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What does your DH call you?

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We have a few family members who tease us because DH and I call each other babe (or DH calls me baby) or honey a lot--like, "Hey babe? Where did you put that book I was reading?" Occasionally I call him by his actual name, but it feels so formal! I mean, we've been together for 14 years, but...I don't know, we just never got in the habit of using our actual names. I can't remember the last time he called me "Melissa," actually!


Do most people speak to their spouses by their given names, or do you use pet names a lot?

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We have a few family members who tease us because DH and I call each other babe (or DH calls me baby) or honey a lot--like, "Hey babe? Where did you put that book I was reading?" Occasionally I call him by his actual name, but it feels so formal! I mean, we've been together for 14 years, but...I don't know, we just never got in the habit of using our actual names. I can't remember the last time he called me "Melissa," actually!


Do most people speak to their spouses by their given names, or do you use pet names a lot?


Interesting....I saw a segment on morning news promoting this book




The premise is that couples who refer use pet names for each other begin to feel soooooo comfortable that they forget to be husband and wives. I actually don't think it is that simple...but I can tell you that my now XH NEVER called me by my name. He also never used pet names. Usually it was 'hey.' Or if he was talking to ds he would refer to me as 'her'. :glare:


I theorize that all had to do with his inability to be intimate (emotionally), but I digress.


I have a new husband and we call each other by pet names A LOT. I like it. :D A LOT.

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We call ea other "Sweetie" so much that if dh uses my real name, it startles me. LOL Since I don't get out much & the kids call me Mama, I kind-of like to hear my name once in a while. It reminds me who I am & who he is & how absolutely cool it is that I'm married to *swoon* HIM. :D

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Interesting....I saw a segment on morning news promoting this book




The premise is that couples who refer use pet names for each other begin to feel soooooo comfortable that they forget to be husband and wives. I actually don't think it is that simple...but I can tell you that my now XH NEVER called me by my name. He also never used pet names. Usually it was 'hey.' Or if he was talking to ds he would refer to me as 'her'. :glare:


I theorize that all had to do with his inability to be intimate (emotionally), but I digress.


I have a new husband and we call each other by pet names A LOT. I like it. :D A LOT.


Huh! That's very interesting. I'm not sure I agree, and we're not having a problem in that area (ahem :lol:), but I'm intrigued by their ideas. I wonder if it would be weird to order that through inter-library loan? :001_huh:


ETA: I like it too :D What prompted me to ask was that I got an email from him--a response to a question, perfectly benign, everyday stuff--and he called me baby in the email, which made me all melty and gooey-eyed :001_rolleyes: Made me wonder if other people have the same habits. Honestly, I don't anyone else in IRL who does this!

Edited by melissel
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DH calls me Pie (or just writes the pi symbol). It started years ago when I baked him an apple pie. My stepson was probably around 3 at the time and somehow turned this into my nickname. When he says my name it just sounds so wrong to me. I call him Steve -- I am not big on nicknames with adults.

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We have a few family members who tease us because DH and I call each other babe (or DH calls me baby) or honey a lot--like, "Hey babe? Where did you put that book I was reading?" Occasionally I call him by his actual name, but it feels so formal! I mean, we've been together for 14 years, but...I don't know, we just never got in the habit of using our actual names. I can't remember the last time he called me "Melissa," actually!


Do most people speak to their spouses by their given names, or do you use pet names a lot?




He calls me Goose. I don't usually call him anything. I just start talking, and he listens. Using his name seems formal to me, but in 20 years, I've never come up with a fitting nickname, or pet name. Sometimes I call him Daddy-o.

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We have a few family members who tease us because DH and I call each other babe (or DH calls me baby) or honey a lot--like, "Hey babe? Where did you put that book I was reading?" Occasionally I call him by his actual name, but it feels so formal! I mean, we've been together for 14 years, but...I don't know, we just never got in the habit of using our actual names. I can't remember the last time he called me "Melissa," actually!


Do most people speak to their spouses by their given names, or do you use pet names a lot?


:iagree:I hardly ever call my husband "David." But when I do.... he knows he'd better listen. :lol::lol::lol:


:001_huh: Huh? Why didn't she say "Honey?" Uh-oh, I must be in trouble.

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Interesting....I saw a segment on morning news promoting this book




The premise is that couples who refer use pet names for each other begin to feel soooooo comfortable that they forget to be husband and wives.


Thanks for that link! I need this book. Maybe that's our problem, we're TOO comfortable just being buddies.... Hmmmm........ Off to the library. :auto:

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I'm not sure I agree, and we're not having a problem in that area (ahem :lol:), but I'm intrigued by their ideas. I wonder if it would be weird to order that through inter-library loan? :001_huh:


ETA: I like it too :D What prompted me to ask was that I got an email from him--a response to a question, perfectly benign, everyday stuff--and he called me baby in the email, which made me all melty and gooey-eyed :001_rolleyes: Made me wonder if other people have the same habits. Honestly, I don't anyone else in IRL who does this!


Well, I get all melty and gooey eyed too, but I am a newlywed. Nice to know it can last.


One of the authors of that book talked about her own marriage ending....how they were good friends, but basically just stopped having 'tea'...and I thought, 'duh. What did you think would happen to your relationship if you stop that? :glare:'


Also, our name is our most personal possession...and when other people use it we feel like they are really speaking to US. That is the theory. And I agree there is something to it. I call my dh by his given name...and he does me some...but he mostly calls me Sweetheart. Or Wonderful Woman. Or Babe. Yeah we are in Love. ;)

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We NEVER call each other our real names.... unless we are fighting, which is almost never, LOL.


He calls me "Meimei" and I call him "Gege" which is really messed up, if you know Chinese; but we started calling each other that before we were dating, and I was dating someone else. DH and I had a relationship like that of "Older Brother" (Gege) and "Little Sister" (Meimei). We were in the same Chinese class at DLI, that's what we were learning when the (friendship) relationship started, and BAM, it stuck... Oh well... we just try not to use the terms at Chinese Restaurants....

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My dh calls me Jellybean, unless he really wants to say something important - then he calls me Kathleen. I am easily distracted and he has learned that he needs to get my full attention if he wants me to remember something like "We need to be at my mom's at 10:00 on Christmas morning." He's learned the hard way that just telling me is not enough - he has to tell me when I'm looking directly at him and am actually paying attention.:D

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I call him Corey. He calls me Megan. Most of the time. I'm trying to train him to call me "ma peche" (I don't know if that's spelled right, I don't know French) if he's going to use a pet name at all. He tried the babe thing and I absolutely hate it. Mostly because my brother and SIL use it all. the. time. and for some reason it drives me up the wall. I've recently taken to saying, "Hello Lover" when he calls or comes home (and the 4 year old's not around). Never could get Hon or Sweetie to stick.

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My dh calls me Jellybean, unless he really wants to say something important - then he calls me Kathleen. I am easily distracted and he has learned that he needs to get my full attention if he wants me to remember something like "We need to be at my mom's at 10:00 on Christmas morning." He's learned the hard way that just telling me is not enough - he has to tell me when I'm looking directly at him and am actually paying attention.:D


That's correct. When, DH says, "but I told you...." my response is, "did I answer?"

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