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Facebook gone too far.....

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I think I can do better, my SIL got engaged for the 4th time on FB. I have nothing nice to say about her so I will end it there but yep got engaged right there on FB how romantic is that.:glare:


FB is great for keeping in touch with family but the out of touch friends and the twitter like updates are sometimes a bit much.


I go there to update pictures and such for my family, by blog gets posted up there also for my family to see. Ocassionally I play Farmville but most of the time my crops just die. lol.

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I see these people EVERY week. The wedding is 3 weeks away and I have not received an invitation in the mail. Am I to assume the Facebook invitation is it? :glare: I have know about the wedding for a long time, but still think a regular invite is in order. Perhaps I am too old fashioned!?!?!? :lol:

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Virtual invitation = virtual gift.


That is awesome!!! :lol:



Sadly, I, too, have seen a wedding invitation on facebook. I wasn't specifically invited, but it's one of those "events" you can set up where people can respond attending or not attending. It showed up on my feed because the couple and I have some mutual friends. :tongue_smilie:

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I see these people EVERY week. The wedding is 3 weeks away and I have not received an invitation in the mail. Am I to assume the Facebook invitation is it?


Yup - I think that is all you are going to get.


It sounds as if you are in the "second choice" category of friends. I bet they received back all of their original invitations and had a few spaces left to fill, so decided to add in a few more invitations.



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Yup - I think that is all you are going to get.


It sounds as if you are in the "second choice" category of friends. I bet they received back all of their original invitations and had a few spaces left to fill, so decided to add in a few more invitations.




The funny thing is that they told me about the wedding and to save the date months ago. Perhaps they forgot that they invited me verbally months ago and sent out the invites and now remember that they had invited me previously. Another friend who also received the verbal invite has not received a paper invitation either. She is not on FB, however.

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on FB. Yes, that's right. I physically went to the shower and took a baby gift. A couple weeks later I got a FB "message" in my inbox that was to a lot of her friends (I didn't know) and me thanking *us* as a group for the lovely presents.


At least I got included in the message recipient list. :tongue_smilie:

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on FB. Yes, that's right. I physically went to the shower and took a baby gift. A couple weeks later I got a FB "message" in my inbox that was to a lot of her friends (I didn't know) and me thanking *us* as a group for the lovely presents.


At least I got included in the message recipient list. :tongue_smilie:


see that wouldn't bother me at all....


times are changing ~ the ways in which we communicate with each are changing right along with them....


it's a bit like the way that email is much more common than handwritten letters...or sending digital photos while on vacation instead of post cards...

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I think e-vites are fab. Not only do they save paper and gas, but it's a heck of a lot easier for everyone to respond. Electronic communication is the way things are going, I think, and I have no problem with that. I think paper invites are a waste, and I'm not really into old-fashioned manners for the sake of being old-fashioned manners.



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I think e-vites are fab. Not only do they save paper and gas, but it's a heck of a lot easier for everyone to respond. Electronic communication is the way things are going, I think, and I have no problem with that. I think paper invites are a waste, and I'm not really into old-fashioned manners for the sake of being old-fashioned manners.






(very much)

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see that wouldn't bother me at all....


times are changing ~ the ways in which we communicate with each are changing right along with them....


it's a bit like the way that email is much more common than handwritten letters...or sending digital photos while on vacation instead of post cards...


I think e-vites are fab. Not only do they save paper and gas, but it's a heck of a lot easier for everyone to respond. Electronic communication is the way things are going, I think, and I have no problem with that. I think paper invites are a waste, and I'm not really into old-fashioned manners for the sake of being old-fashioned manners.





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I received an e-vite to a one year's birthday party this past summer then a week later (even after declining the evite), received a list of "gift ideas" for the party. I think it was just sent to everyone invited but gift ideas for a one year old??? And Teach Your Baby to Read was on the list...ugh!

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I received an e-vite to a one year's birthday party this past summer then a week later (even after declining the evite), received a list of "gift ideas" for the party. I think it was just sent to everyone invited but gift ideas for a one year old??? And Teach Your Baby to Read was on the list...ugh!

Though misguided, you have to give the parent credit for thinking of educational materials ;)

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I am all for evites for general parties and showers but when it comes to a big life altering event I like a nice invite in the mail. However, that is me. I am seeing an increase in email for responses instead of a response card. Personally, I don't like that at all for the simple reason that I like to use the response cards to arrange seating. Sure I can do it on the computer but it is not the same as a large piece of paper with cards arranged on it.

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Though misguided, you have to give the parent credit for thinking of educational materials ;)


LOL! This is from a girl who told me that she heard that early teethers (like her dd) always hit milestones early. She said she heard it from two different people. I never heard that one!:confused::D

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LOL! This is from a girl who told me that she heard that early teethers (like her dd) always hit milestones early. She said she heard it from two different people. I never heard that one!:confused::D

There's all kinds of wives' tales that float about. I've heard that one before as well. Sounds like a first time mommy? And naturally, really hopeful that she has a "brilliant" child (I used to be that mommy LOL!)

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eh, I can see both sides, I guess, but it wouldn't personally bother me much. Okay it might make me smile a little bit because it's never happened to me before and it would have been a bit unexpected. But I CAN understand saving money and time, getting faster responses, and, hey, using less paper is a good thing, right? So this doesn't really surprise (or bother) me much in this day and age of electronics.


ETA: The "virtual invite = virtual gift" thing was pretty funny though! :D

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I think e-vites are fab. Not only do they save paper and gas, but it's a heck of a lot easier for everyone to respond. Electronic communication is the way things are going, I think, and I have no problem with that. I think paper invites are a waste, and I'm not really into old-fashioned manners for the sake of being old-fashioned manners.




Then why not REALLY save paper, gas, time, etc., etc. and just have a wedding with 2 witnesses and post a video of it on Facebook?

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Then why not REALLY save paper, gas, time, etc., etc. and just have a wedding with 2 witnesses and post a video of it on Facebook?


you mean kinda like people who've gone to the courthouse and had a very small marriage ceremony & then given friends and family a few photos later?


....that would be the 'fifteen years ago' version of what you just suggested. ;)

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Then why not REALLY save paper, gas, time, etc., etc. and just have a wedding with 2 witnesses and post a video of it on Facebook?

Then the guests can really save time, money and effort by posting digital photos of the wedding gifts they would have bought if the couple had gone a more traditional route.


I think evites or invitations issued via email are just fine for anything event that one would have used the phone to issue inviations in the past. Other events, just by their nature, should call for a bit more formality.

Edited by Parrothead
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I received an e-vite to a one year's birthday party this past summer then a week later (even after declining the evite), received a list of "gift ideas" for the party. I think it was just sent to everyone invited but gift ideas for a one year old??? And Teach Your Baby to Read was on the list...ugh!

Just attended a baby's 1st bday party the mom organized a la FB invite. She even went so far as to instruct us on the price range for the gifts. Tacky. Guess what? It backfired on her... about 15 people attended and the baby only got 2 gifts. One from my family and one from the baby's grandma. Amazing.

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Then why not REALLY save paper, gas, time, etc., etc. and just have a wedding with 2 witnesses and post a video of it on Facebook?

I know. I was thinking the same darn thing -- why bother us with the invite? Just post it on YouTube when it is done. LOL


The only thing that bugs me with a FB invite like the wedding -- is that many people do not do FB as they are leery of privacy issues. Most don't do emails or computers if they are older relatives. Do you leave them out? Great way to stir up a hornet's nest by offending the family, IMO.

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I think e-vites are fab. Not only do they save paper and gas, but it's a heck of a lot easier for everyone to respond. Electronic communication is the way things are going, I think, and I have no problem with that. I think paper invites are a waste, and I'm not really into old-fashioned manners for the sake of being old-fashioned manners.




I don't know why, but an evite would seem more appropriate even than a Facebook invitation. I am not the least bit offended by it, it just seems to not fit the seriousness of the occasion.

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