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Me in all my glory!




(don't know why I'm sideways)


You know, for some reason, you look exactly like I expected you to look! I don't know why that is--you must have described yourself once or something and maybe it stuck in my head. But for a second, I looked at your picture and thought I knew you! That was bizarre :001_huh:


I love looking at everyone's pictures. Unfortunately, I'm always the one behind the camera here! I'll have to see if I can dig up a good one (that makes me look 30 pounds thinner :lol:).

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Wow -- gorgeous!


This is me from about 7.5 months ago a few short weeks before finding out I was pregnant. I tend to avoid cameras like the plague but love to take pictures. So this is the most recent shot I have, except one slightly crooked, blurry and far way pregnancy shot my dd5 took. :001_smile:


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You know, for some reason, you look exactly like I expected you to look! I don't know why that is--you must have described yourself once or something and maybe it stuck in my head. But for a second, I looked at your picture and thought I knew you! That was bizarre :001_huh:



I wrote the same thing. You know, I was thinking that I think I vaguely remember her picture being in her old avatar. Is that it maybe?

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my avatar is only a few weeks old. here's a picture of me without sunglasses though...





i don't know how to insert an image. i'm not savvy enough, lol


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my avatar is only a few weeks old. here's a picture of me without sunglasses though...





i don't know how to insert an image. i'm not savvy enough, lol


Shoot, it didn't work for me.

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Me in Barcelona Spain a year ago. My hair is different any given day. At this time I was straightening it. Another day I might let it be its weird spastic curly. Today it's...I don't know...annoying! :)


Uh, oh. I lost the picture. I'll try again in just a sec....


Everytime I glance quickly at your avatar, I see Princess Diana.


The first time, I thought your avatar was of Princess Diana.

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I'm the one usually taking the pictures, but this was just a few months ago.





You are a ringer for someone famous. I wish I could think of her name! This is going bug me all night....


Anyone? Who does Kristine look like?


Nice picture! There are none on my computer that look anything like me now. I'll have to get one of my kids to snap one tomorrow. (We'll see how that works out. :tongue_smilie:)

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