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Can I ask for prayers?

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My 4 yo dd is really sick. She started with a fever yesterday morning. It's been as high as 105. Fevers scare me because I've had two of my kids have fever seizures and I NEVER want to see that again. She had NO other symptoms - no headache, no stomach ache, no sore ears, no sore throat, nothing!


Alternating Motrin/Tylenol is working okay. But, the fever keeps breaking through before I can give her more medicine.


We are supposed to travel starting on Wed. I'm taking her in to the doctor tomorrow if she isn't better. But, I'd sure appreciate any prayers you have!!! I'm a nervous wreck when my kids are sick.

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:grouphug: Praying for your little girl. It can be scary when our children are sick, I know. :grouphug:


Thanks. You know, I just knew that all the moms here would know how scared I am! It's a mom thing - right?!


:grouphug:I pray her fever comes down asap.:grouphug:


Thanks. Right now, she's medicated and eating. She felt normal to me by touch, but her fever is still at 101!! Ack.


Ahh.... that is no fun at all. When I was growing up I had allergies (in PA) and I ended up sick on more than one Thanksgiving. Praying for her right now... a very quick recovery and a wonderful trip for the whole family. :grouphug:


Oh, that's horrible!!!! I used to get terribly sick with allergies at New Year's. We'd travel to my aunt and uncle's house and they had three BIG dogs and they smoked. My eyes would swell shut. It was horrible.


Thanks for your prayers.


I pray your little daughter is all better by Wednesday.


I know high fevers are scary and I hate it when the meds don't take it away. But it happens. :( I hope the fever breaks and goes away, SOON!!!:grouphug:


Thank you. I don't give medicine often for fevers. Just when they're really sick or the fever is too high for my comfort level. So, to make that decision and then not have it work well is even scarier!


I've been in your shoes. I know it's scary but the fever is doing it's job. I was terrified for years and slowly got over it but I watched my kids like a hawk. I only gave the medicine at night so they would be comfortable sleeping. Our seizures happened in the middle of the night (I was sleeping in the same room).


Praying for your little one.


See, deep down, I KNOW the fever is a good thing. And, I do let a low-grade fever go. She was just SO hot and her face was bright red and she was shaking (chills) with the fever. I couldn't let her go on like that. I'm sorry you've had to deal with seizures too. Ours happened during the day.


thanks for the prayers.

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:grouphug: Go away fever! They always scare me, too.


When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was ALWAYS the holiday I'd be sick on. My more unfortunate cousins always got sick on Christmas.


Yes! Go away!!!!


Luckily (knocking on wood!), we've never had a child sick on Christmas. It's so sad when they're sick, but especially on a holiday!

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(((HUGS)) I completely understand. DS, now 13, had an immature hypothalamus as an infant/toddler and ran fevers as high as 106.9 with just a routine ear infection or tonsilitis. We spent a few sessions in the ER with him in ice water baths. DD reacts so badly to immunizations that even as an adult 105.5-106 is common for her if we aren't vigilant. So, when she had to have her hep B vax mom and I took turns, after the ER trip for going into shock, sitting with her in two hour shifts and medicating, hydrating, and icing her down when necessary.


Hydration, hydration, hydration...I so get where you are coming from and will pray very often for you and your little one.


One tip, we found that giving a dose of acetemenaphin and ibuprofen at the same time was much more effective than alternating. We were advised by the pediatrician to do this whenever the fever climbed over 104. I don't remember the dosaging by weight (I've since lost the chart the nurse gave us) so please call your doc or an after hours clinic to find out before doing it.



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My 4 yo dd is really sick. She started with a fever yesterday morning. It's been as high as 105. Fevers scare me because I've had two of my kids have fever seizures and I NEVER want to see that again. She had NO other symptoms - no headache, no stomach ache, no sore ears, no sore throat, nothing!


Alternating Motrin/Tylenol is working okay. But, the fever keeps breaking through before I can give her more medicine.


We are supposed to travel starting on Wed. I'm taking her in to the doctor tomorrow if she isn't better. But, I'd sure appreciate any prayers you have!!! I'm a nervous wreck when my kids are sick.


I am, too. It's like I can't function. I hate it.


Praying for a quick recovery! :grouphug:

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Jen, Moose went through the same thing last weekend (he just turned five today!). His got up to 103.7. I was *sure* it was strep, but turned out it was a raging ear infection. But he even told the doctor his ears didn't hurt. Go figure. :001_huh:


Prayers said for your daughter; let us know what it is if you take her in to the ped. in the morning. :grouphug:

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Praying right now for your daughter! It is so scary when they're sick. :grouphug:


Thank you!!!


(((HUGS)) I completely understand. DS, now 13, had an immature hypothalamus as an infant/toddler and ran fevers as high as 106.9 with just a routine ear infection or tonsilitis. We spent a few sessions in the ER with him in ice water baths. DD reacts so badly to immunizations that even as an adult 105.5-106 is common for her if we aren't vigilant. So, when she had to have her hep B vax mom and I took turns, after the ER trip for going into shock, sitting with her in two hour shifts and medicating, hydrating, and icing her down when necessary.


Hydration, hydration, hydration...I so get where you are coming from and will pray very often for you and your little one.


One tip, we found that giving a dose of acetemenaphin and ibuprofen at the same time was much more effective than alternating. We were advised by the pediatrician to do this whenever the fever climbed over 104. I don't remember the dosaging by weight (I've since lost the chart the nurse gave us) so please call your doc or an after hours clinic to find out before doing it.




That is SOOOO scary about your ds! How did you find out about the hypothalamus? My 14 yo used to run fevers of 106. Even now, as a teenager, he'll get fairly high fevers - 104 − 105. Believe it or not, he's one of mine who hasn't had a seizure!


Luckily, Meg is still drinking a TON. We're definitely going to the dr today as she's still running a fever. It is lower, but she's now complaining of a sore throat and she's coughing. Oh - and one tonsil is HUGE!


Jennifer, You got it! Will pray. Staying calm and focused will help...she will be fine.


Keep us posted! :grouphug: Sheryl <><


Trying to stay calm. Luckily, we both slept well last night. That helps with the focus during the day!


Praying now! :grouphug: Keep us updated please.


Thank you!


Praying, Jennifer! Please keep us posted! :grouphug:


Ill update below.


Praying, Jennifer. Are you going to take her tomorrow? Strep can be present without a sore throat. (Just a thought)


I didn't know that! But, she's now got a sore and scratchy throat. I'm almost hoping it's strep. That can be treated and then there's a reason she's so sick, KWIM?


:grouphug: and prayers.


Thank you!!

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Praying, Jennifer. I hope she gets better really soon.


Thank you! I'm also praying for you!


Praying for your little girl.


Thank you!


Sending:grouphug: and prayers, Jennifer. High fevers are so scary!




Aren't they? Just that feeling when I go near her - she feels hot from a few inches away.






Praying here. All 4 of mine came home sick from Disney. They have other symptoms, too, but the fevers have been the weirdest thing.


Hope your DD feels better soon!:grouphug:


I'm glad they weren't sick at Disney. We were sick at Disney once. It was horrible!!!


:grouphug: poor thing. We've BTDT with the seizures as well and they are horrible!!!! I hope you get some answers tomorrow at the doctors and she can be healed before the holiday.


Thank you!! I'll let you know.


[quote name='unsinkable;22040

42]I am' date=' too. It's like I can't function. I hate it.


Praying for a quick recovery! :grouphug:[/quote']


So, I'm not the only one? It's horrible!!!!




Thanks Heather. How is your little one? You posted about her being sick too.

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:grouphug: Praying.




Praying!! I don't care what the Dr.'s tell you about fever, it's still scary. BTDT with the seizures and I know how horrifying that can be. Please keep us posted.:grouphug:


I'm so sorry you've dealt with seizures too. They're HORRIBLE.


Jen, Moose went through the same thing last weekend (he just turned five today!). His got up to 103.7. I was *sure* it was strep, but turned out it was a raging ear infection. But he even told the doctor his ears didn't hurt. Go figure. :001_huh:


Prayers said for your daughter; let us know what it is if you take her in to the ped. in the morning. :grouphug:


Interesting. Meg's ears don't hurt either. Last week, our oldest was sick and we took him in. He had a sinus infection AND a double ear infection. His ears didn't hurt either. I'll update after we come home. His office doesn't open until 11 today.


I'm with you on this and in prayer:grouphug:


Thank you.

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She slept really well last night, but I had her on Advil. This morning, she woke up at 6:30 with a fever again. But, it had been 6.5 hours since her last dose and it wasn't a high fever. So, I'm choosing to look at this as if she's getting better - right?


I looked at her throat and she has one HUGE tonsil.


I'm calling the doctor at 11, when he gets in.

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She slept really well last night, but I had her on Advil. This morning, she woke up at 6:30 with a fever again. But, it had been 6.5 hours since her last dose and it wasn't a high fever. So, I'm choosing to look at this as if she's getting better - right?


I looked at her throat and she has one HUGE tonsil.


I'm calling the doctor at 11, when he gets in.



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Jennifer, I just saw this as I've been busy with "real life." :001_smile:


I am praying for Meg and hoping she recovers quickly so that you can have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had one child (my oldest) who ran extremely high fevers, but thankfully never had a seizure. How scary.

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She slept really well last night, but I had her on Advil. This morning, she woke up at 6:30 with a fever again. But, it had been 6.5 hours since her last dose and it wasn't a high fever. So, I'm choosing to look at this as if she's getting better - right?


I looked at her throat and she has one HUGE tonsil.


I'm calling the doctor at 11, when he gets in.


Yes, I'd still call the doctor.


I've had kids wake up with a low/no fever and then BAM! an hour later, it's raging again.



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Hope you get in quickly to see the doc and she's much better by tomorrow.


Thank you! I'll update below.


:grouphug: Praying!


Thank you.


Jennifer, I just saw this as I've been busy with "real life." :001_smile:


I am praying for Meg and hoping she recovers quickly so that you can have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had one child (my oldest) who ran extremely high fevers, but thankfully never had a seizure. How scary.




Yes, I'd still call the doctor.


I've had kids wake up with a low/no fever and then BAM! an hour later, it's raging again.




We're just back - I'll update below. Thankyou.






Praying for a full and quick recovery! :grouphug:


I understand the "nervous wreck" thing, although I'm much worse when my dh is sick than when it's my kids. Maybe I'm odd. :001_huh:


Hopefully it's on the upswing today! :grouphug:


Thank you!!!

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Okay. We're back. Doctor said she has a double ear infection, with one of them looking very bad. Her tonsils are so swollen, they're touching! They were BRIGHT red and had white spots on them. He said he was very surprised that she wasn't in a lot of pain.


So, tonsilitis. He decided not to test for strep because poor little Meg was SO scared already. Treatment would be the same, so it didn't matter anyway.


Thank you for the prayers!!! This is only her second round of antibiotics, so I hope they work fast.

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Awe. Sorry.


If you have to cancel Thanksgiving plans, just cancel. We had to once for a sick child and honestly, it was far more restful for all of us!




Okay. We're back. Doctor said she has a double ear infection, with one of them looking very bad. Her tonsils are so swollen, they're touching! They were BRIGHT red and had white spots on them. He said he was very surprised that she wasn't in a lot of pain.


So, tonsilitis. He decided not to test for strep because poor little Meg was SO scared already. Treatment would be the same, so it didn't matter anyway.


Thank you for the prayers!!! This is only her second round of antibiotics, so I hope they work fast.

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Awe. Sorry.


If you have to cancel Thanksgiving plans, just cancel. We had to once for a sick child and honestly, it was far more restful for all of us!




Thanks. We're hoping that she'll feel better by tomorrow. We wouldn't leave until 7 pm anyway, so there's still time. We may put our plans off until thursday though. Just to be safe. It would mean missing the Detroit Thanksgiving day parade and I would miss the Turkey Trot. But, I'd rather she get healthy!!!


We would probably push it and drive to my parent's on Thursday anyway because my brother, who I haven't seen in 2 years, will be there. And, this weekend is my ds' 13th birthday and my 40th. Mom has already bought all the ingredients for our birthday dinners!!!

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Oh good Jen, I'm glad she got in and got her medication. She'll be feeling better really soon; at least, for Moose, the antibiotics made him feel better right away.


I'm praying this medicine works quickly. I gave it to her and she looks SO sick. Her fever is up at 102.6 and this is 4 hours after Advil.



(And Turkey Trot is overrated...JK;) Good luck if you do it!)


Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!!! I ran it two years ago and had a BLAST!!!! I love these laid back races. The energy is amazing.

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