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Let's play you know you are getting old when....


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When people your age are 'retiring' from the military.


When people you work with are 10 years younger....and they have doctorate degrees.


Filling prescriptions for ADULTs that were born the year you graduated from high school.......and my 20yr reunion.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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you know you are getting old when dates like 1990 or 1995 don't seem like they should be that long ago and then you realize they were 20 to 15 years ago.


I remember having nostalgic "50's dances" in high school where all the girls had their hair up in pony tails and wore poodle skirts and the guys had their hair slicked back and wore penny loafers. We danced to the soundtrack from American Graffiti and thought the 50's were ancient history. I realized the other day that if Dd18 were in high school she'd be going to 80's dances. Does she think the 80's are ancient history?:001_huh:

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One time I went to my friend's housewarming party. Her fiance at the time was a successful lawyer and a lot of people from his firm came by and they mostly brought bottles of wine as gifts. At the end of the party I was helping them clean up, saw all the bottles of wine stashed under the stairs and told him, "You know you're getting old when you have more alcohol at the end of the party than at the beginning." :tongue_smilie:

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I remember having nostalgic "50's dances" in high school where all the girls had their hair up in pony tails and wore poodle skirts and the guys had their hair slicked back and wore penny loafers. We danced to the soundtrack from American Graffiti and thought the 50's were ancient history. I realized the other day that if Dd18 were in high school she'd be going to 80's dances. Does she think the 80's are ancient history?:001_huh:

Ugh, who wants to go to 80's dances? What are they wearing? Khaki pants and alligator shirts?


For me it is when my little brother hit 40.

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I remember having nostalgic "50's dances" in high school where all the girls had their hair up in pony tails and wore poodle skirts and the guys had their hair slicked back and wore penny loafers. We danced to the soundtrack from American Graffiti and thought the 50's were ancient history. I realized the other day that if Dd18 were in high school she'd be going to 80's dances. Does she think the 80's are ancient history?:001_huh:


Ds's back-up New Year's Eve plans are to go to an 80's party at the church. I told him that he could get dh's jean jacket an ripped up jeans from the attic to wear (dh and I saved the iconic outfits that we wore from the year we first met LOL).


That was ood to hear him say it was an 80's party. :lol:

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How do you make perfume with vodka?


We haven't done it yet but here's a link to show you how: http://www.howtodothings.com/fashion-and-personal-care/a3435-how-to-make-perfume.html


Perfume seems to be essential oils mixed with vodka and then adding a little water to the mixture after a day or so. We're giving them as gifts if they turn out.


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I got into a 10 minute argument with my oldest over the fact that someone born in 1980 couldn't possibly be 30 years old because 1980 was not that long ago...:blushing:


Oh, and 1980's parties are all the rage in my neck of the woods.


I am highly offended that my stylin' clothes are now considered costumes.:glare:

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You know you're getting old when you have to call your dh at work and ask him which toothbrush is yours. I did this today. I opened the cupboard and just stared at them. I just couldn't remember which one was mine. He thought it was cute.:D


Oh, and I remember Brenda Vacarro. Anyone remember Rowan and Martin's Laugh In? Veddy inter-eshting -but shtupid.:)


You are my kind of gal, Kathleen. I loved Laugh In!

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you know you are getting old when dates like 1990 or 1995 don't seem like they should be that long ago and then you realize they were 20 to 15 years ago.


I experience this time warp phenomena all of the time....like, how can it almost be 2011? Wasn't it just 2005? And when I was a kid 1984 was like way, way in the future. And now you want me to believe that it is way, way in the past? Time speeds up once you hit 40, I think.

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Hey -- me too!!


I know I'm getting old when I read posts like the one in this thread where someone mentions her dad's 8 track tapes. Hello?!! My boyfriend had an 8 track in his Camaro!!I had the Camero (baby blue) and was so happy that it had the 8 track player!


You know you are getting old, too, when the AARP starts recruiting you, just reinforce the fact that you are celebrating your 50th birthday.And you realize that the crossword puzzles in the back of the AARP magazine are actually designed for your knowledge base :lol:


You know you are getting old when your siblings become grandparents, and your M-I-L a great grandmother. Our family, too!


You know you are getting old when you realize you are old enough to be the mother of some of the posters on this board!!!! Yes, yes and yes :eek:


Glad to be riding in the same boat with you, Jenn!!!

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Fellow people who remember Brenda V. So nice to know I am not alone.


When my father was in the hospital a few years ago I remember thinking that the doctors were not old enough to be doctors. They looked like children.


I don't dare tell my dd that I had outfits exactly like hers (e.g., purple and black check skirt, black leggings, big shirt, vest) She would die.


Another how to know you are old-the music of your youth is in a luxury car commercial. Yep, you are a target audience.


I have experienced the time warp. The 80's seem like just yesterday.


I want to know when I went from being made fun of for being so young to making fun of the young. That was a rude awakening.

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Some of these are so funny!


Let's see, I have a few more:


I can remember talking on a phone that was actually attached to the wall. In fact, I can remember a ROTARY dial phone.


I can remember when payphones were everywhere and only cost 1 quarter. And "Information" was free.


I can remember shaking popcorn over a stove in those little metal/aluminum pans with handles to pop it.


I can remember when it was a big deal if you had a car phone. One that had to stay in your car. No cell phones that you could walk around with wherever you wanted to go.


I can remember my parents having an 8 track player.


I loved my atari. Pacman on the atari was the best game ever. Astroids and Missile Command were good, too.


My brothers and I used to be able to sneak peeks at the playboy channel when we were kids. It would be scrambled with these funny lines through it but you could always get a glimpse of SOMETHING, before they had no picture show on the channel unless you subscribed lol.


I owned a pair of parachute pants. And my husband owned those funky colorful "weightlifter pants."


I'm sure there are tons more.

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Oh oh oh....wait! Here's more:

I had to sit and explain the Madonna outfits they were wearing on Glee the other night and had to admit that I dressed like that!

Remember Valley Girls?

Square Pegs?

The Kodak disc camera?

Telephone cords like 25 feet long?

Record players?

Beta movies?


And here's the worst. My DD has the AG doll Julie which is the newest "historical" doll from the 70's!!!

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The microwave was a big deal. All my friends came over to watch the glass of water boil.




Yes! I remember the first microwave, we were fascinated! One evening my sister and I put an egg in there (innocently) and it blew straight up, shattering the glass ceiling in the microwave. We were scared to death we had ruined the amazing new appliance!


LOL I told my oldest son about getting our first push button phone, exciting! - with a 50 ft. cord. I could walk from one end of our trailer to the other while talking, I thought it was incredible!

He was like :confused: :D

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Some of these are so funny!


Let's see, I have a few more:


I can remember talking on a phone that was actually attached to the wall. In fact, I can remember a ROTARY dial phone.


I can remember when payphones were everywhere and only cost 1 quarter. And "Information" was free.


I can remember shaking popcorn over a stove in those little metal/aluminum pans with handles to pop it.


I can remember when it was a big deal if you had a car phone. One that had to stay in your car. No cell phones that you could walk around with wherever you wanted to go.


I can remember my parents having an 8 track player.


I loved my atari. Pacman on the atari was the best game ever. Astroids and Missile Command were good, too.


My brothers and I used to be able to sneak peeks at the playboy channel when we were kids. It would be scrambled with these funny lines through it but you could always get a glimpse of SOMETHING, before they had no picture show on the channel unless you subscribed lol.


I owned a pair of parachute pants. And my husband owned those funky colorful "weightlifter pants."


I'm sure there are tons more.


I have made calls from a phone attached to a wall. I, too, remember rotary phones.


But I've got you beat with the pay phones. I remember when we could put in a DIME.... and make a phone call. :lol:

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I can remember not only rotary phones attached to the wall, but we had a party line as well.


My dh had an 8-track player in his car when we were dating (that was constantly playing Bread).


I remember when the computer where my mom worked took up the space of a whole room and used punch cards.


My friends and I gathered at the drug store to have sodas in the afternoon. We all rode our bikes.

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The microwave was a big deal. All my friends came over to watch the glass of water boil.


We were also the first block on the house to get cable. Who can forget that long cord attached to the tv and to the box.



We were the LAST house on the block to get everything.


By the time we got Atari (used), it was old news.


Color TV -- I never knew what Jacques Costeau's underwater world looked like in color until sometime in the 1990s. Who knew that fish weren't GRAY.


Microwave -- last one on the block. We used to explode marshmallows.


Computer -- last one on the block. My parents barely can turn it on....


Cable -- last one on the block. 4,567,453 channels, nothing to watch.


Cell phone -- my parents still don't have one of those "contraptions."



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I also remember our first remote control TV. I was a teenager and the remote had a cord attached to the TV. It had 5 buttons - one for the power, two for the volume, and two to change the channel.


I also remember when microwaves came out. I was in the sixth grade when we got our first dishwasher. I am also old enough to remember when a bathroom was installed in my grandmother's house and the outhouse was retired.


My camaro had a cassette player instead of an 8-track and I thought that was SO cool.

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I bought a new car in 2004, and was SHOCKED it came standard with a CD player! Wha---?! A CD player IN THE CAR!?


And I thought to myself, Now what am I going to do with the little radio station thinggie that attaches to my super-fancy CD player walkman?! (still remembering with a flush of pride how excited I was to discard my cassette walkman for a CD player walkman!)

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I got into a 10 minute argument with my oldest over the fact that someone born in 1980 couldn't possibly be 30 years old because 1980 was not that long ago...:blushing:


Oh, and 1980's parties are all the rage in my neck of the woods.


I am highly offended that my stylin' clothes are now considered costumes.:glare:


You are actually correct about this one. I was born in 1980 and I'm only 25.

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Oh MY!!! This one is certainly the worst. I HAD that bicycle with the banana seat, streamers and sissy bar...OY VEY!!!!



:iagree:I had that bike too. I'm historical.:tongue_smilie:


According to my 78 year old father, you are old when you are standing at the foot of the stairs, and can't remember if you are on your way up, or if you just came down!




:lol::lol::lol: My garage is like a basement to me - our freezer, laundry center and most of my libary are out there. I often find my self stepping out there not able to remember why - do I need to switch loads in the wash, do I need something from the freezer or am I on the hunt for a book I'm pretty sure I remember buying? It happens at least twice a day - no exaggeration!

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I experience this time warp phenomena all of the time....like, how can it almost be 2011? Wasn't it just 2005? And when I was a kid 1984 was like way, way in the future. And now you want me to believe that it is way, way in the past? Time speeds up once you hit 40, I think.


My pastor's wife said that time is like a roll of toilet paper - it runs out faster the closer you get to the end.:D

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I remember rotary phones, but the party line was before my time. And I forget why I walked into the room I just entered all the time!


And here's another - the song I remember grooving to when it first came out and was the hot new thing now plays on the oldies station. Not to mention Bon Jovi and U2 are on the oldies station. When did that happen?!

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I experience this time warp phenomena all of the time....like, how can it almost be 2011? Wasn't it just 2005? And when I was a kid 1984 was like way, way in the future. And now you want me to believe that it is way, way in the past? Time speeds up once you hit 40, I think.


posts like this one. 1984 way in the future.:lol:

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I remember rotary phones, but the party line was before my time. And I forget why I walked into the room I just entered all the time!


And here's another - the song I remember grooving to when it first came out and was the hot new thing now plays on the oldies station. Not to mention Bon Jovi and U2 are on the oldies station. When did that happen?!


WHAT? Bon Jovi on the OLDIES station? Are you kidding me?! :svengo:

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My camaro had a cassette player instead of an 8-track and I thought that was SO cool.




LOL yes. Remember the first ones that did not have rewind? You had to fast forward, take it out, flip it over, listen, take it back out, flip it back over again, fast foward again... when we got one with 'rewind'- now that was the day!:D

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Oh no!


Some of these are so funny!


Let's see, I have a few more:


I can remember talking on a phone that was actually attached to the wall. In fact, I can remember a ROTARY dial phone. Yes.


I can remember when payphones were everywhere and only cost 1 quarter. And "Information" was free. I remember when a call cost a DIME!


I can remember shaking popcorn over a stove in those little metal/aluminum pans with handles to pop it. Yes.


I can remember when it was a big deal if you had a car phone. One that had to stay in your car. No cell phones that you could walk around with wherever you wanted to go. Dh and I had a "bag phone" in the 90's. It was in a faux leather bag, and the receiver had a cord attached to the base.


I can remember my parents having an 8 track player. My best friend had an 8 track player in her first car.




And a few others:


I remember spending my allowance to by 45's. If I saved up, I could buy a whole (33 rpm) album.


We gathered with all the cousins at one aunt and uncle's house every year for the annual broadcast of Wizard of Oz. They had color tv, so we all went there to be able to see the Oz part in color.


Racing home after school to watch Dark Shadows.


And the biggie that only a few here (if any) will even remember ---


Staying up "late" to watch The Beatles debut on Ed Sullivan. Yes I'm THAT old! :eek:

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That video cracked me up....but....it doesn't reach back far enough for my pop music touch stones...before MTV







Blue Oyster Cult


....the 8 tracks from the dates in the Camaro and later the mix tapes from the dates in the VW Rabbit!:auto:


Rotary phone, yep. A neighbor had a party line.


Didn't get that first color tv until 1973. That first microwave in 1977.


I remember the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and I remember when they broke up. I remember watching JFK's funeral -- I was very young, but my parent's must have insisted and it made an impression on me.


I remember no seat belts in the back seat of the car!! No air conditioning in the car either, in the New Mexico summer.

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...before MTV



Oh, why did none of us say we remember when MTV played music videos? I remember watching the "World Premiere" of more than one now-famous music video.


I remember the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and I remember when they broke up. I remember watching JFK's funeral -- I was very young, but my parent's must have insisted and it made an impression on me.


I remember no seat belts in the back seat of the car!! No air conditioning in the car either, in the New Mexico summer.

Yes, I remember the funeral too. I was young, but I can still hear my grandmother's voice as we all watched it together.


We took annual trips from NJ to FL with my brother and me in the back seat. No seat belts.

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I believe it was designed that mothers would be growing facial hair about the same time as their teenage sons. It helps the bonding experience. Feel the same about menopause and puberty, crazy hormones helps the bonding process. Which is why famous men always say "Hi, mom!" to the camera and not mention their fathers.


That must be why my 15 yo son and I are so close...we share things like facial hair and zits! That's probably also why we drive each other crazy...what with the hormones running wild and all! One of us is always bound to be "in a mood" at any given time!

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