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Would you find this funny or not funny?

Would our April Fool's Day Prank idea be funny or not?  

  1. 1. Would our April Fool's Day Prank idea be funny or not?

    • Yes, I would find that funny/inoffensive!
    • No, I would not find that funny/it would be rude/offensive.
    • Other (explain).

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I know, I know, I'm getting ahead of myself. But I had this silly idea for an April Fool's Day prank to play on my next door neighbors.


They are roughly our age (30's), they have one kid (a bit younger than my youngest), we've been living next door to them for a little over four years, and we're not like the kind of friends that get together and hang out all the time, but we've been to each other's houses for a handful of functions and we are friendLY in that every time we see each other (pretty often) out in front of our houses or while we're in our backyards at the same time, we always chat and joke around and all.


The wife loves to decorate- she's got stuff for every holiday and every season and she's always changing the decorations and theme of her front porch, for example. They've got more "stuff" out on their front porch than we do and it's a bit fancier/prettier and so on.


I thought it would be funny on April Fool's Day to go and swap all of their front porch stuff for ours- all their decorations, porch furniture, etc would be sitting on our porch and our sparse and plain porch items would end up sitting on theirs.


They have a pretty good sense of humor and I THINK they would find it funny to come home and find that (we'd put it back afterwards of course and it's nothing breakable or anything). But I don't want to overstep and do anything that might be considered way too rude for a prank or something!


So? Funny or not funny? :D

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If you did that to me, I would laugh my bum off. Then, I would come up with some creative way of getting even;).


We have very good friends who did something similar. They came over for dinner one even and taped a bumper sticker to our car supporting a political candidate I hated. I snuck over to their house and taped an equally offensive (to them) sticker to their car. We all got a kick out of it.

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I don't like April Fool's Day, and I don't like surprises or pranks. I was sure I'd vote for "No".


But I would find that very funny if our neighbors--we've got a neighbor family where the relationship sounds similar--did that. But it would have to be this set of neighbors. If any other set did it, I would be confused and not find it terribly funny.

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I don't like April Fool's Day, and I don't like surprises or pranks. I was sure I'd vote for "No".


But I would find that very funny if our neighbors--we've got a neighbor family where the relationship sounds similar--did that. But it would have to be this set of neighbors. If any other set did it, I would be confused and not find it terribly funny.


I hear you! I wouldn't do it to just ANYBODY lol...this one set of neighbors and my brother and sister in law (who also live on our street) are the only people I would consider doing this (or any other sort of prank) to, because of the type of relationship we have and how we think they'd take it.

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Honestly, although I'd be smiling and laughing (cause I like to be friendly and neighborly), it would bother me. Moving my furniture without my knowledge is just one of those things I don't think is okay. But don't judge by me; from the looks of the poll, I'm in the minority.

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I think it all depends on whether or not you're good enough friends with them. It sounds like you're more on the acquaintance level, and if that's the case, I wouldn't do it, because I would be concerned that they might not think it was funny. I would do it if we were close friends and I already knew their sense of humor.


Honestly, I'm "friendly" with our neighbors, but we're not really friends, and I would find it very odd if they played that kind of April Fool's joke on me. (I wouldn't be mad, but I'm not sure I'd be entirely comfortable with it, either.)


I'm so boring.




PS. I voted "other."

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It would depend on the day, mood, timing. I'm guessing they are both working so you have time to do the deed. If I came home from a crappy day at work on top of getting a call from the school about dc behavior due to the fight dh and I had the night before and saw my stuff gone, I'd be likely to never speak to you again.


OTOH I might find it hilarious if it happens on a good day.

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I think it all depends on whether or not you're good enough friends with them. It sounds like you're more on the acquaintance level, and if that's the case, I wouldn't do it, because I would be concerned that they might not think it was funny. I would do it if we were close friends and I already knew their sense of humor.



This is exactly what I was thinking. Your relationship doesn't sound like it's close enough.

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This is exactly what I was thinking. Your relationship doesn't sound like it's close enough.




I would worry they would not be amused, and it would drive a nail into the coffin of any potential closer friendship.


They could very easily think you are boundary challenged & be concerned that if you do this to acquaintances, what sort of hi-jinks would you pull if you were closer friends. :001_huh:

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I voted yes, because I think it's hilarious and if they're down to earth and have a good sense of humor then it will be fine. I can picture you and your dh on the front porch sipping coffee and waving when you see them, "hey come on over and chat with us on our nice, comfy porch. Made some cookies, just like mama does. Come on over, you'll feel right at home." ;) I've had neighbours that would absolutely love that and talk about it for years. The funnest part would be doing it while they're sleeping, exaggerating every move and tip toeing around while trying desperately not to giggle. I'd always be thinking about stopping mid-footstep holding the item and being prepared to freeze and smile should they pop their head out to see what's going on. "It's all a dream, go back to sleep and the lollipops bench maroon lagoon with chocolate monkeys." :lol:

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I HATE pranks with a passion, and my introverted self prefers to have a polite friendly relationship with my neighbors that does not go beyond

"What a nice day it is today!"


Having said that, if my neighbors did that, I would laugh and think maybe I should get to know you better.


It's funny and harmless.

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I hear you! I wouldn't do it to just ANYBODY lol...this one set of neighbors and my brother and sister in law (who also live on our street) are the only people I would consider doing this (or any other sort of prank) to, because of the type of relationship we have and how we think they'd take it.


I voted no, BUT I don't like pranks. You are probably a great judge of your neighbors, and if you think they would be amused, then my vote would change to yes.


One year, our police officer neighbor roped off our entire yard with yellow CRIME SCENE - DO NOT CROSS tape. It was (truly) hilarious, particularly to me at 7 a.m., when I was outside trying to get rid of all of it, as the traffic sped by, wondering what had happened. Another time, he left a parking ticket on a truck of ours that another neighbor had complained about to us. The look on my dh's face--priceless.


So I guess I do like pranks, but v-e-r-y few.


Our neighbor never waited for April Fool's Day though.:lol:

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I voted No. Honestly, I wouldn't find it rude or offensive necessarily, but unless your my BFF don't touch my stuff.




:iagree: I voted other because I also wouldn't find it rude or offensive. I just wouldn't find it funny. I don't like pranks or April Fool's Day. I like jokes but nothing that results in humiliation or surprise. In fact, I dislike surprises so much I become anxious over opening Christmas and birthday presents.

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I think this is something that has the potential to really backfire on you. Your neighbors might find it hilarious - or they might find it absolutely infuriating. If it were done to our house, I'd laugh but my DH would blow his top.


To me, it just doesn't seem to be worth the risk of possibly alienating your neighbors. KWIM?

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I think this is something that has the potential to really backfire on you. Your neighbors might find it hilarious - or they might find it absolutely infuriating. If it were done to our house, I'd laugh but my DH would blow his top.


To me, it just doesn't seem to be worth the risk of possibly alienating your neighbors. KWIM?


Yeah, what if they called the police when they saw their stuff gone, before they figured out that it was switched? If they were really mad, they could probably press charges.

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Honestly, although I'd be smiling and laughing (cause I like to be friendly and neighborly), it would bother me. Moving my furniture without my knowledge is just one of those things I don't think is okay. But don't judge by me; from the looks of the poll, I'm in the minority.

:iagree: I love pranks too -- but what she described is best done with very close friends or family, kwim? I can see the neighbor lady feeling weird over it -- even if she had a sense of humor. It is kinda borderline creepy. With neighbors, you want to be friendly... but pulling a prank with those you are not best buds with is going to bite you back.


Why not another creative prank? Fill up their car with balloons? Or gift wrap the mailbox? Leave a note saying April Fool's from _______ family. Then be prepared for years of pranks being pulled against each other. :D

Edited by tex-mex
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Assuming they know you well enough to recognize your porch furniture, I'd go for it. No harm will come to their stuff, even if they don't think it's funny. I'd just include a note of some sort, something not to obvious at first glance, that tells them where they can get their stuff (just in case they don't recognize yours).

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Thanks for all the responses! I appreciate the different viewpoints! No, we're not best buds with them but like I said we are friendly, we do joke around, they are down to earth and have good senses of humor, my husband has tattooed the wife a couple of times, she once told us about a joke she played on her husband and I think we have similar senses of humor... they were invited to our kids' last birthday party and we to theirs...


We would be waiting and watching for them to return, to see their reaction and then to laugh about it with them and put things back how they were...there would be no confusion followed by calling the police lol...they'd know within a few seconds what had happened...and I really do think they will find it funny. But it is good to hear other's thoughts!

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I would find that hilarious, but then, that's my sense of humor. And as it happened on April 1st, I would realize immediately that it was a joke. But I would feel the need to retaliate. ;)


I did think it might start off a cycle of fun, harmless tricks and some laughs to come... :)

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