of you (most of you?) are reading, as I've never heard of the books. I suspect my 'to read' list will be quite long at the end of the year! :D

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I got a big head start on New Year's weekend...so far I have finished The Devil in the White City, Pagan Christianity?, and One Corpse Too Many. :) I am relieved to be ahead, as I have 3 sets of houseguests arriving over the next 3 weeks!


On audio, I am listening to The Happiness Project (while I walk) and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (while I drive in the car with dd).

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I am reading a book my 15 yo chose and bought for me as a Christmas gift--- Lady's Maid by Margaret Forster. Historical fiction about Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Ooooooo, that looks good. Can't wait for your review. I was glad to find out my little library has it!


So I started My Antonia by Willa Cather, it's been sitting on my shelf for 2 yrs now so about time I read it.
Me too. It's been on my shelf since finding it at Goodwill for $.59! Adding it to my list for this year.


I'm reading The Sunne in Splendor about King Richard, III. Excellent.


I love medieval England historical fiction, but I think it's time I move on to other genres, so this challenge is very timely:)



This book is on it's way to me from PBS. YAY! I hope I don't get too bogged down with the name changes that someone else mentioned. That's the kind of thing that makes me want to put books down and walk away for a while. I've never read Penman:blushing:, so this will be my first. Maybe I should start with something else of hers? My library has many of them.
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This book is on it's way to me from PBS. YAY! I hope I don't get too bogged down with the name changes that someone else mentioned. That's the kind of thing that makes me want to put books down and walk away for a while. I've never read Penman:blushing:, so this will be my first. Maybe I should start with something else of hers? My library has many of them.



Nah, I wouldn't. It's really not difficult to keep track, really. You may need to do some flipping, but medieval history can be so convoluted that's to be expected. It's a compelling story, and doesn't rely on knowledge from her previous works at all.


Happy Reading!


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I just finished Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson for my first book. It was a short quick read (239 pgs.) but in my defense, I read three Ender books in five days between Christmas and New Years (Now, why didn't I save those??).


Can I read The Writer's Jungle for one of my books? It's 192 pgs not including appendices. It does look like I could benefit from reading this from cover to cover.


Will there be a Facebook page?

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Nah, I wouldn't. It's really not difficult to keep track, really. You may need to do some flipping, but medieval history can be so convoluted that's to be expected. It's a compelling story, and doesn't rely on knowledge from her previous works at all.


Happy Reading!


I've got this on my shelf to read. I'm nervous about all the name changes! We'll see how it goes!

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Somehow I didn't realize we were supposed to post to the thread when we finished a book! I finished two this week (one on New Year's Eve, so just barely not qualifying for 2011; but I'm going to call it Book #0). I decided to keep track of interesting passages, as well as words I had to look up (vocabulary study never ends...).


Book #1

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


"Excellent!" I cried.

"Elementary," said he.

[This is the closest Holmes ever comes to saying "Elementary, my dear Watson."]


Vocabulary: atavism


Book #0

The Twelve Caesars



And Claudius Pulcher who, as Consul, took the auspices before a naval battle off Sicily and, finding that the sacred chickens had refused their feed, cried: 'If they will not eat, let them drink!' He threw them into the sea, fought the battle in defiance of their warning, and lost it.... [Later, his sister] was riding through the crowded streets in a carriage, and making such slow progress that she shouted: 'If only my brother were alive to lose another fleet! That would thin out the population a little!' She was consequently tried for treason in the People's Court, as had happened to no woman before her.


Vocabulary: cisalpine

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I just finished Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson for my first book. It was a short quick read (239 pgs.) but in my defense, I read three Ender books in five days between Christmas and New Years (Now, why didn't I save those??).


Can I read The Writer's Jungle for one of my books? It's 192 pgs not including appendices. It does look like I could benefit from reading this from cover to cover.


Will there be a Facebook page?


Nope, changed my mind about the facebook page - not enough time. The Writer's Jungle? You can read whatever you want whether it's fiction or non fiction.

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Ooooooo, that looks good. Can't wait for your review. I was glad to find out my little library has it!




It (Lady's Maid) was so engrossing, that I stayed up until 2 a.m. last night to finish it!


I was looking forward to reading it, but it was even better than I expected. A bit heart-wrenching, but a wonderful read. I'll post the review in next week's thread.

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I'm hoping someone can help me with a title. I believe I saw the book on someone's blog awhile ago. It's the book on the Central/South American runners? anyone know what I'm talking about? I'd like to add it to my list.




Born to Run by Christopher McDougall???

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I started with a seriously easy read, Carousel Tides by Sharon Lee, which I grabbed almost at random from the "Staff Picks" shelf at the library on Sunday. I'm already done, but I found it a bit disappointing. The theme and plot both had a shallowness, as if the author didn't really know where she was going. Also, the main character was fairly featureless -- the traits the author decided to feature didn't actually have any bearing on the story -- and she had some punctuational idiosyncracies (and a lie/lay deficiency) that I found distracting. Better luck to me next week!


I'm also slowly working my way through Cheryl Mendelson's Home Comforts: The Art & Science of Keeping a Home, but I'm sort of chewing it one chapter at a time. Right now I'm reading about housework schedules, and the why and how of them. I really think my kids' education would benefit greatly if we actually had a housework schedule. It's a thought-provoking book, written by a professional philosopher who happens to love keeping house.



mama to Thales, 12/02; Lydia, 2/06; and Odin, 12/08

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I'm about a third of the way through Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages by Guy Deutscher. It's a fascinating read and not at all daunting.






I've added that to my list. Looks interesting.



I'm also slowly working my way through Cheryl Mendelson's Home Comforts: The Art & Science of Keeping a Home, but I'm sort of chewing it one chapter at a time.


I read her laundry book last year. It was so boring.

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LOVE F451 and the Martian Chronicles. All of my older kids and I read F451 2 years ago. Great discussion. There's also an older movie of it- got it from the library. Cheesy but interesting.

I love that film! It was directed by François Truffaut and stars Oskar Werner and Julie Christie.



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Okay, I am not committing but if I've read, I'll report.


Just finished Sail by James Patterson & Howard Roughan. A predictable but entertaining easy read.



Aw, Come on Auntie M. Commit... Commit... You know you want too. *grin*

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Okay this is cool. One of the participants who somehow found about the challenge on Twitter and decided to join in is talking up the challenge in a canadian paper:


The Record



Just to let you know, I'll be out of town saturday night and will post the new thread when I get back Sunday afternoon.

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HEY! I'm on schedule because I've read 1 book already!!!!


I read Nora Robert's book, "Vision in White." It was alright. :cool: I'm actually really looking forward to the second one, "Bed of Roses." I like that character better than the main character in "Vision in White."


I guess I better go make my list!

See you next week!


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Wow, can you tell it's the first week of the year??? Look how many pages there are!!! if anyone ever gets down here, I'm finishing Eldest today during my kids' swim warm up, etc (Paolini isn't a great writer, but I'm reading these as my dd is) and I read The Octopus Effect, which my 12 yo is reading (and my 15 yo, lol). The latter is a sequel to Simon Bloom and is a fun book for tweens (including boys) that is fantasy/sci fi/magic. The other is a sequel to Eragon, which, amazingly, was a best seller. Not that it's terrible, but it certainly isn't LOTR.

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