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Would you post your plans for Math? 1st - 12th


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I'm trying to map out a rough plan for math. :rolleyes:We are currently using MUS and ds is in 2nd grade and we about to finish up Beta and will start Gamma. I'm trying to figure out where we need to be when. When should we hit Algebra, Geometry, Calculus etc.


I know that our plans could change:D and that we may need to slow down but I thought it might help to have the big picture in mind.:D


I appreicate you help.

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I prefer Singapore as my primary math program through their sixth grade books. I do add in some other things whenever I think I need some extra help in other areas. Sometimes that's Saxon, sometimes MUS (as right now), and I've used the Key to.... series in past, too.


I used Videotext with my older son for algebra all the way through. I also own Saxon algebra. I will just have to wait until my younger son gets closer to the age for using those programs before I decide which route to take with him....



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1-6 Singapore

Frank Allen's Algebra (out of print)

Moise and Down's Geometry (out of print)

Frank Allen's Algebra II (out of print)

Gelfand's Trig (in print)

Cletus Oakley and Allendoerfer's Principles of Mathematics (rigorous calc and group theory)--How can you resist a math book with such distinguished sounding names? Actually, they are both mathematicians)


However, if I didn't have someone with a degree in math telling me what to use an how to use it I'd probably just stick to Singapore all the way through and supplement with Art of Problem Solving.

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I have been thinking about this alot lately. My dd is in Level D of RightStart. Level E is the farthest that Right Start goes. So I will need something else for when she starts Gr.5. I have been thinking about Teaching Textbooks. I read somewhere that they are planning on putting out TT for the lower grades so I am thinking that by the time we need it the Gr. 5 program will be out. If it works for us, we'll just stay with it.



mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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I've been thinking about this recently here is my very rough plan:

DD9 (the math geek)

1st - Saxon 2

2nd - Saxon 3

3rd - Saxon 4/5

4th - Saxon 5/6 but switched to Saxon 6/7

5th - Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

6th - TT Algebra 1

7th - TT Geometry or Algebra 2

8th - TT Algebra 2 or Geometry

Then I'm not sure. More TT? Something else? I have no idea.



K - Miquon Orange

1st - Miquon Red and Blue

2nd - Miquon Green and Yellow

3rd - Miquon Purple and ???

I know I don't have much of a plan for her but she is such a different learner from my eldest so I think I may need to invest on a whole new curriculum.



I think she'll sue Miquon too, maybe starting next year or in K.

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As far as middle school and high school goes, we'll make detailed decisions later. I will certainly look at NEM, whatever Myrtle uses:) (and I still have a Moise Downs geometry text from teaching it 15 years ago), other texts I used to teach from, Foerster, and whatever else seems to provide a strong background in mathematical thinking. I know there seems to be pressure to push algebra to ever younger ages, but I'm not sure that's necessary. I would like dds to be able to take BC calc AP test their senior year, and when I was teaching the program to do that started with algebra (a good strong algebra) in 8th grade.

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for 1st dd7 is starting R&S 2 and doing miquon now so here is what follows.

1st - R&S2 - and miquon

2nd - R&S3 and miquon

3rd - R&S4 and miquon

4th - R&S5

5th - Chalkdust Basic Math and RS Geometry

6th - Chalkdust Pre-Alg

7th - Chalkdust Alg 1 (might switch the order of these two) with Life of Fred maybe spread this out over 1 1/2 years

8th - Chalkdust Geometry

9th - Jacobs - Mathematics a Human Endeavor

10th - Chalkdust Alg 2 and SAT math prep

11th - Chalkdust Pre-Calc will stop here if dd is not interested in math.

anything higher than Pre-Calc I will need to outsource.


The main thing for me with planning it out is when she will be ready to make the conceptual leaps that will make the more abstract math easy for her. I don't want to keep her too long in basic maths, but I don't want to push her beyond Alg. until she is ready. So nothing is concrete until she gets there. I just know that I want a solid video program that uses a respected text for the higher maths and I like the Larson texts.

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So far, Singapore's Primary Math has worked for all three. The 6 yr old is starting 1B soon and really likes it. My middle child has finished the entire series and is now on NEM 1. The oldest went as far as 5B and then we switched to BCM. This is the plan:


Oldest Child (she tends to start her new math year after her brithday in Jan. every year)


6th/7th BCM

7th/8th Lial's Introductory Algebra

8th/9th Lial's Intermediate Algebra

9th/10th Lial's Geometry

10th/11th something for Trig

11th/12th something for Calc



Middle Child


5th NEM 1

6th NEM 2

7th NEM 3

8th NEM 4

9th-12th Community college classes


Youngest Child


1st-6th Primary Math

Once we are done I will have to see if we switch to Lial's or go to NEM or try something completely different. He is quite good at math although not as quick as his brother. I would not be surprised if he goes faster than a level per year at some point. He has recently started multiplying on his own.



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Our Plan:


PK - Saxon K

K - Saxon 1

1 - Saxon 2, Singapore Primary 1

2 - Saxon 3, Singapore Primary 2

3 - Saxon 5/4, Singapore Primary 3

4 - Saxon 6/5, Singapore Primary 4

5 - Saxon 7/6, Singapore Primary 5

6 - Saxon Alg. 1/2, Singapore Primary 6


Non-mathy children:


7 - Saxon Alg. 1, NEM 1

8 - Saxon Alg. 2, NEM 2

9 - Saxon Adv. Math, NEM 3

10 - probably a catch up year

11 - Saxon Calc, NEM 4

12 - U of F


Mathy children:


7 through 10 - eimacs - online classes OR Myrtle and Adrian's plan

11 and 12 - U of F



We'll see how it goes! :)

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I've started my 3 kiddos with Mastering Mathematics which goes up to pre-algebra. I've switched my oldest (7th grader) to Lial's BCM which we are hoping to finnish next year. Then she will move onto algebra with either Lial's, Jacobs, Foresters, Life of Fred, {or Saxon}.


This yr I also brought in Challenge Math & Primary Challenge Math as well as CalcuLadders.

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Saxon Math K-12. We had a short detour with Calvert Math, but Saxon goes all the way. :rolleyes: My kids also participate in a local Math League.


Tammy, I'm wanting to use Saxon all the way too, just curious, are you using the Dive Cd's as they get older?

Just wondering if they are worth it.



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I like Singapore and will use it at least through level 6. At that point we will start Algebra or move onto NEM. The upper levels should look like this:


6th--Algebra or NEM 1

7th--Algebra II or NEM 2

8th--Geometry or NEM3

9th--Pre Calc or NEM 4

10th--Calculus or off to the local community college for math

11th and 12th--off to the local community college for upper level maths.


My younger child will take a little more time but I expect her to at least be finished with Pre Calculus before she graduates.

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K-6 Horizons


MUS alg/geo combo for pre-alg/pre-geo


Foerster for alg 1 and 2


Chalkdust geometry (I have also used Jacobs geo, but I think I have decided that I prefer the Larson text)


dual enrollment for pre-cal up.


This plan has worked well for our family. My kids all have solid math skills.:)

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Tammy, I'm wanting to use Saxon all the way too, just curious, are you using the Dive Cd's as they get older?

Just wondering if they are worth it.



We haven't needed them yet. I'm using the latest editions and the Solutions Manual has worked so far. Each year the CDs are my just in case option, but so far I haven't needed them. I did come close to ordering one year, but we made it over the bump and continued on.

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K - BJU 1

1 - BJU 2

2 - BJU 3

3 - BJU 4

4 - BJU 5

5 - BJU 6

6 - BJU Pre-Algebra

7 - Jacob's Algebra

8 - geometry

9 - algebra II

10 - trig, pre-calc, whatever

11 - comm. college

12 - comm. college


My oldest is in 6th, so that is as far as I have been. The above is what I am planning for my little K guy. That said, one dd used Horizons K-3, then R&S for 4-5, is using BJU 7 for this year (6th), and will do algebra next year in 7th. Other dd is math-advanced, did A Beka (with Singapore and Miquon) for 1-3, R&S 5 for 4th, and is doing BJU 7 this year for 5th, and will do algebra in 6th grade. But I really wish, after trying evreything else, that we had used BJU all along.

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Our plans are really very simple for Math. We have done Singpore Math from the start. We nearly jumped ship at the end of Primary Math, because NEM 1 was very challenging and looked so different. I am very glad we didn't now; challenging was what we needed. I thought perhaps it would be better ot have a self-teaching method but I am glad I have stuck with learning with Dd as she goes along, that way I can be there to help when she needs it.

We have used the 'Key to... Books' as a supplement. These have been a great confidence booster for the children and helped them understand integers and fractions more deeply (and with less fear than they might otherwise had), but I still believe that Singapore is the only programme I have come across with the higher level thing that they need to do well in math.

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K-3 is anything that works until the child is ready for Saxon 54. We've used Saxon, Singapore, Rod & Staff, and my youngest is using Mammoth Math.


4-12 is primarily Saxon Math. We're using all the books from 54-Calculus including both 87 and Algebra 1/2. I'm considering using Life of Fred as a suppliment on the side for a different perspective on mathematics.

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dd1 started algebra in 8th. It would have worked, should have worked. BUT, she was allowed to start attending a private school who used Saxon. They did not allow 8th graders to take algebra???? So, she was put into pre-algebra where she had a 103% average when I withdrew her. At home, I put her into algebra. She absolutely failed. (Due to anger and resentment issues imho.) I put her back into a prealgebra program which she sailed through. This year, she is struggling through algebra as a 9th grader. She can barely remember her basic math skills.


Dd2 is on track with R&S-7th grade book, as a 7th grader she is using TT pre-algebra and will continue with it on through high school.


Dd3 has learning issues. She used R&S through 4rd and was working at grade level according to standardized tests. We had her tested for lds and went with their recommendation to use Spectrum for math. The next year she was woefully falling backwards. Switched to Saxon, the "expert's" second choice. She wasn't able to handle it at all. I wished we had never changed from R&S it was such a good match for her.:( Next try was MUS. She is currently using it very successfully. I will stick with it for her through high school. She will hopefully hit algebra by 10th grade.


Ds has used R&S 1-4. He picks math up very easily. I decided to use Horizons with him for 5th because of the workbook format. He really hates copying problems. Well, that and the fact that it was one of the choices with the Sonlight package that I purchased this year. He doesn't really require all the practice that R&S has. So far, it has gone fine. He is one of those kids for whom any math program would work. He should start alg. in 8th. I just really don't care for starting dc in alg. any younger that that.

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Each child is different, so this is a tough thing to do. We have 2 children: one intuitively "gets" math, the other struggles horribly with the sequential/abstract aspects of math. So, in one sense, about the only mapping out we've done for our boys is:


- by high school:

solidly learn the basics/foundational math skills they'll need for real life


- in high school:

1. practice those real life math skills (budget, bank account, job, tax forms, etc.)

2. (hopefully) complete higher levels of math needed -- if the child enters college (algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2)


- and if we don't finish #2 by high school graduation:

take a semester or two at community college to get the math requirements for college, if the child is college-bound



Other things to consider in planning out math -- how much time do YOU have to help out? (How many other children are you schooling? How math-minded are YOU for helping to explain things? etc.) Especially in the upper grades of math, will you want/need a video lesson type of program so your students can do math without your help? Then you may want to switch over at about 6th or 7th grade to a program that can go all the way up through high school, such as:

- Math-U-See

- Teaching Textbooks

- VideoText

- Chalkdust



The other thing that makes it a little hard for me to plan long term for math is that I really like for us to supplement math -- see math in more than one way -- up through 5th-6th grade. Between supplementing and trying to find a math program that works for our math struggler, below are my math program observations. Hope something here is of help! Warmest regards, Lori D.


Miquon (gr. 1-3)

Makes a great, inexpensive, hands-on spine OR supplement.

Great at encouraging math discovery of math patterns and making math connections (seeing more than one way to solve a problem).



Singapore Primary (gr. 1-6)

Great, inexpensive spine (math-minded kids) OR supplement (non-math minded kids).

Great for teaching math "thinking" / problem solving through exposure to a variety of word problems.

Not very visual -- esp. in early elementary need to add manipulatives.


Singapore NEM (gr. 7+)

Great for thinking mathematically, esp. if you have a child who will go into math/science oriented fields in college.

Not as much teacher support as *I* needed to successfully use this.

Really requires a math-minded parent to walk alongside the student.



Horizons, Rod and Staff (gr. 1-6)

Simple, uncluttered presentations of straight-up, traditional math; solid, easy to use programs.

IMO: I'd supplement these with math from different viewpoints just to encourage "math thinking".



SAXON (gr. 3)

Nice focus basic math topics, plus calendar, time, money/change making, math fact skills.

IMO: After grade 3, Saxon becomes more abstract, breaks math concepts into too many tiny bits scattered throughout the year, and relies a little too much on memorization of formulas and word patterns for solving word problems -- rather than actual math thinking and seeing there is more than one way to solve a word (or "real life") math problem.



Math-U-See (K-High School)

Very visual math video lessons and hands-on manipulatives.

Really helps student see the "why" of the math formula/topic.

Have only used gr. 4 and up, but we've found MUS very helpful in keeping math visual/hands-on in the upper levels of math topics, when math traditionally starts getting more abstract.

Could be used as spine or supplement.



JACOBS Algebra and Geometry

Does a good job of relating algebra/geometry topics to real-life.

Gentle, incremental.

Used as a spine so far; we'll try next year using it as a supplement to MUS.

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I'm trying to map out a rough plan for math. :rolleyes:We are currently using MUS and ds is in 2nd grade and we about to finish up Beta and will start Gamma. I'm trying to figure out where we need to be when. When should we hit Algebra, Geometry, Calculus etc.


I know that our plans could change:D and that we may need to slow down but I thought it might help to have the big picture in mind.:D


I appreicate you help.


1-12th Singapore Math

1-5th Supplement with Right Start, especially the games.

6th up Supplement with Lial texts, but that might change.


We hs year around, so we have time for extra.




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Our children our still at the Grammar Stage so take this lightly...


Grades K-6 Singapore Primary Math. Supplemented with Schoolzone or Spectrum Workbooks to give them a feel for the "American way".


Grades 7-10 (11) Singapore New Math Counts (unless one of them is exceptionally gifted at math, although even then I think I would be inclined to stick with NMC and just go at a fast pace.) Supplement with PSAT, SAT, and ACT prep workbooks.


Grades 11-12 Transition to a traditional Trig and Calc textbook (possibly seek dual credit at a community college.)


To check out information on Singapore Math... http://www.singaporemath.com

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K-6 complete Singapore Primary Math series

7 - Pre-algebra

8 - Algebra

9 - Geometry

10 - Algebra 2 / Trig.

11 - Calculus with testing

12 - Calculus with testing


We'll probably switch to more traditional math texts in 7th. If we need to slow down we will, but I plan to get through at least 1 year of high school calculus (which would be 1 semester at college).



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Oldest Son:

K-5th Grade Singapore Math and Making Math Meaningful Levels 1-6

5th grade : Lial's Basic College Math

6th grade: We took a six month break from Math started on Foerster's Algebra 1

7nth Grade : Completed Foerster's Algebra 1, Math Counts

8th Grade: Complete Chalkdust Geometry/ Online AoPS Geometry Course or Jurgenson's Geometry

9th Grade: Foerster's Algebra 2 and Trigonometry

10th Grade: Foerster's Calculus


Younger Son.

K-5th Grade: Singapore Math and Making Math Meaningful Levels k-4

5th/6th grade: Lial's Basic College Math + Math Olympiad

6th/7nth Grade: Foerster's Algebra 1 + Math Counts

7nth/8th Grade: Chalkdust Geometry

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This goes for both kids, who seem to have all the math abilities I lack :rolleyes:


K: Saxon Math 1


1st: Saxon Math 2


2nd: Saxon Math 3


3rd: Saxon Math 5/4


4th: Saxon Math 6/5


5th: Saxon Math 7/6


6th: Saxon Math 8/7


7th: Saxon Algebra 1/2 or Teaching Textbooks PreAlgebra


8th: Saxon Algebra 1 or TT Algebra 1


9th: Saxon Algebra 2 or TT Alegebra 2


10th: Saxon Adv. Mathematics or TT Geometry


11th: Saxon Calculus or TT Pre-Calculus


12th: Maybe Saxon Homeschool Physics


I may also make use of the local community college for math, grades 10 and up!

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Here is what we have/are/will do:


son 1


past grades:

gr. 2 = Miquon

gr. 3 = Miquon/Singapore 3A/B

gr. 4 = Singapore 4A/B

gr. 5 = Singapore 5A/B

gr. 6 = Singapore 6A/B

gr. 7 = NEM1 (half of it) / Saxon 1/2 Algebra (skim as supplement)

gr. 8 = Jacobs Algebra


current grade:

gr. 9 = Jacobs Geometry


future grades:

gr. 10 = Consumer Math or Algebra 2

gr. 11 = Algebra 2 or Consumer Math

gr. 12 = ?



son 2


past grades:

gr. 1 = traditional math workbook; Miquon

gr. 2 = Miquon

gr. 3 = Singapore 2A/B; 3A (got stuck here); Miquon as supplement

gr. 4 = Saxon 3; Miquon as supplement

gr. 5 = Math-U-See old Intermediate

gr. 6 = MUS Delta (all; 9 week review); Epsilon (all; 18 week review); Zeta (first 10 lessons)

gr. 7 = MUS Zeta (all, from beginning); Singapore 4A/B; 5A/B (skim as supplement)


current grade:

gr. 8 = MUS Pre-Algebra; Singapore 6A/B (skim as supplement); Keys to... workbooks (supplement)


future grades:

gr. 9 = MUS Algebra; Jacobs Algebra (skim as supplement)

gr. 10 = MUS Geometry; Jacobs geometry (Skim as supplement)

gr. 11 = Consumer Math or MUS Algebra 2

gr. 12 = MUS Algebra 2 or Consumer Math

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Here's what's happened with my 3 girls.


my oldest, 9th grade now

K - MUS Introduction

1 - MUS Foundation - huge flaming disaster - recovered with Miquon

2 - finished Miquon (she was really good at math, but we didn't know that until after we left MUS)

3 - Singapore 3A/3B/start 4A

4 - Singapore 4A/4B/5A

5 - Singapore 5B/6A/6B

6 - pre-algebra at ps

7 - algebra at ps, but was actually "how to use a graphing calculator" - no algebra actually learned

8 - Jacobs Algebra at home

9 - tried Classmate Geometry, abandoned Classmate, now halfway through Jacobs Geometry

future 10 - probably use Foerster's Algebra II

future 11 - precalculus, but not sure whose, also like the looks of Business Math at Oak Meadow


middle dd, 7th grade now

K - MCP Math K

1 - Miquon first two books and part of 3rd

2 - Miquon finished 3rd, 4th, 5th books

3 - Miquon finished 6th book, Singapore 3A

4 - Singapore 3B/4A

5 - Singapore 4B/5A/started 5B

6 - Singapore finished 5B/6A/6B, one month trial of aleks pre-algebra, Math Smart Junior

7 - working through Kinetic Books Algebra and Jacobs Algebra

future 8 - finish both algebra programs and start Jacobs Geometry

future 9 - finish Jacobs Geometry and start Foerster's Algebra II

don't know what we'll do next, but she is likely to go into a math-intensive field, so lots of math

I'll probably use some of the Art of Problem Solving books with her.


youngest, 4th grade now


1 - attempted Miquon Orange but it didn't work, Singapore 1A/1B worked great

2 - Singapore 2A and started 2B

3 - Singapore 2B and started 3A then abandoned Singapore, started Moving with Math level C

4 - finished Moving with Math C and now trying MathSteps4


I have floundered around a lot with my youngest. Miquon never worked for her. Singapore worked at first, but then stopped. Moving with Math was too easy and too expensive. The tutor I take my youngest to (for dyslexia) recommended that I try Houghton Mifflin MathSteps combined with Math4Today. It was very inexpensive, so that's what I'm trying with her now. We just started it this week. MWM level C left my dd in about the middle of 4th grade math, so I'm using the 4th grade level MathSteps with her and skipping some of the pages that she doesn't need.

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1st through 6th grades: MCP math with Singapore math as a supplement.

7th BCM

8th Lial's Introductory Algebra

9th Jacob's Geometry

10th Lial's Intermediate Algebra

11th Trig/Precalculus

12th Calculus


I'm not decided on what books for Trig and calculus. I have my texts from college that I really enjoyed at the time. Since I have the solutions manuals already, I may use them. Math doesn't change....no matter how much the ed systems try.

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(Oldest) Ok, I have no idea with this child! I have about every math bk there is, so I guess I will figure it out as we go?


6 NEM1

7 ??? NEM2 or Jacob's or Lial's???

8 ??? NEM3 or Jacob's Geography???

9 Algebra 2 (Lial's)

10 Jacob's Math a Human Endeavor

11 Trig

12 Cal (will need to find outside help for this!!)


((Youngest)) much better in math so I'm in trouble here. She is moving very fast and so far this is what I have if I go slow and do lots of review

2nd Singapore 3b/4a

3rd Singapore 4b/5a

4th Singapore 5a/6b

5th Singapore 6b start NEM1

6th NEM2

7th NEM3

8th NEM4

9th... HELP!!!

10th ?

11th ?

12th ?

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Grades 1-3: Miquon & Singapore


Grades 4-6: Singapore & Zacarro's Primary Challenge Math & Challenge Math


Jacob's Algebra


Jacob's Geometry or Chalkdust Geometry


Foerster's Algebra & Trig


Calculus (not sure which one)


Of course, these plans may change if they prove not to be working with any of my children.

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That is a toughy because it really depends upon how my child does in math.

I have two children and they are both different learners. My younger son from 1st-5th grade I am using Family Math and my own stuff. He is more of a hands-on learner. I need to make sure he has his concepts solidified before I consider a curriculum with him.


My older son has been using from 1st to present Singapore Math. Those grades are 1st-4th grade. I plan to continue until 6th grade with Singapore Math, then I need to assess whether to continue with Singapore's NEM or do I try another program. I only have plans until 6th grade. I think that it is harder to plan in the future for math because I need to assess year by year how the curriculum is working for my child and if I should switch. Does this make sense? I hope I worded it correctly.





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Dd was awful in math when we started homeschooling at end of first grade. She was a "victim' of Everyday Math (sorry but I loathe that program)


We started Saxon which she hated, then switched to Singapore which made her LOVE math. We also have MUS and add it in a bit to help us with long division.


We will be with Sinapore until next year (5th), we are considering Teaching Textbooks but i'm not sure. I do plan on using Chalk Dust for 8 thru 12.

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Singapore NEM (gr. 7+)

Great for thinking mathematically, esp. if you have a child who will go into math/science oriented fields in college.

Not as much teacher support as *I* needed to successfully use this.

Really requires a math-minded parent to walk alongside the student.


I just wanted to second what Lori D said about NEM. My husband is a PhD in math and he says that it doesn't have enough teacher help for the average parent. My husband LOVES the NEM (for the most part), but then he teaches Math for living. (he also does the math teaching once they get in high school, in our house). We are sold on Singapore for our math minded children.....

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Rod & Staff Grade 1-5 or 6


Chalkdust from grades 6 (Basic Math) or 7 (Pre-Algebra) on up

I'm not very mathy : ) so I like to keep it simple


Rod & Staffs Good

there is so much out there best bet is to go to a few of the web pages and search , they usually have preview of the pages and search what you think will work best, every child is diff in learning math :)


Iv used Rod & Staff stuff and found my son picked up math real fast

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Has done: Saxon 2, 3, 5/4, 6/5, half of 7/6, half of 8/7; Singapore 4AB, 5AB; MUS Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta.


Currently doing: Jacobs Elementary Algebra




Geometry: Jacobs


Algebra II: Foerster


After that, I haven't decided.





Singapore through 6AB, Jacobs Algebra and Geometry, Foerster Alg II, etc.

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