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The last book I read aloud to my child was....

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Is that the same story as the movie?? The one that started out as a movie but then went to cartoon?? If so, I loved that movie (and had no idea it was also a book).


Here's what wikipedia says,

"The book was adapted into an animated film The Water Babies in 1978 starring James Mason, Bernard Cribbins and Billie Whitelaw. The movie's storyline diverges widely from the book.[citation needed]

It was also adapted into a musical theatre version produced at the Garrick Theatre in London, in 1902. The adaptation was described as a "fairy play", by Rutland Barrington, with music by Frederick Rosse, Albert Fox, and Alfred Cellier.[citation needed] The book was also produced as a play by Jason Carr and Gary Yershon, mounted at the Chichester Festival Theatre in 2003, directed by Jeremy Sams, starring Louise Gold, Joe McGann, Katherine O'Shea, and Neil McDermott.[citation needed]

The story was also adapted into a radio series (BBC Audiobooks Ltd, 1998) [13] featuring Timothy West, and Julia McKenzie.


I think that I got the idea for reading this book from Ambleside Online. I was totally shocked my 10 yo ds liked the book, as it seems pretty similar in writing style to Dickens (long sentences). It is a long story and there are quite a few antiquated words. But, it held ds's attention. He always asked to hear it and retained quite a bit of it.


And just a FYI- I am very comfortable editing on the fly and this book did require a bit of that.


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We are just finishing up Homer Price...and I must say, I'm not sorry to be moving on. Next up are The Witches by Roald Dahl and Phantom Tollbooth.


Since school started though, I haven't read anything aloud. How do you all do it? We run out of day. :confused:


We do it at the beginning of the day--it's a nice transition into school. We were never very good at it either, until this year. We do a LOT of books on CD in the van, too.

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World of Pooh to my 5, 3, and brand new 1 year old.


To answer the question as to how to fit in read alouds - I read to the kids a chapter a day during lunch, which sometimes spills over onto the couch to finish the chapter. The kids read to us at night before bed. (And I eat lunch when the baby is napping, the 3 year old is otherwise occupied with toys and the 5 year old is doing some copywork or worksheet of some form.)

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If you are going to buy The Neverending Story, be sure to buy this copy


It is printed in two colors. Purple for our world and green for Fantastica.


It makes the story come alive that much more.

:iagree: I happily spent the money for a new copy of this edition to replace my old pb. DD the Elder wept after finishing because she'd "never again get to experience it for the first time."

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The books I've read aloud today to various children are:


The Peterkin Papers (dd6 is loving this)

The House at Pooh Corner (ds3 is loving this)


Some solar system book that bored me so much, I couldn't finish it. Anyone have a rec for a good grammar stage book(and early grammar at that) about the solar system?


The book of James (the oldest 3 kids)


I see now I've left the baby out....where's my Helen Oxbury now anyway????

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The very last today was I believe about St. Francis of Assissi. Just started Peter Pan today and read a half a dozen picture books as well today and Alladin and the Magic Lamp from the Blue Fairy Book and several chapters from the children's bible. We read some at meals- b=fast and lunch, daddy reads for 30 min or so at bedtime and I read for 30-1.5 hrs after lunch.

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We read Watership Down. Now the dds are reading aloud to one another so I feel left out.:crying: Older dd just finished reading Adam of the Road to younger dd. Next week we will start Mark Twain's biography of Joan of Arc and we're all really excited. (Mostly me since I get to be included again!:tongue_smilie:)

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and it was Dr Suess's Green Eggs and Ham. The kids had been going through some books in the attic and found a couple of Dr Suess books. They then went on about it being their favorite books and how they loved how their dad read it. So my 6"4" 135lb son and my 5"5" 105lb daughter got up on their father's lap in his recliner and had him read the book to them not once but twice and then they took turns reading it. It was such a sight.

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I've read The Witches aloud 3 times. I always feel a little guilty doing the head witch accent, although it's fun to do. I also worry that pagan friends might object.


:smilielol5:I doubt it. Oh, that really tickled my funny-bone. :lol:



Our last read aloud was The Whoosh of Gadoosh. It was very colourful :)



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and it was Dr Suess's Green Eggs and Ham. The kids had been going through some books in the attic and found a couple of Dr Suess books. They then went on about it being their favorite books and how they loved how their dad read it. So my 6"4" 135lb son and my 5"5" 105lb daughter got up on their father's lap in his recliner and had him read the book to them not once but twice and then they took turns reading it. It was such a sight.


Oh, this is a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing! :)

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