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I've had enough

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Our finances are still a wreck, and my husband is getting on my last nerve asking where the money is. Duh! Look around you. The electric bill is higher because it's frappin' winter. You won't let me cancel cable because you have to watch football. I could go on and on, but I won't since the board has a rule against spouse bashing.


My house is totally trashed. It's so tiny I have no room to store things. It's clutttered and messy.


My grandmother fell and needs someone to stay with her at home. I'm expected to help with that. I can't. I just cannot do it.


My grandfather on the other side fell this morning and probably broke his hip. He has Alzheimer's and is in a nursing home 1.5 hours away. :(


My kids are making me nuts. Anna is disrespectful and thinks she knows way more than I do. Emma cries and whines about every blasted thing. Cora leave a path of destruction everywhere she goes.


I'm sick of homeschooling. There, I said it. I'm pretty sure I suck at it. I love all of our curriculum, and we are plugging along, but more days than not, I get so angry and frustrated. See above.


My brothers won't be home for Christmas, and I am heart broken about that.


I yell too much and cry too much.


I'm sick of baking. I love baking, but I don't want to bake anymore. And I have to bake enough sugar cookies to fill 7 bags in the next few hours.


Our road is icy, and we can't leave in my van.


I am worried sick about Cora's GI issues and will probably have to cancel her appointment tomorrow because our road is icy and more "wintry mix" is coming tonight.


The litterbox needs to be cleaned out, and I don't want to do it.


My roots are showing.


The presents aren't wrapped.


And the worst thing of all is that I'M OUT OF NUTELLA!!!





Thank you for listening. 2010 has sucked in a major way, and I am ready for it to be over. I feel better than I did a few months ago, but we keep getting hit over and over. I'm just done.

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:grouphug:I wish I knew you well enough to offer some really pratical advice. I know that all the stress you are dealing with has to be really hard right now. If you listen to the story of the last four years of my life and looked at my house, you wouldn't feel so bad. I know that that is probably not much help but at least you know you aren't the only one. :grouphug:

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My house is always cluttered too, because my husband won't get rid of anything and has too much "stuff." I have learned to live with it. Most of the time. Periodically, though, I go into freak out mode and start demanding that he take things away to the basement (things that have no business "living" in the living room for instance, and eventually I just have enough lol). Sometimes you have to just shrug it off though and not let it get to you.


I'm sorry about the finances. Can you guys get onto some sort of program that helps with heating expenses? It goes on a sliding scale by income. There's one called On Track for instance. See if you can look into it.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents...but you can only do what you can do. You have three kids at home with you and you're homeschooling. You're just going to have to explain that you can't go stay with a grandparent, and whoever "expects" your help with that is going to have to accept it and move on and make alternative plans.


On the bright side, your kids have beautiful names lol. Whenever Anna is disrespectful you could try making her write lines: "I will not be disrespectful to my mother." Maybe eventually she'll learn to keep her mouth closed sometimes. Of course, YOU should consider whether she is truly being disrespectful (especially with intent) or whether she's just trying to make her voice heard/find her way, before you consider such a thing.


Emma is at that age. Alexa was pretty whiny at that age, too.


Cora won't leave a path of destruction everywhere she goes forever, 4 is a pretty tough age. I think it starts getting easier around age 5.


And always remind yourself that things could be worse- you have healthy children who love you and who are safe at home with you. I don't mean that in any sort of undermining way, just that sometimes perspective does help.


If you're sick of homeschooling, maybe it's time for a break. Or a change. Or doing things that are more FUN for all of you as a family. Bring the fun back! Do things more hands on, more interest-based, more creative. Don't plug along, try to enjoy each other and try to learn things for a while in more fun ways. Forget curriculum for now if you need to. Read books, go on field trips (when the weather gets better), play board games, do crafts, watch The History Channel and science shows, talk, do simple experiments, and so on.


Do you REALLY 'Have to' bake? Is it going to be the end of the world if you just... don't? Unless you're signed up for some sort of exchange or some such that you've committed to, you really DON'T have to make cookies for everybody.


Anna is absolutely old enough to clean out the litterbox.


I will keep Cora in my thoughts and hope that her GI issues resolve and that even if you have to cancel tomorrow, that you get another appointment quickly and that everything is okay!


Who cares about your roots. We love you anyway :D


I'm very sorry about the nutella lol (I've never even tried it myself).


Hang in there.


Things will get better!

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I just made a similar big long list in a notebook because I have nobody to vent to and I needed the reassurance that feeling like I'm going to LOSE MY FREAKING MIND is a perfectly normal response to the sheer volume of crap we have going on right now.


I think we should have a giant bonfire and burn all the 2010 calendars when this nasty year is finally over. :grouphug:

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I totally agree about the ickiness of 2010. (OK, actually 2009 was horrible, the first half of 2010 was great, and then it descended back into horribleness and I have no idea what we are going to do.) Blech. Burn the calendars.


It's practically Christmas, so if I was you I'd forget about school for the moment and start up again sooner afterwards. Do something fun, unless the kids really go off the rails without the structure.


I'm sorry you're having a rotten time. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: It's the end of my semester and I am in 'spring cleaning' mode as we speak. I am cleaning this place as if we were trying to sell it! LOL I figure that if I've got to tough it out for another year in this house I might as well enjoy being here.


This time of year can be really stressful. Can you guys just throw in the towel on this school year, or scale back to just the 3 Rs until the new year?

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I think we should have a giant bonfire and burn all the 2010 calendars when this nasty year is finally over. :grouphug:


Comparatively speaking it has been rather a stinker for me, too. But there is some beauty from the ashes. The hardships have driven me closer to the LORD, and for that I am grateful.


But I will still bring marshmallows, cocoa, and my own daytimer to toss on that fire. ;)


Sorry, Nakia. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank you for listening to my whining. I went into my room and shut the door and sobbed for a few minutes, prayed for a while, and now I feel calmer. It's good to know I'm not alone.


My house is always cluttered too, because my husband won't get rid of anything and has too much "stuff." I have learned to live with it. Most of the time. Periodically, though, I go into freak out mode and start demanding that he take things away to the basement (things that have no business "living" in the living room for instance, and eventually I just have enough lol). Sometimes you have to just shrug it off though and not let it get to you.


I'm sorry about the finances. Can you guys get onto some sort of program that helps with heating expenses? It goes on a sliding scale by income. There's one called On Track for instance. See if you can look into it.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents...but you can only do what you can do. You have three kids at home with you and you're homeschooling. You're just going to have to explain that you can't go stay with a grandparent, and whoever "expects" your help with that is going to have to accept it and move on and make alternative plans.


On the bright side, your kids have beautiful names lol. Whenever Anna is disrespectful you could try making her write lines: "I will not be disrespectful to my mother." Maybe eventually she'll learn to keep her mouth closed sometimes. Of course, YOU should consider whether she is truly being disrespectful (especially with intent) or whether she's just trying to make her voice heard/find her way, before you consider such a thing.


Emma is at that age. Alexa was pretty whiny at that age, too.


Cora won't leave a path of destruction everywhere she goes forever, 4 is a pretty tough age. I think it starts getting easier around age 5.


And always remind yourself that things could be worse- you have healthy children who love you and who are safe at home with you. I don't mean that in any sort of undermining way, just that sometimes perspective does help.


If you're sick of homeschooling, maybe it's time for a break. Or a change. Or doing things that are more FUN for all of you as a family. Bring the fun back! Do things more hands on, more interest-based, more creative. Don't plug along, try to enjoy each other and try to learn things for a while in more fun ways. Forget curriculum for now if you need to. Read books, go on field trips (when the weather gets better), play board games, do crafts, watch The History Channel and science shows, talk, do simple experiments, and so on.


Do you REALLY 'Have to' bake? Is it going to be the end of the world if you just... don't? Unless you're signed up for some sort of exchange or some such that you've committed to, you really DON'T have to make cookies for everybody.


Anna is absolutely old enough to clean out the litterbox.


I will keep Cora in my thoughts and hope that her GI issues resolve and that even if you have to cancel tomorrow, that you get another appointment quickly and that everything is okay!


Who cares about your roots. We love you anyway :D


I'm very sorry about the nutella lol (I've never even tried it myself).


Hang in there.


Things will get better!


I just get on these kicks sometimes about my house, and then I get over it quickly. About our finances, I am working extra, so things are okay. It's just frustrating when things are always tight, you know? I think a lot of the problem with my kids and homeschooling is just that we need a break. We have some things to finish tomorrow and then we are done until after the new year. They really are sweet and kind kids. Poor Cora falls through the cracks a lot because she is the youngest, so I'm sure that's why she acts out. Your post gives me hope because she will be 5 in 15 days. :001_smile: I have honestly never thought about having one of the girls clean the litterbox. It's just such a nasty job. We have 5 cats and as many litterboxes, so it's a big nasty job. My husband does litterbox duty, but I have to "remind" him every day. :glare:


Get some nutella. You won't be sorry.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: hang in there mama. This too shall pass. FWIW my roots are showing too, no presents wrapped at all. I have to wrap them all on Christmas Eve so that my son won't find them and open them all. My house is tiny too with no storage space. It's cluttered with Mount Laundry in the middle of the sofa, oh and the washing machine started leaking water on the floor and my son is sick and puking and I am having to do buttloads of laundry to keep up with his puke fests. My husband watches football too. I feel like I can't even talk to him about anything until after the Superbowl. And I'm out of Nutella too. :( :crying: I wrote this so you know you're not alone. You're in a big boat surrounded by a lot of sisters who love you. :grouphug: Hang in there doll. Since the roads are icy and you can't go out anyway, why not blow off the cookies and spend some me time? Did I ever tell you how much I love the name Cora. I'm sure I have. It was one of my aunt's names. :) I'm lifting up a prayer and a glass of wine for you love! :grouphug:

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I was having that kind of morning and then I read the post about the little boy being killed. Cancelled school, painted ornaments, made lunch, and now they are watching Laurel and Hardy in March of the Wooden Soldiers. I am doing laundry, keeping little man right with me, and putting away clothes. Tomorrow we will bake. ALL DAY. Make a mess, eat too much dough, and enjoy life for it is obviously too short at times. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: It's been one of those years for me as well. Major health issues with 3 ER trips and 1 hospitalization. Money going out like mad with not enough coming in. Today I checked my bank balance and almost threw up that it was so low. I started digging through the kids' presents to decide what wasn't necessary and will be returning stuff tomorrow.


:grouphug: It's the end of my semester and I am in 'spring cleaning' mode as we speak. I am cleaning this place as if we were trying to sell it!


This is me. Every time I enter the office or the basement rec room, my blood pressure goes up from the sheer amounts of crap everywhere. So I am going to purge half of what is there. I am getting rid of every toy that is no longer played with even if it makes the kids cry. They will be getting just as much new stuff next week anyway, so they'll get over it.


Your post gives me hope because she will be 5 in 15 days. :001_smile:


I'm not sure how it has been with your older 2 kids, but I have noticed with my older 2 kids that they were absolutely horrible from about 4 1/2-5 1/2. Horrible! It has nothing on the terrible 2s or 3s. Then sometime in their 5th year, they turn back into nice little kids that you would actually want to claim as your child. My DS went to school for kindergarten and when I dropped him off on the first day, it was a "good riddance" experience. I thought for sure that he would end up expelled. Imagine my surprise when he changed that year into the sweet kid that I have now and did really well in school. Similar situation with my DD. She started this year out at a phase that had me pulling out my hair. She's not completely turned around yet, but she is so much better than she used to be. But she's only 5 1/2 so I'm sure by the end of this school year, her transformation will be complete. (I pray so)

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I just made a similar big long list in a notebook because I have nobody to vent to and I needed the reassurance that feeling like I'm going to LOSE MY FREAKING MIND is a perfectly normal response to the sheer volume of crap we have going on right now.


I think we should have a giant bonfire and burn all the 2010 calendars when this nasty year is finally over. :grouphug:



Where do I send mine. This is a excellent idea.




My roots are showing, my grey is showing--heck forgot to brush my hair before leaving house this morning.


No presents wrapped here--actually haven't started shopping yet. I have 3 presents bought and 1 made. That is it. I will be out on the 23rd doing all my shopping. That is when dh gets paid so I have to wait.


Your kids are fairly young so my vote is to live in mess for a while. As for the mouthy one, make sure she doesn't have a valid point (this is hardest for me with my know it all son) and if she does try to listen, if she doesn't I favor the writing sentences. My son wrote lots before it sunk in--you would think his penmenship would be far better.


Pick a little to be "in charge" of daily cleaning up after kitty. I hate this job and honestly I didn't want any of the pets.


I'm sorry about the Nutella, that is just wrong. If you can skip the cookies, I know I am getting burnt on cookies.


You are not alone, there are many with you walking on this path, just today you need a break from it all, so take one.

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I was having that kind of morning and then I read the post about the little boy being killed. Cancelled school, painted ornaments, made lunch, and now they are watching Laurel and Hardy in March of the Wooden Soldiers. I am doing laundry, keeping little man right with me, and putting away clothes. Tomorrow we will bake. ALL DAY. Make a mess, eat too much dough, and enjoy life for it is obviously too short at times. :grouphug:

:grouphug: That post affected me all day too. I have sick kids and husband in the house, it's a wreck and I feel like throwing in the towel. But we are all still here, alive and almost well to enjoy each other. For that I can be grateful.


Nakia, :grouphug:

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I've been thinking about that post too. I can't even think about it without crying. We have baked 65 sugar cookies so far. Have about 40ish to go. I am typing this quickly while one run bakes. I have so much to be thankful for. All three of my babies are here with me to bake cookies. That is all I need.


I appreciate the prayers and support so much. You all have come to mean so much to me. :grouphug:



Oh, and thank you for reminding me that maybe my 10 year old has a valid point sometimes. I grew up being shut down every time I opened my mouth and NEVER being able to express an opinion because that was always disobedience. I don't want to parent like that. But the mouthiness does get old. Maybe we need another serious sit down mommy/daughter talk.

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:grouphug: My "roots" are about 4 inches long. I look like a mutant skunk. I too live in a tiny, cluttered house, and this time of year can be bad because the kids don't get to run around outside as much, so you have my sympathy.


Do something fun with the kids, if you can. We are doing a very light school schedule this month and just doing extra fun Advent things and watching movies and doing crafts.


Hope tomorrow is better!

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I am pretty sure most of us have felt about 1/2 of your list at one time or another. As a matter of fact it is pinging my guilt that I started school late due to finances, so we started in November, I haven't bought all my curriculum AND I haven't done hardly anything with the 1st and 2nd grader in TWO weeks... so see, I suck too :D

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Roots, shmoots. My hair is about your color and my roots are shock gray. :D


I have gray too. YUCKO! I do have an appointment for the 28th to get my hair done. I did family photos for my hair stylist back in October. We bartered, and she ordered so many pictures that I get my hair done for free for at least 6-8 months. It hardly cost me a thing to order her prints. Gotta love a good barter!!!

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You know what? Me too. Almost all of it. Yep, the propane tank is low and there's no money for more, Christmas is coming and I don't have all the shopping OR baking done, I have a whiny one, a disrespectful one, and a destructive one, and I'm flippin' TIRED.


No advice but I will commiserate with you.

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Oh, and thank you for reminding me that maybe my 10 year old has a valid point sometimes. I grew up being shut down every time I opened my mouth and NEVER being able to express an opinion because that was always disobedience. I don't want to parent like that. But the mouthiness does get old. Maybe we need another serious sit down mommy/daughter talk.


Have you ever tried a speechless stare, followed by a genuine, let-it-all-hang-out, gut-busting belly laugh/cry, because maybe, just maybe she reminds you of yourself when you were a kid? Followed by deep, long, warm hugs and snuggles? Just sharing what I've seen happen with a couple of very strong-will dd's in my house, and an equally hard-headed DW <oops, did I say that? where's the redact button> who has gained some hard-earned wisdom over the years. :001_smile:


Also this...I had a very, very tough year in 2008, and part of 2009. Deep, grim, and dark...but I survived. We all survived, and are better for it. From the other side, I assure you that God has put everything that you need inside of you, and around you, in order for you to overcome, and to have victory. Breathe, slow down, and hang in there.

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Have you ever tried a speechless stare, followed by a genuine, let-it-all-hang-out, gut-busting belly laugh/cry, because maybe, just maybe she reminds you of yourself when you were a kid? Followed by deep, long, warm hugs and snuggles? Just sharing what I've seen happen with a couple of very strong-will dd's in my house, and an equally hard-headed DW <oops, did I say that? where's the redact button> who has gained some hard-earned wisdom over the years. :001_smile:


Also this...I had a very, very tough year in 2008, and part of 2009. Deep, grim, and dark...but I survived. We all survived, and are better for it. From the other side, I assure you that God has put everything that you need inside of you, and around you, in order for you to overcome, and to have victory. Breathe, slow down, and hang in there.


Regarding the bolded, how did you know? :D She is just like me. She is as strong willed as they come. But she is also kind and independent and the most with-it 10 year old I've ever known.


Thank you for your kind words. I will survive.

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I just want to thank you so much for your honesty - truly! So often I feel as though I can't say all that you said for various reasons - not only irl, but also here on the board. Fear of judging, I suppose. Fear of someone telling me I should just stop homeschooling then, when really that's not the answer, nor do I *want* it to be the answer - I'm just having a hard time and need some understanding and genuine love, you know?


So I'll throw another :grouphug: onto your very large pile (are you feeling suffocated by the hugs yet? ;)) and thank you again for being so real. it does me much good to see that I'm not alone.

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Guest Wife&mominchrist

Amen!!! To all of it!!! I am having the very same kind of day, and what relief just came over me as I read all of these posts!! Not that I'm glad that any of you experience such rotten days, but it is nice to know we r not alone!!! Homeschooling, being a wife/mother/everything-to-everybody just really can get overwhelming, can't it!!?? In my case, my husband & I have only been Christians for 3 years (ptl!!), homeschooling almost 2, & our children are from previous marriages. They r 12, 9, & 7. We r having many struggles b/c of my 2 (the younger ones) having to go back & forth to such a bad place. I'm feeling awful right now b/c I lost my cool with them (yet again!) earlier & I know they r about to have to leave us for NINE days....ugh, I'm so sick of my flesh!!!!!

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Are you squashed yet?!


Sorry you're finding things tough. Christmas is supposed to be fun - but it can be pretty stressful.


I actually can't believe how much baking some of you guys do at Christmas - that's the very time I DON'T bake! There is too much else going on! Cookies needed around here? :auto: off to the store :D


Nakia.. you and your girls have such lovely smiles! It's a lovely photo of the four of you!



Hedgehog x

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You are loved!!!! That was me last week!!! Some people have the holiday blahs.....I have the holiday freak outs!!!!


:iagree: This morning I was SO ugly toward my kids because I couldn't take it anymore. I said things I swore I'd never say & I've felt awful about it every minute of today despite a counseling appt. and apologizing and asking for forgiveness.


This time of year is HARD and when there are financial factors, and small space, and too many things on our plates (wanted or not), it takes its toll. Even when we count our blessings over and over, some times the negative still creeps in.


You are not alone, sweetie! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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My roots are showing.


And the worst thing of all is that I'M OUT OF NUTELLA!!!




Hmmmm...I don't know. I think the worst thing might be that your roots are showing. :lol::lol::lol:


Nakia is it bad that your post made me laugh just a little? I have SO BEEN THERE. I have been there a lot lately. I am with you all the way sister. Get yourself the biggest jar of nutella you can find, lock yourself in the bathroom and eat the whole thing. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


And if it matters...your photography is BEAUTIFUL.

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Hmmmm...I don't know. I think the worst thing might be that your roots are showing. :lol::lol::lol:


Nakia is it bad that your post made me laugh just a little? I have SO BEEN THERE. I have been there a lot lately. I am with you all the way sister. Get yourself the biggest jar of nutella you can find, lock yourself in the bathroom and eat the whole thing. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


And if it matters...your photography is BEAUTIFUL.


Trust me, if I had some Nutella my roots wouldn't matter. :lol:


I'm glad I made you laugh. I make myself laugh. After my break-down, I came back to read this, and holy moly, I sound like a brat. But I just had a moment.


And thank you for your compliment on my photography. I feel blessed to be able to do it.

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Thank you a million times for all the hugs!! I love hugs!!!


How about all the times you've been told you're loved? ;) Girl, you are blessed. Nobody ever tells me they love me. They tell me I'm nuts, I'm crazy, I'm a spazz, I'm a PITA or I"m sweet (which I am) but nobody tells me I'm loved. sniff. :tongue_smilie:

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How 'bout them roots?!?!?! :svengo:




OTOH, my babies sure are pretty!! :D


i can't see the picture for some reason. :confused:


ETA: nevermind. Saw it. Your roots don't look bad. My goodness how big the girls have gotten. You have a lovely family, Nakia. You are blessed indeed. :grouphug:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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