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What are you buying on Black Friday?

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Even though I have never stood in line to shop on Black Friday and don't plan to this year, I am always curious to know what everyone is buying. I might get up early to shop online, but most of my shopping is done. Please share what you are going to buy! :001_smile:

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I'll be hitting Jo-Ann's for cheap fabric.


Other than that...I wish someone was doing some huge doorbuster on the new iPod nano, b/c ds9 really wants one, has good reasons, and has taken excellent care of the shuffle he saved up for a few years ago, but I think it is not to be.

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Not planning on buying anything, but who knows? My son thinks it's fun to go shopping on Black Friday, even though I do most of my shopping online (all our family lives out of state), and we don't typically buy big ticket items for Christmas. (Although if Apple has a sale on Macbooks, I wouldn't complain if dh wanted to buy me one.)


Last year, ds and I went shopping on Black Friday for a few hours. Our purchase? Some car air fresheners from Yankee Candle.



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I want an mp3 player for me....not probably an Apple. I think I can find a Sansa reasonably priced.


DH wants a Roomba for Christmas (that's the little vacumn thing that goes around the room by itself and scares the cat). A couple stores here are going to have those on sale.


DS14 needs shirts and DD16 needs pajama pants, so I am going to take advantage of one store's 50% off sale on clothing before 7am.


And I'm going to drink lots of free coffee while I shop.....

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What about Cyber Monday? That's more my style! I loved to go shopping before dawn with my mother-in-law, but a couple years ago I almost got run over by a shopping cart and it scared me! :) So I'm sticking to the good deals you can get from the comfort of my own home and my good old computer. Love it!

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I will not set foot in a store on Black Friday.


We may head out to the Christmas Tree farm to get a tree. This would be a big deal for us. In the past the rule was "No Christmas tree until after Mom's birthday". I decided this year I would rather have that tree up on my birthday than be left with the tree chaos after the fact.

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I don't know if anyone can beat amazon. Dh said amazon is advertising that they will match any black Fridays sale and include free shipping.


So dh said he will burn the midnight oil on the Internet IF there's anything worth bothering over. Last few years we have not been impressed at all.

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I don't know if anyone can beat amazon. Dh said amazon is advertising that they will match any black Fridays sale and include free shipping.


So dh said he will burn the midnight oil on the Internet IF there's anything worth bothering over. Last few years we have not been impressed at all.


That is an interesting thought....I wonder how they plan to implement it?

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I need to replace a small tv for upstairs, although I don't have high hopes of finding one here since the big sales all seem to be for big TV's. I saw a pretty good deal on one at Walmart.com that I just may go for instead.


Other than that, I'll be getting my hair cut.

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That is an interesting thought....I wonder how they plan to implement it?


Me too. And they are guaranteeing delivery in time for christmas too.


I figure it'll either be awesome or on some things people will be very disappointed. Which I guess really isn't much different than any other black Friday sale.

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Not a thing. I will have all my shopping done before Thanksgiving. Anything I haven't managed before we can live without. After T-day I will work on my photobooks for my parents and in-laws. And enjoy the inter-holiday period.


Do you believe me? I'm not sure I do but I am going to try.


My parents are spending the night Thursday and my mother promises that she will be herding the children so DH and I can sleep in. Would I miss shopping for that? You bet!


No if there were lots of great books marked way way down I think I'd tell a different story.

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Not a single thing. I hate shopping on a good day, so there is no 'deal' good enough to get me into a mall or a department store on Friday. :D


Our tradition is to spend the day with my family.

My sisters and I always spend Thanksgiving day with our husbands' families, then we meet at Mom and Dad's to share a lunch of Thanksgiving leftovers on Friday.

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We're getting a camcorder! (Ok, if they're in stock we're getting one.)


Jeans for the whole family too. There are often good sales on those days for jeans and we are having a jean crisis all over the house these days.


Coats for my twins, plus gloves/hats for all.


I used to always stay home and still would except for the jean crisis. I'll be sending dh for the camcorder.

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I don't know if anyone can beat amazon. Dh said amazon is advertising that they will match any black Fridays sale and include free shipping.


So dh said he will burn the midnight oil on the Internet IF there's anything worth bothering over. Last few years we have not been impressed at all.


Amazon started their Black Friday sales week today.




We found some pretty good deals last year, so I've been watching all day. So far nothing, but last year we found Cars (blu-ray) for around $10 (can't remember exactly how much we spent on it, but I think it was $9.99) and a PS3 game for not much more than that.


Shopping from home is nice! :001_smile:

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You can also check www.blackfriday.info and www.bfads.net. I signed up for their emails and started getting them about two weeks ago. They have the ad scans and the lists of what is one sale, comparison shopping for prices and quality, and which items you can get on Thanksgiving Day at home. For example, Toys-R-Us opens at 10pm Thanksgiving night. I am going only to get batteries (The TRU brand in B1G1) and a free coloring book and 64-count crayons with any purchase.


We are also going to JC Penney to get a free snow globe for our daughter's stocking, and Old Navy has cheap jeans. Since dh wears them every single day, it is a good day to get a great price. We will but several pairs, and if we get there early enough, we get a free XBOX game. We don't even have an XBOX, but it will make a great gift!

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In the past (well since becoming a responsible adult, er, mom) I have stayed tucked safely at home on Scary Friday.

This year we get the check we plan to use for all of Christmas shopping the day before T-Giving so... we will be venturing out on Scary Friday. I really need some bargains.

I'm making a day of it with my hubby and the baby. I'll throw her in the Ergo and let him protect us both!!

I do have a Walmart, KMart, and Target with 30m of my house that are never crowded on Scary Friday. We will hit those stores first and then Venture to the other side of town for a Costco run and some stuff I want from JoAnne's and Lifeway.

I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, but only because my mom will have my other kids and it will be kind of like a date. :)

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Amazon started their Black Friday sales week today.




We found some pretty good deals last year, so I've been watching all day. So far nothing, but last year we found Cars (blu-ray) for around $10 (can't remember exactly how much we spent on it, but I think it was $9.99) and a PS3 game for not much more than that.


Shopping from home is nice! :001_smile:


I got DD a nintendo ds xl today for $30.00 off without having to leave my chair. If you have the time to check their "lightening deals" and know what you want, it's easy to save $$. The deals do go fast, less than 5 min, on that one I think. They have the games buy one get one 1/2 off too. So except for a pair of slippers she is done.:001_smile: I love shopping from home!!

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I would LOVE to go to Best Buy and get my mother a Nook for Christmas but I think the odds are too great against success for me to try. Both my older boys work there and my eldest is opening that day but they won't let him buy any of the goodies. Ugh! It would probably work out better for my sanity to pay full price. :tongue_smilie:

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